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ACT [nekonomeme] Lab - Still Alive ねこのめめっ

Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

The one game I would pay for and can't oh well I guess I will just be passing over this one. I played the demo awhile ago and it was fun. This is one game that everyone should be buying and not downloading because this guy does a fantastic job on animation, level design, creature design and has plenty of content that you will enjoy going through. Also the combat is very well done.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

The Jap dlsite hates many of the foreign credit card out there. In fact most Japanese site have the same incompatibility. The odd thing is that this phenomenon is not really documented anywhere (but it's very real if you google the problem). I suspect some real googlefu will turn up a fascinating read.

It would baffle me if I didn't know any better, they don't even want your money when you try to throw it at them (to the detriment of game developers).

I suspect this all harkens back to their strange streak of isolationism under that veneer of globalization, or old fashion ways beneath that cover of technological glitter. A fascinating culture, it is.

Damn I veered way off topic again...
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

The Jap dlsite hates many of the foreign credit card out there. In fact most Japanese site have the same incompatibility. The odd thing is that this phenomenon is not really documented anywhere (but it's very real if you google the problem). I suspect some real googlefu will turn up a fascinating read.

It would baffle me if I didn't know any better, they don't even want your money when you try to throw it at them (to the detriment of game developers).

I suspect this all harkens back to their strange streak of isolationism under that veneer of globalization, or old fashion ways beneath that cover of technological glitter. A fascinating culture, it is.

Damn I veered way off topic again...
It's not always fault on the Japanese side. I had 2 cards that successfully worked on dlsite. One card now no longer works because of security measures forced on their users that blocks any site that the card company isn't familiar with.

I personally have yet to run into any problems (other than the one mentioned) with using my cards in any Japanese site, and I play Japanese MMOs, order from regular Japanese sites, and other things. So please, do some research and find out for sure if the problem is on their side and not your card company's side.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

It's not always fault on the Japanese side. I had 2 cards that successfully worked on dlsite. One card now no longer works because of security measures forced on their users that blocks any site that the card company isn't familiar with.

I personally have yet to run into any problems (other than the one mentioned) with using my cards in any Japanese site, and I play Japanese MMOs, order from regular Japanese sites, and other things. So please, do some research and find out for sure if the problem is on their side and not your card company's side.

To clarify, I did some basic readup and research before making the speculation and assumptions. There's simply nothing official, conclusive or definitively informative that I could find on a cursory readup.

From what I read beforehand of various accounts which conforms to my previous calls: The bank's customer service pretty much say that it's a common occurrence, but that the problem isn't on their end, and that simply they won't accept their credit cards for unknown reasons. The same sort of story applies somewhat commonly to all types of cards: Amex, Visa, mastercards of multiple nationality and both magnetic strip / pin and chip type.

Note the above is specifically regarding online orders, not onsite usage of the card, which works except for the magnetic strip cards which don't work on some of the (older?) readers.

Anyway, whether that's just customer rep trying to get me off the phone is up for debate, but I'm inclined to trust them and it sounds sensible enough.

For all I know the culprit can be something as simple as online settings for the credit card transaction of certain banks that causes the problem with Japan side. Either way, it's a problem that's been around for awhile for quite a few folks (just see how many folks in this forum couldn't get their card to work with jp dlsite) which they didn't care enough to bother with.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

only thing missing is the protagonist running around naked fucking everything :p
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

this may be a dumb question, but how do i interact with the levers? only method that seems to do anything is attacking it which doesn't do anything.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

never mind that question, just as i posted the previous question, i answered it myself with a random button press. i pushed the up direction.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

To whomever might be able: Might be a good idea to update the thread title with the game's name.
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

To whomever might be able: Might be a good idea to update the thread title with the game's name.

That's right. should do that!
I search "lab still alive" many times on ulmf, but nothing. I think it never exists. Then I open new threat until people send this link of current threat :eek::eek::eek:
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Hey, I'm a little stuck. Once I get the green keycard is there anything else I need to go up the elevator. It wont go up :(
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

You shouldn't be going there yet.

Go to the northwest part of that room
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Hey guys, figured it's time to contribute some to the community, I have attached a self-drawn map for those who are lost etc.

The solid color areas are the places where you find keycards (blue/yellow/red/green)

S indicates a save point / shower

B indicates button / switches you have to press

HP indicates rooms with maximum HP increase

I also noted rooms with weapon upgrades and that girl who gropes you & heals you.



  • map.jpg
    86.2 KB · Views: 7
Re: ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Hey guys, figured it's time to contribute some to the community, I have attached a self-drawn map for those who are lost etc.

The solid color areas are the places where you find keycards (blue/yellow/red/green)

S indicates a save point / shower

B indicates button / switches you have to press

HP indicates rooms with maximum HP increase

I also noted rooms with weapon upgrades and that girl who gropes you & heals you.


Dat map.

I <3 it.

Also the finished version of this game is amazing.
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Re: Lab - Still Alive ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Re: The credit card issue above, this isn't actually DLSites fault in any way.. for once. It's because they're based in Japan, and a number of banks and credit card companies block overseas transactions as a security measure(even though Visa is supposed to be usable anywhere).

I have the same problem, and my bank won't change it, so I have to pay extra for a prepaid card when ordering books, games, or whatever from foreign countries. Sucks for us bilingual gamers :(
Re: Lab - Still Alive ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

I just cant find the greencard, been running around few evenings now and no luck. I tryed the map, but 1 of the doors that lead you to the green card is marked as blue door, but for me its green door. Im not sure if my version is up to date, i have 1.0
Re: Lab - Still Alive ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

I see, nevermind.
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Re: Lab - Still Alive ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

This was one of the games I followed for a long time. Glad to see he finished, but it was kind of short and I thought it could have used some more monster variety, or at least expand on some of animations for some of the monsters. Only the giant blob with the big red Orb had some sort of GOR and there were a couple missed opportunities with some other ones that would have been perfect.

This guy seems to have enjoyed making it a lot so hopefully we can expect some additional content down the road.
Can't say I was disappointed, though.
Re: Lab - Still Alive ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

I just cant find the greencard, been running around few evenings now and no luck. I tryed the map, but 1 of the doors that lead you to the green card is marked as blue door, but for me its green door. Im not sure if my version is up to date, i have 1.0

That door leads to the save area is probably a green one, mistake on my part.

In order to get the green card, you need to start from the left side of the map and fight your way pass the slime boss and the robot area.
Re: Lab - Still Alive ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Haven't tried this game but for what I've seen in this forum and others, the reviews were immense, apparently one of the best side scrollers to come out lately? Dunno, the images seem deceiving but apparently it's super fun?
Re: Lab - Still Alive ねこのめめっ (nekonomeme)

Haven't tried this game but for what I've seen in this forum and others, the reviews were immense, apparently one of the best side scrollers to come out lately? Dunno, the images seem deceiving but apparently it's super fun?

If I use my perfectly honest (and harsh, yes I'm one of those) meter to rate it, it would be average:

Gameplay: 6/10
Hentai : 4/10
Length : 7/10

Though when you look at the game comparative to the competition in the genre, it certainly is near the top end for the recent submissions.

In that light, I would actually support this artist once the game is released on English dlsite, considering this is his first game and there's probably future improvement to his skills.

Looking at the game strictly by itself though it isn't a game I would pay more then token money to play by it's own merit.

- It actually has game-play, not exceptional mind you, but something that can be called game-play.

- The hentai is so-so, it's not too bad, but not good.

In terms of ranking, quite a few I'd rank above it are:
- unholy sanctuary. (+ gameplay, = hentai)
- iris action . (= gameplay, + hentai)
- Kyrieru's games. (+ gameplay, - hentai)
- Shinobi girl (- gameplay, + hentai)
- Queen's axe (+ gameplay, ~+* hentai)... not strictly in the same genre I suppose.
- Nanocrisis and HotB ... if it was a bit more complete @@
- Some I don't recall at a moment's notice.

I would rank it higher then all those similar stuff like guildmeister, 変態黙示録ズブリウス, fighting yuna ...etc. I don't consider those game to actually have any game-play.
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