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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Whose golem were you, big guy?" Rikke approached the armament and with a light jump, looked over the cockpit. Numerous wines had already crept inside the device, it's inner walls cracked and broken, as far the rogue knew there were no clear hints who used to command the golem in battle.

Jumping back down from the machine Rikke turned rocks, the water seeping from in between them. A quick athletic dash up to them later, the rogue leaned down and tried to have a taste of the water.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking into the cockpit Rikke could see hints of long dried blood as well as a piece of paper flapping slightly in the slight breeze. A small colorful but cute turtle done in a childish art style rested in the cockpit nearly covered by dirt and leaves. Looking over this as she would Rikke soon found herself heading for the water fall wisely not drinking from the pool full of Moonlilies. The water was sweet and cool. Feeling excess energy bleed off her Rikke looked at the water in new light.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hey there lil' guy." Rikke would brush the dust off the find and look over the toy "What are you doing in there?" smiled kindly the heroine stashed the turtle away and look over the piece of paper, taking it along as well.

The thought of the water bearing the Moon Lilly effects didn't really cross the rogues mind. The rogue drank lightly from the source feeling absolutely reinvigorated once more "Rhea and Rune should see this place." the heroine turned around to look at the Eden once more... compared to the bleak metalic looking cities and dark bunkers all around, this place did indeed seem all too divine.

Relaxing for now the rogue would only sit down near the edge of the water and look around happily, before the thoughts of her upcoming journey passed through her mind.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sat on the rocks overlooking the pool the defeated golem seeming to almost nap by the side of the pond. A small bird flew over and landed near Rikke chirping at her seemingly angry that she was taking up all the space. Though for the most part her thoughts drifted to the task at hand. If Yunie and Jess were right getting home should be easy as long as she finds the artifacts. Of course that was the crux of the mission. Find the artifacts... but what where they and where. Would it be a simple smash and grab or would their be danger. Changing focus for a moment Rikke took the turtle out and washed it slightly making it gleam in the sunlight. It was a cute little bugger for sure. Checking the paper next Rikke found it to be a photograph a technology that had just started its infancy in Baridia in her time. This of course was far superior than any photo she had seen in her realm. Though faded Rikke could see the picture was had once been very colorful. Further inspection found her little chibi turtle friend in the hands of Alice of the Venus girls. She was with someone but that part of the photo had long been destroyed.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the photo for some time, before taking out the turtle out of her keep and returning it to the iron giant. The ruined mech, dried blood and the left turtle... this was not just any spot. This may have been gravesite...

Still the rogue once more looked the photo, her thoughts running away as she kept her eyes on it... just how long have these two been ressurecting her friends? Joldra had managed to create a whole business empire by now, infact everyone was living their lives to the fullest. If this was indeed a sort of forced reincarnation... the duo had been working on this plan for years upon years...
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Setting the turtle down in the cockpit once more Rikke it looked sad. Still no remains in the golem no doubt when she was evacuated the little guy had been simply left behind. Looking at the colorful toy it seemed sad, but Rikke was no grave robber at lest not of her friends. Turning back to the pool Rikke still had the photo in hand when her arm began to buzz. Looking down at the device that Saul had tricked her into taking she saw that someone was trying to contact her.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would give the turtle a comforting pet and leave it be, this was the best place for it. Still it wouldn't take long before the blasted infernal device sprung to life, if this was anything like Samanthas...

"Jess, don't kill this thing yet, 'kay?" Rikke called out to the garden with a smile, before lifting her hand and trying her best to amke the darn thing work.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the rogues mind was as sharp as ever and the brief tutorial that Ida had given her on the device sprang to mind. Pressing the strange handle looking spot on her arm she watched it solidify to a solid green. Then strange lines started to glow on her skin faint and almost unnoticeable. One line ran to her hand spreading out into multiple green dots. Another line ran down a sort ways and did the same. Next as she remembered Ida's lecture she brought her palm up to her ear. After a moment she head Saul speak to her. "Rikke? are you there? Hello?" At first Rikke tried to think her answer to the man but nothing happened. A second later however she remembered Saul making a similar call to Selina. He was actually speaking out loud. Answering how she wanted Saul would speak once more. "I've managed to get your sword back from intelligence but.... DeGravel insists on meeting you in person. I need you to come back to the main building for the meeting."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I still hate this thing, Saul." Rikke answered the device in a playful tone and listened to what the man had to say...

"Main building?" the rogue double checked the location in question "I'll be there as soon as I can." she'd look to the device and look for a red button ending the conversation. Looked like the call to action had been given, now that was left was to say her goodbyes.

Rikke would approach the egg slowly and smile "Well.. they found my sword. One of your early attempts had it." the heroine snickered lightly "Hopefully Ol' Degravil learned from his past life." she'd smirk slyly "Being turned into a... "relief instrument" for a death knight, had to have taught him the error of his ways... right?" the girl laughted lightly and looked to the egg, the smile rapidly fading replaced by sadness.

"I won't let this happen Jess. I'll stop the event, you can trust me." she'd smile encouragingly to egg "I'll try to come back as I can. You keep strong, alright?" with her final goodbye done she'd slowly turn to leave and head off to the main building of the complex.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Wave of happiness washed over Rikke and as she touched the egg the shrouded from inside reached out to meet her hand. At her reassurances Rikke felt a wave of calm wash over her. "Love you Rikke..." Rikke thought she had imagined it but let it slide as she left the dome. Here she found the cart that she had ridden in the first time though something was amiss. A strange pancake shaped thing with four legs and two claw like hands was busy tearing it apart. A small blue screen displayed some characters that looked like this ^_^. It was battered and dusty and the same color as the giant warmachine nearby. Spotting Rikke the display changed to a 0_0 before the thing began to scutter away limping on one of its damaged appendages. If Rikke followed it with her eyes it would take refuge behind the large machine and peak out seeing if she had left. The kart on the other hand wasn't going anywhere any time soon.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Was... was that a machine spider... or a machine crab? Rikke blinked at the probably far more confused than the thing was. Leaning closer to inspect it would actually... scare it away? "Eh?" the rogue blinked curiously, if anythign she was supposed to be scared of it!

"Get back here!" Rikke crossed her hands and looked to the...thing "You broke, you fix it." if it was similar to Ida it more than likely understood what the rogue was saying "I'm waiting..."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hiding behind the large machine Rike saw it lean out its face changing to :p before hiding again. Arms crossed didn't seem to cause it to move and if Rikke wanted to know what it was all about she would have to go look at it in detail.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the letter 'P' with a raised eyebrow "Pee?" the heroine turned her head "Oh... so that's how you're going to be... alright." she'd casually walk aside out of the things line of sight only to silently dash up right next to it's hiding location picking the device up the moment it peeked to look around again.

"Now. Fix it. Or I'm going to play wall frisby with you." she'd give the thing a firm look and look for any sign of compliance. Any other suspect actions might cause a far more fierce or defenseive action from the girl.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Holding the thing Rikke noticed it had writing on the top in bold black letters it said S.P.I.D.E.R. These where crossed out however and in a clearly hand written script was written Chu. Surprising the thing made its face turn red and a little red light pop out of its top and begin to flash. Nearby the massive machine it was hiding behind rumbled a little as if it tried to start. It was a loud deep grumbling causing the thing to vibrate before a loud clank sounded out and the the noised kinda whined down. A moment later a faint image like Ida appeared though it was statically and flickered violently. In a distorted voice the figure which was hard to make out spoke. "Please leave Chu alone.. he is only... d-d-d-d-d-d-doing his d-d-d-d-duty."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to red lights, she all too well recognised... Seemed this realm loved it's red noise maker "Don't even try it." she'd give the machine a look and placed one hand on her blade. Though before anything further took place suddenly a nearby voice echoed out?!

"Eh?" Rikke quickly stepped back and held her blades hilt looking to the bigger machine. Thankfully it seemed far from an actual threat... more like an ancient guardian "Well "Chu" destroyed my means of transportation." though honestly the rogue would likely just prefer to run the distance... still she was far too curious about all this.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The figure distorted as it was turned its head to Chu and some unseen communication seemed to take place. Turning its head back to Rikke the image spoke again. "R-Request denied. I-I-I need the p-p-parts to f-function." The image flickered again disappearing for a moment before a loud sizzle sounded out and it disappeared completely. This seemed to cause Chu some distress as he began to wiggle around flaying his limbs though mostly out of panic rather than any attempt to hurt Rikke.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Chu and then to the armored carriage thing, so this was the thing the girls mourned. Busted, broken down and clearly weathered by age "You've got quite a bit of work ahead of you, Chu." she'd look to the flat mechanical creature "I'm not sure I'd want to see this thing operational again, but i won't disturb or interupt your work." Rikke didn't quite know what to make of the old machine. Going by it's form it was slightly similar to the automatic carriages or 'cars' as others refered to them... but this thing.

As Chu continued it's work Rikke would look over the massive cannon the thing once more, touching it's surface would hint at particulary thick steel perhaps impossible even for the girl to cut "This used to be a war machine, wasn't it?" just the notion of facing such a thing in battle was absolutely mortifying... to think people went to such extremes to more effectively kill each other.

Still Rikke had little reason to just look to the small creature try and repair something so weathered and aged, she had a meeting to attend to "Well see you later "Chu"" with that the heroine turned to leave and would quickly dash off to the main building, her supernatural speed effectively matching the carts she was brought here.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Chu's face went from the red to a blue and printed the following symbols n_n. Heading off at a slight jog Rikke heard a clang as Chu got back to work ripping the cart apart for parts. Inspecting the large Machine Rikke found it nearly four times the size of the carriages she had ridden in. It was more on the scale of the one that flew her here but far more sturdy and heavy. Faint writing could be seen on the angled metal compartment that housed the large cannon. Brushing some of the dirt aside Rikke saw four large stylised demon faces crossed out with red Xs. The armor of the giant machine was pockmarked and scorched in places hinting at the numerous battles it had fought. OUt of curiosity Rikke placed a foot on the wide metal and rubber band that seemed to stretch around the strange wheels of the machine. Reaching the top Rikke saw that the armored compartment was at a slight angle to the rest of the vehicle. Inspecting the compartment further Rikke found a strange metal mounting for something that had long been removed. Two sealed hatches and a large circular depression where in the middle of the housing. A little further back was a tapered part of the compartment where 3 metal sliding doors rested. One large one in the middle and two much smaller ones on the side. All where closed except one of the small ones which was open revealing a grouping of round holes. Faint burn marks could be seen near the edge of this compartment. Moving forward Rikke came to the cannon. It was massive and more the capable of taking down a brute or two. Still something glittering caught her eye. Hanging off the cannon was a series of tags like the ones Rhea and Rune wore. Inspecting one Rikke saw the Name Alice Kercher, Rank Sergeant 1st mech armored infantry. The rest was details the rogue was unfamiliar with though the name did stick out. Was this the Alice of this realm and was that her Mech in the dome?

It was a fair distance to the main building but it felt good to use her legs again. Undoubtedly the average other realmer would have been tired by now, but given Rikke's life of adventure and other enhancements she easily made the jog barley breaking a sweat or even being winded. Stopping as she neared what had to be the administrative building Rikke took in the sight. It was a small building compared to the others that surrounded it. While not visually though it did have a small green space in front with a small garden. Most notably was the Aundian Fire Roses that grew in large bushes. Rikke knew from her own travels that Crolia and even Bardia was far to cold to produce Fire Rose bushes of this size. The best they could hopeful was a stunted shrub almost worthless to grow. Still she had a meeting to go to with DeGravel none the less. Preparing herself how she would Rikke entered the lobby which was guarded by two rather tall men in strangely splotched cloths of green and browns. Each had a rather mean looking sidearm and they both nodded at Rikke as she entered.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue checked her gear briefly and stepped inside. She did not trust the man, not even a little bit... everyone up to now beared some resemblance to their past lives. If Degravil was a similar case...

Still it was Saul, who asked her to come, if anything, the girl trusted the mans judgement. Keeping herself sharp Rikke would continue deeper past the guards, asking if need be for directions... though she wasn't looking for Degravil "Excuse me, where is Saul?" the man and Degravil had to be in the same spot.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

One of the pointed down the hall. "Last room on the right is his office." Following the directions Rikke found her self in a well appointed room with Saul sitting at his desk and two figures with their backs to her sitting in front. One was male and the other female. "Ahh there she is the key to this whole mess." Turning around the face of the rat like DeGravel met her eyes. For a moment they looked at each other and Rikke felt something off. Almost as if DeGravel's eyes where dead. "This slip of a girl is what you've pinned our chances of Victory on?" The man turned quickly to Saul. "You can't be serious." Rikke saw Saul rub his temples clearly fed up with the man already. The woman stood up and placed a hand on the man's arm. "Brother dear calm yourself Saul knows what he is doing. Turning to Rikke the girls raven locks bounced slightly as her overly endowed figure jiggle at the motion. A small delicate hand reached out to Rikke in greeting with blue caring eyes met her own. With slightly pouty lips and a small glimmer of perversion in eyes as she took Rikke in. There was no doubt it was her Venise. "Hello Rikke I hear from Saul that you can save the world. My name is Venise DeGravel."