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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smelt the disturbing sight, far before she saw it "Ugh... " the rogue leaned away from the door and covered her mouth, before finishing to push it open. Several bodies scattered across the room, judging by the looks of them the corpses were nothing shorts of ancient. Even their armaments hinting at ages long past "What happened here?" Rikke looked over the sight with concern, perhaps with the light illuminating the corpses some more she could see what fate befall them. An attack or a sudden death?

Still lingering in the room for too long would quickly cause the rogue to turn nauseous, without any way for the air to enter or escape the air itself was almost poisonous and rotten "Wait here. I'll check where the other doors lead." moving quickly Rikke would open both doors and peek inside, not entering either quite yet.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Weapons lay scattered about hinting at some sort of fight though the corpses where far to old to find any specific death blows. The air was indeed stagnate and foul but once the door was open it cleared up considerably. The smell of old death lingered much like the barracks at the manor when she first opened them. Still with Kanna waiting Rikke moved to open the doors on her right and left. The door on her left opened into a hallway that lead in four different directions. Two of them lead in the same direction and looked rough almost unfinished. One went around the corner and joined back into the hallway she left Kanna in, the last route split off from this one and lead south and into the darkness. The door on he right opened up to another split hallway. One went north and was mostly finished while the east was rough and unfinished with work tools scattered about. An old ruined door lay on the floor in the finished hallway hinting at another room or formally sealed passage.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Damn it." Rikke would return to Kanna clearly none too happy about her find "This place is as complex as a labyrinth." the heroine glanced back briefly "Infact it just might be a labyrinth with all the opening and closing passages."

"We'll need some sort of trackers of where we've been... just incase. Got anything?" if Kannas backpack offered little they'd need to gather some of the weapons from inside the grave-like room "Then we'll use these. We'll just point the blade the way we went and leave it on the ground." Rikke smiled to Kanna "I doubt there'll be many blades just left lieing about in the middle of the path."

After that was settled they needed to start somewhere "Alright, so Dia lost the signal in um..." Rikke quickly thoughtback about their possible topside situation, to little effect "Well... let's just explore as we can. We'll go check in with Dia after a few attempts.' honestly leaving one of her crew alone... being watched by the spirit no less, had left a fairly bitter taste in the rogues mouth, but there was little she could do. Someone needed to stay back... hopefully she'll manage.

"Alright, stick close." Rikke lead the duo directly to the right of grave like room. Following the main path. If the path did indeed lead where the left door was they'd go down the darker path "Well this one seems to part of the main path. Let's check it out first."
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Asking Kana if she had anything made the girl smile before pulling out a small canister. "Its lipstick we can mark a wall showing which way we went." With that done Rikke turned left and headed to what her guess was south. After a short zig zag following the finished stone hallway she came to another door. It was made of wood and seemed to have swollen shut, she would need a little effort to open this one. The hallway continues south into the darkness.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Whatever their artifact was it had been moving. Rikke would lean in and listen for anything of note behind the door, though if nothing presented itself they'd need to move onwards and deeper into the catacomb "Nothing... let's carry on." their artifact was more than likely in this temple, the rogue could always return to the door at a later time.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Listing at the door Rikke heard nothing. Heading south once more Rikke came to yet another split in the path. Both where finished, one headed west the other east.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The previous double paths lead east, perhaps going there they'd come up to something more grand "If we split up we could cover more ground but..." Rikke looked unsurely at Kanna "With something prowling here think it's best we stick together, right?" the rogue had indeed considered spliting up. There was little doubt that the west path would likely end with a room or a deadend... but one can never be sure.

Hearing out Kannas input unless Kanna insisted the two would likely turn east.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Kanna looked at Rikke as if she was crazy. "Its bad enough Dia is alone we are not splitting up!" Bringing up her phone Kanna looked at it. "If we head right we will being going south and it looks like it turns to the west." Nodding Kanna would take the lead from Rikke. "Lets check this one out first." Heading down the girls walked kicking up dust for a long walk to the hallway turned once more to the right Here it seemed to dead end with a lone pitiful tapestry hanging on the wall. "Aww a deadend."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stuck her tongue out playfully "Who's the tomb raider hum~?" she'd giggle playfully "Come, the other way will probably lead us to where we need to be." she'd beckon Kanna to follow, before pausing briefly "Though... why would a temple just have a dead-end?" infact for as agonizingly long the hallway was for it end just like that seemed all too odd "Wait a minute..." Rikke licked her lips and approached the wall feeling it out, perhaps there was more to it than meets the eye.

Search the deadend for a hidden switch
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke searches
53 vs 45 success!

Feeling around the wall Rikke found it rather cold but thankfully not damp. Still no switch or anything seemed to trigger. About to give up Rikke noticed a small puddle of water underneath the tapestry. Looking at it a moment she looked to the heavy cloth. It depicted some armored men fighting some crazy looking demon. Pulling it aside Rikke smiled as a stone door sat behind it a small puddle of water seeping under the door seam. Thankfully it didn't seem locked and Rikke pushed the door open. As the light from their torch filtered into the room Rikke saw several stone coffins lining the walls one was open the others sealed.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With one final push, the passage was open! Rikkes proud grin couldn't be overstated as she turned to Kanna "Shall we?" she'd smirk slyly to the girl, before closing in on the newly opened secret passage... though the enthusiasm wouldn't last for long as the content of the room were revealed.

"Oh..." Rikke winced as the coffins lined the wall "This place is just going to be lovely isn't it..." she'd sigh heartely and carefully step inside. Unless the new light would reveal something new seemed there was little else here, but one thing stood out "Open?" Rikke looked to Kanna noting the open coffin "Grave robbers?" she'd carefully step closer to the coffin and look inside.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The coffin was made of a heavy stone. Looking inside revealed long dead and dried up flowers as well as what looked like some type of plant bulb. Besides that there was nice looking sword well crafted and ornate though age had tarnished and rusted its lusty and steel. Looking this over Kanna's ears perked up a moment before she turned to the door Dia..... Just as Kanna turned Rikke heard a very faint crack, crack, crack, crack, and silence.... "Rikke quickly Dia needs us!"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Memorial flowers... an ancient sword... but no body. Rikkes eye widened lightly, just as Kanna noted a disturbance in the distance! "Aye!" the path back was fairly clear albeit a long one! Dia was no damsel, no wildlife should cause any issues to her!

For now Rikke hoped for the best, maybe it was just the ghost from before making an appearance and the girl over-reacting... but what if it was something far worse!

This time Rikke didn't hold back at all in her dash, even rushing past Kanna if given half the chance "Kanna! I'm rushing to Dia be careful!" the rogue would stop if she heard Kannas cry, but at their speeds there was little chance for anything to get a grip or drop on either of them!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rushing past Kanna was no small feet the cat girl was nearly as quck as the rogue. Slowly out running Kanna Rikke ran. Damn this was such a long hallway. following the twisting hallways Rikke made it to the stairs. Heading up Rikke saw the sun was setting. On the ground was Dia's hand gun and five spent rounds littered the ground. Fresh blood lay scattered on the stairwell as well as several dark spots on the ground that looked like blood but old. Dia was nowhere to be seen...
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Dia!" Rikke called out and quickly surveyed the scene, her eyes scanning the nearby forest for any movements "Dianna! Answer me!" she'd call out once more, likely joined in by Kanna.

The rogue quickly leaned down to check the marks on the ground, there was no doubt Dianna was attacked and by no ghost... by something that walked and bled "Damnit!" the rogues eyes quickly looked for a trail to follow! If there was blood here, no doubt atleast a few droplets could hint where she was taken.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Kanna's lip quivered as she picked up the gun. She didn't say a word and simple secured the weapon with her own. Meanwhile Rikke looked for a trail any trail. Finding nothing that lead away she turned her attention to the spots on the ground. The fresh stuff was probably Diana's and judging from the amount she was injured but nothing fatal or at lest she could guess it wasn't fatal. The older blood is what caught her attention. Touching some and rubbing it between her fingers Rikke could feel that it was cold and nearly congealed. Looking to the stairs Rikke could see that the dark blood went back into the temple or from what she saw of it tomb.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Damnit we missed it." Rikke eyes sharpened as she quickly stood up and moved to the stairway "She was taken down there, let's go." the old blood was nothing short of disturbing, unless it was another mockery of life like Degravil, whatever attacked Dia was no doubt supernatural! Perhaps the artifact did indeed spur something dark or long dead back to life...

Hopefully the duo could pick up on either Dias or the creatues blood trails as they returned to the tomb. One thing was certain, it did not go the way Rikke and Kanna dashed through. If there were no tracks, at the very least that would ease their search.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading back down Rikke's blood went cold. No sooner had they reached the end of the stairs than blue ghostly flames began to light up the hallway. They hovered near the top of the casting faint blue glow down. That aside Rikke saw a clear trail of Dia's blood leading to the first tapestry Rikek had passed. Pushing it aside Rikke found another stone door similar to the other one.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh no you freaking don't!" Rikke could only guess what this meant, but with the setting sun and a history of a sun cult... the heroine blood burnt with anger at the notion of her friend possibly being sacrificed for absolutely no reason. Even if she felt fear, the rogue quickly moved to the tapestry ripping it aside to reveal yet another secret passage.

Without pause Rikke would attempt to open the passage and keep on the trail!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perception vs Stealth
Rikke 37 vs 45
Kanna 23 vs 45
Pit trap activates auto hit

Tearing aside the tapestry Rikke pushed on the door and heard a click. Suddenly she felt weightless as both her and Kanna began to fall. Kanna let out a yelp as the two woman fall and land roughly. Thankfully their quick reflexes prevented any serious injury, however they where no stuck in a 5 foot by 5 foot room the hole above them was about 6ft up. Looking up Rikke guessed that they where about 20 feet from the door. "What are we going to do now Rikke? The walls are to smooth for us to climb."