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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Honestly the rogue knew a number of events that could've taken place at the that, but none that wouldn't involve some sort of supernatural twist "Yeah... it doesn't really make sense..." Rikke looked to the two girls briefly, clearly considereing what could've happened "So if whatever took them weren't slavers, lets just keep our eyes sharp alright?"

"Wierd as in... how?" Rikked turned her head curiously, if there was nothing to reduce the strangeness or Dia was at a loss of words, the girls could carry onwards "Hey girls... you think their disappearance might be related to this presumed temple here?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Both girls nodded before Diana spoke to Rikke about her difficulties. "The signal keeps getting stronger then weaker to almost disappearing. Its either moving which I doubt or the detector is having the same issue as my phone. If thats the case we are lucky its military grade or else it would have died by now."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wait so we can't properly track the artifact?!" Rikke leaned closer in light shock, the forest was huge who knows under which rock or root the item could be hiding. The heroine winced lightly "Well lets head whatever way it's pointing, maybe it'll clear up."

The rogue glanced to the survey gear nearby "Should we just leave those? They don't look heavy. Maybe we could--- turn them in along with the artifact." she'd smile sheepishly. By now the rogue was more than a little used to selling or trading in for profit any abbandoned treasures.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Not a good idea this stuff is probably on a list someplace just in case it turns up. I wouldn't want my name associated with six missing girls, would you? Still Im sure we can turn this in to the townsfolk they might appreciate it. If not them at lest the families of the girls who went missing. Either way we should pack it up and mark the location, or better yet take the photo with us." Putting the valuble looking stuff back in it box made Rikke somewhat sad. After all she was used to keeping the treasure she found not returning it. After picking up the stuff and sorting out a direction Diana and Rikke headed out with only Kanna staying behind her ears flat and tail bristled. "We should leave this place and get out of these woods.... They don't feel right.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Why? So we can return right back here?" Rikke gave Kanna a sly if reassuring smirk "We're not leaving without that artifact, a little chill and a little wind won't change that." the rogue would wait for Kanna beckoning her to join up with the two "Come on, silly. Who's the special operations agent here, hum?"

For some reason the atmosphere seemed to hit Kanna far more than Rikke or Dia. Though it was true, the longer they spent near that campsite the colder and harsher the woods seemed "Though we should pick up the pace. Let's try and get this settled before nightfall..." Rikke wearily rubbed her shoulders, it was hard not to note the foreboding aura about this place. Dark deeds always seemed to mark an area with their own kind of chill.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After a few comforting words and some protest from Kanna the trio once more headed out with Dia leading the way. This part of the woods seemed less thick and cluttered though a few towering trees remained the rest seemed rather young. Up ahead a few blackened trunks dotted the forest and a faint smell of charcoal wafted from the occasional dusty sections of the woods. "Damn it!" Diana slapped her wrist computer again causing it to beep annoyingly. "How the hell is it moving." Turning around Diana looked at the reading and sighed.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Diannas reaction curiously, her lips lightly puckered, before her eyes grew sharp "Moving?" the rogue glanced around "Dia, someone may have our artifact, be it man or beast. Whats going on?" there was also a very real chance that the rogues previous theory proved correct. Though it depended on these 'movements'.

"Alright so plan B. We catch it. You two good for a dash?" Rikke looked between the two, making sure they were in form for a chase. If something was moving... they needed to make sure it was above ground to begin with!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke vs ???
50 vs 40

"We haven't been following it long enough to determine a pattern the computer only displays about 100 meters." Looking at Kanna and Rikke Diana nodded. "I think you might be right Rikke we need to speed up lets keep it at a jog okay." Looking at the reading Diana got a direction before starting off at a fast jog with Kanna following close. "Come on Rikke don't over do it!" Heading out with the girls at a jog kept them together and for the most part at a fast pace. Still with a chase like this they could easily get separated if they where not careful. As they jogged Rikke could almost feel something watching them. Turning her head Rikke caught a glimpse of a white dress fluttering in the wind. It was in a shaded part of the forest and as she turned to look at it more it faded away.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Odd.... "Dia, which way are we going?" still Rikke had no time to try and catch whatever the thing/flicker of light was. If there was no magic... the rogue silenced that thought briefly as they continued, somehow this place didn't seem completely natural. The sooner they left the better and they'll only be able to take their leave after catching whatever ate or held their artifact "Remember, eyes sharp for any movement."

Ignore it and carry on
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke vs ???
50 vs 40
Looking at the device Diana spoke up. "Seems we are heading back to the clearing. Kanna do you see anything?" Kanna looked up and spoke. "Not a thing not even birds." After some more jogging the trio broke back into the clearing. "Well what ever it is it stopped." Looking about Rikke once more caught a glimpse of a white figure at the far end of the clearing away from her and shrouded in the darkness of the forest.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Once it may have been a visual trick, but twice... "Any chance our mana detector is pointing that way." the rogue pointed towards where the white figure stood or still remained. The world of spirits... was it even effected by the event to begin with?

As far the rogue knew right now she could only guess whatever the figure was, she was closely resembling a spirit. Rikke knew of a number of spirits, some would seek out aid and guide others to points of note, while others would lead travelers astray and into the shadows... this one howerer seemed to be doing it's best to avoid detection. Was it an onlooker or a frightful guide?

Whatever the case, be it their mana locator pointed towards the spirit or not... "Girls let's do a quick detour, we're not alone here." incase her companions didn't note their host Rikke would give them a grim warning and motion them to follow. Hopefully this was not a spirit of dark...

Try to approach the spirit
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jut a Rikke pointed out the figure it seemed to melt away in to the shadows. Looking the other girls didn't seem to see it. Looking at her strangely Diana spoke. "No but what ever it is should be right on top of us or we on top of it." Looking about the clearing was exactly as they had left it. Nothing besides the three woman stood. A chill wind blew causing Kanna to bristle once more. "We should go and not come back."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked around then turned to the girls "Our archaeologist group mentioned that there might be a temple here correct?" the rogue clearly hinted at what she had in mind "Let's get that survey gear out. Looks like we'll do their job for a day."

Ofcourse going back was not an option, as the girls unpacked the gear once more to pick out anything of use Rikke would add... perhaps not the most encouraging comments "Girls, do you believe in spirits? Or well ghosts?" she'd look each of their answers before continueing "Because we're being followed by one." any attempts to shrug or laugh off the notion would receive a silent and serious look from Rikke "I'm not sure why, thoughshe doesn't seem hostile yet. Very few ghosts would even attack the living to calm down."

She'd smile slyly and look over the gear "Let's focus on this temple for now, perhaps we'll learn why we caught her attention once we find it." honestly in her time finding such things was either a matter of luck, coincidence or a tons of research... none of which this technology could assist her "Honestly the only idea I have is try to find the stairway with this sonar thing, but thats going to take forever." Rikke did have a different plan, but it was horrendously risky and terrifying.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger


Kanna and Diana looked at each other before turning to Rikke. "I don't think we have the time to use this gear was their anything else about this temple they were looking for? It was hard to say so far she only had the note written on the photo. A quick check of the gear reveal another folder with some notes. Looking it over Rikke couldn't make heads nor tails of it but she did see one thing that stood out. The temple seemed to belong to a cult that worshiped the sun. Bringing this to the attention of the girls they both nodded. "Not sure if that helps but its a start. Maybe if we spread out we can find something. Though this place looks leveled not sure if there is anything to find."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Look. If there's a temple, if there ever was a temple here. We're bound to find something around this area. Let's just keep each other in our lines of sight and not venture into the forest alone." Rikke looked to them and gave each a nod "Kanna, use those catgirl insticts. Dia keep a close eye on the mana locator, it might help you find something. I'll just do my own thing."

That was their plan for now, if the locator said they were right on top of the artifact and the documents said there was a temple here... those two had to be related. As for the underground part... Rikke may have been mistaken as well, who knows maybe they'll find their object hidden under some moss or the like!

Spread out and search the area
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Spreading out the girls began to search the area as the size began to sink. They had maybe three more hours of sunlight left. At first they didn't see much but as they walked along Rikke began to make out the bricks of the old temple. Sure they where buried under ages of dirt and grass but slowly piles began to make sense. A wall here another there. Looking up Rikke didn't see her "spirit" stalker. She did however see Kanna jumping at her own shadow. It seemed the special operations agent was afraid of ghosts. Chuckling to herself she heard Diana cry out. "Over here!" Heading over both Kanna and herself made it with in a moment of each other. In front of Diana was a staircase that lead into the darkness. "This wasn't here before.. also this is how I found it. Looking at Kanna Diana handed her back her phone. "I saw a sparkle and came to see what it was, and well.... this...."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Noting more and more hints of a previous structure here the rogues mood began to slowly dim, perhaps the temple was indeed above ground? The heroine looked to the sun still bearing down upon them in thought, for a sun cult it would've certainly made sense to actually see the sun in question. Though just as that thought ended Dia made her discovery!

"Well... that's omnious." Rikke looked to the foreboding stairway into sheer darkness "But unfortunately it's exactly what we were looking for." honestly looking at the darkness and knowing that there was infact something alive down there was a combination that made the heroine more than a little uneasy, though there was little choice now.

"So... do we have a light?" Rikke looked to the girls offers, though if need be the heroine actually did buy some oil, bandages and sticks that could be used to create makeshift torches... shortlived ones, but still torches "One of us should stay up here and keep watch. I can go down there, even if the torches fail I'll be able to see." Rikke looked to the two "I'll need one more to watch my back down there."

As the duo decided among themselves who goes on what duty the rogue looked to the abbandoned dark stairway with unease and steadied her breath. This was completely different to picking the artifact from a store... infact this was almost nostalgic.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ill stay up here and keep an eye out. Kanna is better at close range fighting and can see in the dark as well." Nodding Kanna drew her gun and checked it over before looking to Rikke. Making her makeshift torch Rikke headed down with Kanna close behind.

The air was cool but the stones were dry making it easy to walk. Plenty of cobwebs hung abandoned in the hallway. From her current position Rikke could see what was left of the sun on the stairs. A head of her the torch showed that the corridor turned to the right. Moving forward and peaking around the turn she found another small hallway which turned again to the right making a U shape. Following that for away it turned again into a long hallway that stretched on into the darkness out of torch light. A large faded and frayed tapestry hung on the left wall and plenty of small animal bones littered the hallway. "Rikke why is this place so creepy?" Taking a few steps forward Kanna kept her ears twitching listing for any short of noise. As they neared the tapestry Rikke could see a glint of metal from ahead. It looked like a doorknob.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke continued onwards down the collidor, seemed the girls technology was hardly suited for ruin exploration forcing them to use the torch "Alright, down there we always keep the torch bright." the heroine looked down the passage way "Those that live in the dark loathe fire." with that Rikke would go first down the stairs with Kanna with her tail coiled around her leg in fright a close second.

The rogue snickered at the comment "Between the unnatural dark and facing something that chooses to live here, quite a few things." giving the catgirl and encouraging smile the rogue kept her eyes sharp as they continued deeper along the winding corridor, up until a the door came into view "Kanna, hold the torch and stay close. If there's anything inside, don't shoot unless it's critical alright?" Rikke gave the girl a warning look "We don't know if whatever is behind these doors is alone. No creature captures six girls just by itself." giving Kanna a firm nod Rikke drew her blade and silently opened the door.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke approached the door with Kanna behind her the light revealed another path branching to her left. Still with a door in front of her Rikke tested the handle. The door creaked loudly as it opened allowing some light to spill into the room. Rikke of course wished it hadn't as a several piles of dessicated corpses filled the room. All seemed to be wearing armor from her time. Benches sat scattered and broken hinting that his room used to be a chapel or meeting place at one point. To her immediate left was another door and to her right a door as well.