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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aren't you spec-ops?" Rikke gave the girl curious look, seemingly keen to jolt her out of her current daze and gather her up a bit "But to answer, I'll jump up there and throw you down a rope. Give me a boost 'kay?" the rogues plan was for Kanna to give her enough of a boost for the rogue to use and jump up!

If the initial jump was short Rikke would use her sword into the stone, using the enchanted blades properties to pierce the stone and provide something to hold on.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Kanna winced at the parting shot and moved to help Rikke. Getting into position Kanna gave Rikke a flying boost sending her into the air. Timed with her own jump Rikke got some good air but not enough. Pulling her sword out Rikke used its magic to cut into the stone for a secure hold. With something to hold onto Rikke could brace herself against the walls to slowly spider climb out. It was hard work but before long Rikke was gripping the outer edge of the pit.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Finally within reach Rikke would make one final move and grip the edges of the hole "Got it!" she'd call out to Kanna before pulling herself up. unless something went horribly wrong, the rogue would quickly unpack her rope and throw it down to Kanna, hoisting her up as well.

Though the actions would likely give her ample time to see just where exactly she was right now.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Tossing the rope down Rikke felt Kanna tug on it and begin her climb. This gave Rikke time to see into the room she opened. Clearly on the edge of the door was the trap mechinzem that she had carelessly triggered. Looking in Rikke could see the blood trail leading deeper in and crossing the floor to another door. Unlike the rest of the room she had seen this one seemed clean and a shadow moved in the strange blue light.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

“Kanna… hurry… I don’t think I’m alone up here!” Rikke spoke in a far more hushed tone her eyes locked on the shadow. Thankfully the rogue had her blade, though if the shadow neared her the rogue would slowly backtrack while still holding the rope bringing up Kanna along with her retreat.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Watching from her position as Kanna seemed to climb faster Rikke saw a girl come into view. She was wearing a maids dress and had a bucket of water. "Tsk Tsk so messy." Getting down on her knees the girl began to clean up the blood trail. "Why do they always fight. I guess I can't complain to much I remember when I fought but look at me know." The gril in the maid uniform had unearthly pale skin which only accented her black maid uniform with red frills. Here eyes where red and her black hair pulled back into a neat bun. She didn't seem to notice Rikke as she continued to clean.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Damn it! If this women continued to clean tracking whatever took Dia would be far more difficult!... even if the wet spots could hint at the path, though just what the heck was going on here to begin with?!

"Fight what? Who are you?" Rikke spoke up, there was little doubt the woman noticed the duo before, perhaps Rikke could learn a bit more of what was happening.

If the woman ignored her and kept cleaning the rogue would grow more "HEY! Stop it!" right now the rogue really wished Kanna would hurry up even more!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking at Rikke as she spoke the girl grinned at her two tiny fangs of notice. "Naughty! Naughty! when the master puts you in the hole you need to wait for him to get you." Looking at Rikke the girl walked towards her as Kanna climbed up. Smiling the girl pressed her foot on the trap mechanism sliding the pit door shut much to the surprise of Kanna who gasped. Rikke meanwhile stumbled back as the counter weight of Kanna was gone as the rope was cut. "Now be good and wait for the master to come get you. I would play with you but its forbidden." Turning back around the girl went back to cleaning.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the rope snapped Kanna would once more fall! Thankfully she was a catgirl, but after almost reaching the top for this to happen?! "Oomph!" Rikke fel back and quickly got back, a low growl escaping her "Kanna! I'll come get you after saving Dia! Stay safe down there."

The rogue turned to the woman in a clearly agitated manner "I assume you keep the captives safe until your master is ready?" honestly Rikke wasn't looking to incite a unnecesary conflict, she needed to find Dia as soon as possible. Depending what the woman answered Rikke would actually dash past her and into the hallway chasing after the trail! While risky the woman seemed 'forbiden' from interacting with her.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Nope I just clean the messes." Humming to herself the woman kept cleaning only yelling at Rikke not to get her freshly moped floor dirty. Dashing past the maid Rikke found herself in a room that was fairly well furnished. It almost looked like a living room of sort. Still with the wet spots drying up Rikke reached another door and opened it to find a another tapestry on the other side which she quickly brushed aside. The erie lights still hung above and Rikke could see the remains of the trail heading off to her left. However a signing voice could be heard from the south.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Clean? Rikke just barely kept herself from commenting on the numerous cobwebs and corpses littered in the ruins. Whatever the case was, clearly the girl wasn't in her right mind "Have any of the captives met an unfortunate end down there?" there was little point to rush to save Dianna if Kanna would pay the price in her stead... "Did you see anyone else down there?" the maid answered nonchalantly cleaning the bloodstains as if she had on some many occasions by now "Not what I asked." the rogue changed her tone to a far more threatening one, her eyes sharp and quite frankly fairly dangerous. This however seemed to only spur annoyance from the stranger, after a deep sigh she'd add "Noone died down there." with that she'd return to her duties. The answer would have to suffice! Without further ado the rogue removed her hand from her blades pommely and rushed right past the maid, the woman calling out something about bringing dirt on her floor.

The singer was no doubt yet another of the slaves kept here... or well servants. What were these things anyway?! Didn't this world have all magical creatures die? What if one the artifacts awoke one of them...? While these questions rushed through Rikkes mind she quickly focused herself on saving Dianna as soon as possible!

Rikke would chase after the trail as far as it lead her! Whatever affected these girls, defeating their master would likely assure victory!
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ignoring the singing voice Rikke ran down the hallway following the stains on the ground. After passing a hallway and rounding a corner they disappeared. The ghostly blue lights shown brightly down on Rikke as she could see the hallway ahead had another attached to it before rounding another corner.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Damn it!" Rikke looked to rapidly drying floor, only too soon note she's lost her trail... then again unless Dias injury was supremely severe the girls blood couldn't be a marker for long.

The rogue looked to both possible pathways, trying to hear anything of note. Though if no sound was present she'd follow the main path for now. Soon or later the hallway would have end at... wherever it lead!

As Rikke continued down the path, it's likely deathly silence would provide more than ample opportunities for the rogue to hear any movement or commosion. Without a trail to lead she'd need to 'ask' someone for directions. Hopefully she'd not seem like too much of a threat.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading to the hallway Rikke didn't hear anything coming from it and instead moved on up the hallway which made a turn. Down this hallway Rikke spotted another door and hints that the hallway curved away from it further. Moving up to this door she heard someone moving around inside.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Traversing deeper through the ruins the rogue couldn't help, but be apalled by the design of this place. This place either had numerous hidden entrances or it was a labyrinth? Though what exact purpose it served would remain a mystery for now.

As she continued onwards Rikke finally saw a door, leaning closer to it the heroine couldn't help but smirk to herself "Bingo." Subtelty be damned, Rikke didn't have time for it now! Be it her target or directions, one way or another she going to find Dianna asap!

With that the rogue would plainly open door or slice it open if need be!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Opening the door Rikke saw it was a library of sorts. While originally it didn't seem built for it. Still tall golden candle holders illuminated the bookshelves with many tomes on them. However What caught Rikke's eyes next was together a whole other thing. Two pale skinned woman where busy eating each other out their flawless white skin flushed with arousal. Both were completely naked and shared the red eyes of the previous girl Rikke had seen. The girl on top had dark red hair and massive tits easily G cup which were pressed against the other girl. The other girl with Golden blonde hair had smaller breasts maybe a C cup. Neither one seemed to care that Rikke was watching as they moaned revealing their fanged teeth.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke opened the door with clearly driven eyes and a focused expression, only for the sight to knock her right out of it! The heroines widened at the view, the two lovers bodies supreme curves seemingly highlighted by the dim candlelight all around as they indulged in their act.

As the initial shock lingered Rikke could only look on briefly, before a blush covered her face... though anythign further would quickly be dismissed as the fangs came into view!

Shaking off her stupor Rikke quickly gathered herself and sharpened her eyes "Where's your master?!" not bother with politeness for now, the rogue would go straight to the point. If ignored she'd repeat her question taking a step closer, her hand on her pommel.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemingly ignoring Rikke the girl on top arched her back as she let out a lewd moan. The girl on the bottom grinned in satisfaction as her lovers love juices squirted out on her face which she licked off. "Your such a whore Bella." The tited girl moaned as she smiled on got back to work on her lover. "Hey there sexy you want some fun too? It will be a great way to spend some time before the master comes for you." Seeing that Rikke was not interested the girl sighed and gasped as she climaxed as well. "Are you sure Bella is a good with her tongue." The other girl looked up her face shining with the others love juices. "Oh but Rebeca is better. If you want to find the master keep following the hallway but hell come for you soon enough."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Corrupted... Rikke never fought vampires before, there was no telling just what sort of foes they'd be. Still the heroine kept her blade hidden in the sheath, if she had learned anything about her enemy race is that conventional weapons do very little... however Silver was a well known weakness. By sheer coincidence, Rikke held the only weapon anywhere near this place that could harm these things "I'll do that."

While the offer no doubt promised quite the treat, Rikke wasn't going to start anything with Vampires, who held her friend no less! Closing the door Rikke turned to the hallways and continued to chase after the lord!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Leaving the corrupt woman behind Rikke ran until she encountered another long hallway. This time however there was a turn off in the middle. It seemed she had two choices.