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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would narrow her eyes slightly at seeing Kanna beat up, but she believed the injuries were made in self defense. Seeing vampires to the duo must've been something out of a horror movie... while to Rikke it was more of a curious mix of both fear and interest "Just how often does your hunger creep up on you?" the rogue raised an eyebrow and approached the two, while she remained tense she had lost her borderline-hostility from before.

Whichever of them elaborated Rikke would take note of the answer before noting something else quite a bit curious!

The rogue looked to the weaping girl, before slowly but surely she recognised her "You... you're the one who's been watching us in the forest aren't you?" so it wasn't a spirit afterall... though Rikke wasn't too far off. It would explain it... whether wanting to go home or overcome her shyness the girl approached Dianna only for the conflict to ignite.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We always feel a dull hunger Dame Rikke. Though only when our spiritual energies start to wane do we feed. Fighting and the use of our powers granted by the spirit that merged with us also draw greatly on our reserves. Even more so if we get injured. But if I have to give you a specific number I would say at lest once a week for each of us. Luckily we have drawn a cult of sorts in the local library but we can only use it so often if we don't want to hurt anyone." Looking at the girl it was indeed the same one from before though this time her white dress had four holes in it stained with the old blood Rikke had seen.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"People willingly offer themselves for you to feed?" the more Rikke heard the vampire side the more at ease she grew. Though she began to sympathise with their side, these were still predatory creatures of surprising power. Acting careless could still lead to trouble.

"Hey. It's alright, don't cry." Rikke approached the girl in white with a dress "Sorry about your injuries. My companions aren't as... open to the supernatural." whether the woman accepted the rogue calming words she still needed to discuss the artifact "These ruins hold an item that could help us stop a war. You know them and the items inside far better than either of us, your aid in finding it would be really appreciated."

To some extent, it was best if the Rikke managed to strike her deal before both of her companions woke up. Though if the vampires hunger called it was best not to test their self-restraint "But if we'd get this item then we'd just leave you in peace and go. You could return to whatever you had planned. I doubt finding it would take long... unless the hunger is really calling." Rikke shrugged sheepishly, extending her offer to perhaps chat before the vampires left.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Is there a way you can find this artifact?" Looking at Rikke he raised an eyebrow and stared at her intently. Meanwhile Isabella looked at Rikke a hunger in her eyes though she forced it back and got up and pressed against Rikke. "L-let me taste you....." Sir William frowned and spoke softly but firm. "Isabella now is not the time come we will find food tonight let them rest."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the girls sudden lunge closer Rikke had to escape the closer embrace, taking a fairly quick step back "S-sorry. I'm not comfortable with that idea." the rogue smiled kindly to the girl "I'm sure you'll be able to nourish yourself soon enough though!" the idea of the creatures drinking blood from others was still an unnerving one, but... succubi drained their victims very soul... was taking a bit of blood really that bad?

"Whatever this artifact is, one of you recently carried it... or well still carry it." Rikke looked to William, though made sure to keep a bit of distance from Isabella "It's one of the very few objects that still have some magic inside." the heroines eyes looked over William "I suspect it's on you, William."
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Pulling Isabella away from Rikke William embraced her holding her tight in comfort. "Well the only thing I can think of is my armor or.. he looked at his tabard. Well it could be this I suppose.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I can say for sure, but I'll need to touch it alright?" Rikke glanced to Issabella in the mans hold "No bitey, bitey alright, Issa?" she'd give the girl a brief playful look before stepping closer and if allowed brushing her hand across the armor and the tabard... if they were magical they'd ignite a vision.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Isabella looked at Rikke and started crying again her comments apparently hitting a sore spot. This caused William to frown at Rikke. "Out of all my wives Isabella has never fully adjusted. Please keep that in mind Rikke." Still touching the armor showed nothing but as soon as she touched the tabard her eyes went wide.

She.. no he was standing panting his breath coming in large draws. "Damn he got me good." Looking down Rikke could see her hand holding a seeping wound. Nearby on the ground was a smoking shield with a hole in it bent inward. Laughter echoed from ahead. "Good boy Sir Devon. You've learned the dark magics I taught you well. Now finish your former friend off." Moving her head Rikke could see a dark armored knight walking towards him a smoking gauntlet stretched out. "My Mistress I have an idea. Why don't we bend him to our will." Another laugh echoed out. "A good idea my pet now do it." Looking over at the laughing voice Rikke could see Victoria one of the sisters she had defeated so long ago. "Good bye William when you shall be reborn as Villas the dark knight." Shooting pain over racked Rikke's head before the vision faded.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"S-sorry." Rikke smiled to the two in a guilty fashion, joking in an unknown crowd was always a risky endeavor. Still with Williams allowance the rogue reached out and touched the armor, a sigh of relief escaped the girl as she looked up to the man "It's not the armor." though just as she touched the tabard a vission came forth!

The rogue retracted her touch a light cry even escaping her "Aah!" breathing heavily all of sudden Rikke looked to the tabard and then to the man "You... You were betrayed. And Victoria, the sister from the manor she did this to you." the heroine would quickly gather herself and fix her stance "Excuse me, i'm rambling." the girl smiled politely to the girl "Sir William, I'm sorry to say, but we came here the tabard you bear. Is there any way you would be willing to spare it for our cause?
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"How did you..." He shook his head. "Its no longer important. Please take it. I have no use for it anymore. Undoing the tabard Rikke could see the whole in the man's armor from his injury. "Im not sure what if any magic lingers in this but you may have it. Ruby will show you they way out. Farewell Rikke." Unless Rikke stopped to investigate she was soon lead to the exit where a night sky shone above them in the clearing. Dia and Kanna where still out but at lest all of them made it out alive.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just like that? Rikke looked to the tabard seemingly barely able to believe it "T-thank you!" the rogue smiled brightly, she'd give the man a hug, but somehow exposing her neck to a hungry vampire just seemed like a very quick way to gain a light wound.

"I appreciate this, William. Truly." she'd nod firmly and turned to her two companions "Mind if we camp near your ruins. No offense, but the outside fresh air beats the ruins... 'charm'" she'd snicker kindly, as she was helped to her friends and turned to leave for the exit.

Though before she left the rogue paused "Hey William. Keep on behaving alright, I'd rather we'd meet again as aquintances and never as enemies." she'd smile playfully to him "And clean this place up! Whoever died here deserve proper burial, just like you deserve to live in a more proper place." with those final wishes and goodbyes done. Her quest objective in hand Rikke left the vampire ruins in peace.

If allowed to camp near their entrance the rogue would soon enough start a fire and get the two unconscious fighters much more comfortable. Giving extra care to Dianna.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting outside and set up Kanna was the first to wake holding her head before realizing what had happened and reached for guns that where not present. Looking around she saw the fire and relaxed especially as she saw Rikke and Dia. The she realized Dia was on the ground and rushed over to look at her friend. Dia was still asleep a bandage wrapped around her head with a little bit of blood. "What happened is she going to be okay and how did we get out!" Rikke didn't get an answer as Dia stirred "Hey Rikke sorry I got caught... Ive never seen someone take four shots to the chest and keep going. It was... crazy.. I didn't stand a chance. Not even demons are that tough."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would smile kindly and offer the duo some water "Welcome back to the world of the conscious you two." she'd wait for each to drink, before adding "It's fine. Thankfully they weren't our enemy." the heroine poked the campfire once, before getting comfy and facing the two properly a huge grin on her face "So~ How was your first encounter with the supernatural?"

Rikke would look to Dianna "Mhm~ Guns don't do much against vampires." she'd allow the words to sink in, basking in the two girls reactions with hidden glee "Still after a short talk, I~ got the artifact as well."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Vampires!" both girls spoke in unison before looking at each other before Kanna spoke up much to Diana's embarrassment. "You mean the pale creepy guys that walk around in fancy suits with cloaks over their faces. Did you use garlic to fend them off or did you splash them with holy water or something!" Dia sighed "I doubt it was like that Kanna. So those where vampires and you managed to get the artifact from them. What was it so I can name the bump on my head after it.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It was the Vampire lords tabard. He was a victim of a great evil I defeated in my time..." Rikke looked thoughtful for a brief moment, before smiling lightly "So after a brief talk he handed it over to me. No garlic or wooden steaks necessary." the rogue giggled playfully "As things are right now, the town knows about them and well... they kinda worship them."

"Anyway, let's leave our supernatural friends at peace eh?" she'd grin widely "The real question is do you two want to try and find the car in the pitch black forest... or camp near the vampire ruins." the wicked smile on the rogues face clearly hinted she was enjoying sending the goosebumps across her companions.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Both girls looked at the stairwell and shivered. Still they where trained soldiers and would not be upstaged by Rikke. Dia was the first to speak up. "Yeah we don't want to get lost in the woods." Kanna was next "Yeah..." Settling in Rikke found Dia looking at the fire as Kanna snored slightly in her slipping bag. "You should get some sleep Rikke. Ill keep watch, even if your vampire friends are peaceful there are still wild animals out there.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But hey girls." Rikke looked between the group "Let's keep William and his wives a secret alright?" she'd look between the two "If anyone learns about them, I'm sure they'd come to hunt them down. They let enter and leave in peace, there's no reason to let stereotypes and madmen slaughter them."

"We completed our mission and successfully returned, noone needs to know anything else. Alright?" she'd wait for the two girls to think it over, but not insist on the answer right now. Afterall they had a long day...

Soon enough the trio got settled for the night. Kanna was the first to drift off. The catgirl briefly moved in her sleep before settling on a fairly questionable, if comfy looking position... leaving only Dianna and Rikke "You're still injured. It's fine Dia, I can take the watch." she'd nod kindly to the girl.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I can't sleep yet just... I can't believe I got taken down so easily. I feel as if I was stronger than that. Heh in fact I used to have a crazy dream when I was a child where I beat up a giant." Diana sighed "Guess dreams are just that dreams. I should have went into singing like my mother wanted. Far less dangerous than the military."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn't help but smile just how much the girl reminded her of Sylphie "You were facing a supernatural foe, Sylphi--- Dia." the heroine smiled to her in an encouraging manner "One that you couldn't hurt." she'd sigh happily "I'm not sure I could've even won a fight against them down there as well." the rogue glanced to Beauty "Maybe... but I'm glad it didn't come to it."

The rogues eyes wandered to the campfire, before a nostalic smile crossed her face "They probably don't mention it in the archives, but I was defeated quite a few times in my travels. Once a hunter caught me offguard, just one swing from it's claws was enough to knock me out..." Rikke looked to Dianna as she continued "I remember I woke up in the dark, my clothes shreeded, unarmed and hogtied. With the sounds of that thing feasting on something else before it got to me..."

"The other time was during my trip to Endus." she'd smirk slyly "A trip that seems to have left quite an impression. Mind you." Rikke giggled lightly before continueing "I got lured away and ambushed, before getting caught by the enemy."

"Even heroes suffer defeats, we just have to pick ourselves up and learn from our mistakes. Train harder in the areas that let us down or aquire skills that would've saved us." the girl gave Dia an encouraging smile "Do what you feel is right. You have an exceptional voice as well, Dia. You almost make it sound that being a singer is a bad thing. It's not."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Dia listened to Rikke story wrapped up in the details and smiled as Rikke tried to encourage her. "Who's Sylphi? Was she one of your friends back in your time?" It seemed Dia was trying to change the topic.