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Shani's Odyssey

Re: Shani's Odyssey

Shani vs Living Armor
Escape Attempt
13 vs 1

Shani twisted and kicked against the enchanted steel that was desperately trying to pin her down. Finding purchase against it's 'waist,' she gave it another firm kick that finally succeeded in knocking the armor off of her. He grasped for any purchase it could as it got flung off of her.

Living Armor vs Shani
5 vs 7

It tried to grab what remained of her tunic, but the fabric refused to give way to it's ill-timed grab. It steadied itself while Shani regained her feet and it seemed to glower at her briefly. It readied it's sword once more and it's gauntlets made the motions of inspecting the blade in a threatening manner.

Shani FP 5/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Living Armor FP 1/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Re: Shani's Odyssey

Steadying her footing, Shani swallowed her pride and tried to forget about her dangling breasts. She can worry about modesty later - at the moment she would prefer that she won't become a walking iron maiden.

The magician jumped back, quickly grabbing her staff and immediately sending a force blast towards her enemy.

"Die already!" she roared.

She stood firmly, with legs apart, readying herself to parry the incoming attack.
Re: Shani's Odyssey

Shani vs Living Armor
11 vs 20

Shani once again tried to land a solid hit with a force blast, but once again was frustrated by the armors movements. It took every advantage not having a body provided it to twist itself in painful looking ways. If it had still had it's doll in place, it's movements would have been restricted to more levels which was probably why it ditched it when it became convenient.

Living Armor vs Shani
14 vs 8 +1

The armor danced itself and it thrust it's sword at her once again. Unlike the earlier playful movements, this time a sharp pain filled Shani's shoulder as it drew blood. And then she felt the sensation of something sucking away at the source of her magic, as if the armor was drawing some of it out through her wound. As it withdrew, it seemed like it had regained it's strength a little and the core of her magical power seemed a little harder to reach.

Shani FP 4/5 AP 0/10 Status: -1 to Magic Attacks for d4 turns (1 turn)

Living Armor FP 2/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
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Re: Shani's Odyssey

"Agh!" The girl uttered a sharp cry when the living armor's blade tasted her blood.

Shani gathered her energy, sending yet another blast at the cursed armor, hopefully sending it to oblivion.

- the magician tracked her enemy with her eyes, waiting for an opening. - "..abomination!".

Her spell didn't exactly fizzled but it was somewhat... weaker?

"Not good." Shani muttered. "Not good at all."
Re: Shani's Odyssey

Shani vs Living Armor
20 -1 vs 6

Shani's blast, albeit one that didn't come as easily as it's predecessors, found it's mark on the armor. The metal fiend staggered under the force of the blow and it tried desperately to keep it's feet. It swayed back and forth briefly before it suddenly launched itself towards her with surprising speed.

Living Armor vs Shani
8 vs 4

It brought it's blade to bear once more but to her surprise the blow went wide of her and passed by without harming her. It was then she realized the armor's feint as it reached out with it's gauntlet instead and with surprising strength tore what remained of her tunic from her form. As it backed up, it tossed the rags in it's hand to the side and she could see it unlatch it's chest piece once more.


Shani FP 4/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine

Living Armor FP 1/5 AP 0/10 Status: Fine
Re: Shani's Odyssey

When her foe staggered, Shani let out a small cry of victory, hoping the tide of battle will stay on her side. Her joy was a bit premature, as her enemy countered with a lightning quick attack.

Shani grit her teeth and began to send volley after volley of magical bolts, be it fire, lightning, ice or force in a cascade of magical wrath. This time counting on pure quantity instead of pinpoint accuracy.
Re: Shani's Odyssey

Shani vs Living Armor
14 vs 6

Shani's volley of spells finally proved too much for the armor and a fireball found itself lodged into the metal fiend. The enchanted armor fell to the ground with a loud clatter and whatever means of keeping it together failed as it segmented in certain areas. Under more careful examination, there appeared to be engravings lining the inside of the armor that looked much like the writing on the wall earlier.

Looking through the guide, she couldn't find any reference to a purely magical set of living armor. It appeared that this thing was rather unique or under reported.
Re: Shani's Odyssey

"YES! Yes!" Shani jumped up, with her arms extended with joy, excited about her victory. She looked at the pitiful remains of the living armor and kicked them, stomped them a few times. After this childish outrage, Shani investigated the peculiar writings inside the armor's pieces. She decided that writing them wouldn't hurt - maybe someone will now more about this fearful guardian.

The magician was a bit disappointed that her opponent was not mentioned in the pamphlet. She let out a deep sigh:

"So after all this there's a chance I'm not getting paid? Damn... 'Yeah, hi. This is a piece of a magical armor that tried to possess me. Seriously, I did not take it from just any old armor, I swear!' "

Nevertheless, the girl decided to take one or two pieces of her defeated enemy with her, maybe it's just rare - not unheard of.

Finally, after resting a bit it, Shani decided to continue onwards. Before leaving the corridor, she took her tunic's scraps and tried to fasten at least a temporary remedy, a brassiere of some sorts from the rags.
Re: Shani's Odyssey

After Shani finally got done with her victory dance and her equivalent to tea bagging, she got to the business of copying down what writing she could make out from the inside of the armor. As she was digging around in it, she found something strapped to the back of the armor... it appeared to be a spear head made out of lead.

Most of the armor was lodged together too firmly to pull off but one of the pieces that came off easily was the pauldrons that came with an attached cape. The other was the sword the armor had been wielding that seemed vaguely magical in nature. After she secured her bosom in her new top, she moved further down the Lion path.

The path was remarkable straight forward and she could make out a large figure standing blocking an archway in the distance.
Re: Shani's Odyssey

After taking the interesting items with her, Shani came to conclusion that maybe that battle wasn't that fruitless as she thought at first.

The girl took a few swings with her new sword, but she wasn't exactly a warrior, so she provisionally fastened the weapon to her belt. She put the spear head in her backpack as well, wondering about the possible uses in the future.

When Shani managed to distinguish a large figure in the distance, she braced herself and took out her staff.

"If it's the big brother of my favourite armour, I'm royally screwed."

Nevertheless, she began to proceed carefully in order to examine who or what blocks the archway.
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Re: Shani's Odyssey

As Shani approached the figure, she could see that it was a large skeleton wearing what once was a nice looking suit of armor. In it's bony hands, it bore a massive ax and as she approached it it saluted her. It seemed to be guarding the archway and above it she could see words inscribed in that foreign language she'd seen before.

The archway itself had a solid wooden door and it seemed like it was designed to be locked from the outside. If she passed through it, it was likely she would be locked in until whatever she was supposed to do was done.
Re: Shani's Odyssey

Shani listened to the otherworldly and ancient guardian. His unnatural voice sent shivers down her spine. Nevertheless the conveyed message was plain and simple - she could not leave, until the trail was over.

"Whatever that trial is, I hope it's easy, peaceful and definitely *not* deadly."

She smirked, looking at the intimidating skeleton.

"Right. Probably not."

Nevertheless, the magician girded up her loins and crossed the archway with determination, certain she can beat any task or trial whatsoever.
Re: Shani's Odyssey

The Skeletal Guardian open the gateway to permit Shani to enter into the trial chambers and once through she could hear it close behind her with a slam of finality. The sound of the crossbar falling into place only confirmed what she already felt as she stared at the chamber she found herself in.

The Trial of Lions seemed to be remarkably straight forward as befitting the animal chosen to represent it. She was in a large arena and across from her stood a strange statue. It looked at first glance like an armored knight riding into battle astride a lion but on closer examination she couldn't tell where the knight ended and the lion began. The she noticed that the lion-knight had turned his head toward her and raised his lance in salute to her. He waited to see if she would return it or not, but regardless he would lower his lance and aim it at her, pausing for her to enter her ready stance.