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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed outsiders were a fair rarity around here... still the rogue kept a cheery smile "Oh~" she'd cast a brief glance to the previous combatants "Didn't mean to interupt. Just curiousity got the better of me." Rikke kept a friendly smile "My name's Rikke and this is Janet. We're the Crolian wanderers you may have heard about." the rogue introduced the duo "It's a pleasure Wu Pei." ...such an odd name.

"So whenever two of your order have a quarel they settle in this ring?" Rikke looked to the woman perhaps hoping to learn more of the order and it's traditions.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

got up before speaking. "Thats correct we find it clears the air faster than letting it simmer and fester." The woman looked at Rikke a slight frown coming to her face. "I see.. I'm afraid I lead the contingent that thinks the sacred artifacts should stay here. Though you seem trustworthy I still have my doubts." Throwing off the black robe Pei stepped into the ring. "You might say I have a quarrel with you. Prove to me you are worthy to have any of the relics. The girl got into a clear defensive stance and made a quick gesture at Rikke taunting her to strike. Just then appeared and frowned deeply. "You dishonor us with such action Mo.." Quickly Wu Pei spoke up "Its not dishonor I have a dispute with her and this is our way to settle it. If she proves herself in here then I will gladly let the artifact go."
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well someone was itching for a fight. Rikke snickered and smiled kindly motioning a hand to Mai to hint that it was alright "Fair enough. I'd love to test my skills against your order." honestly the moment the rogue saw the brawls this was exactly what spurred her to approach.

"So the fight is fought unarmed? No chance for a wooden sword?" the rogue looked to challenger taking on a far more extravagant and free combat stance. The rogues main strength was always her swordplay... though she should be able to manage herself in unarmed combat quite fine.

"Before we start. What are the rules of this engagement?" this wasn't a street brawl or the like, if it was ritualistic combat, Rikke had no intentions to dishonor the girls traditions.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Pei raised an eyebrow "Rules? Tell me warrior in combat are their rules. Fight with all of your ability just keep in mind that this is a non lethal combat." At the request of a sword a wooden practice blade was tossed to Rikke. Pei had yet to change her stance and eyed Rikke's own. "Your stance is sloppy and dose not bode well for you."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue would test the wooden swords weight brieflly, before with a bit of bravado pointed it at the woman with a smirk. Her silent confident smile seemingly provoking the concise and concentrated warrior.

While the warior seemed see the combat as a ways of proving... to Rikke this was just a friendly spar "Alright, first one to fall three times or give up, loses. No cheap or dirty tricks. These will be the rules." perhaps futher angering the woman, Rikke was the one to dictate the rules of the engagement... heck someone had to "Mai, announce the start when you will. Alright?" the rogue didn't keep her eyes off her opponent, even if her stance seemed lax and clearly aimed at bravado, the heroines eyes were sharp and her muscles tense... whether Wui saw through the rogues casual charade remained a mystery.

The answer would come moments after the fight began!

Rikke activates Battle dance!
+ 12 Attack roll/+12 Dodge | -4 pure damage taken per turn.

Rikke uses Lightning strikes!
Attack rolls: d20 + 58 [ add+12 from dance]
Attack damage: 2d6 + 30

Dodge: 58 [ add +12 from dance]
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 58/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 45/45, Status = Fine, Battle Dance

Wu Pei: Hp: 56 Pp: 46 Ep: 45 Status: Fine, Full defense

Rikke attacks with lighting strikes and battle dance. 61,59,71 vs 97
Wu is on full defense

Rikke lashed out her own body strained by her efforts but for the life of her even with her blistering fast speed the older woman easily dodged her strikes. Her weapon was a blur but it might as well been a child playing a game. Wu meanwhile kept her eyes on Rikke's form attempting to gleam a flaw in her ability and stance. "Reckless!" Her eyes narrowed and her stance shifted slightly. Rikke a skilled combatant knew by instinct the next few moments would be determined by speed. Though she did have one thing going for her. While Wu was obviously skilled she was not like the blind old man in Endus, she had no mystic power to draw on.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke dashed forward the woman braced herself. Confident in her technique Rikke let loose her three-strike combination each strike moving as if only a single streak of light--- only for the woman to dodge?!

Each deadly slash would fly true, only for the challenger to seemingly slip aside as if a leaf? There was little doubt her opponent wasn't just some snobby warrior, but an experienced warrior!

The rogue would land from her attack, still keeping her stance and smirk at the woman "Impresive!" though without a moments of respite Rikke once more lunged forward, but this time her attack was... delayed? While it was a high risk-attack the rogue never one to avoid chances! If she can avoid rapid attacks, how well will the woman dodge an attack thats far harder to read!

Keep battle dance.

Sudden strike!
(applies -10 dodge/atk roll/atk damage. -6 stealth)
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 54/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 45/45, Status = Fine, Battle Dance

Wu Pei: Hp: 40/56 Pp: 46 Ep: 45 Status: Fine
Rikke 42
Pei 39

Rikke sudden strikes
32 vs 33 fail
Attack 69 vs 67 hit! 16 damage after armor
Wu attack 45 vs 60 miss

Rikke moved forward her dance carrying her around in a defensive spin of blades only to lash out with lighting quick reflexes. The weapon while only a simple training blade made of wood was still well balanced and made a wooden blur. No way would this woman be able to see threw the attack, but she did Rikke found the woman hadn't opened herself up like a novice would though she was still faster. As the blade closed the gape Rikke saw flecks of blood at the end of the woman's mouth just before her strike hit home knocking the woman back. Behind her she heard Mai yell point! Smiling ever so pleased at her strike Rikke saw her opponent fall to her knees and begin coughing staining her mouth and robe with blood. There was no way she hit her that hard let alone in a vital spot. Mai rushed over and took the woman in her arms. "Pei we told you your fighting days are over your sickness has weakened your body to much. Continuing this will only kill you." Looking at the scene a moment Rikke felt a felt a foreign memory fill her the scent of blood filled her nose. She looked down at the source confused. Why was she laying on the ground bleeding out. Why was Nysa and Kaiyi crying so much. Spinning around she looked to the spirit only to find it missing. Where was the Crane? Words she could hear words turning her attention back to the girls she tried to make out what they said. "Rikke..... RIKKE! You okay? Come on its not your fault she will recover she just needs rest. Lets just sit over here a moment alright." Feeling Janet at her side she let her lead her away from the downed combatant to a quite place on the temple grounds where a fountain splashed into a pool with large fish.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogues speed was nothing short of supernatural! Her movements a blur of afterimages and kicked up dust, Rikke moved in and with one sudden strike tested the womans perception! Though the veteran saw the attack it's sheer speed was far too quick for her to block... or was. Even as Rikke let her attack fly, she could see... blood? Even before impact? Though it was far too late to stop the attack now... heck how could the rogue stop and ease her blow.

Seemingly with little mercy the rogues attack hit!... but it wasn't the attack that caused the warrior to kneel and bleed. Still Rikke would turn to Pei and look to the sight briefly, as if making sure if the warrior was okay or still willing to fight. To forfeit the match or hold back against the woman... felt like absolutely tarnishing the fights honour and the womans drive.

The light scent of blood and the rogues sense of a warriors honour seemed to mix briefly, as Rikke felt ever so briefly lightheaded. A small connection with the previous vision still lingering on the rogue, before she shook it off. "Y-yeah... some afterimages from the vision." Rikke smiled to Janet and turned to Pei, whether Janet liked it or not she'd walk over the woman and check how was she... the girl wasn't looking for praise or disdain at the loss she'd only want to say "I wish we could've fought when you were at your peak." the heroine smiled to the girl and placed the wooden sword down "I know you saw through that attack." with a sly wink, she'd likely have to leave the girl to rest and head along with Janet.

While Rikke had her own thoughts for now, seeing the big fish quickly brought a huge smile to her face "Well... this is nostalgic." she'd giggle looking at the huge fish, remembering a most peculiar fan she had.... way back in her time.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Standing next to the pool Janet looked over a quizzical look on her face. "What is?" Rikke answered however she would but eventually Mai would walk up them. "Pei said that you won the fight fair and square or at lest would have. I know you missed it during your attack but she did attack and came no where close to hitting you. A warrior as fast as the wind is more than capable of protecting the artifact." Even Janet gave Rikke an appraising look. "Yeah practice is one thing but actual fighting is another. I've never seen anyone move that fast. Sure Ive seen it in campy action movies and those silly cartoons but damn Rikke. Fighting in your time must be absolutely deadly.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh it's nothing... just some things." Rikke smiled to Janet, though looking to the Knights--... well 'pilots', as they called them, eyes she'd relent "It's just... coming to a place such a this. Away from your loud machines and towering buildings feels so much more like home. I do enjoy it here in this strange uncertain future... even with all it's dark and strange quirks. It's one thrill, sight or unbelievable invention after the next..." she'd smile widely, before saddening briefly "But I just don't belong here."

Perhaps it was yet another return to an area devoid of the technology or perhaps the thrill of actual close-quarter combat, maybe a combination of both... but somehow the rogue began to feel that extra bit more homesick.

Soon enough Mai would return "Mai? How's Pei?' Rikke instantly asked the woman,afterall she did feel a bit responsible for the sudden injury. After making sure the veteran would be fine, the rogue would relent... and hear out a fair barrage of praises!

Hearing Peis words as well as Janets impressions the rogue couldn't help, but blush and grin widely "Well~ You don't earn the title heroine without a bit of effort and skill!" '... and a hefty dose of luck' the rogue added in her mind "But I guess we don't rely so much on technology and guns to win us battles." Rikke glanced to where Beauty would be "Fighting monsters and towering behemoths, one hit usually means defeat sometimese even death. Just have to outwit or outmaneuver them." she'd wink confidently.

Though if Rikke said that, while the others hardly noticed Rikke still felt the occasional pricks of pain and light jerks of her muscle from the earlier strain... while extremely effective the girls new fighting style always beared a certain price.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Home sick humm. I know the feeling. I keep wanting this war to end so I can go home. Who knows maybe we are one step closer." Janet would smile at Rikke before looking out over the pond into the woods. Mai however seemed to eye Rikke closely a moment before sighing. "Now I see what Pei was talking about. Ill get you a salve Rikke it should ease the pain." Janet looked over at Mai confused for a moment with the woman just simple nodding her head at Rikke leaving it up to her to explain. It wouldn't talk long for the woman to return with a small bowl filled with a creme. "Now don't worry this is all natural made right here in the temple all ingredients are as pure as they come. Now off with the robe!" They way Mai sounded it was more of a command than a request and if Rikke headed it she would soon feel the smooth cream being rubbed on her back and arms. It tingled a little but after awhile the ache in her muscles eased. "There this will help you recover but I inisist you rest before you leave in that war machine." Watching Mai go Janet turned to Rikke a moment of silence passing between them. "So what did you see Rikke? This vision you had seemed to be very strong."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What? No, it's fine really... " the rogue tried to brush the offer off, but Mai seemed to have none of it. Perhaps it was a traditional to treat the warriors inside the ring...

Janets gaze looked to Rikke quizingly more and more before the rogue relented "its just this new technique I've been using. You saw it right? Just how fast I moved?" the rogue looked to Janet, while not boastful the rogue did bear a certain pride of her shown combat prowness "Well... It's still imperfect. Ever time I start the "Battle Dance", it puts excessive strain on my body. I can keep it up for a few attacks, but the increased strain very quickly adds up." Rikke wouldn't openly say that the technique effectively eats away at the rogues own health, but Janet may have been able to gather as much herself.

Unfortunately the treatment was clearly non-negotiable "W-we really should be go---" "Now off with the robe!" well there really was no getting away from their host... and a bt of treatment did sound quite pleasant "Eep..." the rogue tensed at the cold remedy briefly, before relaxing with a thankful smile "I'm not sure we'll have the time to rest, but thank you Mai." the heroine gave their host yet another kind smile as she relaxed briefly allowing the salve to work its magic.

"Why'd you think that?" Rikke smiled to Janets comment kindly, before telling of what she saw. The likely last moments of some unknown samurai girl, about the girls sister, the Crone and the itty-bitty Kitsune "Maybe because her last moments were so... powerful, the magic inside was heightened."

Infact... Rikke paused in thought, before turning to Janet "You know, each artifact beared a certain vision of the past. A vision only I could see, some of them showed the persons last moments, others not so much... why do you think these lingering memories exist, in such vivid detail as well?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet smiled and leaned back. "I don't know but I heard that objects especially those used by some can have an attachment to them. A bond forged with memories. Its like Sophia at the nest. Everyone respects what her crew did to save us and for the longest time we thought even her Ai core was dead." Janet shook her head clearly that was a tale for another time. "So maybe coming from a world so rich in magic those memories where sealed in? Of course Im not a magic time traveler." Janet would play punch Rikke in the shoulder having it actual hurt more than it should have thanks to the rogues exertions earlier.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the rogue didn't exert her too much in the fight. It was a brief albeit an intense battle... the kind the technique worked supremely well in "Yeah..." honestly it was doubtful Janet knew, just the rogue wanted to hear the girls input on the matter "Though for a world without magic, you sure dond't seem all that surprised by it's sudden appearance... even me." the rogue smiled keeping a casual conversation with Janet, learning how even this deep in the future 'Might and Magic' tales as well as entertainement lived strong within everyones hearts.

"Wait... did they ever make a er... 'game' about me?!" Rikke puckered her lips, honestly with how she was depicted in the museum and other imageries... how was she portrayed in interactive stories?!

Whatever the case, if nothing shifted or suddenly happened the two girls should probably move onwards and away from the silent mythical shrine...
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A game no a horrendous movie or two but never a game. Rhea bought the rights after the last questionable movie that came out." Janet smiled before standing up. Ill go get Widow prepped you relax and wait for the artifact." Janet would get up and head out leaving Rikke in the peace of the temple. If the rogue tried to find out about this questionable movie Janet would just laugh and leave her to wonder. After awhile Mai returned with the blade wrapped in a pure white cloth and ceremoniously offer it up to Rikke with a bow. Looking at it Rikke almost felt a presence nearby watching intently.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh? Does the actress look like me?" Rikke smiled widely, but seemed Janet kept the details away from her... for some reason. The rogue barely even learned which of her adventure was recalled to millions! "Well... I'll just ask Ida." the rogue smirked to herself in defiance as she left alone to rest.

Still the rogues mischief and machinations would have to wait as she was soon enough approached by Mai, the blade clearly tenderly taken care of and presented to her "After we're done, I promise we'll return it here, Mai." the rogue gave the girl a reassuring smile and looked to get dressed.... though a lingering presence seemed to still bother her.

Rikke would pause and carefully look around, as well as inspect the blade. There couldn't be more the weapon had to tell... could there? And if not, who or why was spying on her?
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As she took the blade the presence lifted and her harness chimed. It seemed if she wanted she could activate her I.S. Saying her goodbyes to Mai the girls saw her off with waves with only one girl following her to collect the robe of her and Janet. The walk would be nice and easy a pleasant scent in the air. The girl next to her was all smiles but silent. If Rikke asked her something she would get bombarded with a forigen language and a smile. Though after a moment the girl blushed and spoke in very halting crolian. "I'm a big fan please sign my book!" The girl would produce a small book with foreign writing on it. While the words were unclear a remarkably similar image to herself was on the cover. The only real difference being her large chest was expanded upon greatly to a ridiculous size, and her eyes looked far to large. Still doing what she would they reached the start of the trail and Rikke thought it prudent to change before the guards saw her. Nearby was a bench thankfully that had Janet's robes on it and the girl soon collected them and hers up. After that it was a long flight back to the nest.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No... the rogue would the technology away from this place, just as the guardians of this little order wished. Rikke would get dressed and take the blade with great respect. While the rogue was hardly a weaponsmith she recognised an superbly craft Katana blade anywhere "Emi... I wonder do these people follow your order..." or was the girls order corrupted by the Daemon Rikke saw.

Still dressed in the robe and the katanas attached to her hips the girl would go find Janet and take her leave. Likely Janets own goo-suit was active... the rogue was curious whether she had it on already or kept to the traditions just like Rikke.

"Er... Mai." Rikke blushed lightly "Mind if we keep the robes for now?" she'd gently rub the back of her own neck in a sheepish manner... the girls had little else to wear "It's fine." Mai would beckon for someone and in some foreign tongue explained something to the girl, snickering lightly at her beaming eyes "Miko will escort you some way away, she'll collect the robes after you're some distance away." Miko... looked to the rogue in a most peculiar way, her eyes all too wide only matched with her huge smile "Thank you for having us, Mai." Rikke would give the foreign culture girl a hug and smile "Do not worry. Emi's blade will be safe with me."

With that the trio would leave the shrine, looking back the rogue could see some of the girls from the order gather to wave their strangers goodbye. Rikke beamed a smile and waved back as she backpedalled back... somehow Rikke wished she could've stayed there a bit longer, but perhaps that's a trip for another time.

Upon reaching some distance, Janet would stop and look around "This should be enough. Let's not make the poor girl hike too far away." she'd give a light nod to Rikke who'd turn to Miko... holding a book? While at first Rikke was barraged with a flurry of foreign sounds, the heroines akward smile at the enthusiam quickly showed the issue...

"A book?" Rikke puckered her lips and picked it up, looking it over.... was this about her? There was little doubt about it. Her armor, with a few liberties, seemed almost spot on... but the artist sure had a unique style about them. The drawing while cute, seemed to really accentuate her body with her eyes being huge and her nose almost non-existant... a small brush creating the illusion of her nose "Janet look at this." Rikke giggled, before turning to Miko.

She knew the girl had trouble with Crolian so... the rogue smiled to the girl and pointed to the particulary generous bust, before pushing her own bust up from below shaking her head with some laughter. Whether Miko understood Rikkes critique was up to the girl, though after showing Janet the picture Rikke took the... exceptionally handy writing tool and signed on the book with a huge grin "Thank you Miko~"

Seemed Rikke was known even in these lands.... perhaps it was thanks to these 'movies'? Either way soon enough the two girls lost their robes and activated their goo-suits. The black goo rushing out and once again coating the two bodies. The heroine sighed happily and turned to Janet with a smile "Hum... this was a pleasant trip." she'd glance back to the scurrying off Miko one last time, before looking to Janet "Ready to leave?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke hefted her chest to show how exaggerated it was the girl reached out and hefted them a serious look on her face. Uttering a single phrase in her tongue the girl nodded before collection book. Only then did she realize what she had done. Her face flushed bright red. Still she didn't run off but stood their blushing trying to avoid looking Rikke in the eye. As Janet got undressed she shook her head at the two and activated her IS. Rikke would soon follow if she wanted.

Feeling the goo ooze over her was like being covered in a warm blanket and soon the form fitting attire was ready. Thankfully none of the guards where close enough to see what had happened but as the duo finished up their goodbyes to the much embarrassed Miko they heard the cat calls. 'Men' moving forward two heard even lewder calls. Rikke snickered and blew them a teasing kiss "Don't be so grumpy, Jan. They're just showing a bit of affection." she'd smile casually and wink slyly to her. Janet would raise an eyebrow and look at Rikke. "They're pigs but I didn't say word about them." This caused a great deal of confusion. If Janet didn't say it then who did. Just out of the corner of her eye Rikke saw another person walking with them. She had purple hair and wore similar robes as to what her and Janet had worn. Turning her head to see it better revealed no one.

Sadly Rikke didn't have a chance to really focus as Widow was right there and Janet was already climbing up into the cockpit. "Come on Rikke. If we hurry we might be home for dinner!"