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Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Serenity finally breaks, with much resistance, she orgasms from the milking. She tips her head up and yells out as more and more fairies come to drink on her heavier stream of milk from her nipples.

Milk: 8498

Serenity pants heavily as the horde of fairies seem to have had their fill. She pants heavily as she is carried to an alternate path, through a highly wooded area. She sees a place where there are fairy houses everywhere. She is set down in the middle of an opening. The fairy queen looks at her. "Hello. We brought you here because we desire all your milk. Will you grant us this desire? Or do you wish to be freed? Be warned that if you are let free, you will be cursed with fairy magic!"

A.) Take the chance

B.) Offer your milk for the next few days...
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed


Because we give out bad advice.
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

B. at this point we might not want to get any debuffs this early in the forest
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

B. because we stuck it out this far, might as well finish strong!
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Fuck : big deal here >< ! But, instead of Robert Frost, i'll take the more traveled by.

So, B.
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

A. Because B is too mainstream
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

A. Because fairies are dumb.
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Serenity closes her eyes, lowering her head in defeat. "I.... submit to your conditions...." She then is let go. Her breasts are then attacked by many many groups of fairies getting their fill on Serenity's large bust. The MOIC eventually passes out from hours of milk being drained by dozens of fairies, 4 or 5 of them at a time.

The next day starts just as her punishment started. More and more milk being drank from her lovely pale globes, her mounds dripping with moisture. "Th-this is too m-much... hhhhah.... HHHHAH!!!!" She tilts her head up as she puts her hands to her globes. The day is done and night passes once more.

The next day, more fairies come by, taking milk from her lovely globes. She is visibly exhausted from her tingling mounds, her pink nipples aching tremendously as the fairies extract more and more. More than her mind can stand as her milk HP is totally obliterated. She eventually is knocked out and is taken to a rock to lie down on. The fairies all going home after the three days were up.


Milk HP: 9999

Serenity wakes up deeper into the forest, her mind dizzy as she sits up. "Ghhhah, what happened?" She gulps for a bit, then puts her hand to her chest.

A.) Go west

B.) Go East
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

A go west
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

No Bandwagon for me
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Serenity decides to head west. She keeps her machinegun at the ready as she keeps vigilant watch over the forest. The area gets darker and darker. "Nightwatch on." Serenity is wondering why this hasn't worked. "Nightwatch on!" She sighs, realizing she is a human. She then stands still, getting her eyes used to the dark. Something wizzes past her. Something big.

A.) Go and check

B.)Stand still and get used to the dark
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

B You can't really go check it out unless you can see first. But try and find a tree to hide behind or something while getting used to the dark, then we can go check it out maybe.
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

As, Poe said "Darkness there, and nothing more." => B