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To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"3 touches it is," Marko replies, barely dodging one slash and blocking the other before dropping to his knee and sweeping the practice blade horizontally, forcing Sarah to retreat, but leaving himself open to a quick jab from her. Not fazed by the first blood going to Sarah, Marko quickly rises and stabs, evening the score. After a couple more exchanges, Sarah manages to deal the finishing blow. "First one for Sarah!" Richard laughs. "You're pretty good."

Just to speed up things, I'm going to handle the remaining rounds in the next post, if you don't mind
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah laughs delightedly at her victory in the first round, a giant smile spreading across her face. "You're not too bad yourself, Marko! Certainly good enough for the first go around. But can you keep up? How's your endurance?" Sarah asks, with a hint of flirtation in her voice. Sarah moves opposite to Marko again, saluting and settling into a defensive posture, determined to test Marko's offensive capabilities in the second round. And after that I'll have to see just how good he is!"

No problem at all speeding things up.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Marko's smile turns slightly forced as he concedes the defeat. "Oh, I'll keep up, don't worry." With a quick salute, he launches a forceful attack, forcing Sarah back and quickly scoring the first touch this time with a stinging slash at Sarah's side. Sarah manages a quick jab that hits his abdomen, but he quickly strikes the blade, sending Sarah's sword flying.

"Ouch! Marko likes to do that, just so you know. You'd better win the next round, I think he could use being taken down a notch!"

After Sarah retrieves her sword, the two of them set off for the third round. Marko attacks again, perhaps a bit predictably, and Sarah manages to strike his arm and duck a forceful blow that threatens to turn this round into the repeat of the last one. Finding Marko out of the balance, Sarah quickly manages two more hits.

The fourth round sees Marko on the defensive, and Sarah takes the initiative. A pair of short stabs is easily deflected and Marko makes a quick slash at Sarah's shoulder, barely connecting, but causing a small tear in Sarah's shirt. Marko pays for his success, however, and Sarah quickly takes the round. "Round and game! Looks like Marko owes you dinner, Sarah!"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah grins at Marko's response and returns his salute, only to be forced back by his quick attack. Sarah dances backwards trying to avoid his touch, but Marko slips through her guard. "Ow! I'll get you for that!" Sarah retorts jabbing at Marko. When Marko swats her blade out of her hands in return, Sarah can only be surprised. "Oh! That was a good move!" she says, rubbing her wrist and moving to retrieve her blade. "Don't worry, I'll get him!" Sarah responds to Richard.

Sarah watches carefully this time, predicting Marko's attacks and staying just a hair in front of him, lashing out and scoring a hit and avoiding the second attempt to knock her weapon away. Sarah takes advantage of the position the attempt puts Marko in to quickly get her last two hits.

In the fourth round, Sarah feels a bit more aggressive and confident and moves in quickly, only to have her haste rewarded with a strike from Marko that tears her shirt. In mock outrage, Sarah yells, "You've done it now! That was one of my favorite shirts! You'll pay for that!" and quickly moves in for the kill with a grin on her face.

After quickly assuring her win, Sarah steps back breathing hard, her bosom heaving a bit as she takes in several deep breaths. She smiles at Marko and salutes him. "A fine match you were, good Marko. I was delighted to cross blades with you." After handing the blades to Marko to be returned to their spots, Sarah acknowledges the announcement of her victory, "Yes, I believe he does. I will be gracious, though, and let him decide on the place. First, however," and here she fingers the tear in her shirt, "I shall require a new shirt. Might you be of assistance, Marko?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Marko gives Sarah a flourishing bow as he takes the practice blade and tosses it to Richard. "I don't think I have anything in your size, but I'm sure one of the maids could mend the shirt for you if you take it off." the nobleman quips, the defeat doing little to dampen his mood. "We still have plenty of time before dinner, though. Would you like to try your hand against Richard or would you rather see how he matches against me first?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah moves as if to strip her shirt off right there in the gym but pauses before actually pulling it up and gives a little laugh, looking at the boys. "Did you really think that would work?" Sarah winks at him quickly, then continues, "Now, if you have somewhere for me to do it privately... But after I see the two of you fight! I think it's time for us girls to enjoy a show. What do you say, Julie?" Sarah goes to join Julie and gets ready to watch Marko and Richard. She speaks softly but excitedly, "Well, what do you think? Marko certainly seems to be fun. How is Richard so far?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"It was worth a try," Marko replies playfully as he and Richard move to face each other. "I'm sure I'll be appropriately amazed" Julie says with a wink as Sarah sits down next to her to watch the match. Soon Richard and Marko start their sparring without setting any stakes, and it's easy to see why: Though Marko is competent with the blade, Richard moves with fluidity and grace that seem to be beyond him. Marko manages to keep Richard's blade away from him, but the other man keeps pressure on, his blade darting around in search of a hole in Marko's defence.

"He seems nice. Not as coarse as many other nobles." Julie says quietly while watching Richard admiringly.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

'Twas a valiant effort indeed, but you'll have to do more than that!" Sarah says, sticking her tongue out at Marko.

"Yes, it is such a refreshing change from most of the boys, isn't it," Sarah says in reply as she sits down. "Now, let's see how good Richard is." She gasps as Marko and Richard begin dueling. "Oh my! He is good! I'm glad I didn't just up and challenge him." Sarah watches Julie for a moment and then pokes her gently. ""You like him, don't you," she teases quietly and with an impish grin on her face.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"Of course I like him," Julie whispers with a grin. "But no need to let him know that just yet."

Marko defends valiantly, but not long after they start their sparring match, Richard's blade strikes his wrist, causing him to let go of the practice sword. He manages to catch Richard off-guard, however, as he grabs the blade mid-air with his left hand and thrusts it into Richard's stomach, causing him to bend over. "You always let your guard down too early, Richard. That's going to get you killed if you ever get into a real fight." Marko says reproachfully.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah giggles at Julie's comment. "Agreed. No harm in letting him wonder for a little bit. Just make sure you get him before someone else does!" Sarah turns back to the fight and watches eagerly as Richard gets the first point and then gasps as Marko turns the situation around to score his own. Sarah laughs, "Better watch out Richard! Marko seems to have all sorts of surprises!" Turning back to Julie and keeping one eye on the fight, Sarah asks, "So what do you think of Marko? Certainly handsome enough."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"Don't get your hopes up, Sarah. He doesn't seem too eager to get into a relationship." is Julie's only answer as the two men start another sparring match, and this time Richard approaches with sweeping attacks, forcing Marko to swing his blade side from side as he tries to avoid getting hit, but he manages to make Richard take a step back with a well-timed stab, then another. The third attempt comes too slowly, and as Richard's blade crashes against Marko's shoulder, the man turns to face Sarah and Julie. "Seen enough, Sarah? Would you like a match?"
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah smiles in response to Julie's comment. "Hmm, well maybe I can get him interested. It'll be fun!" Sarah turns back to watch Marko and Richard square off again. She watches carefully, trying to note where Richard makes mistakes and get a solid grasp on his fighting style in order to have some idea on how to engage him. When the question comes, Sarah hops up excitedly. "Would I ever! I can't wait any longer! Come, Richard! Let us cross blades!" Sarah walks quickly towards the men, acting impatient to get ahold of a blade again, hoping to portray an air of overexcitement. As she takes the blade from Marko, she remarks, "And remember, Marko, you owe me a repaired shirt after this. Don't forget!" Sarah then sets up opposite Richard, weaving her blade back and forth.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Marko tosses his blade to Sarah and steps aside, sitting down next to Julie while Richard raises his blade and readies himself. "Ready when you are." Though the man does better job concealing it, excitement shines through from his voice.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah focuses her attention on Richard, not wanting to get distracted from the fight. She watches his torso and shoulders for any signs of an impending strike and dances a little to try to gain an advantageous position. When she thinks she has, Sarah moves in with a quick stab, trying for an early lead.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Richard approaches Sarah with a series of short stabs aimed at her upper body, then a quick vertical slash that she barely manages to block before launching her riposte, which Richard quickly sidesteps, launching a trio of strikes towards Sarah's sword arm. She manages to avoid them by mimicking his sidestep, and a quick stab scores a mark on his arm. "Well done!" Marko congratulates Sarah. Richard lowers his blade, giving her a small bow before readying his blade again, this time assuming defensive posture.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah concentrates on her opponent, moving quickly to keep up with him. She laughs as she copies one of his moves and manages to land a score. "Good to see you can give me a workout!" she says lightly. Sarah acknowledges Marko's compliment with a look in his direction and a smile. Sarah bows in return to Richard, then bounds forward with a high slash followed by a flurry of stabs at his torso.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

"It's only fair, since Marko couldn't." Richard replies, ducking under the slash and meeting the quick jabs by taking a step back and swinging his blade back and forth, careful to keep it almost vertical and pointed at Sarah before quickly straightening his arm, forcing Sarah to quickly get out of the way as he takes advantage of his superior reach. Moving quickly, the gentleman ducks low again, taking a slash at Sarah's legs before swinging the blade upwards, forcing her to either move her blade quickly between extremes or back away.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah grins at Richard's reply. Her grin turns to a grimace as Richard forces Sarah onto the defensive with his advantage in range. A fine sheen of sweat builds up on her body as Sarah dances backwards, breathing heavily, in order to give herself some room to focus on defense for a few exchanges, keeping an eye out for openings she might exploit.
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Richard's defence opens up, but he keeps pushing Sarah hard while keeping his distance, making it hard for her to effectively strike at him without exposing herself completely. More blows are exchanged, then Richard ducks low, slashing at Sarah's midriff and managing to connect, if only softly.

The pair continues for a few more exchanges with neither of the fighter proving clearly better, though Richard does manage to beat Sarah in hits. Finally the man lowers his blade, swiping sweat off his brow. "You're an excellent fighter, Sarah. 'Tis a pity you're not taller, though, for I have an advantage over you for that."

Marko stands up and pulls Julie up as well. "How about some refreshments? I have some excellent quori-mixture from our family estates."
Re: To the den(Sarah/RandomGuy)

Sarah works fiercely to get inside of Richard's defenses, only to be stymied at every move. Eventually, she gasps as she feels Richard's blade connecting with her stomach. She nods in acknowledgement and then continues the contest. When it ends in her defeat, Sarah salutes Richard with her blade. "Yes, 'tis true. Sadly I am not graced with height, so I have to make up for it in other areas. You are an extremely good swordsman, though."

Sarah turns to Marko at his question, favoring him with a smile. "That sounds wonderful, but don't forget that you owe me a whole shirt, first. Perhaps we should go retrieve that?