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Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

B stands for... oh, wait :|
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

B just cuz.
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Serenity tries to open the door to the bedroom but it seems stuck. She jams it with her machinegun to unstick it though. Inside seems to be just a normal room. Albiet old and dusty. But in the distance seems to be a portal. Inside seems to be a faded image of a lab. Serenity is tired of labs.

She hears a low rumble from behind.

A.) GO!

B.) Fight, then go. Serenity is a tough MOIC!
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

B Let our little moic fight some more, she's strong like her big sis Lila, so she'll manage.
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

I agree with Mind ^^
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

The rumble was from a Milk Tendril. It snakes up and latches onto the anti-milk bra. Sernity pulls at the tendril with all her might. Suddenly another tendril comes to latch onto her other breast. Weakening the bra's power. The tendrils pull hard, trying to get at her milk. Serenity then uses her machinegun on the length of the tendrils. It seems to startle the waving tendrils, but they still hold fast, until Serenity's bra disappears! Luckily though, the tendrils die off after enough shots.

She then quickly pulls down her top over her breasts and enters the lab. It feels weird in the lab. As if she stepped into another world. It seems more dark than the labs she is used to. The black and silvery blue textures giving off an ominous feel. Who's lab is this?

Serenity goes to a hall. But the other direction is where the computers are. Where should she go first?

A.) To the computers

B.) To the decorative hall
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

B I like the decoration hall idea here.
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

A: Damn computers! You've killed dat fuckin' worllllddd..... ...

Yep, fuck: just read "A".
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

B. Maybe she'll get captured by corrupt maid MOIC's and reprogrammed to be a maid MOIC.
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

Serenity decides to try the decorative hall. It is lined with pictures of a woman and a robot. The frames have descriptions on the bottom. The first one is the woman and a robot. The picture reads "Marisa and Lila". The second picture is of Marisa playing with her bot. The two seem to have a good time. The description reads "Playing with my robo-friend". The third one seems to be a darker picture. It seems that Marisa's long brown hair is darker and her blue eyes turned red. The description reads "Better with Darkness". The fourth picture is of a blonde haired swords woman that has been captured in this lab. The description reads "Mosha". The fifth picture is of the robot in a chamber, its eye lights are still on, meaning that it must have been 'alive' in this chamber. The sixth and last picture is of Lila's human form. Lila has a lot of the features Mosha has, except instead of blonde, her hair is black, and she is significantly shorter than her.

Serenity studies these pictures and learns something. Lila may have been the first MOIC ever made. She goes to the end of the hall and hears a giggle from behind.

A.) Go ahead

B.) Look behind
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

A. Go ahead, and let the giggle catch us by "surprise"~.
Re: Milk Love 3: Secrets Revealed

A. Go ahead, and let the giggle catch us by "surprise"~.

This seems like a good plan to me as well.