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To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The captain ducks under the blow and sends three quick jabs towards Sarah, testing her defences. "I wouldn't know, miss. But as it's hosted by Lord Selaschii, I'd expect all great houses sending at least one attendant, and most minor houses, too."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah dances back and forth to avoid the captain's jabs, using her own sword to move his away from her each time. Sarah is really starting to sweat now and spins on the last dodge to slash at the captain with the added momentum. "Well, I do hope the night isn't entirely taken up with father parading me around," Sarah says with a little frown. Done talking, Sarah continues sparring with the captain until the conclusion of the session.

How am I doing so far? I'm pretty new to PbP.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"Oh, your father's messenger arrived last night. There's some trouble in the estates, so he won't be coming here after all."

The rest of the sparring session goes smoothly, and Sarah even manages to score a couple hits against the captain - not a small feat against such an experienced soldier. Finally the captain excuses himself and heads to see to his other duties, leaving Sarah free to do whatever she'd like. There's still plenty of time before lunchtime to take a bath, for example, or whatever else she'd like to do, as the mansion is at her command.

You're not doing badly at all. Sorry about taking so long with replies.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah hands off her protective gear to a servant to be dealt with, then leaves the practice room, looking for a maid. When she finds one, Sarah requests that a bath be drawn and appropriate clothes be laid out for her afternoon. Sarah also requests to see the messenger that came in the previous night if he is still around. Sarah goes to her room to await her bath.

Good to hear. I'm not really bothered by the delay in replies.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah soon finds a maid in a nearby hallway, scrubbing the floor. Seeing Sarah the maid all but jumps to her feet, her eyes lowered towards the floor, and bobs a deep curtsy. Hearing her orders, the maid nods to Sarah and rushes off.

Several minutes after Sarah has arrived to her room and settled to wait, there's a knock from the door. When Sarah gives permission to enter, a skinny and fearful looking young soldier walks in and salutes to Sarah.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah nods to the soldier and gestures for him to stand at ease. "Hello. You are the messenger my father sent?" Upon confirmation, Sarah continues, "I heard there was some trouble at the estates. Please, do you have any more information? Is my father all right? What's going on?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

The young man moves his feet apart, at Sarah's command, though he still seems hardly relaxed. "Yes, my lady."

As Sarah asks her question, the soldier hesitates for a moment before answering: "The serfs were rebelling again. Lord Delou is arranging necessary changes to stop that from happening in his estates again."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah frowns, then continues, "I hope it's nothing serious. Were they very violent? Did he send word on when he would be coming to the city?"

After finding out some basic information from the messenger, Sarah dismisses him and waits for her bath to be drawn. When it is ready, Sarah tells the nearest maid to lay out an outfit for a visit to a café, then Sarah sinks under the hot water, letting the tension in her muscles relax away.

After bathing, Sarah gets out, dries off, dresses in the outfit laid out for her, and heads down to a local café for lunch.

Sorry I didn't see this sooner.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"It was only a few dozen of them, milady. They were put down quickly." The man's face is now expressionless. "Lord Delou didn't say when he'd come here, but I don't think it'll be any time soon."

As Sarah dismisses the soldier, he snaps to attention and salutes before leaving.

About ten minutes later, one of the maids comes to fetch Sarah to the bath. The bath water is hot and scented with a mild and pleasant smell she doesn't recognize. After the bath, Sarah finds a long-sleeved green silk shirt with silver threads woven into it in complex patterns and a long skirt of the same color and material, divided for riding.

Sarah could either take a sedanchair and be carried to one of the cafés or, if she wanted to enhance her unconventional reputation, she could ride there. There are three noteworthy cafés for her to choose from: Auran, which is one of the most popular cafés and where she's certain to find suitable if likely boring company; Celeste, which is not as popular and therefore wouldn't have as many higher nobles, but which would still be quite full and where she'd likely meet other nobles of her station; and Green, which only opened a few days ago, and doesn't yet have a reputation. It would likely be the most peaceful of the three, but she wouldn't be seen by as many.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah gets out of the bath and dresses in the clothing laid out for her, then heads down to the stable and has the stable hands ready a mare. She then rides down to Celeste, wanting to avoid complete boredom, but knowing she needs to be seen by at least some of the higher nobles. Sarah walks into the café, looking around to see if anyone looks interested in talking and also ordering some light food for lunch.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah's favorite animal is quickly prepared, and she gets on her way, followed by a pair of discreet mist hunters, as usual. The ride through ash-filled streets is peaceful, as peasants scatter out of her way. Thankfully there's no ashfall at the moment, so Sarah's clothes stay clean, and fairly soon she arrives at the café. There's a stable behind it where a stable hand obediently waits for her and takes care of the horse.

Inside, Celeste is dimly lit, and there seems to be four parties, each centered around a different high noble.

If you want Sarah to have friends present, you can narrate them into one of the parties. Each high noble represents a different "faction": Mercantile, military, conservative, liberal(perhaps a little TOO liberal...)
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Walking into Celeste, Sarah stops a moment to look around at the four parties present. She sees her friend Julie with the liberals and a man with whom she is friendly, Sebastian, stands with the mercantile faction. A man Sarah had met before (who she somehow knew had certain interests towards her wow, the game's really good about providing little tidbits!) stood with the military. The conservative faction was full of people Sarah was sure to have at least briefly been exposed to, but none of whom she knew anything about. Sarah walks over to the liberal faction, nodding to Julie from across the circle, then slowly working her way around to be next to her, listening to the conversation going on in the meantime.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Julie smiles at Sarah. "Oh, hello Sarah! Did you hear? Jeannette is pregnant! And her parents don't know whether to freak out or marry her straight away, only no-one is quite certain who's the father." All the others around the table nod at Sarah in greetings, and a waiter comes to ask what she wants for lunch.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah moves to be as close to Julie as she can. Sitting down, Sarah jerks her head back and puts a hand over her mouth as her eyes widen at the news Julie gives her. After processing for a moment, the waiter comes and takes her order, which is for a small salad and a serving of meat and spiced potatoes, stammered out distractedly. Turning back to Julie, Sarah answers, "No! I hadn't heard. Wow..." Sarah speaks the next part quietly, "How do they not who the father is? Certainly Jeannette knows? Is she refusing to name him?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Julie smiles a little spitefully. "If she does, she's not telling. I'm betting Caine isn't the only one panicking over this, and I wouldn't actually be surprised if she doesn't."

The waiter gives Sarah a bow and a few minutes later arives with Sarah's lunch, while the others are having coffee and different desserts.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah thanks the waiter quickly for the food, then sighs and chuckles at Julie's remark. I guess that's what she gets for opening her legs to every man who came calling. How many is she up to at this point? My father better be happy I don't do the same!" Sarah laughs, then asks with a smile, "How about you, then? Any gentlemen callers?" As Sarah chats with Julie, she tucks into her meal, eating the salad first, then savoring the taste of the meat and potatoes. Oh wow! This is amazing! I wonder how they do all this!
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"I don't think even she can keep count of them all. As for me, there's one man I might be interested in, if he ever has the guts to ask me to dance."

As Julie shares her secrets, the man sitting to her other side pokes her playfully. "You know my leg's not good ever since I had the hunting accident, babe." Julie grimaces and slaps his hand. "Don't get your hopes up."

The food tastes somewhat different from what Sarah expected, but still good, and Julie takes a sip of her coffee after giving the man a stern glare he takes in a stride.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah titters in response to Julie's comment about Jeannette, then settles down as Julie tells her there is indeed a man. Sarah sighs in response to the man's clumsy attempt at flirtation. As Julie glares at him, Sarah says playfully, "Hush, you!" and gives him a glare not nearly as stern as Julie's. Turning back to Julie, Sarah says with a smile, "Soo, who is he? Please, I simply must know! Maybe I could even kind of nudge him towards you." Sarah takes her time with the food, trying to determine what they've added to it (in hopes of maybe bringing the recipe home to the chefs) while waiting for a response from Julie.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Julie smiles at Sarah gratefully. "I don't think I should tell you just yet. But we'll probably see him tonight - you are coming to the ball, aren't you?"

The man Julie slapped stands up and leaves with a pair of his leaves, their places taken up by a somewhat older man and woman, both in their late twenties, perhaps. Sarah doesn't manage to figure out what makes the food taste different, but it's something that seems to be quite pervasive.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah pouts in response to Julie, then smiles warmly. "Aww, no fun! Of course I'll be there, though. Maybe he just needs some incentive!" Sarah giggles at this last before cutting another bite of meat and chewing on it slowly, the better to enjoy the taste. After swallowing, Sarah asks her friend, "Say, Julie, does this meat taste any different than normal to you? I simply must know what they've done to it!" Sarah also keeps an ear to the conversation around her, particularly that which the high noble is involved in to try to glean what is being talked about currently.