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To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Name: Sarah Bentof
Avatar Name: Ashley
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise 0
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Erin would be an average (5'5"), slender human with the toned body of a swordswoman. Her breasts are below-average, though no one would call her flat. She has wide hips and a small, cute butt. Her dirty blonde hair is generally kept around neck to shoulder length and her blue eyes almost sparkle when she's happy.

Attitude (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Outgoing and friendly for the most part, Sarah is at her shyest when her friends start talking about anything sexual, having no real experience in the area. She also doesn't deal well with large groups of people she doesn't know, and isn't very good about talking with strangers outside of necessity. The one area she isn't shy about, however, is gaming. Sarah is a consummate gamer, having experienced almost every genre available and enjoying most of them to some extent. Roleplaying has always been her favorite, though, so when her friends told her about this new system, she knew she had to try it out somehow.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.): Sarah is obviously a virgin, only having had a boyfriend for a month or so in high school. Her knowledge of sex is strictly second-hand or taken from the erotic literature she secretly reads. She has developed somewhat of a fetish for rape fantasies. Also, she loves cats.

As Sarah arrives to the Chamber corp. building, a friendly man in his late twenties and with a goatee show up, escorting her to a small chamber with EGG pod and showing her how to use it.

Once inside, Sarah encounters a screenful of options:
Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consentual Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): (1-5, five being very rough, 1 being very gentle.)
Additional Category? _______________?

Followed by some more:

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

Offensive Levels

Defensive Levels
The City of Mists(?)
Penalty legion(?)
Hive of Corruption(?)
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah practically skips along behind the man, eager to get started. She gets into the pod, and a smile spreads across her face when the options appear. She makes her selections...

Humans: Y 4
Male/Female: Y 5
Female/Female: Y 2
Pregnancy: Y 4
Birthing: Y 3
Non Consentual Sex: Y 5
Slavery: Y 2
Corruption: N
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): N
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 2
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y 4
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Variable. Monsters and beasts, 4-5; humans could be 1-5 depending on the individual.
Additional Category? N

Sarah blushed at some of the options, but stuck with what she felt would be most fun. She then quickly looked through the other options.

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

"Hmm, normal sounds good," she said to herself, leaving it where it was.

Offensive Levels

Defensive Levels
The City of Mists(?)
Penalty legion(?)
Hive of Corruption(?)

Looking at the level options, Sarah pressed the (?) by each, hoping it was some sort of help feature.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

As Sarah presses each question mark, a description pops up:

The City of Mists: By day, the skies are covered in endless ashclouds and the peasants toil endlessly for the fruits of unforgiving land and the corrupted nobles hold whips; by night, only few dare go outside while monsters roam the land and the nightmarish mists surround everything. Yet there is hope, for in the city of mists, a precious few plot for change.

Penalty Legion: The empire needs new lands, and so the criminal scum is put to work for expanding it: You are one of those who have risen above the others and become an officer in this machine of warfare. Now the legions are marching north, to the forbidden jungles of the lizardfolk.

The Hive of Corruption: Corrupted officials turn a blind eye on the criminal element in this endless hive build on the toil of countless workers. It is the blasters and slug throwers that make the law here. There are only two escapes here: The spaceport, where you might get to a better - or at least different - land, and the grave, where your remains will be recycled and your only legacy will be a few meals for some workers whose hope was hammered to oblivion by their endless toll years ago. Will you thrive, survive or escape?

Aqualand: Blue skies, even bluer oceans and the shining sun:What more could one want for a holiday? Mermaids! Beautiful jungles! A volcano: High-class hotels! This holiday resort will melt even the coldest heart! Not all mermaids are friendly. Survival not guaranteed.

Insert your own option: Insert your own keyphrase here and the EGG will try to generate a setting based on that.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah carefully reads over the choices, pondering for a bit on the open option before finally selecting The City of Mists as her choice.

"Okay, I'm all set!" she said, practically vibrating with anticipation.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

First the screen goes blank, then the lights go out and Sarah finds herself floating in emptiness.

Slowly the sensations return, starting with the feeling of silk on her skin followed by the scent of an exotic perfume and the sunlight filtered through a large window and tempered by the endless ashclouds covering the sky. Sarah finds herself in a luxurious bedroom, wearing a nightgown made of silk and sitting on her soft bed. Next to the bed is a small dressing table with a mirror, comb and several small pieces of jewellery. It's still quite early in the morning, and she's awake surprisingly early, considering the party last night.

Suddenly more memories rush in. She's Sarah Delou, the eldest daughter of a minor noble house. For the past several months, she's been in the capital rather than their estates, because her father thinks they need to maneuver for better position - not to mention marriage, which is becoming concern for a lady approaching her 20th birthday. Tonight would be another party where she'd meet some of her admirers - the sheer exoticism of a woman who likes swordplay and has scars(minor ones, of course, and not many) and muscles to show for it has no doubt netted her a few more than she'd otherwise have - but until then, she'd be free to do as she pleased.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah yawns, waking to the feel of silk on her skin. She opens her eyes lazily, looking around and taking in her new environment.

Wow, this is really good!

She blinks as memories start flooding in, filling her in on backstory as well as the party last night. She smiles as she recalls some of the people she met, especially those men who seemed oh so interested in her. She stretches, catlike, before sliding off the bed.

Hmm, I guess I better freshen up if there's another party tonight.

Sarah sits at the small dressing table, picks up the comb, and pulls it through her hair, getting it set in what her new memories tell her is a fashionable, yet practical, manner. She also looks through the jewelry, picking out a few pieces she likes the look of.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

As Sarah is going through her jewelry, there's a faint knock from the door before her butler - an elderly man with graying hair and tanned skin wearing well-made nondescript suit - pushes the door open and comes in with a breakfast tray. "Good morning miss Sarah. You're up early."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

As Sarah is going through her jewelry, there's a faint knock from the door before her butler - an elderly man with graying hair and tanned skin wearing well-made nondescript suit - pushes the door open and comes in with a breakfast tray. "Good morning miss Sarah. You're up early."

Sarah turns in her chair at the man's entrance and smiles warmly. "Well, you know what they say about early risers! And I notice my change in schedule hasn't bothered you at all," she says playfully. "What's for breakfast today? I'm famished!"

After hearing the man's response, Sarah quickly dons the jewelry she has picked out, then tucks into her meal eagerly. In between bites, Sarah questions her butler on the events planned for the day.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The butler - his name is Rogun, Sarah suddenly remembers - responds to the smile equally warmly as he lowers the tray to the dressing table. "Tea, zunbread and fruits." The zunbread - freshly baked, obviously - is sweet, flat bread, smelling faintly of herbs.

There are no events planned for today before the evening, though Rogun reminds Sarah that it would be good if she showed up in one of the cafés during lunchtime and she should practice her fencing skills today, since she didn't do so yesterday.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The butler - his name is Rogun, Sarah suddenly remembers - responds to the smile equally warmly as he lowers the tray to the dressing table. "Tea, zunbread and fruits." The zunbread - freshly baked, obviously - is sweet, flat bread, smelling faintly of herbs.

There are no events planned for today before the evening, though Rogun reminds Sarah that it would be good if she showed up in one of the cafés during lunchtime and she should practice her fencing skills today, since she didn't do so yesterday.

"Mmmmm," Sarah makes a contented sound as she bites into the fresh zunbread. "Rogun, how do you always know what to bring me? It's delicious! Thank you!"

Sarah finishes up her meal and then gets down to the business of dressing herself. Realizing that jewelry will only get in the way of fencing, she replaces it back to the nightstand, then dresses in a practical outfit that does not restrict her movement too much and heads out to find the arms-master.

When she finds him, she greets him warmly with a hug, and a challenge. I'm ready to practice today, and this time I'm going to win!"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Rogun smiles and gives Sarah a small bow before leaving with the tray again, allowing Sarah some privacy for her dressing. Unfortunately for Sarah, her wardrobe doesn't have many practical outfits, so she has to settle for divided skirt and a rather loose shirt in that regards.

Sarah's swordsmaster is also the captain of her house's guard, assigned this more perilous and important task of guarding the heir with two squads of soldiers, including three witch hunters - or mist hunters, as the mage-slayers are known in these parts. The captain is waiting for her in the training room, talking quietly to one of the witch hunters who leaves when they see Sarah. The captain is a tall, handsome man in his late thirties, with dark hair and well kept beard. He responds Sarah's smile with one that's not quite as warm, and answers the hug as gracefully as he can. "We shall see, miss." He grabs two training hand and half swords from the rack, tossing one of them to Sarah and readying the other in his hand, taking a defensive stance gracefully.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah catches the training sword and gives it a twirl before settling into a defensive stance of her own. She watches her instructor carefully, moving in slowly and cautiously, her eyes watching his shoulders and torso for signs of an attack, before suddenly stepping forward and lashing out with a quick swipe more designed to test than to actually hit.

Recovering from her attack, Sarah attempts to distract the man with some idle conversation, "So, what were you talking about with those mist-hunters?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The captain easily counters Sarah's blow, quickly stepping forward and feinting towards her head before grapping the end of the hilt with his free hand and swinging towards Sarah's sword arm from the other side.

"Apparently there's been some burglaries lately, with magic involved. The thieves have been targeting less well defended houses so far, but I told the mist hunters to be careful, nevertheless."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah moves to defend against the strike towards her head before realizing it is simply a feint and frantically tries to avoid the attack on her arm, ducking and rolling away from the captain in order to give her room to recover.

Standing from her roll, Sarah begins to move back in to the captain and asks, "Common thieves? You don't think they'd actually have the nerve to try their luck here, do you?" Sarah gives short laugh. "Besides, if they did maybe I could get some real swordplay and teach them to leave their betters alone!" With that, Sarah lunges forward in a simple thrust, careful not to overextend, aimed straight at the captain's heart.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The captain sidesteps the thrust and tests Sarah's defenses with a low thrust followed by a couple high ones.

"If their mage is as competent as he seems, who knows? They certainly seem to be getting more bold. But you shouldn't need to worry too much, as we're well defended."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The captain sidesteps the thrust and tests Sarah's defenses with a low thrust followed by a couple high ones.

"If their mage is as competent as he seems, who knows? They certainly seem to be getting more bold. But you shouldn't need to worry too much, as we're well defended."

Sarah quick-steps to the side of the captain's thrust and parries the two high thrusts to either side with quick movements of her own weapon.

Aww, you're no fun!" Sarah says playfully. "How am I supposed to test myself in real combat if the guards get them first?" Sarah follows this up with slash of her own against the captain's sword arm. "Do they know what kind of magic is being used?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The captain falls back to avoid Sarah's slash before quickly stepping inside the arch and feinting towards Sarah's head only to spin around, bringing his entire strength on a slightly too slow horizontal slash.

"If you get to test your skills in real combat, I'm doing my job wrong. I don't know all the details, but for something as bold as this, I wouldn't be surprised to find a Mistborn among them."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The captain falls back to avoid Sarah's slash before quickly stepping inside the arch and feinting towards Sarah's head only to spin around, bringing his entire strength on a slightly too slow horizontal slash.

"If you get to test your skills in real combat, I'm doing my job wrong. I don't know all the details, but for something as bold as this, I wouldn't be surprised to find a Mistborn among them."

Magic users, huh? That should be interesting!

Sarah knows that she can't straight up block the captain's slash, so she attempts to redirect his weapon to the floor with her own. If that works she throws herself bodily against the captain, hoping to knock him down and force a concession of the sparring match.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah's sword clangs heavily against the captain's, only to be swept aside as the other blade diverts its course, whacking her front leg painfully. "You're too light to block every blow. Focus more on parrying properly when you can and dodging when you can't."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"Ow!" Sarah yelps as the captain's sword smacks into her leg. "Duly noted," she says, in response to the captain's advice. Sarah hops a few steps back. She asks, "So, do you know anything about this party tonight? Who's going to be there?" before jumping back in with a swing at the captain's head.