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Mitsuko X Space Escape

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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Uriel's blog has been updated quite a bit lately and the newest update involves game over CGs or little animations with one featuring Chibi Mitsuko.

I'll just post my opinion on this since I can't comment on his blog:

If I had to choose, I'd go for regular Mitsuko in those small animations but I don't think that is an option so I'll vote for the chibi animations since static CGs are kind of boring.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Actually, he said he was just messing around but would like opinions from people if they'd like to see more game over anims like the sample on his most recent blog post.

I assume he wants comments on the actual blog post itself, but since I know he stops by from time to time, I'd say here that I'm all for it, and I like both the chibi and normal versions of her.

It's just... maybe more of those could be added in a patch once an updated release comes out because it's been so long since we've had more gameplay to actually play. I'm more partial to RoR sprite sex than GoR scenes anyways.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I definitely like the animated chibi although I think the physics in the second animation around the breasts may need a bit of change but that's just me.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I have nothing against chibi animations but a certain win for me would be adult game over animations.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Meh, the chibi animations really looked too much like ch#ld p#rn, like many people in the comments wrote. Not my cup of tea. I rather would have static with a character that looks like the character I play.
But I would wish he would just completely redo the Game-Over-Concept anyways.
Being dead after 2 orgasms kind of sucks, especially because you can only experience the horny system by masturbating or tripping pills
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Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I really hate to say it, but I kinda like the blowjob chibi scene. The vaginal one is weird though. I think it has to do with the bouncing breasts.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Yea that was what I thought too. The breasts looked like water balloons flapping up and down, figuratively speaking.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

So, I couldn't get to the site on Fire Fox (some six year old bug that nobody seems to know how to fix) but on IE the animations don't show up at all. I don't suppose someone could do me the favor of posting them here?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

So, I couldn't get to the site on Fire Fox (some six year old bug that nobody seems to know how to fix) but on IE the animations don't show up at all. I don't suppose someone could do me the favor of posting them here?

Or you could use Chrome...
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Or you could use Chrome...

Tried it. Doesn't load the page at all, just like Firefox.

Could someone please help with my request? It's not much, just a handful of 'copy link location' clicks.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

It's not much, just a handful of 'copy link location' clicks.
I'd say it's actually more than 'not much' due to this whole 'borderline-loli or not loli' shenanigan, but... regardless, if you can't get it working on the three major browsers, I'd say giving you a link to the flash file won't do you much good either [assuming you're wanting the 'animated picture' that was posted on the 15th September].

Perhaps you should try updating your flash player? I vaguely recall reading that IE has a separate flash player to FF/Chrome so even if your flash on FF/Chrome was up to date, your IE might not be. Hopefully that'll make your IE one 'move' or something, idk. Ignore me if you've already mentioned you've updated it or something earlier, I can't read QQ
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Yeah, if you can't get the site to load on the three biggest browsers, I'd say it's either you computer that's the problem or your ISP is blocking the site. That, or you're clicking on the wrong link and/or your bookmark is out of date.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I want to know, is the current update to the game just the buffed hp of the mobs, or is there more? Also I forgot so could someone please explain to me how to access the gallery?
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

I want to know, is the current update to the game just the buffed hp of the mobs, or is there more? Also I forgot so could someone please explain to me how to access the gallery?

Beat the game in all difficulties, getting all 17 items each time, a bit too much I know XP

PS. HOLY FRIGGING GEBUZ!!! Finally I can access the forum, what gives, it won't load the page no matter what, and it fixed itself just as it broke, out of the blue, I gotta check too if I can finally enter Lok too.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

This game has a lot of potential. I like the animations and the gameplay is decent. Hopefully additional levels and enemies will be released relatively soon.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Sorry if I am slow to follow, but did he update the download link on his blog? I followed his posts but unsure if he updated it too. o.o
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

New update on his blog, Uriel said that he is looking into implementing cut scenes into the game and is asking us what we think Mitsuko's personality would be like.

My guess is that she would be energetic and flirty, if the pictures convey any personality.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

New update on his blog, Uriel said that he is looking into implementing cut scenes into the game and is asking us what we think Mitsuko's personality would be like.

My guess is that she would be energetic and flirty, if the pictures convey any personality.

I would make it dependant on the corruption that she either is rash and angry against the raping or that she starts a battle/level with saying that she can't wait for her next fuck.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

Bubbly catgirl personality comes to mind more than a serious one, IMO.
Re: Mitsuko X Space Escape

New update on his blog, Uriel said that he is looking into implementing cut scenes into the game and is asking us what we think Mitsuko's personality would be like.

My guess is that she would be energetic and flirty, if the pictures convey any personality.

Yeah, I'm all up for that.
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