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Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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In the years since the invasion, Dorinara had learned a lot. Crolia had been her first stop. The Academy claimed to have killed its invaders overnight, and gods-reach hadn't been far behind. As a result, the Academy had amazing amounts of written work on the invaders, and even a few dead specimen. And the knowledge that Crolia had barely been shaken by the invasion was welcome, following the devastation in parts of Badaria.

Next on her list was the jungle. But that had been worse than useless. The only major city had been utterly destroyed, and the whatever invaders were left were mixed with several tribes of demons, greater and lesser fey, the night elves, half-savage humans, and all the natural dangers of the jungle. Not an ideal climate for study.

The Anudor desert had been nearly as bad. For study, that is. There were plenty of invaders, out in the open where they might be observed, but there weren't many humans or su-ku-ta. At least, not left alive and free, and those that were left had been rapidly losing ground when the nigh-elf had moved on. She might have learned about the invaders if she'd stayed, but it likely would have been rather more intimately then she hoped.

Which brought her back to Badaria. She had set up in the forest South West of the ruins of the Necropolis, a short ways outside the land controlled by the invaders who had made that city their capital. Here she was close enough to the invaders that she might study them... without being in immediate danger of being overwhelmed.

The effect was boosted by the forest. The invaders didn't bother sending patrols into it very often, since it was apparently uninhabited and quite hard to move around in. And the humans were far enough away that they couldn't bother the night-elf, while being close enough that she could trade with them or even flee behind their walls if there were no other choice. Fortunately the house she had discovered seemed sturdy enough, and she had provisioned it well.

And best of all was the basement. She hadn't actually found it until her second day in the house, the trap door being quite well blended into the floor and covered by a rug besides. The lock had taken further time to work out. But the basement had been spacious, just the thing for setting up a laboratory in. It had even had its own glassware. Probably originally used for making drugs, but easily enough re-purposed.

The white-haired woman turned to the other major asset she had recycled from the hidden room. A small grabber struggled in the leather and metal restraints that had at some point men and certainly women. It struggled weakly, several days after its capture. Nobody knew what they ate, or if just feeding off of men and women was enough for them, but this one certainly seemed to be growing weaker now that it was getting neither.

There was little enough left to learn about the things physically after that, though. The Academy had been through, and Dorinara had been able to verify most of their results. Most of her experiments had been with communication, and she had finally exhausted her last attempt. It couldn't - or wouldn't - communicate in any way the elf could think of. She hadn't really expected it to, but finding an invader alone was rare enough that she had jumped on the chance when she'd spotted the grabber, alone and still quite small.

A hunter would have been better. They could speak, at least, even if they didn't have much to say. Or a gemini. The academy hadn't had any records on humans working with the invaders. Nobody in Crolia had seen them, but they were appearing in increasing numbers in Badaria and Anudor. Unfortunately, they tended to move in groups. Just about anything would be better then a grabber, in fact. The invaders were physically well known, the real knowledge that the sentient races still lacked was social. How were the invaders organized, what did they want, and what were they planning. It would be worth practically any risk to learn the answers, especially to the last one.

Regardless of how she intended to proceed, though, it was time for the white-haired elf to leave the safety of the cabin. The grabber had given all the usefulness it ever would, so more information would have to need more risk. Roaming the forest had been safe enough so far, though unlikely to deliver invaders. Moving towards the Necropolis would certainly yield invaders eventually, but also much more risk. And technically visiting the nearby Badarian settlement would be polite, and they might even know something useful. So far she didn't even know its name, though, and she had her own reasons for keeping it that way.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Well, communication seemed to be out- at least with a specimen like this. To be honest, she believed that it had a very rudimentary intelligence- it instinctively sought out what it craved, and attacked anything it could get its... well, 'hands' on to do so. They didn't need to communicate- or if it did so, it was in a method that she didn't know about. But this one was nearly dead, and there wasn't much else she could learn from it. Even though it would be rather risky, she'd have to go out for what some might call 'field research'- heading out into the world again and seeing what she could understand- and, if necessary- bring a sample back for further study.

"Well... where do you think I should go?" she said out loud, mostly to herself.

"The forest is peaceful, but your kind never comes through it... the necopolis sounds good, but at the same time, I don't think i'd be up for being studied by your little friends, either... I've seen what happens to those who spend too much time with the invaders... and the closest outpost would have to be the Badarian one. You could have gotten all of them, you know- it would have served them right."

She stopped her questioning, and gave it some serious thought. She could always check the forest before heading out to either the settlement or the necropolis, and if she absolutely HAD to deal with the Badarians, well, something that gave her a good reason to be there (besides wanting to end the first idiot who decided to carry the battles against the elves into something personal).

giving one last dismissive look at the bound grabber, she turned her back on it and went back to the main floor. She'd take some time and see if she couldn't find something in the forest- invader or even Badarian... that gave her an idea. If the grabber fed off of humans, and some unlucky idiot decided to attack her... well, her magic could be used to stun instead of kill. And she'd never been able to watch one in action without being the main course herself...

That settled it. She would gather her equipment and head out into the forest, and figure out what to do from there.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Stealth - 14+13 = 27 v 41 = 25+16 -> Failure!

The forest here was thick. That was somewhat surprising considering how long Badaria had been settled, but they were quite a ways from the capital, and not directly along any trade routes. Plus its remoteness was exactly why Dorinara had chosen this site for her laboratory. But that didn't make it any easier to navigate in the forest. Tangles of brush could have been pulled apart with magic easily enough, but the sheer quantity would have exhausted her in minutes and left her excessively visible as well, especially to anyone sensitive to magic.

Instead, she had to move in curving, zig-zagging paths. In minutes, she was completely unsure which direction the little cabin was, much what the town or the edge of the forest. Still, one direction was as good as another and she was fairly sure that she wasn't moving in circles. It hadn't been more than an hour or two when she finally found something.

A large rock stuck up from the ground at the top of a small hill, giving a break in the trees large enough for the elven woman to verify that it was still short of noon and to discover that lately at least she'd been heading even deeper into the forest. The undergrowth was even thicker on the edge of the clearing, but the daylight was welcome after the filtered green glow that was her only light in the forest. She was just getting close to the wall-like green mass at the edge of the trees when she realized she wasn't alone.

The ground for a few dozen yards was mostly free of the annoyingly thick vegitation that made walking in the forest a mess, but there were suddenly more pressing concerns. Five enormous black-plated spiders turned to face her with 40 gleaming red eyes, mandibles clicking. Three of them immediately started forward, spreading out as they advanced on the elf. The other two remained behind, and Dorinara saw what they had been clustered around. A woman with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a torn and stained white dress stood with one hand raised and a look of concentration on her too-pale face. Another woman in a similar state lay on the ground by her feet.

The two spiders who weren't advancing on the elf struck simultaniously, smashing their forelimbs towards the woman, and instead struck an invisible barrier, sending waves of distorted light across the spherical barrier and throwing up sparks. The barrier held, but the increased strain on the young woman's face was visible even from where Dorinara stood.

But before she could worry about the women, she would have to worry about the three spiders advancing on her with alarming speed. The one in the center was distinctly ahead of the other two, as they prepared to cut off her flanks. It would reach her in seconds if it didn't slow down, and its fellows wouldn't be far behind.

41 HP, 52 PP, 59 SP;

1 woman, holding a shield
1 woman, possibly unconscious?

3 spiders advancing on Dorinara
2 spiders bashing against the shield
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Well, this was what she deserved for not making sure her usual spells were up, she supposed. Time to make a statement and attract those two other spiders as well.

"A common spider, native to this area. Attacks in packs to subdue larger prey, and usually fixates on one target. The most effective way to deal with such a pest?"

Her hands came together and clenched each other, with both pointer fingers extended. There was a smirk on her face as a charge of electricity built at the tip of her fingers as she quickly recited the familiar chant, before the spell erupted from her finger and crackled out at the lead spider, seeking to ground itself through the eight-legged pest.

Casting Zap (Lv. 1 Lightning spell, 1d8 + Mind/8 damage, and is also subject to Element Focus: Lightning.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Casting: Success.
Attack (Dorinara): 6+50 = 56 v 35 -> Hit!
Damage (Dorinara): 6+7 = 13 - 12 = 1

Resistance (woman): Success!
Resistance (woman): Success!

The tiny bolt of lightning danced out from the elf's hands, and in its added light she realized that she had made a minor mistake. The spiders were further away then she had thought. The lightning barely reached the lead spider, and it hardly seemed to notice the spell. And, as it got closer, the correct size of the spiders became clear. They were each taller than the elf, with something clear dripping from their mandibles, and something white dripping from the tips of their abdomen. The spiders around the two humans bashed again against the barrier, as the one holding it up started to look increasingly pale. She was nudging the fallen woman with her foot, and the woman started stirring feebly.

There were only two bright spots. Firstly, Dorinara noticed that while her own attack had done almost nothing to the chitten-covered behemoths, all the two flanking spiders each had significant wounds in its armor. And secondly, there were in fact two more spiders behind the shielded women, and both were dead on the ground.

The lead spider slowed, and came to a halt directly in front of the elf while its fellows came in at full speed from each side. The huge spider reared up, its limbs flailing as it prepared to deal its first blow to the mage.

41 HP, 52 PP, 59 SP;

1 woman, holding a shield
1 woman, possibly unconscious?

3 spiders about to attack Dorinara, at least two already injured.
2 spiders bashing against the shield
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

"I guess you're going to need something just a bit more powerful to deal with..."

Dorinara reversed her hands, and clutched them together, this time pulling up more power than she had the first time. If it wanted to avoid the lightning, she'd freeze it solid. Her chanting went by quickly, and this time, an emanation of frost issued from her, swirling in her vicinity. With it active, she would hope that the spider was too committed to its attack to avoid it.

Going with Freezing Aura (Lv. 3 Water, Emanation, doing (1d8 + Mind/8) x 3 damage. If I can get him to slow down, I'll have to hit him with something else.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Casting: Success!
Attack (Dorinara -> Spider1): 9+50 = 59 v 35 -> Hit
Damage (Dorinara -> Spider1): (6+7)*3 = 39 - 12 = 27
Attack (Dorinara -> Spider2): 12+50 = 62 v 35 -> Hit
Damage (Dorinara -> Spider2): (3+7)*3 = 30 - 12 = 18
-> Spider2 is killed!

Attack (Spider1): 20+30 = 50 v 33 -> Hit!
Damage (Spider1): 8,11+10 = 29 - 7 = 22
Armor damage: 29
-> The battlemage's robes are torn to uselessness.

Attack (Spider2): 15+30 = 45 v 33 -> Hit!
Dorinara gains "Webbed 10" (-10 penalty to attack rolls, grapple rolls, Dodge, and Speed until the end of the encounter. If this penalty ever equals or exceeds (16) they gain the Bound status with a grapple stat equal to twice the penalty. A creature can spend their turn to remove these webs, thus eliminating the penalties completely. 1 web can be removed per round. )

The leading spider slammed into the elf's spell with almost perceptible force. She watched as a line of white ran up the thing's legs and then its body as if it were plunging into milky-white liquid. And then its front two legs hit Dorinara, tearing the entire front off her robes and leaving scores underneath. There was a mad glint in the thing's eyes, and by the way its mandibles were moving, the next attack would come from its mouth rather than its near-crippled limbs. The spider looked about to fall over, but that might not stop it from giving off one more attack, and Dorinara wasn't certain that she would remain standing herself after another blow like that one. And her robe had softened the blow significantly, but been torn to pieces in the process. The next blow might be harder.

And with that thought, she turned her attention back to the spiders galloping in from either side. The one on her right changed its stride slightly, crouching down in preparation for a leaping attack. And then it hit the edge of the mage's frosty aura. The already-injured spider tripped and rolled to a stop a few feet short of Dorinara, its legs curling as the light went out of its eyes.

The final spider, perhaps seeing this or perhaps just lucky, came to a stop just beyond the edge of the frosty aura, and turned around. Before the elf knew what it was doing there was a sticky glob flying through the air, and her hasty dodge proved insufficient. It didn't hurt as it hit her skin, but it rather firmly stuck one arm against her side, and it would be difficult to walk or fight... at least physically.

Meanwhile, the prone woman managed to get to her knees, and the other woman did something to her shield that threw the attacking spiders back, collapsing to her knees with apparent exhaustion while the other woman followed up with a bolt that blew one of the spiders apart.

19/41 HP, 52 PP, 55/59 SP; Webbed 10

2 women, neither in good shape

1 spider, half-frozen and near death attacking Dorinara
1 spider, previously injured, on the edge of Dorinara's aura
1 spider, about to attack the two women
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

She was quickly learning that months of study didn't really mean much of anything. The fact that her arm was now fastened to her side and there were rags in place of her robes had proved that much, at least. As the spider reared in front of her, she would back up and utter a quick invocation, almost shouting it as she held her hand up, which started crackling with electricity more fiercely than it had from her first spell. Her rage and the power both built at the same rate, until they both burst forth at the closest spider, seeking to blast through it and perhaps get one of his buddies behind him- either the one holding out on approaching her, or the other spider attacking the two women (priority on the spider attacking the two women if she can't get them both).

Completely incensed now, she waited to see if the spider was still in one piece, much less breathing.

Going with Lightning Bolt (Lightning Lv. 3, 80-ft, line, that does (1d8 + Mind/8) x 3 damage. If this doesn't work, and maybe at least put a dent in the second spider, well, she tried.
Last edited:
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Casting: Success!
Attack: 6+50-10 = 46 v 35 -> Hit!
Damage: (5+9)*3 = 42 - 12 = 30
Spider 1 is killed!
Attack: 16+50-10 = 56 v 35 -> Hit!
Damage (1+9)*3 = 30 - 12 = 18

Attack (Spider2): 16+30 = 46 v 23 -> Hit!
Webbing penalty increases to 20!
Dorinara gains Bound DC 40!

Maddened almost beyond reason, the elf raised her free hand to hurl a lightning bolt, with far more power than the one she had used to open the battle. She hadn't counted on the spiders' armor then, but the easiest way to defeat that was simply to blast through it.

The spider directly in front of her didn't stand a chance. The lightning tore a hole clean through it, burning the edges instantly so that it didn't leak. It took the spider almost a full second to realize it was dead, but by then the strength was gone from its limbs, and it collapsed. The spider still charging the other two women... would have to live for now, being a little too far away for this particular spell to reach consistently. Instead, Dorinara had angled the spell to head for the spider that had webbed her.

The huge beast had started moving towards her again the moment her aura of cold vanished, and she very nearly misjudged its position. Nearly. The lightning struck the beast and played across its body, but failed to kill it. Impossible to know if it was simply luck, the fact that it was less damaged to start with, or simply that her spell had grown weaker destroying the first spider, but it failed to put the thing down. It did stumble, but it recovered, and rather than continuing its attack it spun around and shot more sticky webbing at the mage.

The attack might have been preferable. The second bunch of webbing was too much, pinning Dorinara's free hand as the weight of it pulled her to the ground. She started struggling, but it was instantly clear that it was too much for her. The web wasn't coming off any time soon. She heard the spider finish its approach more slowly, and felt its presence over her. It leaned down, and she had a brief glimpse of its hideous mandibles. Then it started prodding at her, pulling, arranging the webbing.

It didn't take long to realize what it was going for. She felt her legs pulled apart and then stuck firmly to the ground, felt it pull away the tattered remains of her robes, and got a brief glimpse of a short tube with something round and white glistening at its tip before the spider spun around, leaving the appendage somewhere above her exposed nethers. She felt it press against her folds, growing wet as she realized what was about to happen to her.

Then she heard a loud cracking sound, and a whumph of moving air, and the spider's legs vanished. They were shortly replaced by much nicer legs. Pale and thin, soft and well-shaped. There were four of them. "Are you all right?" The voice matched the legs, though it was impossible to say which set. They came closer, and the elf felt her bonds loosen suddenly. She pulled them the rest of the way off, and managed to get to her feet.

That left her naked, which in turn put her only a little worse off then the two women before her. It took a moment before Dorinara was able to spot a difference between the two women. Both were an inch or so shorter than her, both had dark brown hair and wide blue eyes, and both wore tattered white dresses that were little better than nudity at this point. They seemed to be leaning on each other, standing together even if neither could have stood alone. The one on the left seemed a little more pale than the other, the one on the right was moving more stiffly, but that was about all. The one on the left spoke. "Did it, ah, get you?"

The other added "We're April and May."

Dorinara - recovering

April & May - recovering

Spiders - all dead
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

"Ah, no... it didn't get me. Not for lack of trying, though. Never came across a bunch of spiders acting like that before. I'll have to make a note of that when I get a chance... what brings you two out to the forest? It's not like this place is really any safer than the necropolis or the settlement... there's a lot of things here in the forest that would love to hang you, me, and her on a wall and, well... do what that thing almost did."

She would shrug off what was left of the webbing, and give the dead spider a nudge with her foot.

"They didn't get you, did they? You can call me Dorinara, or you can shorten it if you want to. It doesn't matter to me. About the only thing that matters to me right now, before getting out of here, is to obtain... ah, samples... from these things. Even if I don't use them, well, I'll be able to get a fair bit of money for them."

She would pull out a dagger, and would then prepare to make the rounds.

Going to loot the corpses, hopefully find something of use... maybe also use the spider silk and robe scraps to make something that will at least cover her modesty and give her a scrap of armor.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Gain 3x Venom Sac (dropped items can be sold to a merchant, or used in an enchantment as per the "item shop" post)
Gain 4 XP (XP can be spent during any substantial uninterrupted rest. Talents cost 8 XP, or main stats can be increased (main stats must always be even).

"No, they didn't get us."

The one on the left clarified. "Or, well, one bit May. But I was able to hold the shield until she recovered."

"You're right, of course. If you hadn't come along, the spiders would have overwhelmed us and dragged us back to their nest to breed for the rest of our lives."

While the two women spoke, Dorinara exaimined the spider's corpses, digging into the appropriate areas with her knife. Well, when the heads hadn't been completely blown off. Between that and ones that had been damaged by lightning or frost, she managed to recover 3 intact venom sacs. Not a terrible haul, all things considered, even if it wasn't what she had come out for.

"But that's pretty much what would have happened to us back in the town. At least here we'll have a chance to be free, and if we fail it'll be our own fault."

"The mayor is afraid that we lost too many people in the invasion, so he commanded every woman in the town to get pregnant and stay that way. Well, we were too young then, but someone told him when our birthday was. So now we're here."

"And necropolis? Nobody wants that life, if you can call it a life. Slaves to the invaders? No thank you."

The back and forth between the women was a little jarring if Dorinara payed close attention. The twins didn't switch mid-sentence or even mid-thought, but they stayed close enough together both physically and mentally that it was sometimes practically academic.

"And anyway, it's just as dangerous for you. Why are you here?"
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

"Commanded?" Dorinara's voice was disbelieving. "He thinks he can command the fates of the women in the settlement? Have you checked to make sure that he's not some kind of invader or something? Because breeding up a population of potential slaves not that far from one of their biggest strongholds? What is he, stupid or corrupted or perhaps both?"

She kicked the ground and muttered something in elvish.

"I was out here to study the invaders. I was looking for a way to stop the invaders myself- figure out what they ate, how they breathed, what magical effects they might have had... the more I know, the more that we could possibly do against them. But one of the first things that I think we should do is go see what's up with the rest of the forest, and then... it might be a good idea to go chat with Mr. Mayor about his new idea."
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

"Well... maybe not 'commanded'. Not exactly. I mean, he didn't come out and say it just like that, but that's what he meant."

"He's afraid, not evil. He thinks that if there aren't enough people when the invaders attack, we'll be overrun. And most people in the town think he's right. Even the women."

"If you're trying to figure out how to stop the invaders... we don't have anywhere to go. I'm not sure about confronting the mayor, though."

"People like him. Most people. And those that don't... well, they've had years to leave. I'm not sure how much help we could be to you, but nobody should wander this forest alone."

The two women cautiously watched the elf. Their manner of speech was hardly distracting at all when they were so close together, and as long as Dorinara didn't spend too much effort focusing on which one was speaking. Of course, they were humans. Badarians.

A movement caught the elf's eye. Behind the women stood the large outcrop of rock that stopped the trees from filling the large clearing. And below the rock, just inside the darkness of the treeline there was a cave. And in the cave, eyes. Red eyes. Lots of them. They seemed, as far as it was possible to tell, to be getting closer, though not terribly quickly.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Badarians had done their worst when it came to her people. They'd fought, kidnapped, and hurt her people in so many ways that for a minute, she was tempted to leave them to their fate. But the amount of red eyes coming from that cave entrance caused her to shake her head. Being alone and naked in the forest with what she assumed was a horde of angry, hungry, or horny spiderlings or spiders really didn't appeal to her, and, well... if the going got tough enough, she could always trip them and leave them to the spiders.

"...I think I know why the spiders were attacking you... that has to be their lair, right over there, and if we don't hurry, we'll be wearing the kind of silk that we can't take off. Follow me, but if you so much as twitch a finger at me in threat, you'll get to play with the spiders. Do I make myself clear?"
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

One of the women turned to look over her shoulder at the mention of more spiders, and both nodded at Dorinara's terms. In seconds, at least half a dozen more spiders were out of the cage and moving towards the three battle-worn women. Dorinara, April, and May were running by then, but if any dared look over their shoulders they would see that the spiders were faster, and suddenly less hesitant now that the prey were running.

One of the twins put a hand in the middle of Dorinara's back, and she stumbled, slowing her for a second. Before she could react further, though, she felt magical strength pour into her muscles, and realized that now she could run faster. The twins started falling behind, but seconds before the spiders caught up both started moving faster, likely aided by the same magic that was still lending speed to the elf. With the trio's improved speed they began to outpace the spiders, and before too long a glance over a shoulder didn't reveal any red eyes.

Of course, mindless flight was hardly the best circumstances for accurately judging direction. If they had been heading straight towards Dorinara's cabin they might be nearly there. But for all she knew they could have been heading almost directly away from it.

Status: tired. One of the twins looks too pale.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Thugh she was loathe to reveal her place in the woods, it wasn't like these two were going to be telling anyone anything- they'd wanted out of the settlement, and there wasn't much of anyone or anything that knew she had set up shop here. Besides... she could use this as a study opportunity if one of the women got too angry or emotional. She'd give them a turn with the alien in her lab and that might calm them down. It had been something she'd seen in other beings- an agitated male, after a vigorous bout of sexual activity, would end up relaxed and happy, usually to the point of exhaustion.

"...I have a place we can safely rest in. I don't know how far away it is, but the forest creatures don't bother it and the invaders can't move through the trees very fast. I just need a little time to figure out where we are... and where do we go to get back to it."

Her fingers interlaced, and a quick incantation later, she'd have her answer.

Casting Find (Arcane Lv. 2, Utility) targeting her hideout. Don't need Locate as of yet.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

Dorinara's spell worked instantly, concluding with a gentle mental pull in a direction that she knew should lead her to her cabin. The two women followed quietly, looking more and more tired as the journey went on. The constant detours around bramble and too-thick groves stretched the journey going back just as much as they had the original journey out, but the consistent pull of her location spell curbed some of the wandering nature of the elf's original path, and it was well under an hour when she spotted her cabin.

Inside, one of the women almost collapsed onto the floor, only her sister's aid letting her instead drop gently to a patch of carpet. Telling the women apart was difficult, but Dorinara thought that it just might have been the same one who had enchanted all three of them with speed for their escape. The still-standing human looked nearly as exhausted, but she still managed to speak. "Um... I think we're kind of tired. Is there some place we should sleep?"

The cabin only had one bedroom, with one bed, but there had been extra sheets, and the common area that they already stood in had a pair of reasonably comfortable chairs. The trap door to the little basement was closed in the bedroom, and very nearly invisible if one didn't know it was there.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

"Go ahead, there's a bed in the next room. I guess I can sleep out here. Just... make yourself at home."

There was something awfully screwy going on here... she just needed her books to figure out what. She thought for a moment, reflecting on her journals. Paleness wasn't the sign of an invader... several other options presented themselves, though.

"So... do you need me to hang the sheets over the windows or something?" she'd ask, trying to gather information. "It may be none of my business, but... you're acting very strange."

Shaking her head, she'd walk into the bedroom and set up a few 'security' spells- something she always did before falling asleep. Besides, if one of the women got a little... adventurous... she could always loose the invader on her and get information out of the second one.

"It's ready, if you want it..." she called into the other room.

Casting Alarm (Arcane, Lv. 1) on the front door, windows and underside of the trap door.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

"Sorry, we are just very tired. You needn't trouble yourself about the windows." The two women did look pretty tired, though that didn't necessarily rule out a supernatural nature.

With some effort, the twins managed to get into the bedroom, where they collapsed together on the bed. They were asleep in seconds, still wearing their torn clothes and barely managing to get under their covers.

Assuming her visitors didn't turn out to be creatures of the night, Dorinara could be reasonably sure of her safety in the house. The walls were strong and her familiar spells would give her warning should something manage to get through. It wouldn't do much good if a demon decided to lay siege, but spiders and the like would do as well to search elsewhere for prey.

Sorry for the fairly short post, as the wait for the next one is likely to be as long as the wait for this one, but it's up to you if you want to sleep immediately or not.
Re: Fit for Study (Green_Jay) GMed by thetwo

With her spells up and ready to warn her, she sank into a chair and sighed, settling down for the night. It would be interesting to see if one of them would be so forward as to poke around- she'd never had the chance to see just how one little creature could hold one human female. Of course, she'd have to get these two away from her home, eventually... because they'd sooner than later talk about the elf with an alien in her basement, and that would bring her unwanted attention. Better to send them home- by a roundabout way- and try to find something else to research about these aliens. She thought about going off to the Necropolis, or perhas out into the forest again- maybe there was something else about the forest that kept the area free of their corruption... she leaned over and her eyes would flicker shut.