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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Deaf? Rikke looked to Dianna in a moment of confusion and hugged her gentlly, before turning her towards Kanna and pointing towards her. Hopefully the girls injury was just temporal and with Kanna in sight, hopefully would aid Dia in calming down even more. With the first kit nearby, the girl could even treat herself until Rikke was back.

"Yenna!" Rikke smiled brightly and quickly looked over the girls current condition. If she seemed okay to move, the rogue would hoist her up and jump down in a display of athletic prowess.

Unfortunately, she had taken quite a bit of damage as well... Just as Rikke landed she felt her legs give way for a brief moment, before she forced herself to remain standing "Kah~!" the rogue winced strongly and took Yenna near Kanna and Dianna, placing her down gently, before collapsing right next to the trio. Though still conscious and able to make light gestures, standing up was no longer a possibility for now. Seemingly most of the girls muscles gave in at the same time as she could only lie on the ground and recoup.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gathering the crew around Rikke rested and realized how lucky she was. Not only had she survived the crash but so did all her companions though they were all pretty banged up. Looking to Dia and Kanna Rikke saw the deaf girl putting a sling around the cat woman's arm. Kanna was still unconscious but hells she had take a near direct explosion. Looking off to her right lay Yenna the girl was still out of it but she would probably wake soon. There was of course a nasty welt forming on her forehead, likely from her landing in a tree. A moment later Dia moved next to Rikke and gave her a brife once over before frowning. Speaking in a loud voice but not the shouting she was before she adressed her. "Looks like you broke a couple ribs Rikke Poping up a scanner that showed Rikke's insides she highlighted the area. Indeed if the magic screen thing was right it seemed RIkke had broke three of her ribs on the right side. "Kanna is much worse but due to these I cannot give you the bone setter. If I did we would need to re-break the ribs later and that sucks just so you know." Cleaning her up Dia then moved next to Yenna and scanned her as well before nodding and bringing out a syringe and jabbing her right in the chest with it and injecting something. This caused Yenna to bold right up and scream a little her eyes wide before removing the syringe. "What the hells Sylph!" "Yenna you have a concussion and swelling if you had stayed unconscious it would have gotten worse you need to wake up plus I need you help to salvage stuff. If we don't get Kanna to the docs she won't make it. Rikke has broken ribs and it won't take long for her tire out even for a supernatural such as herself." Getting up the two looked over the scene before heading off to the tail section leaving Rikke and Kanna together.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke turned her head to Dianna who seemed quick to get to work, using the rest of the medkit to take care of everyone... including the devices or medicine the rogue had no knowledge what to do with "Dia?" the rogue kept on her back, her clothes bearing numerous burns and tears "Dia... can you hear me?" somehow the heroine dreaded the worst when it came to Dianna, though as the girl turned to her, she'd nod lightly, causing Rikke to light up with a smile "Ow.... I think I might've injured something..." the rogue winced strongly "Badly."

After Dianna gave her the run down, the rogue could only lay there and listen to it "...I'm sticking to horses or cars from now on." she'd attempt to laugh lightly only for the pain spike to quickly put an end to such a notion.

"Just... give me a breather... I'll be fine." Rikke spoke up, not quite certain about her own words. Hopefully injuries weren't as sever as they sounded...
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Smiling Dia brought a small mask out of the kit and placed it over Rikke's head and attached a small canister to it. "Heh well actually travel by air is usually alot safer than this. Now just breath deep its oxygen it will help you breath." Getting up Dianan tended to Yenna before they headed off to search the wreckage. This left Rikke time to look about. The sky was clear but the distance sounds of a fight still raged someplace. Off in the woods a little ways Rikke thought she saw one of the old war machines that was at the base. This one looked like the one Chu belonged to. Other than that the smoke and fire were all that was around her. Feeling the air flow into her lungs Rikke could almost feel a hand caress her cheek. A warm feeling traced along as well as a distant soothing feeling. It soon spread down to her chest where she felt her ribs pop suddenly back into place.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Stupid flyer.... sure it was fast, but looking around at the fires and debris all around it was nothing short of an absolute miracle any of them of the survived this, not even mentioning all of them! Still as Rikke breathed the air, she could hear the conflict in the distance... her friends were in danger, but her body just couldn't move at all. The rogue wouldn't clenched her hands at annoyance of her current helplessness, but even such a task seemed too much.

Though as Rikke closed her eyes a few tears began to swell up, she'd feel an all too gentle touch brush against her cheek? As if a gentle caress of the wind itself Rikke would feel it envelop her, returning her vitality with healing magic?!

As Rikke opened her eyes, she felt control of her body restored. Taking the gas canister off her face the rogue looked around for the healer, not noting anyone around? It would barely take a moment for the rogue to smile warmly "Thanks, Yunie..." getting to her feet, Rikke stretched briefly as if to check what shape she was in right now.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

She was sore but alive and more importantly able to move. Near the wreckage she could see Dia and Yenna moving debris. Other than that the place seemed much the same. The ruined warmachine off in the distance slightly shrouded by growth the wreakage of the flyer all around them.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Another one of those wrecks? Rikke looked to the antique with a fair bit of disappointment, unless she was going to use it's metal as a weapon the wreck was of little use. Still them to crash so close to it and her gaze continiously clipping it... perhaps it was just an coincidence, but the heroines intuition spurred her to investigate it in detail.

Who knows, perhaps there was something of importance in the relic? "Girls! I'm going to check something out real quick, look after Kanna!" Rikke called out as she dashed to the machine to investigate.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's surprising recover was a source of mystery to the girls as she went of into the woods. At the tank she found it in rather surprising good shape. Hoping up she didn't find a chu home but she did find the design almost a perfect match for the other. Soon enough Dia came running up to Rikke panting. "How did you... whoa.. you found one." Dia almost clapped in excitement and climbed in. "Oh its an older model before they added the AI! Rikke I can get this thing running and get us out of here!"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Eh? This old thing?" Rikke turned her head curiously, while it was true it seemed in a far more superior state than the one the rogue found Chu in... wasn't it still an antique? Then again, quite a number of stories in her times especially mention ancient weapons of war, still able to bring absolute destruction upon its activation. Maybe they could actually bring one of those stories to life?

"Okay! See you if you can get this thing running I'll get Yenna and we'll bring Kanna over!" Rikke quickly drew her blade and cut away any natural growrth off the weapon of war! This sounded crazy enough to possibly work!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You say that likes its an lost archaic item." Diana patted the the tank. "Besides this old girl has some fight in her I just know it. After all the last ancient warrior I encountered could hold her own quite well in modern times. And this girl hear is far younger than you." Dia winked at Rikke before climbing inside. Meanwhile Yenna came to see the commotion and had heard the discussion and went to get Kanna ready. Kanna sadly was still out which was a cause for worry and from what she heard from Dia that time was an issue. Still as her and Yenna made a silent trip back the massive machine of war roared to life belching black smoke before settling into a decent humm. Inside Dia cheered " I knew this old girl had some spark in her." Even Yenna smiled at the tank. "Its good to see one of these again even if its an old model. Hell they where the only thing that kept the nest safe before the defenses where built." Climbing up Yenna took Kanna and slide her down the hatch. "Rikke take the commanders slot I need you to keep your head up to help me see." Looking up Rikke assumed it had to be the turret after all it was the tallest part of the tank. A moment later Dia climbered up with her in slid into an ajoining hatch. "Yenna is going to drive Ill take the loaders seat so we are not all crammed in the front. I put Kanna in the ECM position." Disappearing down the hatch Rikke heard another cry and a quick stomp. "Creepy ass spider." That of course was not what she wanted to hear but as the machine began to jerk to life Rikke felt that riding on top would be a bad idea.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The trip to get Kanna wasn't exactly as silent as expected... "Why are you looking at me like that?" Yenna looked to the strange smiley rogue near her, honestly the girl kept an all too familiar and cheery smile as the two worked "Oh..." Rikke blinked and blushed lightly at the embarassment "S-Sorry, you remind of a lot of a dear friend and comrade. I'll er... stop now."

Only upon seeing Kannas injured body would the rogue smile dim "Alright, let's be careful." thankfully the machine was a bit roomy giving enough space to kinda comfortably fit Kanna inside.

"Well you've recovered quickly." Rikke smirked at Dianna, honestly for someone who only just recently survived a crash, finding the machine seemed to absolutely reinivogorate the girl! Still at first Rikke wouldn't object to the commands, though s the 'position' were assigned... "Are you sure this is a good idea?" the rogue looked down actually none too happy at this.

"If you need someone to spot I'd rather do it outside of this box." Rikke frowned lightly. Clearly for someone relying on speed and mobility in combat, sitting inside a tight metal can squeezed together with other people... it was just a deathtrap to everyone if they were hit!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Dia spoke up from inside the turret of the tank. "Rikke when the screachers come raining in I'm sure your gonna want some solid metal between you and them. Plus I need your help in case we need to shoot this gun. These things usually have a crew of five and we have only three of us to run it." Dianna wouldn't force the issue as the tank lurched forward absolutely smashing anything it its way. Feeling the hum of the monster returned to life Rikke looked about as water rained down on her from the trees that the thing knocked over. Branches, vines, leaves, and bird eggs all rained down on top of the tank which just kept moving on. "Damn the top gear in this thing is broke so this is the best we can move. Rikke do you have power to the radio?" Thankfully Dia answered for the rogue who still rode on top of the tank. "Switches are dead though it looks like internal comes and fire control are working."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This thing was as subtle as a raging bull in a glass shop! Rikke held her footing though with the onslaught of all manner of thing, the girl would have to hop into the damned death-can as well... for now "I'm just a bit sceptical about using these things."

Rikke closed the lid and crossed her hands, clearly none too happy "Especially after how the flyer 'protected' us." still against flyers without any weapon to actually hurt them using this thing would have to make due "Shoot? You sure this thing won't blow up from that?" Rikke looked down to Dianna curiously.

Still rushing through the forest as if it was nothing, did bring a certain chaotic sense of fun "Okay if we'll be dodging bullets in this, let's practice avoiding of a few of the tress, 'kay?" if the trio were going to manage this weapon, perhaps a bit of practice before heading into battle would be in order!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Dia smiled "Its a little rough but these things where built to stay in the field for months at a time. Here put on your head set so we can stop shouting." Dia handed rikke a strange earmuff looking thing. Mimicing Dia she put it on to her Dia's voice loud and clear. "Check check coms." Yenna's voice echoed from the headset even though Rikke couldn't see her. "Affirmative all clear." Hearing Rikke out Dia handed Rikke a visored helmet. "Just put it on over the headset they where made to work together so it will be okay." If she did so Rikke would see letters pop up 'Tactical view engaged' after a moment pieces of a picture began to appear on the visor and Rikke could see outside the tank.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The moemnt Rikke put on the glasses, at first it was black... until suddenly the rogue saw all too clearly outside! "Wow..." the heroine extended her hands only to feel the now invisible walls? "Oh... is this how those oculi observers work?" Rikke calmed down and smiled widely looking around, giggling lightly "Girls you have no idea how wierd this feels."

Honestly after Rhea showed off the modern day entertainment this shouldn't be as surpsing... shouldn't... but without a question was! Rikke grinned happily looking around, the death-can moving onwards absolutely ignoring any and all obstacles in it's way "So... should I keep watch for the flyers and the enemy?" Rikke eyed the particulary thick tree before them "Or should I warn you about... potential obstacles." the rogue leaned down slightly, though she didn't quite see inside she recalled around where Dianna was "Like say that huge tree we're rushing at?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A little of both." Rikke felt the tank shift as they moved past the tree. Looking about it was a little disorienting but soon enough she got comfortable with it though the odd sensation was still there. "Okay Im uploading weapons details and inventory lets see what we got." A moment latter some info appeared in the bottom right corner of her eye sight. 12 C.E.C. rounds 42 A.A.A.M. missiles. Hearing a loud chunck clunk Rikke saw the count for the C.E.C go down one and have a flashing letters read loaded. Still she had little reason to wonder before she heard Yenna call out. "Possible target 12 o clock 200 yards. Confirm?" Looking Rikke saw a massive shape in the woods ahead it was big it had a club it was a demon brute.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ofcourse had absolutely no idea what the heck the tiny letters meant, more annoyingly enough they seemed to obscure a fair bit of her vision "Well... I think we er... 12 of something and 42... misiles?" the heroine looked around sheepishly, completely out of her element.

Though one thing she could understand "I spy a brute dead ahead!" the rogue called out out, the time lingo completely dropped "Distance? Confirm." Rikke blinked at the repreated question only for suddenly the brute to be placed in a small drawn cube a tiny rapidly changing number appearing near it "er... 190... 180... yards ahead?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Target confirmed firing!" The air around Rikke shook as the large cannon that separated her and Diana fired its deadly ordinance. Even the air seemed to heat up around here and for once she was thankful she had the headset on. Outside her view brightened as the large cannon shot fourth a reddish gold beam of energy that hit the brute dead on. Rikke looked away as the beam hit the creature boring a hole dead center and threw him. Thankfully the energy shot seared the wound leaving no gore to be seen. "So that's what a Condensed Energy Charge dose." Diana sounded impressed an horrified at the same time. Stunned the girl sat a moment before getting back into action. Perhaps unavoidably Rikke looked back at the fallen brute only to watch it seemingly evaporate away leavening nothing behind but a black orb. "Okay team that was a good shot but we only have 11 more of those left we need to make sure we shoot well.

Tank Rules
Armor: Avenger M.B.T. has 50, 40, 40 on the Front, sides and Rear.
The armor has a DU of 20 all around. Each side of the tank has TP of its armor times 2. Front 100, Sides 80, Rear 80.
Note. If two sides of the tank reach 0 tp its is disabled. If three reach 0 its destroyed. Any shot that hits a damaged side dose damage to its opposite ignoring armor and DU
Main cannon: C.E.C. Treated as the spell laser with no area effect
Missiles: A.A.A.M Treated as Missle storm spell max 8 launched.
Speed 15
Dodge 0
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A singular strike?! Rikke relaxed from the adrenaline rush the shot gave, only to look on at the aftermath "A-Are all weapons in this world like this?" the heroine asked cautiously, she saw proper guns... but this thing was something else entirely. Heck one attack like this could decimate an army!

Even if Dianna said it wasn't anything like the rogue said, it sure felt like controlling an ancient weapon of destruction! Seeing the destruction it can do in just one attack... "Alright! Let's go save our friends!" the rogue cheered out and raised her fist-- *Duunh...* right into the metal above her. The double visions was darn confusing...

Still hopefully she wasn't the only one cheering as the girls moved in to battle! "Wait we have another attack?" as they moved the rogue inquired about the machines other abilities.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ill send you the info we got a little time before we get back to the nest." Just as Diana said a little bit of info flashed up on her screen. C.E.C. Condensed Energy Charge. Main use anti armor. A.A.A.M. Anti Air Anti Munition missiles. Primary use defense against anti armor weapons. Looking threw the use Rikke found the missiles launched in a max salvo of eight. Looking over the weapons Rikke found that she could focus on underlined words to bring up more info. Eventually after learning what she could of the weapons Rikke focused at the task at hand as her vision filled with the walls of the nest. Above her screaches flocked as the gun turrets fired almost constantly. Several of them smoked having been destroyed. Nearby Rikke could see a brute make his way threw a wall breach. It seemed thats where they would enter the nest.