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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue sat up and looked around, the sight of her knights final hour still fresh in her head... somehow she didn't want to learn any more of these visions. Rikke looked to the egg and smiled kindly "I'm fine, Jess." she'd looked to the blade "Just these artifacts seem to send me visions for some reason." she'd glance to Jess and then back to the blade. Even if the rogue wanted to learn why she saw these visions, did they server so sort of purpose? Unfortunately in her current form, her lover couldn't answer.

Still for the time being Rikke only had 2 of these objects... while her curiousity would more than likely cause her to see more of such visions, after the last few grim visages, she had no longer looked forward to them.

Sighing sadly the rogue stood up and looked around "Mind if I spend the night here, Jess?" a smile would return to the girls face once more "I'd rather sleep on a lush patch of grass than in the baracks."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess seemed more than willing to let Rikke stay or at least thats how it felt. Settling it Rikke found it indeed warm enough. Fire bugs danced in the sky as Jess did her best to soften her glow. This place truly was a paradise. She could see why Saul and the others were fighting so hard and even why artificial spirits gave their all to defend it. Maybe they didn't know the exact reason or they had convinced themselves otherwise but they fought to protect Jess and despite their strange ways and reliance on teknolgy Rikke could appreciate that and from the mood of Jess it seemed she appreciated it as well. Settling in for the night Rikke was soon asleep. Dreams of her and Jess together once more filling her until she was woken up by a chittering. Looking about Rikke saw a squirrel chattering at her. Brushing petals off herself Rikke head an annoying beeping. Looking at her arm Rikke saw the strange device blinking. Someone was trying to contact her. Answering she heard Saul speak. "Rikke where are you we found another one. Report to command quickly."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While bright, the eggs radiance was hardly all enveloping. Finding a nice piece of shade from it, the rogue laid down and looked up to the flora above her. Seemingly freshly grown tree branches covered most of the view, numerous fireflies flying all around, seemingly curiously at the new arrival... and a small distance away the sounds of the rushing spring water echoed out. With a huge smile the rogue closed her eyes and swiftly fel asleep.

At that moment it was hard to tell, whether the rogue dreamt or just relived certain memories along with Jessica, exactly as she last saw her.

*Beep beep* *Beep beep* would stir the rogue awake, waking up the scent of spring surrounded the rogue all around. As she sat up she'd feel numerous pink petals rolling across her skin and to the ground nearby, some still lingering on her leather armor. Giggling warmly at the 'blanket' Rikke looked Jessica with a smile, until the beeps grew more and more demanding.

"I'm here. I'm here..." she'd sigh casually as she brushed some of the pink petals out of her hair "Somethings up?" upon hearing the news the rogues eyes quickly lit up! "I'll be right there!" wasting little time Rikke quickly got to her feet and turned to Jessica "We found another one! Wish me luck!" with a final sent kiss, the heroine dashed out of the dome and into the command quarters.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rushing to the command area Rikke found Rhea and Rune looking over a map while an image of Saul displayed across the room on a monitor. "About time sleepy head." Rune smiled at Rikke. Rhea looked up and gestured a brushing motion in her hair and looked to Rikke. Before speaking "We have a hit north of us in the principality of Theron. Its outside Southern Crolia's borders. They are not our friends Rikke many of its citizens blame us for the civil war." Saul spoke up next "You would think after two hundred years they would have gotten over it especially after we helped them fight of the orcish insurrection." Saul sighed "Regardless we are not welcome in their borders. Annie is already fueling the Virtal. Sadly Rhea and Rune have to stay here so Im sending you with the remains of Kanna's team." Seeing the confusion on Rikke's face Saul answered. "The people of Theron are hostile to kitsune. Its a strong racial prejudice and it would be too risky to send them. Ida bring up the map." A moment later Ida appeared displaying a map of a small forest. "The mana surge was here near the center of the forest. Its called the forest of mists due to underlying weather conditions the area is foggy for 90% of the year. Also of note most Therions view the placed as cursed so you should find little opposition in theory.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Cursed?" Rikke turned her head "Do you think it has anything to do with the artifact?" in a world without magic there was little doubt about the curse not existing... however Rikke explored enough 'haunted mansions' to know that 'cursed' just be a cover-up for something much less magical.

Kanna mentioned that besides her only one other girl remained in the squad. With the three of them the girls shouldn't draw too much attention "I can get ready shortly." Rikke glanced between the group "Just need to... " she'd look down over herself... the sole old time armored girl in the room "I'll just slip into something more er... casual."

"Also two blades really draw attention." Rikke looked to each blade on either side of her hips "Rhea, Rune. If you two are going to be lounging back here, mind keeping Janets blade secure?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea offered up her hand to take the blade. Rune meanwhile pulled a few petals from Rikke's hair. "Your armor is fine besides you might need it where you're going." Soon enough Rikke was on her way to the hanger, the monstrous structure dwarfing her. Inside was Annie and her crew making final checks as the Vital warmed up. Kanna was here talking to a rather tall and blue haired girl that looked familiar but Rikke couldn't place. Spotting Rikke Kanna waved her over as she got a breastplate looking thing on over her grey camo. The girl next to her with the long blue hair had a strange headband on and a large long rifle. She too wore the grey camo but heres had a lighter protection looking more padded than armored. "Hey Rikke this is Diana we call her Sylph sense she seems to be everywhere and sneaky too. I take it you have our mission orders?"
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylphie? Rikke blinked and smiled brightly to the girl, while her memory was fuzzy... the girl seemed just like her real self! Before the incident "Ah~! We haven't met." the rogue smiled brightly to Sylphie "I'm Rikke. It's a pleasure Sylphie."

Still the rogue had to cast a glance at the uniform, while not heavy armor the camo, not to mention the rogues own armor "Hey, girls... you sure about wearing uniforms?" she'd look to them curiously, likely spurring odd looks "I'm just asking. We're doing a retrieval mission, better be mistaken for prey instead of hunters." she'd look over their outfits "And I imagine people would rather talk to travelers than soldiers as well." seemed the rogue had a slightly different operation routine... if one could even call it that.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The two women looked at each other before turning to Rikke. "What did you have in mind?" It was Diana speaking her voice rather melodic. Kanna too was curious and spoke up soon after. "Yeah Rikke the area is know to be hostile I don't want to go unarmed."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Honestly the rogue didn't feel like objecting to Sauls and the duos kitsunes plans earlier, but perhaps she had left a bit too early "Are they hostile to tourists or passerbies too?" Rikke smirked confidently "Last I heard we're going to a town and a forest, not a military outpost. Correct?"

She'd try to explain her reasoning "Now if they're hostile to our army, going in with your colors or army suits would provoke a hostile reaction from the everyday man." she'd raise a finger "But if we got as just travelers, we're just passing by a small village. Maybe we're on a road trip or something, no?"

"Even if they'd hate travelers, we'd only get a annoyed look at worst." she'd look if the duo followed her trail of thoughts "Not to mention, we'd be free to explore the forest as a group of overly curious travelers. While actually we're trained and armed. I've won out of impossible situations, just with that element of surprise." she'd smirk confidently.

If asked "Then what do you propose"

"Simple. Drop the uniforms. Let's get some much more casual and plain looking clothes. We'll be dropped a safe distance from being spotted." Rikke placed a finger on her lips in thought "We'd only need a basic 'car' to make the visitor illusion perfect."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls looked at each again and listened to what Rikke explained. "She is the mission lead." Kanna frowned "We'll only have small arms." Sylph put a hand on Kana's shoulder. "Its okay Kitten Im more worried about finding a normal car on base." Both girls looked at Rikke as if giving her a well how we going to do it.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Kanna, we're three girls. No amount of guns is going to help if we'll be targeted as potential threats." Rikke smiled to the girl "It's retrieval, best we're not noticed at all." the rogue didn't know either of the girls specialties, but by the sounds of it Sylphie was adapt at stealth... Kanna on the other hands was a fair mystery "It's riskier sure, so if you two don't like the plan. We're not doing it."

Rikke would first receive the answer from the duo of girls, if the rogue improv plan seemed alright. She'd return to the command room to introduce the change of plan, now with her teams support.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sounds good Rikke go make your case to the boss man." Heading up Rikke found Rhea and Rune going over a seperate map. Making her case the two talked a bit before nodding. "Its a solid plan the Vital can get you in stealthy and I can arrange for a car if you make another stop. It will increase the mission time a little but it might be worth it." Rune smiled at Rikke "Ill call Saul to arrange it you might want to tell your team to get ready and select some small arms." Rhea looked up and spoke again. "Just in case Ill have Knight and Cowgirl on standby. Good luck Rikke."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At first the rogue wasn't too sure about her decision to oppose the set plan, especially considering this world was far different than her own. How could she a complete stranger to these lands, with little to no infomation of the people and their relations create a militaristic op... but she had to try.

The more the rogue elaborated the more the two kitsunes glanced to each other, though as Rikke continued the hints of scepticism seem to slowly evaporate... until after a brief little chat the kitsunes turned the rogue gave a girm nod. The change plan was accepted!

"Nice!" Rikke cried out, barely able to contain her giddyness. While it felt akward to oppose the current rule, the acceptance of her plan absolutely soared the rogues spirits! "Aye! We'll stop by the town. Maybe the townsfolks will have something to share about the forest." be it myths, stories or warnings. Every bit of information might assist them.

Still she needed a change of clothes "I'll also need something more casual..." the rogue smiled sheepishly "I've been... a bit prone to lose my clothes in this realm." either way the heroine would share the news with her squad and look to get herself dressed more a kin to just a casual traveler.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"How did you lose them I had them brought to You and Kanna's room last night?" Rhea eyed Rikke critically. Rune just giggled and turned to another screen as Rhea gave Rikke the stare down. "Are you sure you just forgot you had them?" Still whatever Rikke shared about her late night adventures was up to her but there was a good amount of time that Rikke had stayed out for the night. In fact she didn't even check out her room in the barracks. Still once she got sorted she met Kanna and Diana back in the hanger. Both girls had changed to more casual attire. Kanna wore some tight jeans with a that draped over one shoulder. Diana wore a loose blouse and had a pair of sunglasses perched on her forehead while wearing some jean shorts.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You had someone collect them for me?" well... it was Sauls purchases, but considering the circumstances on which the rogue escaped from her hotel. It was likely more than a little risky... infact who were those people?!

The rogue would have to inquire another time, it was time to focus on the task at hand "Nice! I'll tell the team about the change of plans." with an all too content smile the rogue would move out and settle everything she needed to. Fortunate or not, noone seemed to disturb her during her trip to the baracks and back, now in a much less standout fashion... minus an elegant sheath for her blade.

For once, the rogue seemed the one the most dressed. While it seemed all three of them wore jeans, for her upper body Rikke wore r. Though the clothing was hardly striking, the girl who wore made even the plain clothes appear mesmerizing. Especially due to her quite wonderous measurements.

"Alright. Everyone ready?" if need be Rikke would explain her plan once more to the group before whoever was sent to brief them from base appeared. Even if the rogue came up with the plans alteration, the means of it's execution were out of her hands.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gathering the girls around they had a bit of time to speak with each other and work out details before a familiar girl with two toned hair showed up with a folder. Looking at Rikke she blushed before handing the document over. She was of course in much less revealing attire settling on the simple camo that most wore around base. "All mission critical details are inside as well as cover identities." Saluting the girl backed off and headed off more folders under arm and a pistol on her belt. Looking over the folder the girls found their passports and other important documents. Rikke however was given a thick stack of paper. A small note was scrawled on the cover page it read. "Rikke this will be your official history when dealing with people outside of the nest. If captured or investigated this is the info you should speak about and the info they will find if searching your data. Please commit as much of this to memory as you can."

Looking it over Rikke saw a copy of a birth certificate listing a mother and father that did not stand out to Rikke at all. The rest was about her supposed life. According to the document. She lived alone in East Endus employed as a exotic dancer. She had little to no college education and she was aspiring to be an actress. She is an only child having grown up near the border with Principality of Theron. Bother her parents were deceased and they left her a reasonable amount of money to get by. It even covered a little bit about her history medically and even listed friends and acquaintances.

Kanna looked at the thick paper and chuckled. "Geeze Rikke what did you do pop out of nowhere? Both Kanna and Diana laughed as they looked over their own documents. "Oh! we get a Rugged LE for personal transport!" Kanna moved quickly over to Diana Wha! are you serious! Both girls ohhed over a picture letting Rikke do her own thing unless curiosity took hold of her. After that however all three clambered into the Vital with Anna giving them a warm goodbye from the ground as the machine took to the air turning invisible. They were not long in the air when the craft mad a steady decent and the voice of their pilot echoed out. "Opening hatch!" The voice sounded familiar but Rikke couldn't place it before a pulled in. Obviously it was not a military grade machine and it had little to no noise that the previous one had. Stepping out Joldra tossed back her hair and turned to leave as Kanna and Dianna secured the car. "Oh dear it looks like my car was damaged in an accident with a military truck. I guess Ill have to have the Southern Crolia military reimburse me for my damages." This brought a scowl from Diana but the blue haired woman handed over a clipboard and got a signature before sighing as the woman left but not before taking a parting shot at Rikke. "Oh dear with that body you should be glad in the finest Designs by Joldra." She eyed Rikke again before handing her a card. "If you get tired of the rags just call me and I will make you a star! You can lead my new line of clothes. Ta Ta!" Without even waiting for Rikke to reply Joldra headed out a all to confident sway to her hips. With transport secure and everything settled the group was off once more a gloomy look on her companions faces. Apparently they where not happy about their visitor.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

One thing stood out for the rogue, they've put some much effort in making up all this stuff... for gods knows what reason, only to not include a fake name? The rogue looked over the papers once more, just to be sure. If anything, using a famed heroines name and surname would likely raise more suspicions than anything.

"What are you two Oh~ and Ah~'ing about hum?" Rikke smirked slyly and inspected the picture as well... only to be slightly disappointed "Hum... it's cute." she'd smile innocently, likely whatever made the 'car' special completely slipping right on past her. Still before any chatter about the LE could commence, their flight transport was already setting up!

"Hey, did you two get new 'identities' as well?" Rikke looked to her companions with a smile "Seems to quite a bit of effort for just a simple lie..." the rogue wasn't new to few white lies, but having even detailed illness and medical information? "Are we expecting trouble?"

The girls likely had just enough time for their chat, before they descended. The car from the picture driving up shortly after... with a most curious driver. Rikkes face lit up with a smile as she saw Joldra of all people appear, while her over-confidence and attitude seemed to bring her companions down, Rikke, it only made the rogue laugh subtly and shake her head "I'll coinsider it, Joldra."

Though as the woman took her leave, be it in a Vital or other means the heroine turned to her companions still bearing the same smile "She's a bit cocky for just a clothing designer."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Chatting in mid air Kanna showed Rikke her passport. The only thing changed on hers was her last name which listed as Tu'Rath. Other than that is listed a home and address. Dianna however seemed to understand Rikke's question. "No we already had these set up. In fact we have one for each country bordering Southern Crolia. They try to keep them close to your real life so you sound more believable if pressed. As for expecting trouble" Dianna shrugged "Relations while not stellar have improved over the years. They will probably just inspect the passports and wave us along. As for the other information its a just in case thing."

"Cocky! shes a bitch!" Dianna threw Kanna a look half sympathy half annoyance. "Kanna had a bad run in with her and she Joldra can be insufferable at times and a bit to haughty and arrogant." This only seemed to bristle Kanna a little more. "Haughty? she was nothing better than a two bit whore till some idiot of a woman thought her style was all the rage." Dianna sighed again "Better let it go or Kanna will be in a mood all day.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So you now need a paper to prove you are you..." Rikke laughted lightly and shook her head "That's a bit silly---" the rogue stopped mid-sentence looking to the two, unlike her close companions back in base... the heroines nature to Kanna and Dianna was still unknown "I mean... nevermind." she'd smile sheepishly to the two, thankfully just in time to their landing and the Joldra incident.

Rikke eyes widened at the angered explosion, clearly those two had quite the bit of history between them. Still for now it was best not to fuel the fires "Well she's gone now. Come on, which of you is going to drive this fellow." with a cheery smile the rogue jumped into the back of the car and relaxed. She'll need to ask Dianna about Kannas and Joldras backstory a bit later.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ill drive Kanna is a bad driver." Kanna made a face at Dianna before settling in the passenger seat. Hopping in her self Rikke found the seats to be made of leather and surprisingly cool on her bottom. "I love that the EL has heated or cooled seats." Kanna sighed happily relaxing into her seat. Dianna however didn't say much and simple got in and pulled the car out. It was surprisingly quiet the only sound of note came from the Vital as it ramp closed. Other than that it was birds and bugs and the sound of dirt crunching under tire. "I might have to get me one of these." Smiling Dianna shifted gear and took off at a good pass causing the wind to russell the rogues hair. Heading down the road at a good speed Dianna pressed a button causing a hidden cloth hood to cover the otherwise open topped car. Seemingly an hour later it was pulled down again as Dianna slowed at a border crossing. "Okay girls get your passports ready and just in case some bribe money." Looking to the point in question Rikke saw a worn grey building with a black and white poll stretching over the road. A faded red sign that said stop was attached to the long pole and a trio of board looking guards inspected identifications.For the most part it seemed people where pretty much being waved through.