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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see someones respectful of their heroes." Rikke looked the man sharply, not insulted, just clearly echoing an overall dislike of the man... until someone else entirely spoke up.

No. It couldn't have been! The heroines eyes slightly widened as she recognised 'the sisters' voice. Though clear as day right before her stood Venise, as overly endowed as ever "A pleasure, Venise." the heroine smiled warmly to the girl and took Ven's hand "So I assume you two are familiar with me?" after a brief meeting of the two girls eyes, she'd turn to all three of the attendants.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No should I be?" DeGravel's eyes narrowed which brought a frown from Venise. "Brother no need to be rude." As their hands met in a brief shake of greeting Rikke could feel how soft and warm Venise was. "As for me I think this is the young lady who robbed the Museum correct? Smiling Venise broke the contact and turned to a small bundle on the table and picked it up. "If my dear friend Saul is right then this belongs to you." Turning around Venise held beauty in her hands. A little scuffed and dirty but it was her blade alright. "Venise! don't just hand her that!" A small vein popped on Venice's forehead as she spoke. "SHUT IT BROTHER!" This seemed to quiet DeGravel down as he mumbled something none of them could make out. Well except maybe Saul who had a slight smile on his face.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke only snickered at Degravils demeanor "It's fine. I can't imagine your brother would bear particular fondness towards me." she'd glance to the man "I was the enemy of his ancestor afterall." well at the very least this Degravil seemed to only have a rotten attitude, among a few other things.... though he was bearable.

The heroine smiled sheepishly "Y-yeah... sorry about that..." that wasn't exactly how the rogue hoped she was known for the duo. Still the moment Beauty was presented to her, the heroines eyes light up "Ha~ Beauty!" she'd take her sword once more in hand with a huge smile and feel it out, after all these years... was it even combat ready?

Either way, be it disperse some measure of scepticism or properly test her blade out. The rogue turned to nearby inexpensive object and let loose her signature attack. Three lightining fast slashes seemingly done in but a blink of an eye, echoed out only the cries of the wind and slashed asunder object hinting that the sword was even used.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As she touched the blade a familiar warmth seemed to flow from her to it. Much similar to when she touched Jessica's blade she was treated to a flood of images. Most notably was the one where Rhea was placing the blade in the armory. The actions seemed almost resigned as Rhea set it on a stand a heavy sigh leaving her. Long Grey hair accented the woman and her tired visage. "Come back to us Rikke..." With that the image faded and Rikke held her blade. It seemed to shine more almost sparkle. Testing the weight Rikke slashed at a coat rack cleanly slicing it in three pieces with electric arcs striking a clock and a metal cabinet. This brought a gasp from Saul and Venise but oddly enough DeGravel didn't seemed surprised at all. "Oh wow I wasn't expecting that...." Venise held a hand over her heart catching her breath at the surprise. Even Saul seemed effected by the sudden shock of seeing the weapon unleashed. "So thats the power of magic." DeGravel meanwhile just watched the events unfold calm and collected.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the surpised duo "m?" the rogue would shrug nonchalantly "Honestly I was just testing if she's still battle-ready." though she was absolutely calm, inside the girl was all too giddy at the reaction, laughing merrily at the silly technology realmers.

"If we'll be fighting demons. I'll need to test myself out against what they use in this realm. Demon steel of old was rough, I hope they forgot how it's forged." Rikke would sit down at the table "Still~ You wanted to see me?"

Though she didn't make it clear, Degravils dead eyes and little to no reaction was worrying... something just seemed off about the man. Though she couldn't quite place it yet.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul cleared his throat before settling back and waving at the two guards who nearly ran into the office. "Well mostly it was to get your weapon back and well DeGravel wanted to see you." DeGravel gave a dismissive snort before waving a hand at Rikke as if to shoo her away. "Not me my dear sister seems fascinated by you for gods know what reason. In fact it is her you should thank for returning that infernal weapon. I wouldn't have even considered it had it not been for her." This caused Saul to frown and look at Venise quizzically. Smiling the woman turned to Saul "I just wanted to see her in person. You know how much of a fangirl Rhea is and I just had to see the real thing." Saul sighed "Venise.... It took a lot of strings being pulled to get you here. I had to call in favors make promises... just so you could fan girl squee." Venise nodded enthusiastically.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled lightly and rested her head on her hand, casually looking at Venise "Thank you very much, Ven. It means a lot to have my old blade back." she'd give her an earnest smile, before looking to the ratty man near her "You could learn a thing or two from your sister, Degravil. Scepticism is good, but sneering at potential allies... it's just not very smart." honestly the rogue had a myriad of ways to address the man and his attitude, but with his sister being so nearby, she'd keep it civil...

"Still it wasn't just to see me, now I have my blade." Rikke smiled to Saul in a similar manner that Venise did, making the mans sigh even more heart-wrenching. Though Rikke seemed to want to add something else, however with the present company she seemed to silence it.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes a moment Saul spoke. "Well you two are hear go chat it up. I have other matters to discuss with DeGravel here." Nodding Ven took Rikke's hand and pulled her outside as Saul and DeGravel leaned in to speak. "Come on I just got to know all about you. We just need a place to talk in private." Ven pulled Rikke along excitedly untill Rikke either followed behind willingly or took the lead.

Eventually they found a small sheltered grassy area with a few trees. Stopping here Ven sat down leaning her back against a tree undoing a little bit of her blouse. "Phew got to let the girls breath a little." Smiling slightly she patted the ground next to her for Rikke to sit. "I have to admit ever sense I was little I dreamed about meeting you. Even when I was little my imaginary friend was you and the dreams just made it so real. For awhile I thought I was just crazy but now that you are here.. actually here... well my therapist was wrong."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Alright. Keep me updated on those furnishings for my room, 'kay?" Rikke smiled to the man, though the sutble glint in her eyes clearly hinted at what actual items she meant. The stealthy approach also informing Saul that the rogue didn't trust Degravil enough to share the very sensitive information.

Still, like it or not, the heroine wouldn't stay in the room for long as Ven quickly lead her out, smiling and laughing all too happily at the company, though the very happy attitude was almost infectious bringing a smile to Rikkes face as well "Where are you leading me, Ven?" she'd ask snickering at the enthuasm.

Soon enough the two were away from the main building, down a short path and into a... garden? Indeed a small section seemed to have been given mainly to nature, even if the grass was cleanly cut at the very least this place had quite a few trees and carefully groomed patches of flowers "You other-realmers sure love to brick away anything natural."

The rogue looked around with a smile "It feels like it's been ages since I've seen this much flora." she'd snicker and sit right next to Ven in a carefree manner "m? Whatcha mean, Ven?" what dreams? What kind of Therapist did the girl have in mind anyway? Was she hurt?
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ven blushed when Rikke asked about the dreams. "Ever sense I can remember I've had dreams of orange haired girl who watched over me and protected me. Like a guardian angel of sorts. I even had imaginary friend I called Ren and when I was asked about what she looked like and I told them my parents got concerned thought someone was taking advantage of me. They had me go to shrinks and other doctors trying to find out what was wrong. Hells even I started to believe something had happened to me but then I saw the security footage from the museum." Ven leaned over and spoke in a hushed tone. "Sexy woman who look strangely like my imaginary friend don't randomly appear in the nude inside a secure room." Ven winked and leaned away. "It was enough for me to know that I wasn't crazy and I knew I had to meet you in person."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke raised an eyebrow and smiled slyly "Well... wasn't kinda just like my entrance?" Ven was hardly subtle about, though perhaps it was just her mannerism of speech, but from what the rogue caught by now... Ven seemed like a different sort of fan to Rhea.

"Well everyone can have a few imaginary friend. I don't see why your parents were so worried?" the heroine relaxed nearby, her body subtly arched supported by her hands behind her, her wonderous legs crossed casually one over the other.

Additional question:
"So... whatcha think? Seeing the real me here and now. Disappointed?" Rikke smirked slyly to her. Honestly legends and stories loved to hyperbolise quite a bit... seeing the girl from the legends may not have been the epic Ven imagined.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ven smiled "Usually they don't last well into adulthood.. or so I'm told." Smiling again Ven turned her head to look out over the complex. "Actually you're perfect. Every detail from the top of your head to the tip of your toes.. Well have I have to guess at that part." Surprisingly Ven leaned against Rikke's shoulder. "So many times in dreams but for it to be real now... feels like we've been together forever."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the girl with a smile, her eyes shifting their color ever so subtly "Hum~ Ven..." she'd shuffle closer to the lean "Why do I suspect these daydreams had very... questionable content." the rogue snickered lightly, one of her hands moving to brush across Ven's cheek, the touch all too soft and alluring.

"What, exactly, did you dream off, Venise." Rikke kept her eyes locked with the girls, her luscious lips leaning closer and cloesr to Vens, while remaining just out of reach.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ven blushed but didn't back away from the touch. "Oh most where very tame." Ven leaned in closer to Rikke but staying just out of range of their lips. "A few were well ummm scandalous." Ven brought a hand over to touch one of Rikke's thighs. A deep cough came from nearby. Breaking the move both woman looked up to see Samantha. "Ms. Rikke you are required at command." She looked down at a piece of paper in her hand and raised an eyebrow. "Something about the furniture you've been looking for. They would have called but something was jamming the signal." Ven blushed and said "Ooopsiii" and turned a device off on her belt.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Only a few?" Rikke smirked wickedly and fixed her position slightly, now facing the girl on her knees "Liar..." though just as the situation was about to escalate a nearby cough tore it apart "Oh!" Rikkes eyes light up at the words, the purple hue dispersing.

Still... why did Ven jam the signal? Rikke smiled politely to the girl "I've got to take this, been waiting for this stuff ever since I've arrived!" if anything the rogues bluff was of pretty grand quality, leaving even the most skilled conartists only suspicious at her act.

Though this jamming was a bit worryisome, perhaps she just didn't want to be disturbed... not Degravils side of the family making a showing "Thank you so much, Sam." Rikke would take the note and quickly look over, not giving Ven a peek a it.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh.... I see" Ven frowned but got up and dusted herself off redoing the buttons on her blouse. Looking at the note it simply stated 'Found the first item. Come to briefing Saul' Heading to command Rikke had to ponder why she had been surprised so many times. Saul had some crazy cloaking device and well she was getting very involved with Ven the last time. Either way shaking those thoughts off for a moment Rikke followed Samantha to command. After passing several security checkpoints Rikke entered a dim room with the strange picture boxes all around displaying many different things. In the middle of a flat table picturebox thing that glowed brightly was Rhea Rune and Saul discussing matters. Sneaking up behind the trio Rikke made them jump. Catching their breath they pointed at the screen. "Okay Rikke we got our first hit. It seems a small town just a few miles outside of Endus. The signal is weak probably due to some sort of interference. So we can only guess the general area." Rhea looked it over a moment and spoke up next. "Should be simple enough. Its in our borders so no special permissions required." Rune spoke up next "Good the team is still being assembled from leave. This will give us more time."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Perhaps you can tell me all about what ailed you later, Ven." Rikke winked slyly to the girl "See you!" the rogue did indeed spare a few thoughts at all the oddities her 'friends' were doing, but she was hardly a paranoid sort of girl... perhaps it was all just a series of coincidence. Atleast for now...

"We're not taking a team." Rikke looked to Rune "If these are magical artifacts either I or they will react to me." the rogue looked through the trio "A squad would raise questions, but a very small group should be more than enough. We go in, find out where our object could be, grab it and get out. No alarms, bells or whistles raised."

"Not to mention, we'd be safe from any outside influences. I can't imagine quite a number of people being excited at what we're planning."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Saul spoke next "Yes thats all well and true but the team is for your protection. Not all area's are friendly to Southern Crolia. Not to mention of the demon's find out.. "If they don't already know." Rhea looked at Saul sharing an unspoken thought. "Eitherway you will need protection. The nest is fairly secure even without the 2nd armor around to take out the brutes." Rune stood up and looked to Rikke. "Annie is filling up the Vertal and should be ready to go. Rhea, Sam, and myself will be going with you."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gave a nod to the plan "Mhm~ I could definedly use a few helping hands. If not for protection, then to just help work out your realms quirks." the rogue leaned out and crossed her hands "But let's keep any details about our little ventures only among us. No need to involve the other wargs.... or inteligence." the heroine looked to Saul clearly hinting as his constant chats with Degravil.

"But before we leave. I'd like to talk to one of your 'knights'." Rikke looked to Saul "Her name is Janet. It's for certain personal reasons."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I guess we have the time after all we still have to get geared up. Just be ready in twenty minutes or so okay. She'll be in the bandoleer a small bar built for the troops." It didn't take long for Rikke to find the place after getting directions. The Bandoleer was a rough looking building seemingly built after the rest of the complex. Walking in Rikke found it rather full with soldiers of both genders talking and drinking. On the walls where numerous large scale badges listing units. Each had a light underneath to illuminate them in the dark bar, except two. These were 1st armor the Battling Bastards and the other was 2nd armor The Valkyrie. Nearby a large colorful box pumped out some music though the only one dancing was a well toned cat girl with red ears and tail. At the bar she found Janet drinking a shot of something in a small glass. At first she didn't recognize her as this realms Janet had nearly black hair with blond tips. She didn't notice Rikke and instead looked at the shot she was holding before handing it back to a barkeep where it was rinsed and placed in a small case with others that were turned upside down. "Only three of us left. Hell by some miracle today it was prevented from being two." Seemingly talking to herself Rikke looked at the case counting 8 glasses. Three rightside up and the rest upside down. Each glass had writing on them. The three still up right read Cowgirl, Amazon, Knight.