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A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Xara's somewhat coy, provocative demeanor only served to boost her 'big brother's apparent nervousness, and he would exhibit a defined pause after each time she capitalized on his verbal openings for sexual innuendo. The girl seemed so innocent, so sweet, although there were flashes of moments where Ilias could swear that it would be no different if Safiya had invited a succubus into their home. The way she had taken that deoricot--as well as him, albeit briefly--into her mouth, worked it, and even used the junirant to bring him to a mind-numbing orgasm was utterly confusing, and each moment spent with the bunnygirl proved calming, and yet so frustrating at the same time. More and more she seemed to be toying with his bodily urges, and now her words were causing vivid mental images to plague Ilias, inevitably distracting him from sustained work at a given moment. Her comments on his size only brought about flashbacks of her astonished look at the sight of his manhood. How could she be that dense? There was no way...

Then it came again, except this time from him. "Alright, well with this one, it's all about how your hands are positioned on the shaft. Keep your fingers tight around the base, while sliding the other upwards, like thi--sss..." Ilias swallowed hard. Now he was beginning to sexualize his own statements, not just Xara's. What in the world was going on? After firmly guiding her hands to the correct position, he cleared his throat and backed off, letting the petite girl make her initial attempts, but took care of the rest for her once that he saw that she was having a hard time. Finishing up with that portion of the job, he wiped the sweat off his brow and sighed, explaining, "W... well, it only gets easier the more you do it... I guess you can say I've had a lot of practice."

The comments Xara proceeded to make during the bricklaying and coating process didn't quite help either, at least in terms of keeping Ilias' mind out of the gutter. Every time she said something, he would show the expected reaction, that almost cute expression that she loved to see--of him blushing, struggling not to look at her here and there, and sometimes even messing up on what he was doing. Such a serious, and at times pessimistic fellow, and yet in his shocked reactions, within Ilias' eyes the bunnygirl could see something akin to a glimmer of hope, a chance for something ever so pleasurable in his otherwise mundane outlook. In it was a light very different from even Nadim's typical optimism, as Ilias didn't seem to have come to terms as well with his own urges, perhaps repressing them to an extent, and thus found the need for them utterly overwhelming. Xara's own nooks and crannies... satisfying her... All the different thoughts swirled about at the forefront of his mind, eventually clouding it much like a haze stifled one's vision.

And then there was the last straw. As he lifted his 'little sister' up to allow her to work on the roof, it was bad enough that his face was pressed against her warm, soft tush, and he tried hard, although in vain, to fight off his own arousal. "H...Hey, be careful," he reminded her, whenever the bunnygirl wiggled her butt against his head. "Watch it, you don't need to wiggle against my--gah!" When she made her last comment, Ilias' level of self-consciousness skyrocketed as his knees buckled, causing the both of them to come crashing down. Luckily, the near-six-footer's sturdy frame provided a decent breakfall for Xara, or at least his face and upper chest did, for her ass. "Mmphrrrmph... geht... ufff!" he ordered, though his muffled words were only somewhat recognizable.

Once he was given enough physical clearance to talk, he clutched her with a heightened sense of urgency. Unable to take anymore of the teasing, the brown-haired thief immediately sought clarification from the flirtatious bunnygirl. "Xara! You can't just.. tease me when we're doing something that important! Listen. I don't know what it meant to you, but... what you did to me the other day... I mean, are you aware of it? That I...I mean, that we, weren't juicing a junirant?" He blushed hard, swallowing.

"When you walked in that time, fine, I'll admit... I-I was pleasuring myself... while thinking about you, no less. Yet you came along, handled my most sensitive part... and made me cum right after that, too. Do you know exactly what you did to me?" Ilias' look was serious now, although the telltale flush had spread across his entire face, his eyes clearly distressed yet only partially obscuring a twinkle of hope. "No one's ever done that for me before, and sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who knows about it! I don't even know if I'm just the one who's an idiot, hoping for something that may never come... but please, if you don't intend to do anything about it, just stop! Do you even know what it's like to have the kinds of urges I have? It sucks, Xara, and I just don't want to wind up hurting you when I can no longer control myself from the way you make me feel whenever you do these things to me! I just.. don't want to hurt you." Guilt had shown itself in his expression, as the bulge in his pants had risen once again, though he did bother to cover himself with his hands shortly afterward.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Uwa!" The startled girl proclaimed as she went crashing to the ground atop Ilias. She wasn't expecting his reaction to be that noticeable. But, despite feeling that she had probably pushed him more than far enough, she still took a step further after realizing exactly how they had landed. "Big brother is doing weird stuff to me!" The mischievous bunnygirl proclaimed. When she had pulled herself off of his face, sliding down to his midsection, only to be seized by the arms and hear Ilias's frustrated explanation shortly after, though, it occurred to her that she had definitely gone too far. Whoops.

As she listened, Xara actually began to feel a little sympathetic toward the man. Were his urges that bad? She could certainly relate. But she had just been curious about the gender that her spells of heat pushed her to seek out. The bunnygirl hadn't wanted to hurt anybody, just to tease. And Ilias had been particularly fun to tease but she didn't want to make him so upset. She wasn't really sure whether she wanted to be honest or to further deny her complete lack of innocence, but Xara knew what she would do.

"There, there, big brother," she whispered soothingly, putting a finger to his lips after he removed his hands in an attempt to hide his arousal. "I'm not a dummy, you know! I knew what you were doing. It's just that you're a lot of fun to tease. The way you get all flustered is kinda cute. You are, too." Xara looked at the craftsman with a far more natural expression than she normally wore, one of happiness interlaced with mischief. "When I found you doing that to thoughts of me I was kind of excited, actually, because you're the first boy I've met that wasn't a creeper who would have anything to do with me. I was curious about, well, you know... and wanted to make you happy, too. I never wanted to make things so hard on you."

She pulled her finger away from the tall thief's mouth and traced it across his torso, eventually bringing it around her own back and to his crotch. When she found his hands covering the tent she had caused him, it was all the motivation she needed to go further. "I kinda know what you're talking about. I have urges too, sometimes. I think they're part of why I had an idea of what to do yesterday, even though it was the first time I'd ever touched a... you know." The bunnygirl gently grabbed at Ilias's arms and attempted to pry them away from his crotch. When he was no longer covering the bulge, she slid herself further down his body, brushing her own groin and soft, perky breasts against the evidence of his arousal on her way down, until finally she was at eye level with her target.

"Don't worry, I'll take of those difficult urges for you," Xara announced as she moved to pull the other thief's pants down. "Then, when your mind is all cleared up, we can finish work before everyone gets back."
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Ilias' eyes widened when the girl placed a finger over his lips, and as she proceeded to go through with her explanation, she could feel the tension in his muscles loosening slightly, the taller thief finally learning to understand and come to terms with her motivations. When she removed it, he took the opportunity to voice his own feelings. "Y-You didn't make things hard... well, no, I-I mean you did, but... I was really happy, too. It's just that the most frustrating part was, well, not knowing whether you meant any of it," he replied, still flat on his back and straddled by the petite bunnygirl. "I'm just not very experienced, at all, and having Yasmin and Nadim do that the way they have been as of late was just... rrrgh. Not that anything they do turns me on, but I envy them a lot, mainly because I'm... well, you know... a virgin."

He looked somewhat ashamed at the revelation, but wasn't done there. As he likely had never admitted this to anyone else in their little group, Ilias took the opportunity to spill his heart out just a little longer. "When the others were gone, I'd sometimes do it... I don't know, six, seven times a day--maybe more if the time would let me. So... yeah, it's pretty bad. I didn't know you had them too, but--nnnff!" Xara found some initial resistance to the attempts to pry Ilias' hands away from his crotch, as they were more instinctual than anything else, but once he realized exactly what she was doing, they came off quite easily as the hesitation inside eroded, thanks to having remembered her recent explanation.

Ilias gasped when the bunnygirl's bust rubbed up against his tent, and the youth found that his own heartbeat was steadily growing more noticeable by the moment, even audible, to him at least, until it felt like it was pounding out of his chest. What was he to do?! Naturally, his first thoughts involved the worries about everything around them, but when Xara looked up at him, all of those quickly washed away until she was the only thing on his mind, with the sultry look she gave him the only thing in his field of vision. Swallowing hard, he nodded slowly. "O... Okay," was all he said. The thief's body told the rest of the story for him, as his incredibly erect shaft sprung forth immediately after Xara tugged his pants down, his urges nothing but honest in the moment. It wagged back and forth slightly before settling, and now the treatment of his most sensitive organ was up to her.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Ilias's body provided all the response that the bunnygirl needed. One of her hands, nimble and delicate from thieving, wrapped around the stiff rod in front of her to hold it steady. She leaned in until her mouth brushed against the the man's tip. The black-haired bunnygirl sunk a little further, beginning by enclosing her soft lips around the head of the other thief's cock and drawing her tongue across the sensitive underside of her target. Her hand began to slowly stroke her partner. She strained to meet Ilias's eyes with her own as she began to pleasure the man. For the moment, she was focused on servicing the craftsman that she had so teased.

Steadily, but surely, the petite girl began to slide further down his turgid shaft, introducing centimeter after centimeter to her warm, wet mouth. She maintained eye contact as her tongue slithered across more of Ilias's erection. Slowly but surely, she took all of his rod in her mouth, her hand gradually vanishing from the equation until it and its counterpart were resting on her partner's legs. Xara finally allowed her eyes to drop away from his as she buried her face in his groin.

The bunnygirl began to bob her head, slowly at first to accustom herself to Ilias's width and girth. She left a sheen of saliva on his shaft as she pulled her head back, until the vacuum-tight O of her lips was sealed only the head of his manhood, then pushed herself back down until her nose was touching his crotch. As she became more used to the cock in her mouth, the girl sped up. Xara eagerly serviced the craftsman. Eventually, she even reintroduced her hand to the mix, cupping Ilias's scrotum and gently massaging the two orbs with her fingers.

Before he could climax from the attention, the bunnygirl became curious about something. She pulled her mouth off of Ilias's manhood with a distinguishable pop and released his balls. Xara lowered herself to the latter and licked a few times, experimentally. Finding that the taste and texture wasn't unreasonably different from Ilias's rod, she continued in earnest. The bunnygirl licked her partner's scrotum like a quickly-melting frozen treat on a hot day in the desert. Her hand moved to stroke his shaft while she played with his testicles. After a while of her attentions, she took one of the orbs into her mouth, careful not to graze it with her teeth, and sucked on it for a little while, before doing the same with the second.

When she was done there, she traded places between her hand and mouth again. It had been a fun distraction, but she needed to finish Ilias off before anybody found them. The bunnygirl took the shaft into her mouth again and began to eagerly bob her head along his rod, even as her hand took up playing with his sack again. There was no stopping this time, as she pleasured Ilias under a steady rhythm of her attentions. Her eyes rolled to watch her partner's expression. She was as dedicated to pleasuring the man as she had been to anything else. The petite thief would hate to leave 'poor' Ilias so frustrated, after all.

And, if he warned her of his impending orgasm, Xara would pull her head back one last time before thrusting her mouth down on him, bottoming him out and preparing herself to swallow his release. She combined the sudden push with a few gentle squeezes of his testes, as if to coax him along.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Ilias' reactions to Xara's handling of his manhood were about as strong as the bunnygirl expected, if not more. He couldn't help but wince and gasp, even when she did as little as wrap her nimble fingers around his impressive rod, and the young man's lips parted ever so slightly as he watched her take the head of his cock into her mouth and lick along its sensitive underside, from which she could feel a throbbing vein running along its entire length. "Hn... nngh! Hahh... hahh...!" Ilias released a series of audible, short breaths as she began to stroke him up and down, a look of true ecstasy forming upon his tanned, handsome features.

The mental image of her taking him in, ever so slowly, was soon burned into his mind as the brown-haired thief stared at her intently and unblinkingly, determined to commit this all to memory. His brow creasing, he almost failed to maintain said gaze for a moment; his eyes had instinctively and momentarily rolled upwards from her taking him all the way in, unable to cope with the sheer bliss she had granted upon him with the warm wetness of her oral interior. However, he did manage to snap his eyes back onto the sight of her once again when she placed her hands on his thighs, and the nervous craftsman found himself shivering and groaning from the amazing feeling of the girl's lips touching down upon the base of his shaft. "O... Ohhh, Xara..!"

As she proceeded to coat his rigid organ with her saliva, Ilias winced, his hands quickly searching her hands, wrists, shoulders, anything that she would allow, and gripping onto them tightly in order to keep himself properly braced for the ride of pleasure she was taking him on. By the time Xara had pulled back up to envelop only the helmet of his sizeable tool, he had already released a bit of precum for her to taste, and soon began to instinctively move his hips up and down--with rather subtle motions, at first, but at least enough for her to notice that he was definitely getting into it.

"Uuu... uuhh, t-that feels... hnn, Xara, you're... y-you're amazing," he cooed in ecstasy, feeling that this would be the highlight of his experience--that is, until she cupped his balls and began to stimulate that which he had never bothered to before. He almost looked disappointed when she popped his cock out of her mouth, but went right back to enjoying things as soon as Xara continued her work on his sack, feeling her tongue lapping away between the two pearls and driving him almost wild with the way she did it. "Ohhh, fff... w-when you, when you do that, I-I--- Ahhh, hnnnn...!!" Rolling his head from one side to the other, the man's body seemed restless as it attempted to deal with the ministrations given to it by the petite thief.

The ballplay that would ensue was an episode of indescribable pleasure to Ilias, as his scrotum was particularly sensitive, a fact about him that he hadn't actually realized until now, with a bunnygirl suckling on both of them, one at a time. Xara would be able to feel his hands caressing her shoulders and back lovingly, encouraging her to just keep doing whatever it is that she was so damn good at.

When she returned to bobbing up and down on his shaft, Ilias' buttcheeks could be felt tightening underneath him, his legs slowly bending then straightening out as his toes pointed outward. It wasn't going to be much longer before he blew, and this would be easy enough for the bunnygirl to determine. It didn't make it any easier for him to resist with her toying with his balls like this, as if daring them to go ahead and send out what they had just produced. Each stroke of her lips, drawn taut around his girth, would prompt the youth's chest to heave in, then out rapidly, and when she looked up at him with those deep blue eyes, the mere sight of the lovely thing was enough to take Ilias over the edge. "Oh, Oh Xara, I... I-I can't hold it any longer... a-ah... hnn... p-p-please... huuu..."

Watching her bob up, and down, up, and down, just like that sent his head spinning. That familiar feeling had already built up inside, and he was ready to release it. And when she dove back down all the way, with the tip of his length nearly prodding at her throat, the first squeeze of his testicles by the zealous bunnygirl caused the moaning youth to pull back slightly while inside and let loose all he had, shuddering as he came in a way that he had never done before, not with any junirant or fantasy of the past. "X...Xara! Aaah--HNNNN!! HNNNN!! HNNNN!! HNNNN!! HNNNNGH!! Hahhh... aaaagggh!"

His warm, viscous seed squirted every which way inside of Xara's mouth, providing her with more than just a decent amount of slightly salty goodness for her to take down as she wished. Between her lips, she'd be able to feel his manhood steadily pulsing, the larger vein at its underside clearly working to empty itself out in response to the stimulation she so kindly brought about. At least five shots that she could count in total had spewed out, though it leaked even more after the fact, giving Xara more than just a healthy serving, which she could do with as she liked. Ilias was actually getting a bit dizzy from this, his entire body still tensing rhythmically long after he had stopped letting out that essence of his, sweat building up upon his brow. "Uuuh, ooohhhh... I-I... uguhhh... w... wow..."
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

The eager bunnygirl swallowed every drop of what he offered, careful to catch any escaping dribbles. It still didn't taste good, but the act itself made her tingle a little bit. As did the act she had performed on Ilias. Xara's arousal had steadily built, culminating in her being horny by the time the taller thief had finished. For whatever she liked about Ilias, though, she didn't quite trust him enough with her body—not yet, anyway. She ignored the building desire to nudge her spent partner into sating her own urges as she pulled herself away from his manhood, crawled up beside him on her hands and knees, and gave him a quick peck on the forehead.

"I am pretty amazing, aren't I? A fruit is no match for me!" She declared as she pulled back to regard him, putting all of her (lack of) humility on full display. "I'm still gonna tease you in front of big sis though, you know that right? Ehehe," Xara snickered aloud for once. She allowed him a little while longer in the afterglow, before becoming serious – as close to serious as she would get – and reminding him of the work left undone. "You know, despite how amazing and cute I am, we've got a lot more to do before the others get back. And I'm not sure I'll be able to get you back into bed and get your pants back on if you fall asleep there. If that happens, I'm denying all knowledge of what happened here!"

If that was enough to get him up and moving, Xara would return to her work alongside the craftsman happily, and without further teasing, until they were finished or the others began to return.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

The brown-haired thief laid there for a while, and outside of the panting, remained mostly unmoving as Xara kissed his forehead, trying to regain enough of his mental faculties to talk since he was still mostly concerned with processing the near unbearable amount of pleasure she had just granted to him. How could anything beat this? At least when it came to experiences he's already had, the feeling of sweet release while engulfed in the warmth of the gorgeous bunnygirl's mouth was all too satisfying, and needless to say a moment he'd not soon forget. When everything around the young man had stopped spinning enough for him to actually say words, he finally managed to muster a response to her statement.

"Uh... Aheheh, y-yeah, you are... I mean, wow, I've never been left this... well, satisfied by a junirant before, or anything like it," Ilias admitted with a tinge of nervousness left over. "You're ah..." he added, trailing off towards the end upon hearing her teasing words. "I know. But... Safiya won't know about any of this, would she?! If she were to find out that we did something like this, she'd probably kill me!" He gave a sincerely panic stricken look after stumbling across this revelation, the nerves of it all causing him to sit up quicker than Xara might have expected. "O... Oh crap, and if Nadim comes back, uhhh..." The tall youth scrambled to get his pants back on, as his member was already quite clean now sans the bit of saliva left upon it, thanks to the bunnygirl's services. "I guess you're right, we really should finish this, huh?" And with that, he went and grabbed a second bucket and retrieved the brush, handing them both to her, then lifted her up in the same way as before, hopefully with considerably less teasing, else she truly want more of what he had to offer.

Even then, just as Xara had finished coating the roof of the new room with the quickly-drying mud, Nadim showed up from around the corner with a rather large basket in each hand, grinning. "Oooooh, aren't you two close now!" he quipped suggestively. Ilias blushed at this, setting her down gently, and made a slight attempt to distance himself from her just a little, putting a hand behind his head. "N-N...Uhh, I was just having her finish me... I-I mean, finish the roof," the tallest one stammered.

"I'm sure you were," replied Nadim with a smirk, before looking over to Xara with interest. "Oh, speaking of which, little lady, I charmed my way into getting some tasty treats for you today..."

Ilias raised a brow at this, which caused the redhead to make an add-on to his previous statement. "Well, I mean for everyone really, but I was thinking about you in particular when I picked these up." Should the bunnygirl look closely, she would notice several unfamiliar-looking vegetables, fruits, and grains in the containers he carried. "C'mon, let's go inside so I can show 'em to you!"
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

With Ilias's previous reactions in mind, the smaller thief quickly decided that the best way to tease him on the matter of whether 'big sis' would know of their little tryst was silence. Beyond adopting the expression of the cat who caught the canary, she remained mute on the subject. When it came time to finish up their work, however, Xara showed herself perfectly capable of remaining still. She finished her work quickly and efficiently, despite being in the perfect position to further wiggle herself against Ilias, and just in time for Nadim to return.

The bunnygirl adopted a look of pure innocence as the crimson-haired thief made his assertions – she wasn't sure if she was trying to con Nadim or Ilias with it, given her conversation with the former and the time spent with the latter, but it never hurt to try for some deniability – but waited to speak up until after the craftsman's bumbling denial and the promise of treats. "Huh? What do you mean? Big brother would never do anything weird to me. Even if he did, big sis warned me all about him! The subhuman con-artist smiled mischievously at Ilias.

When she turned back to Nadim and spotted a basket of goodies, though, her interest in teasing quickly receded. "Ooh! Treats! Let me see! This home addition stuff is hard work." Xara prepared to follow the crimson-haired thief inside, quipping as she followed him; "I'm really hungry after all that. But big brother did let me take a snack break. Didn't you, big brother?" Maybe her interest hadn't entirely receded...
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Xara's tactic of staying clammed up while maintaining that vaguely pleased expression had a noticeable effect on Ilias' overall demeanor, bringing about an air of nervousness about the brown-haired youth. He didn't push the subject, however, and instead went straight back to work as if nothing happened, perhaps in the hopes that the mischievous subhuman would keep it under wraps, for now at least. After all, he had likely given her enough fuel as is, and was liable to do so again, especially after this most recent encounter.

The bunnygirl's somewhat ambiguous comment certainly didn't help the household craftsman keep his relative composure in front of Nadim, who was all chuckles and grins towards the pair. Ilias couldn't easily hide his immediate reaction to Xara's outward facade of being wary towards him, which came out in the form of a somewhat awkward, worried smile; the girl could guess that this was equal parts relief and disappointment, since the fewer people knew, the better, at least when considering Safiya's expected responses. He simply shrugged and sighed when Nadim eagerly ushered Xara into the building, following just several steps behind them. Nadim set his cargo on the floor next to his bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress, making his response while digging through the two rather large baskets he acquired.

"Oh yeah? Snack break, huh... What'd he feed you? Couldn't have been more deoricots, could it?" The redhead cracked with a wink. Ilias looked as if he was going to say something, but decided against it after his mouth was slightly open. "No worries though, I can feed you a looot more than Ilias can! I'm sure you'll get tired of the same ol' thing every now and then, anyway. Maybe a taste of something different will do you good. You know what they say, variety is the spice of life. If you only take what Ilias gives you everyday, you might wind up as boring as he is. Check it out."

He proceeded to lay out a veritable cornucopia of various fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains; many were quite fresh, from the looks and smells of it all. Offering a fist-sized shell of bread and nuts to Xara, Nadim smiled warmly. "This is Logahnimades, a pastry pretty much unique to Jadiram. It's only a little sweet, but I thought you'd like it. We've also got some grains here and a bit of pork, for dinner..."

"How in the world did you get those?" asked Ilias. "There aren't any outdoor stands that I know of that carry Logahnimades..."

Nadim simply smirked. "I have my ways. Which is why I'm pretty much the smoothest thief here, right?" He turned back to Xara. "At any rate, I found some rare fruits today, thought of you." The crimson-haired rogue went on to pull out a round fruit with rough skin. "This one is said to be real good for your skin. But I'd say you almost don't need it, with how great yours looks." Afterwards, he drew out several more fruits from the wicker basket. "This one helps with breast size, or so they say. I mean... not that you need any work in that department, or anything. I'm just saying... erm." He cleared his throat. Finally, Nadim produced a tiny, cherry-like treat from his pocket. "Now *this* one, is-- Hey!" He gawked in disbelief as Ilias snatched it from his grasp.

"Don't feed her that!" lectured the brown-haired thief. "Do you even know what it does? I've never seen anything like it."

"Uh... I know that it tastes good, and that it was meant for her, so give it back!"

"I think I'll hold onto this and test out a portion on someone who I don't actually care about."

"Oooh, so we care about Xara now, do we? Now that's new, coming out of Mr. Indifferent."

"I-I was just saying, in case it's dangerous, or anything like that..."
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Nadim moved too quickly for the smallest of the three thieves to comment on her the quantity of her 'big brother's' snack. But she begrudgingly allowed that gem of innuendo to slip away if only to listen to talk of food, especially since the quality of Ilias's fare left something to be desired in taste. The bunnygirl eyed the potential meals brought home by the red-haired thief with a consumer's intent. She barely listened to the explanation on which each would do.

The food thief's words, even only half-absorbed, were still enough to bring a slight blush to her cheeks. "As long as I can eat them without becoming a lizard or something, I think they'll work for what I want them for!" She awkwardly deflected Nadim's appraisal of her skin and breasts and the supposed properties of the foods in the same sweep. "Besides, can you imagine what would happen if this stuff really worked that immediately and spectacularly? Everybody would be running around looking like their dream selves. And some people would have boobs so big that they'd just roll through the desert! And people would probably be changing all the time with the different fruits. And I bet people would sit down every morning deciding how they wanted to look that day and what they wanted to grow and shrink and checking what types of fruits they had that day and end up sitting there for hours indecisively accomplishing nothing!"

After the odd rant, the matter of her cherry, or cherry-sized object, came up. The excitable Xara managed to calm down just enough to revert to teasing. Her target was obvious. "There's no need to be so coy, big brother!" The smallest thief proclaimed her words with an innocent smile as she attempted to snatch her cherry-like treat away from Ilias. "If you really wanted my fruit, you just needed to ask nicely! I would give it to you," she explained. After a short pause, which she spent inspecting her acquisition had she been successful in reclaiming it, she added; "Or we could all share it!" The bunnygirl offered the mystery fruit up for division, if the other two preferred that plan, so that all three could try a tiny portion together.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Xara rolled an 18 (+34 Stealth, +3 Lucky) = 55.
Ilias rolled a 15 (+ 20 Perception, -5 from being distracted) = 30. Xara wins, gets the fruit right out of his hand.

The red-haired thief simply chuckled at Xara's imagined scenarios regarding the various fruits and their rumored effects, shrugging his shoulders as he did so. "I suppose you're right, huh? Could get kinda dangerous or maybe a little weird if they start eatin' the wrong ones. But hey, I'm just going off of what the merchants claimed in their little sales pitch. Keeping that in mind, I guess you can take what's said about these things with a grain of salt, since I'm sure they were just trying to get them to sell faster. Considering their price though, and the amount of people buying them, I reckon they can't be that bad, sooo I figured I'd just lighten their load a bit! And hey, if you don't want 'em, I guess I *could* just feed a few of these so-called breast enhancer ones to Yasmin... heh."

Ilias had his attention mostly fixed on Nadim, in order to keep the smooth-talking youth from taking the cherry-like fruit right back, since he probably could. Seeing the brown-haired craftsman's attention divided in such a way, the bunnygirl took the opportunity to grab the object from him, finding it relatively easy to snatch it right out of his hand. "H... Hey! I was just trying to make sure it was safe for your sake! Knowing Nadim, that thing is probably..."

"Aww, don't be so suspicious of me," interrupted Nadim. "I was just trying to find something nice for our little lady, since from what I heard, she was starving out in the desert for quite some time. Would be nice for her to try out all sorts of things for once, you know? Show her a bit of Jadiram's fine cuisine. Besides, that one is pretty rare, you know? Break me off a small piece, willya?! I mean, there are three on the stem, so this is perfect. One for each of us," he said with a grin.

The taller one sighed and nodded. "I guess you have a point... but why are you so confident that nothing bad'll happen? I don't want us growing... horse tails, or anything strange like that."

"Don't tell me you're scared of a portion THAT small," cracked Nadim. "Besides, Xara's game, see? Maybe you'll just be left out while we enjoy this rare delicacy, all because you were too busy deliberating over how dangerous it might be."

Ilias swallowed. The thought of being excluded by Xara and... well, Nadim, of all people, caused a tinge of jealousy to shoot through him. "F...Fine, I'll try one of those too."
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Ehe, so you were just worried about me, huh? I'm happy that big brother is looking out for me." Xara smiled widely at the thief-craftsman. "I'm sure mister connoisseur here," she continued, teasingly referring to Nadim, "wouldn't bring back stuff just to poison us!" Was she sure about that? Mostly. He had been kind and honest enough during her discussion with him the previous night, after all. She trusted him a lot more than Yasmin, at any rate. "Besides, if he's eating too, it couldn't be that dangerous, could it?" The bunnygirl was assuring herself as much as Ilias.

The smallest of the three thieves divided the fruit, removing each from the stem. She offered the first to the tall craftsman. The second was handed to Nadim. The last, and, not coincidentally, the biggest, was reserved for herself. After waiting to make sure that Ilias wouldn't chicken out, she popped the cherry-like treat into her mouth. Xara rolled it across her tongue a few times, savoring the taste, before chewing and swallowing it.

She briefly wondered if she would grow a horsetail or something similar, as the devoured morsel made the trip to her stomach. The bunnygirl already had a tail, after all, and what would become of it if she did? Would she have two tails? Her mind raced through all the silly possibilities as she waited for the true effects of the mystery fruit, if any, to be known.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Horny

"I'm... just saying," Ilias replied, a slight grumble escaping him when Xara expressed her delight at his apparent concern for her well-being.

"Psh, poison you guys? I'd never bring anything bad back to this place that would actually hurt or kill someone," said Nadim, huffing, though the knowing grin never left his face. After all, he was *technically* telling the truth, after all; none of these fruits were actually deadly or directly debilitating. The crimson-haired thief remained relaxed throughout the entire discussion, sitting on the edge of the bed with his chin propped up on his fist, waiting for Xara to distribute the rare treat. Graciously, he accepted the smallest portion, popping it into his mouth without hesitation, chewing it quickly, then downing the pulp in one gulp. "Ah, that was nice."

"Did... you even taste it? I thought you said it was supposed to be delicious," Ilias raised a brow at Nadim's odd behavior, a trace of hesitation returning to his features, the cherry-like snack still held in one hand. However, after catching a glimpse of Xara's expectant look towards him, he shoved the tiny fruit between his lips, then nibbled it for a while, taking his time to chew it. The brown-haired craftsman's features soon lightened, his eyes widening in surprise. Whatever it was, it was sweet, but not too sweet, with a nice tangy aftertaste that was rare among foods in the Couran Desert. "Mmph, this is purty good," admitted the tallest one of the group, swallowing it down and nodding to himself with a look of approval. A long pause followed.


"I guess that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought," Ilias chimed in, breaking the silence. A noticeable blush creeped over his cheeks only seconds after he said this, and he began to look uneasy. "Aw crap, now I'm starting to feel weird... I shoulda known." Xara could tell by the rising lump in his pants that the fruit's effects were already kicking in within seconds, coursing throughout the tall one's veins, and likewise, she could feel it too. A tingly, mild warmth spread along the bunnygirl's body, immediately stretching from breast to crotch, then working its way to her outer extremities. She had felt this before, or at least something close to it, during her time in the desert, before reaching Jadiram... when she was in heat. This particular sensation, however, was considerably more intense than even the one that Xara was familiar with, almost strong enough to make her collapse to the ground and start jilling herself off. There was no mistaking it--whatever she ingested made her incredibly horny.

Ilias, having noticed a similar feeling overcoming him, was quick to stand up and make his way out the door, but Nadim grabbed him by the wrist and smirked, a flush over his own face as well. The red-haired one seemed to be managing the symptoms much better than the other two--exactly why this was, could have been anyone's guess. The taller thief gave them both an incredulous look, his voice strained with nervousness. "I-I have to go, uuuh... nnngh..."

Nadim winked at Ilias, keeping the same coy expression upon his features, though they were visibly reddened at this point. "Heh... Why are you such in a hurry, when the little lady over here could obviously use some attending to?" he teased, motioning over to the bunnygirl next to him, and the two looked over to see how she was doing. "I mean, I'm sure she can't just take care of this little problem all by herself, now, hmm~? I'd say, she'd really appreciate you being here for her... Unless you're content to have her look to me instead, that is." Grinning, he turned to Xara. "What do you think?"
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

What's going on? A sudden wave of heat rose through Xara's body, causing her cheeks to flush. Am I going into heat? No, it couldn't be, not now. The air in the room felt like it had all the cooling properties of a lava flow. The petite thief tugged at her shirt, trying to cool herself off. A daze descended upon her, with which she fought to remain in control. Despite her earlier denial, it took Ilias speaking up to make her think that the feeling in her chest wasn't her heat at all; it was the cherry.

"W-what did you give me?" She asked the red-haired thief fearfully, before the craftsman had tried to make his exit. Terrible arousal filled her, accompanied by a lingering sense of fear. Most of all, at that very moment, the bunnygirl wanted to be touched. Every extremity felt receptive, like her skin was yearning for physical contact. Subconsciously, the slim girl tried to provide herself that stimulation. She hugged herself tightly and pressed her legs together. Her fingers grazed at her sides, sending shivers throughout her own body. As her legs came together, she became more aware of moisture between her thighs. A painful need overtook her, a thousand times worse than the heat which had threatened to overwhelm her—and that she had only defeated with isolation.

The thief, smallest of all present, began to feel incredibly vulnerable. The two men seemed like wolves, dosed with the same strange fruit that she had been. Perhaps appropriately, she felt like a frightened hare. But the drug was persistent. When Xara thought of wolves, she didn't only think of fear, sex was on her mind, too. She fidgeted as she thought of the two men bending her over the bed and relieving her building lust. Her pupils dilated as her void-born instinct to breed fell upon her. Something about her hoped that the wolves were virile.

Besides, her traitorous head seemed to nudge her, she liked at least one of them. Ilias was kind, relatively tall, and handsome, not a bad first-impression to give. She didn't believe that he'd be a willing participant in this without the drug in his system and the smooth-talking man to goad him. The bunnygirl thief probably wouldn't have given herself to him in this way or so soon, but if he had taken her on a few dates... It hadn't been out of the question. Nadim, well, she had held him in higher regards before he drugged her. But the red-haired man had a sharp wit, quick tongue, and wasn't hard on her eyes either...

Between the strange cherry and her opinion of her potential partners, the bunnygirl's right hand, practically of its own volition, began to slide down her tan tummy, slipping beneath her pants and snaking underneath the silken panties below. Nearly oblivious to the others, her finger, lubricating itself in her own feminine juices, brushed between her labia. She pressed her thumb against her clit, which was already peeking out from beneath its hood as a result of her violent arousal, but quickly pulled away, finding the stimulation too intense with the potent aphrodisiac. Instead, Xara settled for rubbing in a small circle around her sensitive nub. Her free hand slipped beneath her shirt to gently massage her breast, pinching and rubbing a nipple between thumb and forefinger.

The aroused bunnygirl was brought back to reality by Nadim's question. "N-no. Stay with me, big brother," she pleaded, her hands still hidden beneath her shirt and pants, their actions anything but. "I don't want you to go." She wasn't even sure what she was saying and why by that point. Shouldn't she have had a problem with the entire scenario and ran away from the two? But the idea of Ilias between her legs was enough to make her shiver in anticipation. Was it the aphrodisiac talking? She wasn't sure.

At no point did she let uncertainty stop her from continuing to masturbate in front of the two, though.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Horny

"See? She wants you to stay, 'big brother'," echoed Nadim with a half-smirk, obviously trying his best to keep his own powerful lust in control, else he immediately try to 'attend' to Xara with or without the taller one's cooperation. "Ilias, I know that you're... well, a virgin and all. What better time than now to take care of that while doing a little bonding? I mean, Xara likes you too--I can tell. I saw what the two of you were doing earlier, you know. It was only a matter of time, so..." He gave a resigned sigh. "I'd just hate to see all this thick, unresolved sexual tension hanging in the air."

"You have some really strange excuses for this... nngh..." Ilias gave Nadim a harsh look at first, but found his tensed muscles relaxing not long afterwards, somehow finding it hard to stay mad at the crimson-haired trickster. He then glanced over to the bunnygirl, who was now helpless to do anything but attempt to bring pleasure to herself, or at least hope that someone else would do the job for her. "Don't worry Xara, I-I won't," he said haltingly, unable to hide the telltale streak of cherry red across his upper cheeks. The craftsman's heart was nearly pounding out of his chest, or at least, that's what it felt like, and if he were to be honest with himself, he was probably just as afraid as Xara was. He lowered himself to his knees in front of her, not even noticing that his own hands were moving to please himself in a similar fashion, idly stroking his own painfully erect manhood through the fabric of his trousers.

"Heh, nervous? It happens to most people their first time," commented Nadim, who took advantage of the opportunity to slide closer to Xara and nip at her neck, smoothly gliding his hands over her body. It was then that the bunnygirl would be subject to, for the first time, the shorter one's touch, which was undoubtably that of an expert lover, as even in this unbearably horny state, he was not too rough nor too timid with the attentions he provided to her soft skin. Transitioning from a light, sensual massage, the redhead moved onto working Xara's pants off, sliding them all the way down to her ankles and helping her step out of them one leg at a time, then following suit with her panties. Nadim's hand moved right over that of the bunnygirl's, assisting her for a short time in jilling herself off before gently guiding it off to the side, exposing her virginal slit to the man in front of her. "Oh, wow... Look how wet she already is," he teased. "I'd almost say she's ready for you."

Ilias, kneeling before her, had already worked off his own bottoms, as well as his shirt, revealing his reasonably toned build, and of course the sizeable member that Xara had grown intimately familiar with earlier in the day. "Xara, I..." He scooted forward on his knees, positioning himself so that he would be ready to take her.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast," interjected Nadim, waving a finger. "I said 'almost'. I get that she's soaked and what not from the effects of the fruit, but for future reference, you might want to make sure that she's totally ready with a bit of foreplay," he lectured, with one arm wrapped around Xara's shoulders. His free hand ever so carefully brushed up and down along the length of her womanhood, taking care not to be -too- rough with how sensitive she might be down there, then spread her labia for Ilias, allowing the taller one to get a nice view of her pink flower, dripping with dew.

"Oh wow, that's a gorgeous pussy. Though I'd have expected as much. Come on now, make sure to taste her real good. It should help, if nothing else," Nadim suggested.

Trying not to frown, Ilias simply nodded, taking the advice of the more experienced lover as even he was quite aware of his own naivete in such matters. He stopped for a moment to crouch down even further, giving Xara a meaningful look before descending upon her exposed womanhood. Slowly, he stretched out his tongue, slipping it in between her tender petals, and somewhat clumsily began to lick her. From the bunnygirl's point of view, most of what she would be able to see was the upper half of Ilias' face, looking up at her, while the lower portion was buried in her crotch, his palms rested on her inner thighs to keep them spread. Nadim simply chuckled, sliding his hand back in time to let Ilias get to work. "Mm, I bet she tastes real nice, huh? If you see that little man in the boat, be careful with that, as I bet it's super sensitive right now, but otherwise, it's a pretty good spot to stimulate on a girl. There's also another place inside but... I can show you later, I guess," he added.

Content to have the brown-haired handyman feel his way around, Nadim moved on to granting Xara's upper bits some attention, first nibbling at her neck while his hands softly fondled her bosom, interestingly enough taking care not to steal her first kiss, given the situation. He then proceeded to help the thief out of her top, fully exposing those lovely breasts of hers, watching them bounce a bit after being freed. Nadim began to lick playfully at one of those nubs, providing the unattended one with attention from his free hand, and soon sealed his lips over the entire nipple, suckling from it ever so gently. While Nadim preoccupied himself with her upper assets, Xara could feel Ilias' tongue exploring her most sensitive parts down below, slathering her crevice with a mix of his saliva and her own juices. As expected, he wasn't quite an expert at cunnilingus just yet, simply lapping away at her wherever he could, but it was at least enough to get her ready for penetration, not that she wasn't beforehand.

Regardless, this went on for quite a while, with Ilias not exactly knowing when to stop, and Nadim had to lift his mouth off of Xara's teat to call out, "Hey, that's enough already! Get to it, lovebirds."

"Uhh... a-alright," replied Ilias sheepishly, rising once again to his knees, seeing the vulnerable, horny bunnygirl laying upon the mattress with her legs spread and ready to receive him.

Figuring he would let the two share their moment, Nadim subtly moved off to one side, focusing his energies on pleasing himself for once. Ilias positioned himself carefully between Xara's legs, his lengthy shaft touching down upon the front of her waiting cunny. He stooped down to kiss her, sloppily pressing his lips to hers, and she could feel the taller thief trembling with both nervousness and excitement. However inexperienced he was, though, the bunnygirl could feel that he at least shared her feelings about it all. The situation might have been somewhat awkward, provided, and perhaps not in the exact way he would have liked... but he wanted her, nonetheless, and cared deeply about Xara whether he wanted to or not. With his desire for the bunnygirl having been communicated through their kiss, Ilias slowly parted his lips from hers, looking deep into her eyes. "Xara, are... you ready?"

Upon hearing, or seeing, some kind of confirmation from her, the brown-haired youth would ease himself forward, waiting to be enveloped in the sheer bliss that would soon come. But it didn't, well, not in the way that he expected. With his cock twitching upwards, it instead slid up along the exterior of Xara's pussy, the underside of his member brushing against her clit and teasing her to almost unbearable levels. "A-Ah, I'm sorry..." said Ilias, giving her an apologetic look. Nadim simply snickered at this.

Re-adjusting himself, the craftsman took the base of his rod between the thumb and forefinger of one hand, lining the tip up with the entrance to Xara's eager cunny. And with that, a slow, careful movement forward caused the tip of his manhood to successfully part her virginal folds. Ilias continued on, sinking inch after inch of himself deeper into the bunnygirl's velvety, heavenly depths, and he sighed deeply yet audibly, tilting his head upwards. "Ohhh... X-Xara... nngh, you're so warm inside..." He turned his gaze downward, locking eyes with her after having pushed himself in to the hilt. "Are you okay...?" He made sure to seek her feedback first, then began to move, starting out slow based on the reactions she showed. After all, he didn't want to hurt her, as good as she felt inside. While his instincts told him to go faster and faster still, Ilias at the very least managed to curb them, starting off with a slow, yet passionate stretch of lovemaking. Leaning forward once more, he kissed her yet again, even slipping his tongue in between her lips to let it mingle with hers while he continued to thrust forward into her, exploding the depths of both her mouth and her lower passageway.

However, it would only be a few minutes longer until Ilias could no longer resist, and breaking the kiss, he positioned himself back upright, grabbing her by the hips so that her lower half was hanging off of the mattress, and utilizing his considerable strength to start really pounding into her. "Oh, Xara... Xara!" His balls slapping against the outside of her pussy with each stroke, his excitement began to take over as he went from the slow, semi-methodical speed of making love to the more fervent, rapid pace of breeding. Feeling her narrow canal squeezing around him didn't help his resolution to last just a little bit longer, as well, and Ilias mentally repeated to himself, "(It's just like a junirant, just like a junirant, just like a junirant...)"

But as Xara's inner warmth began to entice him further to spill his load deep inside of her, the brown-haired man found it much, much more difficult than he anticipated to hold off any longer. "(Oh god, it's nothing like a junirant! It's far too warm, and tight, and wet inside... and... uh oh...!)" With her honey further slickening that tight little tunnel, Ilias could take no more of the temptation, and finally buried himself deep inside of her before allowing the bunnygirl to feel the hot slaps of his first few spurts touching down upon her inner walls. "X...XARA! HNNN! HNNN! HNNNGH!"

Moaning out loud between shots, he continued to hump her a few more times, filling the petite, tanned beauty with his potent seed. "Ohhh! Ohhh..." Xara felt the inherent warmth of Ilias' load spreading deep inside of her as he made his last few thrusts, then collapsed on top of her, panting. "Hahh... hahh..." He cuddled her for just a little while in the afterglow, planting another loving kiss on her lips before rolling over, exhausted and drained from the first time experience.

The bunnygirl wouldn't be given too much time to rest as the heat within her remained, that nagging urge to get fucked still pulling at her from within. While Ilias was panting and trying to recover, Nadim had already reached his limit to resist taking this opportunity. After all, he had waited far longer than the other two, who had just finished indulging in each others' presence. Giving her a sly smile, he positioned himself over her, pausing for a moment and using the head of his cock to rub up and down along Xara's lower lips, then sliding himself in carefully, finding the initial entry much easier from the mixture of the girl's juices along with some of Ilias' load. "Ooh wow, still this tight... you're absolutely amazing," he complimented her once inside, winking.

Nadim wasn't quite as big as Ilias, perhaps shorter by about two inches or so, but he was certainly still lengthy enough to hit her where it counted, and that was something that the veteran womanizer knew how to do. He started off slowly, taking the time to admire her beautiful body and burn the scene into memory, reaching forward with both hands to gently knead at her tanned breasts, occasionally circling her areolas with a feather-light touch. Based on her visible reactions, Nadim adjusted the rate and nature of his movements as well, moving from a steady grind of his tip against her G-spot via proper angling to hilting himself inside of her as far as he could go, getting in balls-deep before stirring himself about.

"Aaahh, you're really something else, Xara... So beautiful... hnngh," he groaned as he worked to take her to the height of pleasure. Despite being the one to instigate this very situation via less than traditional means, he was good, no doubt. The redheaded thief would continue on like this until she came, managing to resist the notion of letting it go within when she started to spasm and clench around him. Only after she had ridden out the entire duration of that orgasm would he mix things up a bit, moving the girl further onto the bed before grabbing her by the ankles, pushing her legs back towards her shoulders, and then re-inserting himself from above with a deep, pleasured sigh.

"This one's called the Bunny Ears," he cooed, sinking his weight on top of her while resuming his steady thrusts into her farthest depths. In this position she was practically helpless to do anything but let Nadim fuck her, as the smooth-talking rogue first gripped her shoulders, soon running his hands along her arms to meet with hers and then finally interlacing their fingers together. "You like how it feels?" he whispered to her before leaning forward and kissing her deeply on the lips, making him the second guy to claim that territory of her. Taking it a step further, he took one of her long, black rabbit ears into his mouth and nibbled on the top while he plunged into her repeatedly, perhaps to check if she was receptive to that kind of stimulation in that particular area.

If she showed a favorable reaction, or at least one that wasn't adverse to him doing so, he'd continue to do this, lightly biting on each of her ears while he moved one of her legs over so that they were together and off to one side, inherently tightening her pussy's grip on his shaft. With the modified position, Xara would be able to feel almost every detail of Nadim's manhood, as he got about to raising his speed and began to give her the fucking of a lifetime. Provided, she may have had more feelings for Ilias, who was bigger and also stronger than Nadim, but the crimson-haired trickster seemed to know the kinds of movements that would make her yelp and cry out with wanton pleasure. With this setup, it would be even more difficult for the poor bunnygirl to resist cumming yet again, even moreso than with the first position.

If there was anything Nadim had up on Ilias though, it was stamina. Even after likely having made her cum twice, he knew just the method to keep himself from being pushed over the edge too quickly, and he let her finish, yet again, before turning her over and taking her from behind. Firmly gripping her waistline on each side, he drove himself in and proceeded to provide her with a more vigorous round of mating, causing her shapely ass to jiggle each time his hips impacted hers.

"Ohh, you pretty thing, you..." he mused aloud, causing her tits to swing back and forth from the sheer force of his repeated strokes. He went on like this for several more minutes, showing not a sign of slowing down, but instead of speeding up towards the end, as his breaths grew ragged as if to announce his impending climax, finally reaching him. As he cried out, Ilias came to just in time to see his 'little sister' get the biggest creampie she had received up until that point. His eyes widened, as he propped himself up on one elbow, looking as if he wanted to say something, but no words came out of the brown-haired carpenter's mouth.

"Hahnn! Uhngh, Xara... I'm gonna cum inside!" Nadim's warning was rather abrupt, as the orgasm seemed to creep up on him more than he expected, so that the bunnygirl was only given a few seconds to brace herself before she was hit with the feeling of his hot load warming her insides, increasing in both volume and temperature with each discharge. "RRRNNGH! NNN! NNN! HNN! Hahh! Aaahh...!"

Whether she liked it or not, this particular thief had a lot to give. He didn't stop thrusting the entire time, instead spewing his sperm-filled liquid deep inside while continuing to drive his hips fervently into hers, almost as if using the petite girl to milk himself thoroughly. Nadim only slowed to a stop long after Xara's pussy was flooded with the thick, milky brew, causing the excess to steadily drip out of her and pitter-patter onto the mattress. It was his bed, after all.

"W...Wow, that was... aaah..." When he pulled out, an additional, goopy flow of the semen mixture came pouring out of the bunnygirl's pink pocket, further sullying the sheets of the sleeping pad beneath her. Wiping the sweat off his brow, he grinned. "Phew! Now that's how ya do it," he commented, earning a jealous look from Ilias, who slowly got back up to his feet and hugged Xara from behind while taking his spot behind her to pick up from where the shorter one left off. "I... I can do better!"

"Heh, let's see it then," Nadim quipped, stretching himself out a bit, then moving over onto one corner of the bed to give Ilias some space to prove himself.

The taller thief reached underneath to massage the petite girl's globes momentarily as he kissed at the nape of her neck and shoulder from behind, then employed one hand to help align himself into her warm, slick interior. He grunted as he ventured into her blissful depths once more, almost forgetting exactly how delightful the feeling was, even given the relatively short span of time that had passed since his last orgasm--perhaps just short of an hour, overall. As Ilias began to rock his hips back and forth, finding his rhythm once again, he leaned forward, pressing his chest to her back and cradling her from behind with one arm while the other posted upon the mattress. Xara nearly felt as if the larger man could lift her off of it completely while taking her in such a fashion, though the bodily warmth he radiated from behind and upon her was no doubt pleasant and endearing in its own way. "Mmmph... Xara..."

From the moans he consistently released, Ilias seemed to be enjoying it just as well, feeling her fluffy tail twitching against his abs as he smoothly took her, over and over again, showering her neck and cheek with kisses from one side. Taking a clue from Nadim, he also began to toy with her ears, nibbling and teasing them with his mouth as he sought to grant her pleasure matching, if not beyond, what he was feeling right now. If anything, Ilias proved to be a quick learner, as Xara would find his movements even more refined just the second time around, and his stamina not nearly as bad.

Perhaps inspired by the spark of competition, Ilias lasted much longer than the entire first session in this position, soon lifting himself up off of her to lean back while fucking her, catching a few gulps of air as sweat dripped from his chin. He ran an open palm up and down her lower back as his pace noticeably picked up, taking the overall feel of the tryst once again from tender lovemaking to fierce mating. Nadim, having apparently recovered early, positioned himself in front of Xara with his glistening shaft erect, stroking her hair gently as he suggestively placed the waiting member in front of her face. He wouldn't force it, of course, but if she wanted something to 'hang onto' with her mouth as Ilias began to give it to her good, then Nadim would be there for her.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

The bunnygirl's flush grew brighter and brighter as the shorter man spoke. If she hadn't been half-mad with need, she might have bopped him for his words. He spoke like such an expert, as if he knew what she was feeling, and he had been the one to drug her. In the friction between her hormones and thoughts, though, it was equal parts irritating and exciting. He wasn't wrong. At no point was he entirely off the mark. That was enough to make her wonder what it was like to lay with such a skilled and handsome lover, and that, in turn, was enough for lust to claim control of her actions.

Xara continued to molest herself. Sparks of soft pleasure tingled in her skin as she rubbed a little circle around her clitty and massaged her own breast. She became so lost under her own attentions that she was confused by Ilias's claim. She wasn't even sure what he was denying. He wouldn't what? Take advantage of her? She wanted him to bring her some relief! Even if the craftsman was the less skilled among the two, he was the one that she found cute. He wasn't the one who had knowingly ingested and fed her the drug. If someone present had to be the one to take her virginity, it was Ilias she wanted. The thought prompted another confusing swirl of thoughts, with the violently aroused bunnygirl wondering why she was looking at it that way when she could try to flee or demand they stop.

The smallest thief's resistance melted away again as Ilias took a position between her legs. She was slightly embarrassed but more excited as he watched her touch herself underneath her pants. The aphrodisiac obliterated any meaningful inhibitions she might have held about the act. And, underneath Nadim's sudden attentions, she surrendered totally to what was to come. She shivered beneath the shorter man's massage, even as she continued her own personal massage. The slim girl was unused to the feel of another touching her in such an intimate way. It was an alien sensation and, even with the cherry-like fruit, took several moments to become accustomed to. Once she had, though, her sensitive nerves tingled with euphoric pleasure underneath Nadim's ministrations.

His talent was such that she whined when he deprived her of the sensations. Her whining became a mixture of eagerness and nervousness as he began to help her pull her pants and panties off. Xara swallowed hard, the last of her embarrassment caught in her throat, as the red-headed thief's hand moved atop hers and directed it. She was vaguely insulted as he proved to be more skilled with pleasuring her than she herself was. But she had never experimented, never touched herself outside of that one week. How many women had Nadim been with? How many would he be with? The thoughts, combined with him pulling aside her hand in order to give the craftsman an unhindered view of her sopping sex, set something else off in her.

Her eyes seemed to sparkle as her voidic instincts began to transition to the forefront of her thoughts.

As the smooth thief declared her readiness and the craftsman prepared to take her, the horny bunnygirl's heart felt ready to pound right out of her chest. The thoughts going through her head by that point were originating from three different sources, but it was hardly a conflict. The void-born in her wanted Ilias to fuck her silly, the aphrodisiac in her agreed wholeheartedly with her voidic nature, and the rest of her, addled by the other two, had decided that Ilias was a nice enough boy to give her first time to, at least, even in such a circumstance. The petite subhuman tensed and clutched at the mattress with both hands as she prepared for the taller thief to claim her... Only to be blocked by Nadim.

I'm soaking wet! I'm ready! Don't torture me anymore! She wanted to protest, as her painfully sensitive womanhood was denied what her voidic instincts desired. The only noise that came out as a whimper, as Nadim brushed his hand along her netherlips before spreading them for Ilias's inspection. The red-haired thief's lewd words send a shudder through her spine. That shudder was prolonged as her would-be lover's mouth met her cunny. She ignored the experienced man's words, despite their accuracy, and her shudder became a series of near-constant shivers of delight as both Ilias and Nadim set to lavishing their attentions on her body.

Soft waves of pleasure rolled through her form at the craftsman's, admittedly clumsy, attentions on her pussy. Every lick set her sensitive nerves alight with pleasure. Xara closed her eyes as he went about his efforts, preferring focus herself on the stimulation rather than the sight of him between her legs. Small, audible gasps filled the room as she received Ilias's attention. She was momentarily distracted from the tongue amidst her lower lips as Nadim moved to finish undressing her. When she realized what the womanizer was attempting, she moved her arms to make it easier. The bunnygirl's top came off easily, exposing pert breasts with small, dark nipples. She let out another soft gasp as the red-headed man gave her two globes an expert suckling and massage.

As the two continued, Xara closed her eyes again, allowing the two thieves to do as they liked to her body. Ilias's clumsy affection sent wave after wave of euphoria through her, while Nadim's presence at her breast elicited pangs of pleasure. None of it was enough to bring her to her peak – in truth, it only made her needier – but the stimulation still felt good. It still caused her to roll her hips into Ilias's mouth. The pleasure was still enough to cause her to clench and unclench at the mattress in contentment. She wouldn't disparage Ilias for not being entirely sure what he was doing—she wasn't entirely sure what she was doing. The bunnygirl chose to let herself get lost in it.

Nadim had less patience than either of the two virginal lovebirds, though. The petite thief's eyes opened slowly after his reprimand, knowing that it was finally time. She was readier than she ever thought she could be. Xara watched as Ilias took to his knees between her spread legs. She folded her arms underneath her exposed breasts and gazed at him with anticipation. Her eyes lit up, as it seemed that her void-born instincts would finally be fulfilled. She met his lips, giving him her first kiss. The bunnygirl's end of the kiss was about as awkward as the craftsman's. When he pulled back and asked if she was ready, he received a set of slight nods in response. She would give him another first. Ilias pushed forward...

Only to receive a yelp and cause the bunnygirl to squirm underneath him as he brushed directly against her sensitive clitty. The bunnygirl looked at him, breathless and timid, as he apologized and prepared for a second attempt. The petite girl truly hoped he didn't make that mistake again. But she didn't need to worry. Ilias's next push parted her folds around him, marking the first time she had ever felt a cock between her lower lips. And his push forward claimed her maidenhood for the craftsman. A sharp pain accompanied his length burying itself in her vice-like folds, but there was no blood, and the pain wasn't too severe. The girl's maidenhead had been prepared for the moment by birthright and years of physical activity. A wince and the worst of it was over, Ilias had been her first.

Xara blushed as the tall thief made his proclamation and asked how she was doing. She attempted, but failed, to glare at him. "D-dummy," a small fraction of her teasing self remained, even with Ilias buried in her and the aphrodisiacs pumping through her body. She gave a small nod to confirm that she was okay and that the craftsman could continue. As he eased into his soft rhythm, her hands clutched at the mattress, the inexperienced bunnygirl uncertain of what else to do with them. Xara slowly discovered her own as she began to push her hips to meet his. The soft throbbing of pain slowly gave way to waves of bliss as Ilias pumped the bunnygirl.

The smaller thief met his second kiss more passionately than the first. The second time, she showed the practice that she had seen on those deoricots, even if, in the end, she allowed the craftsman to dominate the exchange without challenge. She moaned into his mouth as he continued to fuck her, each thrust of his manhood accommodating her cunny more and more to his size. A strange feeling began to build in her. She lost herself in the pleasure as her would-be lover began to speed up. And, when he broke the kiss in order to grab her by the hips and pull her lower half entirely off of the mattress, she offered no resistance despite her surprise.

"Wah!" She gasped, startled by the sudden change in Ilias. His heightened pace caused her breasts to wobble with each meeting of their hips. She made small slides back and forth on the mattress until she grabbed at the ledge. An unusual and incredible sense of happiness washed over her as the craftsman began to rut her in earnest. The brown-haired thief was strong and tall and virile, her base instincts caused her head to spin as Ilias displayed his traits. "Ah!" She punctuated every motion with a moan of pleasure.

She threw her head back, eyes clenched shut. His continued thrusts only felt better and better to the girl. Her skin tingled with the pace with which he pumped her with his cock. She attempted to wrap her legs around him. The odd, building feeling continued. It all came to a climactic end as he slammed into her one last time. As jets of his cum painted her insides, something clicked in Xara. "Aaaaah!" The bunnygirl cried out as she gave her first orgasm to Ilias, too. The feeling of being bred by the craftsman was enough to send her into overdrive. She involuntarily spasmed around his length, milking him for all she could with her inner walls. Molten pleasure poured through her being.

Xara laid panting throughout Ilias's twitches and few parting thrusts. The warmth of the craftsman's seed left her feeling strangely satisfied and too lethargic to really move. "Dummy," she offered one more time, with a smile on the second occasion, as he kissed her on the forehead.

She had forgotten that Nadim was even in the room as her would-be lover pulled away and the red-haired thief took his place. But she was too weak to resist as he brushed the head of his cock along her messy sex. And, really, she didn't want to. The void-born subhuman's instincts all but urged her to take in more of the strange warmth that had come with Ilias's load. The rest of her body felt like jello as the smooth-talking thief penetrated her, but not her womanhood. She tightened around the new shaft in a warm, wet grip. It was a matter that Nadim didn't let pass silently, one which caused her to blush between it and his scrutiny.

The smooth-talking thief quickly showed exactly how much more experienced than Ilias he was, too. His thrusts were practiced and measured. It felt as if he knew exactly how to glide the contours of his shaft over her sensitive walls. His hands weren't left idle. The feel of his nimble fingers against her breastflesh caused the bunnygirl to arch her back. Under his attentions, it wasn't long until the tanned subhuman was gasping and moaning as eagerly as she had been for the taller man. Her efforts to keep her eyes on the thief failed and she ended up letting her head fall back and clenching her eyelids shut.

The shifts in his movements were enough to drive Xara crazy with pleasure. She pushed her hips toward Nadim, greedy for his ministrations. The redheaded man surely knew it when he hit her g-spot, as she gave a sudden jump and a squeak. "Ah! Aaah!" She mewled as he began to stimulate that sensitive ridge, she shuddered under the waves of pleasure. The sensation she had felt with Ilias came upon her again, combined with another. It was almost as if she had to pee, but not quite.

The smaller man's stamina meant that she didn't have to wonder for long, though, as her second orgasm hit her. With it, came waves of girlcum. The stimulation caused her to add more to the mess that the three were creating—not that Xara could particularly care, locked in euphoric bliss as she was. She rode out her second peak for the better part of half-a-minute. She was still dazed from pleasure as Nadim readjusted her and was actually surprised as he continued.

It was then that the redheaded thief set about showing her exactly how inexperienced she was. Her new position changed the sensation of being fucked entirely. Her partner's shaft plumbed deeper into her pussy and pleasure was on her almost immediately. She managed to offer a disparaging look to Nadim regarding the name of the position, but that was soon lost as he threatened to make the bunnygirl come again. She met his kiss as eagerly as she had met Ilias's. As much as she wanted to be unhappy with the charmer, the aphrodisiac and his ability to alleviate it made righteous anger impossible to maintain.

The feel of his mouth enclosed around her ear was different in its own way. The floppy appendages were as sensitive as the rest of her body—which was to say that they were incredibly receptive to touch with the aphrodisiac flowing through them. She moaned as she was subjected to Nadim's whims, too locked under him to take any command of the situation and too horny to care. He easily guided her into a new position, one which, yet again, changed the sensations of their coupling entirely for Xara. The severe pace his lovemaking took caused her to slide wildly across the bed, sending her jiggling orbs bouncing with the force. And it wasn't long until she came again under his motions, her pussy clenching and trying to milk the unrelenting cock which continued to pound her. She may have given Ilias her first, but it looked and felt like she would give Nadim her second, third, and fourth.

The redheaded thief confirmed as much by action as he adjusted her legs again, until she ended up facedown on the bed. Had Nadim not been trying to hard to fuck her senseless, Xara might have snickered at the irony of ending up in the position after fantasizing about it when she had first met his beloved and him. The irony was completely lost on her as the wet smacks of flesh on flesh sounded in the room. She grabbed at the bed as the redheaded thief took his chance to rut her, it was all she could do to stay upright. This time, the bunnygirl had completely forgotten that Ilias was in the room. And when the furiously-paced fucking came to its conclusion, she had no words to protest his declaration, she could only arch her back as he prepared to breed her.

As Nadim filled her womb with his seed and the warmth that was only familiar because of the craftsman's actions shortly before, another orgasm rocked the petite thief to her core. She cried out as her pussy milked the shorter man's cock of all its spunk, even as he used her to empty himself. Spurt after spurt erupted in her, the excess of juices running from her cunny and onto the bed. When it came to an end and the smooth-talking thief had been satisfied, she simply collapsed. "Hah..." She panted and gasped desperately for air. Her limbs were weary and she really wanted a drink of water. The two thieves' words were lost in her recovery.

And yet, she was still horny. For every drop of the aphrodisiac burned out of her body with that particular form of exercise, nothing seemed to change. The feeling reminded her of her heat, there was no way to sate it. The bunny girl almost found herself wishing that the two men weren't finished with her, that they could pump her full of more of their cum and breed her until the insatiable feeling was gone. As it turned out, it might have been the only wish that she saw granted, whether in partial or full, in a Deunic city.

By the time the lustful bunnygirl determined that Ilias had claimed his chance for a second go, she was practically in a breeding frenzy. The otherwise-weary girl picked herself up on all fours and waggled her rear at him as if to entice him. She gazed at him with a strange gleam in her eyes and an odder smile. When her would-be lover took his position behind her, she cooed with anticipatory pleasure. Her right hand moved to spread her own sex so that he could penetrate her that much easier. A happy mewl erupted from her lips as Ilias claimed her pussy a second time.

Their second coupling saw Xara acting like a changed woman in comparison to their first. As her voidic instincts asserted more control, she began to rut herself against the thrusting craftsman. Even as he employed the tricks he had learned from watching Nadim, she pushed herself back to meet his hips in rhythm. "Ilias," she moaned. "Ah! Fuck me, Ilias!" The feeling of the strong thief behind her was enough to send her head spinning again, no matter the difference in skill between Nadim and him. She continued to pant and moan, even as he changed positions, waves of pleasure and desire to breed overwhelming every other thought.

When the redheaded thief offered her the chance, she gladly enveloped his cock in her mouth. She bobbed along it in rhythm with Ilias's thrusts from behind. Xara took his shaft as deep as she could. The vibrations of her moans joined her lips and tongue in stimulation the smooth-talker's member, as she expressed her pleasure from Ilias rutting her. She licked and suckled on the presented rod even as fantasies of the two men filling her with their spunk a dozen times more filled her head. The smell of her pheromone became almost as heavy as her arousal in the room, as she eagerly serviced both Ilias and Nadim with the best means available to her.

Xara had gone into a frenzy, by that point, and would continue to service the other thieves' desires until they were fully sated.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Horny

"I-I... I will!" said Ilias in response to the bunnygirl's demands, his muscles moving accordingly to help fulfill her wanton desires as he slammed into her ever harder, burying himself deep into her tight little pussy. As surprised as Ilias would normally be to hear the change in Xara's tone from her usual innocent and naive inflection to one that was brimming with desire, the pheromones hanging thick in the room had clouded his mind enough for it to have less weight than it normally would have under other circumstances. He found himself wanting nothing more than to want to hear her call his name--and she was, for a time--but seeing her go down on Nadim like that brought forth an undeniable urge to raise his pace and speed, in the hopes of making the overwhelming sensation cause her to lose her mouth's 'grip' upon the shorter one's shaft and cry out in pleasure.


Finding his second wind a few more minutes into their frenzied threesome, Ilias began to try different things, as his focus shifted from the somewhat clumsy lovemaking of earlier to how he could best make her scream out in ecstasy. He angled himself up, down, whichever variation of the position would get the tanned beauty to show more outward signs of approval, be it verbally or non, and once he found something that worked, would proceed to hammer her in that one spot, determined to make her beg for his second load. The otherwise timid carpenter felt his competitive spirit blaze deep inside, having seen the way that Nadim pleasured Xara. It seemed to possess him, driving the normally stoic youth into passionately giving the bunnygirl his all, letting her feel first-hand the fevered motions that resulted from his 'motivated' self. And luckily for Xara--or at least that healthy libido of hers--the brown-haired thief would prove to be quite good when he was inspired in such a manner. Despite it only being technically his second time, the petite subhuman found his performance already improving noticeably compared to the previous one. While not quite at Nadim's level, of course, it was still leaps and bounds over his first venture into her heavenly depths, from roughly an hour or so earlier.

On the other end, Nadim was being quite bold once he saw that Xara had willingly accepted him into his mouth, cupping her left cheek with one hand while resting the other upon the back of her head, and thrusting his hips forward with extraordinary vigor, causing the head of his cock to jut forth towards her throat, letting the next layer squeeze down upon his sensitive glans, and sighing deeply in ecstasy the whole time. Letting her kiss the base of his manhood at the end of each full stroke, he let his balls slap audibly against her chin as he continued to hump her face, taking full advantage of the mating frenzy that the bunnygirl had appeared to descend into. Feeling his shaft cradled by Xara's wet, hard-working tongue, and tightened around by the ring of her lips was such an amazing feeling, even for the rather experienced redhead, who tossed his head up in pleasure, stroking her jet-black hair back gently, along with her ears.

Though her occasional pauses of crying out from Ilias' more vigorous pumps were admittedly distracting, Nadim seemed to be a good sport about it, instead finding the opportunity to be rather impressed with his trainee / rival's ability to improve in such a short period. He let Xara take him back in when she was ready, though once he found a good stretch of time by which to have her suck him off properly, he used the chance to go right back at it, treating the bunnygirl's oral faculties as if they were her cunny, feeling every vibration of her moans against his meaty staff and letting them drive him towards his peak. "Hahh! Hahh! Xara... Agh!" Nadim wasn't about to stop, not now, with the pretty thing's lips wrapped firmly around his manhood. He waited until the very tip of his next orgasm showed itself before abruptly pulling out, wrapping a hand around his member and furiously jerking himself off while signaling for the bunnygirl to open wide, cupping her chin in his other hand.

"Ohhhh... HNNN! HNNN! HNNNGH...!" Within seconds, thick ropes of his cum were let loose, one after another, aimed steadily into her waiting mouth, with the majority laid out evenly onto her tongue. A minority of the shots wound up on Xara's lips and nose, the resulting gobs hanging loosely from there unless she bothered to clean them up of her own accord. Considering he had given the other thief the creampie of a lifetime just minutes earlier, Nadim's second load was surprisingly substantial in spite of this, giving her a good amount to swallow or spit, whatever she chose to do with it. Only after he was completely finished did he stop, and even then he let his cock hang freely in front of her face for Xara to clean up if she so chose.

Even after the crimson-haired one at the girl's top half had spent himself a second time, Ilias on the other hand had found the grit to keep going for a while longer, his intense desire to pleasure her the way she had inherently done for him pushing the brown-haired thief past his fatigue. As he persisted in pistoning into her, the blend of her juices, as well as some of Nadim's leftover cum, continued to trickle down from the yelping bunnygirl's opening and along her inner thighs, demonstrating just how saturated she was with the bodily fluids of both men. This wouldn't stop Ilias in the slightest though, as he was absolutely determined to make the majority of those liquids his--and of course hers, so long as it was his fault. A tall order, considering how many times the other guy had already made her cum, but on the other hand, Ilias had also never been this riled up before. Positioning himself back upright, he resorted to using the momentum of bouncing off of Xara's fine tush to rebound and nail her even harder from there, indulging in the amazing feeling of it all. Utterly focused on the task at hand, the brown-haired one gave it to her like nobody's business, as if it were his sole purpose in life. It would've taken more than Safiya and Yasmin arriving at the same time to pull him off of the mewling bunnygirl.

Luckily for him, the pair didn't arrive--it was still far too early for that--and that gave the horny couple all the time they needed to work out those deep-seated sexual frustrations upon each other. After having managed to sustain a heavy pace in the doggy-style position for the better half of an hour, Ilias stopped, then turned Xara around to face him, supporting her back and hips with his arms, and lifted her up off the bed and ground completely, almost as if to let her know just how light and small she was compared to him. Holding her tightly while in this semi-crouched position, he began to bounce her up and down upon his throbbing cock, matching his upward thrusts into her in time with forceful pulls of the bunnygirl's petite frame downward, hilting her while panting in her ear.

Even in his lust-ridden state, however, the craftsman wasn't completely inconsiderate. If Xara showed signs of pain or discomfort at this, he would lower himself back onto the bed, with her on top--which he eventually did anyway, as the standing position proved to be quite tiring--and from there, he would let her ride him, his hands traveling upwards to grope at her tanned bosom all the while. Even if the girl was too exhausted to really move herself from the top, she'd find that his constantly bucking hips made the experience like something of a ride, although the fun was of a different kind, in this case. Xara also had control over which spots deep inside she wanted Ilias to hit the most, as he mainly stuck to thrusting in the same direction, providing something of a nice 'toy' that could easily cause her to cum, if she angled herself just right upon the hard-working member.

Whichever route she chose, though, Xara would only be given just enough time to orgasm again from the cowgirl position, as Ilias had already been immersed in her depths enough to where he'd reach his limit once more. After all, he was practically jacked off by her tight little cunny for over half an hour at the very least since the other youth, Nadim, last blew his load, though the exact time was probably too difficult to remember given the trio's current state of mind. An escalating groan rising from Ilias announced exactly what Xara could expect at this point, which was another dose of his warm spunk shooting up into her, tickling the entrance to her womb as she was creampied for the third time, the feeling no less exciting especially with a loudly moaning and writhing lover beneath her. "Xara... aah... aahnn... hnnnngh!"

More than his cum spilling inside of her, she could feel the defined throbs of his cock like a steady heartbeat, working hard to pump all that the thief could give into her womanly chamber, expanding and contracting rhythmically to give her the sensation that Ilias, or at least an important part of him, was indeed nestled deep inside of her. It wasn't some inanimate object, it was a live, healthy, pulsing cock being accommodated by Xara's cunny, and the feeling in itself, at least in this horny state of hers, was quite addicting in its own way. If only that could be multiplied somehow...

As Ilias withdrew himself from her, he kissed her on the cheek and sighed, too exhausted to move any further, at least right now anyway. While he was given time to recover, Xara wasn't, or so she thought, as she was pulled over to another bed, one less soaked, and... given a full waterskin to drink from. "Here," said Nadim. "I'm sure you've gotta be thirsty after all that," he commented with a wink.

But even after she was given a bit of a breather to relax and rehydrate herself, the bunnygirl would find that nagging need to get fucked lingering... no, it wasn't just that. It was actually stronger, now that her body found itself ready for yet another round. The crimson-haired trickster, having been given ample time to recover from his last orgasm, was ready for it too. He directed Xara to bend over onto the cushion on all fours, and holding a strange vial in his hand, he dipped a finger into it before allowing the bunnygirl to feel her rear pucker slathered with a somewhat cool, yet thick, and gooey liquid. Carefully, and evenly, he applied the lubricant all around Xara's tight, previously untouched entrance before sliding a finger in ever so slowly. "Aah, yeah... how's that feel? Maybe a little weird, I know, but you'll get used to it," he went on while venturing ever deeper, making sure to take his time with this to let the receiver actually absorb the sensation and grow accustomed to it. "I mean... if I remember right, there's even a part that can feel good for you... right...around... here!" Eventually his finger went deep enough to touch down upon the perineal sponge inside, rubbing it gently to see if that would earn him any kind of reaction from the heated bunnygirl. "See, that's not so bad, huh? You like it?" Teasingly, Nadim began to plunge his lubed-up finger in and out of her ass, going long enough for her to get worked up, but then stopping at key points whenever Xara appeared to actually get turned on.

"But... I'm not gonna play with you like that," he said in a low tone, pulling the digit from her rear canal and taking some time to wash it off via a smaller bucket drawn out of one of the two large water jugs, then wiping it. "Ooh, you're nice and clean. Almost as if you were meant to take it there... So, how about it?" He stood behind her, and soon enough Xara could feel the light thump of Nadim's cock upon her backside, lingering there as if to taunt her with what it could do. Surely enough, the redhead's intentions were quite clear at this point, but he would only stroke it up and down between her cheeks, gently circling the pucker with the tip of his manhood, occasionally prodding at it ever so gently, but not nearly enough to grant the full penetration she may have wanted. Only when Xara began to actively request it did he proceed to enter her and claim the bunnygirl's anal virginity, venturing inward with relative ease, thanks to the preparations made beforehand.

"Ohhh, wow, Xara... you feel better inside than Yasmin!" With that, he began to take her in this newly adapted hole, treating her to a most odd sensation, slightly uncomfortable at first, to the point where it almost felt as if someone had lightly jabbed her in the stomach with every thrust Nadim took. But after a good minute or two of steady, evenly-paced screwing in that area, she'd be able to finally get used to it, perhaps even enjoy it as the underside of the crimson-haired thief's dickhead rubbed away at that same spot within--the one teased by his finger just a short while earlier. It also helped that Nadim was considerably smaller than Ilias, for to take such a large member in that back entrance would've been more painful than anything else for the fragile little thief. He soon began to plow her at a more rapid pace, much in the same way that he had taken her womanhood hours before, and even reached around with both hands, using one to cup her breasts and play with them, switching off occasionally, and the other to rub at her exposed pussy.

"You like that, huh? Geez... all wet down here again already... I'd say you want us both at the same time," cooed Nadim suggestively, lightly nibbling in her ear as he fucked her in the ass tirelessly, keeping the pace relatively consistent so as to have her cry out with pleasure. He rolled over onto his back, leaving her face up as he continued to hump her. Naturally, one of his hands was still rested upon the front of her pussy, teasingly running up and down her slit, occasionally stopping and resting over her clit to rub at it for short periods of time, doing just about everything short of sticking a finger in it. "Mm, heh... Why don't you ask Ilias over there to come help?" He motioned over to Ilias, who was still sprawled out and heaving on the other mattress.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Despite Ilias's valiant efforts, the bunnygirl's mouth remained closed over the redheaded thief's cock at first. She used Nadim's shaft as a combination gag and outlet for her attentions, as she could do little to increase her pleasure or add to the experience as the powerful craftsman began to pound into her. It might not have been much comfort for the tallest of the three that despite the effectiveness of his motivated thrusts, the man who'd produced the rut-inspiring drug was getting most of the benefit. Xara gave muffled moans and mewls of ecstasy as her burning need was fulfilled, continuing to add to Nadim's pleasure as the vibrations joined her tongue and the suction of her mouth in the myriad of sensations at work on him.

The strong, brown-haired thief's work wasn't entirely in vain, though. She reluctantly let Nadim's rod slip a few times to cry out in joy at the fucking being provided to her. Some of her wanton calls of desire weren't words at all, but they were peppered with a very distinguishable pattern. "Ilias! Ah! Fuck me! More! More! Fill meee!" Being stuffed with more cum was her only goal in life at the time. It felt like her two partners' seed was the only thing that would douse the raging fire within her body. Her void rabbit instincts demanded it.

But those same instincts also demanded a quenching of her libido. She hungrily sought out Nadim's cock after each outburst of babbled cries, eagerly enveloping it in her breeding frenzy frenzy. And as he slapped his weighty scrotum into her small chin, she found that it didn't really bother her. Every inch of cock that filled her was a pleasant fulfillment of the hormones that drove her. The throbbing, pulsating organs were all she needed to be happy and see her voidic purposes satisfied. That and what could be milked from them.

Something within her knew what was coming as the redheaded thief found her oral ministrations too much to hold back on any longer. As he withdrew himself from the entrance to her throat and cupped her chin, Xara looked at him with lust-glazed eyes and opened her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out to provide a target for his latest affection. The violently aroused bunnygirl even tried to hold herself steady for the man, despite it being a feat with Ilias slamming himself into her pussy with enough power to cause her to rock.

All of her efforts were rewarded as her tongue was bathed in cum, along with her nose, lips, and chin. The slim void rabbit swallowed happily. The strands of sticky liquid outside of her mouth were allowed to simply run down her neck and cheeks. Whatever her disregard for her own cleanliness, when she realized that Nadim and his cock were still in front of her, she began to lick and clean it of the results of her handiwork, swallowing the precum and spunk she lapped off of his shaft and tip. But, once he fell away from her dutiful work, her attention turned entirely to Ilias.

If she was a woman changed, he was certainly a man changed. It was Xara's turn to wonder if the tallest, and perhaps strongest, of the thieves wasn't some sort of unnatural machine in his own right. If he was, she was certainly appreciating it. As he sawed in and out of her increasingly abused pussy with his throbbing cock, the tanned girl's body went on autopilot. She allowed her upper body to fall to the bed, tits and hands pressed against the soft mattress while he gave her everything he had. Her mouth simply fell open and remained that way as Ilias did his best to give her cloth burns across her torso and his flesh slapped against her handfuls of ass with enough force to produce a rhythm of lewd noises; it was all the better for her to give her vocal approval of Ilias's new self.

"Harder! Harder, Ilias!" She managed to turn her head enough to mewl out her wants. And when the craftsman managed to eke out a little bit of extra force into fucking the wanton bunnygirl, he would be rewarded in his efforts to catch up to Nadim. "Ilias!" The rest of her cries were babbled as she spasmed around the taller thief's cock. Her body shook as another orgasm wracked her. A small puddle of drool formed on the bed as her nerves were overwhelmed with pleasure. And her limbs shivered in joy as the brown-haired man continued to ram her, determined to ensure that she wouldn't be walking straight tomorrow.

He had his work cut out for him in that, too. The void-born beauty's body felt built for the act it was so heavily engaged in. Nothing about her was sore, and her exhaustion only seemed to melt away when given the chance to quench her lust. Xara's breeding frenzy demanded more and her pheromones coaxed those around her into giving her more. But at the time it seemed that if there was a man who could accomplish it, it was Ilias with his newly found spirit.

When he turned her toward him and picked her up, that was when the craftsman came closest to his goals of truly claiming responsibility for most of the mess that the orgiastic tryst had caused. The display of his strength drove the bunnygirl wild. Her arms and legs wrapped around him as best they could as he held her up like a toy for his pleasure and continued to pound her. He was rewarded in mere minutes as her body began to shake with a nearly seamless series of orgasms. The minor peaks rolled through her body one after the other as he held her in such a vulnerable position. Xara's depths seemed determined to milk the powerful male of his seed.

It was impossible to count who, between Nadim and Ilias, was in the lead after that.

And, as he finally grew too tired to keep it up, when he laid on the bed with her atop him, her body continued to urge her to milk the man's cock. There was barely a delay to be found before she was riding the craftsman for all her worth. Even with the opportunity offered to her, she was more focused on his pleasure than her own. The void rabbit felt an unusual sense of determination coming over her to end that section of their tryst with him cumming inside her. She pounded herself on his manhood as fiercely as he had pistoned her earlier, producing more wet slaps of flesh hitting flesh, and was only emboldened as her soft orbs were groped at.

She gave a strange grin as Ilias groaned and redoubled her efforts. And it wasn't long before her heat was temporarily doused by more waves of cum. Even as his orgasm first took root, she continued to ride him, determined to get all she could out of the throbbing shaft buried in her folds. And it was near the very end of his climax that she achieved another orgasm, the contractions of her velvety walls serving to pull most of his spunk into her womb. Xara left the rod inside her for some time as she gazed down upon the panting thief with unhidden desire while panting from his earlier successes. The kiss on her cheek as the two uncoupled, the petite girl very reluctant in doing so, had the strange effect of making her blush.

There would be no rest for the wicked, or horny, though, as the bunnygirl was led to another mattress, some of the mess on her body dripping onto the floor along the way. She flopped herself onto the bed and guzzled the waterskin offered afterward as if she were still dehydrated from several days prior. While it was much appreciated and needed to regain her voice after what must have been an hour of screaming and moaning, the water only seemed to dissolve whatever minor feeling of being sated she had found after Ilias had unloaded into her. Had she been in a saner mindset, Xara might have wondered if Nadim had drugged the water as well. At the time, though, she found that it was a question where she really didn't care about the answer.

Given her returning feeling of lust, she allowed herself to be led into her new position without hassle, and only a slight tinge of curiosity at how the more skilled of her two partners would try to out-do his motivated protege. It wasn't something that she would wait long to discover, as the smooth-talking man produced a vial of lubricant which he began to slather around her backdoor. "But, that's..." She began to protest, looking back at him to watch his actions warily, but went silent as the ensuing sensation of his finger pressing in didn't necessarily feel bad, only strange. She remained silent as the crimson-haired thief continued his ministrations, with the exception of a soft coo and a shiver as he touched at the unexpectedly sensitive spot inside her rear.

Even though her void rabbit body appeared to be all but built for sating lusts, her partners' and hers, the new sensation of having her backside fingered took some getting used to. But she did slowly get used to it, as Nadim began to prepare her virgin hole for something with more girth. It wasn't long before it began to feel good, as he expertly stimulated her unexpectedly sensitive ass. She gave a shameless nod as Nadim asked if she liked it. There was no delay at all to her second nod, when he asked her permission to claim her anal virginity.

When that wasn't enough, only managing to gain more teasing from the redhead, she broke her own silence. "Fuck me," she crooned, as if those were her two favorite words in all of language since Ilias and Nadim had introduced her to such unique sensations of pleasure. As he penetrated her tight ass, Xara quickly discovered that his cock, while smaller than Ilias's, was much bigger than a finger. The only thing that seemed to guard the new form of penetration from being out and out painful was the amount of lubricant he had slathered her with. As with all the experiences she had been treated to that day, though, it was one that became pleasurable as her voidic nature allowed her to adapt to it. Before long, it felt every bit as good as having a throbbing cock hilted in her cunny, if not as fulfilling, for whatever reason.

The short bunnygirl was still thankful for the slow pace in which her partner accommodated her. If he had simply pounded away at her, it would have been downright painful. Instead, she began to moan and gasp with pleasure as he began to increase his tempo. She found herself more thankful still as Nadim began to toy with her sex, the pleasure of the two different types of stimulation mingling together to leave her in bliss. She barely took any notice as they changed positions, too focused on the sensations to care overly much. The void rabbit did, however, take heed of the suggestion to involve Ilias, and thought it was a grand idea.

"You're right," she replied to the smooth-talker in a pleasured daze. "Ili-aaaaah!" The exposed girl had turned to say something to the craftsman, but it was lost as an orgasm rolled over her from the red-haired thief toying with her clit and brushing against the bundle of sensitive nerves in her ass at the same time. Once molten pleasure had resided, though, she continued as if nothing had happened. "Ilias... You're not tired already are you? Come here and help me. Fill me with your seed," she looked at the man with deep blue eyes filled with want as she requested that he return to the orgiastic tryst.

All in all, with Xara's instincts urging her to seek out even more pleasure, the group seemed to be on track for the mother of all cleanup jobs.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Horny

Ilias groggily looked up to see his 'little sister' taking it in an orifice never before explored by none other than the crimson-haired prankster. Xara's beautifully tanned body was glistening with sweat and facing him in all its glory, with some of the craftsman's own excess seed still trickling from her well-used womanhood. It was admittedly quite a sight, for her to stare at him longingly in such a way, tempting him once more to join in on the fun, else Nadim have it all to himself. No... the newfound spirit brought out in Ilias wouldn't allow that to happen. That passionate side of Ilias told him that he wanted to be the one that Xara cried out for. Not that he hadn't accomplished that to some extent at this point, but he wasn't about to relax when Nadim had already taken it to the next level by claiming her anal virginity. He opened his mouth at first, as if to say something in protest to this spectacle, but instead found that his body had done the talking for him; his impressive manhood quickly stood at attention once more, honest with its desire to find itself buried in Xara's depths yet again, as many times as it took to satisfy the bunnygirl. All things considered, it was a rather dangerous goal for a newly deflowered guy like Ilias to want nothing more than to sexually please a rabbit from the Void, but he couldn't help it--he cared for her enough to put forth that degree of effort, something rarely seen in him otherwise.

Getting to his feet, Ilias took the few steps necessary to get over to where her and Nadim lay, and positioning himself over Xara, he gently parted her thighs a bit further to grant him just a little more space, even as her rear hole was still being claimed in a firm, steady fashion by the redhead beneath her. Once the allowance was made, he posted a hand on the bed, using the other to line the tip of his hard cock up with the bunnygirl's waiting entrance, and gradually driving himself forward, he sunk in between her velvety folds, groaning in sheer bliss as he entered her for the third time today. The brown-haired thief found that it was something he could get used to; after all, Xara felt simply amazing inside, and while her cunny had seen a fair amount of use already since its initial 'breaking in', as well as having its slick interior practically coated with the sperm-filled juices of both men, it was still wonderfully tight and welcoming. To this, Ilias let out a deep sigh, then began to pump away at her steadily, at a pace independent to Nadim's, perhaps just a tad faster in tempo. Xara was then sandwiched between the two young men, their bodily warmth enveloping her from two sides and grinding against her silky, moist skin, with the red-haired one consistently hitting her perineal sponge from below while Ilias got in balls-deep with each thrust.


"Ah! Haah... hnngh, Xara... Ohhh!"
"Hfff... rrrgh, aah, d-damn, she feels so good..."

At some point in the frenzied session, Ilias repositioned himself so that he would have a more firm grounding before he really began to give it to her good, hammering Xara from above in a way that would make her scream even if she didn't have the second body beneath her, working that tight rear pucker. As if this wasn't enough, Nadim reached over and cupped her rapidly bouncing breasts from behind, steadying them beneath his solid grip to massage the fleshy orbs dutifully. It wasn't long before another fever pitch was reached, with each youth fucking one of Xara's lower holes as fast and as hard as he could before release became imminent. With each stroke outward that Nadim took out of the bunnygirl's ass, Ilias plunged deeply into her tight cunny, both bodies tensing rhythmically in their attempts to grant her as much pleasure as humanly possible.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

With the return of Ilias, and the return of his length to her folds, Xara came as close to feeling truly sated as she had since the tryst began. The insatiable void rabbit allowed her thighs to splay out, all the better for the other two thieves to have access to her tight holes. They remained well spread for the powerful male as his thrusts joined the red-haired smooth-talker's. When her two partners hit a rhythm, her limbs were left hanging. The bunnygirl was in bliss, sandwiched between two virile males, the warmth of their bodies against her skin and their throbbing cocks nestled in her ass and sex. The petite thief could have only come closer to paradise if a third man had been available to stuff her mouth.

The void-born woman was left paralyzed as she rode out a string of orgasms at the hands of Ilias and Nadim, her limbs fell limp as she was robbed of muscle control by blinding pleasure. While her legs and arms did little beyond dangling, her mouth still worked. She was very enthusiastic in crying out her enjoyment of the situation as she was hammered, joining in the lewd chorus of flesh slapping against flesh. "Yes! Yes! Yeeesss!" The craftsman's new position combined with Nadim's massage brought each peak in an increasingly rapid succession, along with managing to pump a steady flow of cum and her juices out of her pussy with each thrust.

It seemed that there might never be an end to it all, which suited the void rabbit just fine. By then, her pheromone was so heavy in the air that the room stank of her smell, compelling her two lovers to continue slamming her. The orgasms caused her to spasm and tighten around their cocks, working to milk them of their seed in the process. The bunnygirl's libido was endless and her body inexhaustible when it came to seeking more satisfaction. No matter what level of pleasure they inflicted upon her body, nor how often, it never faded into soreness or pain at having experienced too much. For the voidic girl, there was no such thing as too much.

But chances were that the two men servicing her weren't born of something of the void. Still, it never crossed Xara's mind, all that she cared to do was to be fucked and peak until the two were too spent to continue.