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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: virgin island

I am surprised that there are people who still don't know to use bookmark these days.
Re: virgin island

hello! :D im back from oblivion
tho sadly i no longer have any of the rpg maker programs and indeed to try to obtain them again
not just for hentai games but for the horror and other genres that have games that have been made well wondering if this game had been updated since when ever my last post on this board was
also whats the progress for translation

i must say besides the rape scenes with the fat ugly pig with glassess and the doucebag on the beach this is in the top 10 best hentai rpgs ive seen let alone played :D
Re: virgin island

hello! :D im back from oblivion
tho sadly i no longer have any of the rpg maker programs and indeed to try to obtain them again
not just for hentai games but for the horror and other genres that have games that have been made well wondering if this game had been updated since when ever my last post on this board was
also whats the progress for translation

i must say besides the rape scenes with the fat ugly pig with glassess and the doucebag on the beach this is in the top 10 best hentai rpgs ive seen let alone played :D

The answer to your question is five posts above you. Please read the thread.
Re: virgin island

The answer to your question is five posts above you. Please read the thread.

I think he meant an actual game update rather than my translation?

Either way, I agree, I hate that fat-ass Harry. Trust me, you'll hate him more when you actually play the translated scenes. I had to stop playing just cause it put me off.
Re: virgin island

sorry i did actually mean the translation because i figured the games content was pretty much set

in anycase how did you learn how to translate games?
what sites/programs do you use if you dont mind
kind of interested in adding it as a hobby if its something im capable of without being...(trying to think of a word other then genius)
well japenese i guess :3

There's no real learning involved. It's a bit complicated the first time round but after that it's second nature.

Step 1: get the game you wanna translate (obviously)

Step 2: find the RPGMaker program that the game was made in, NOT the RTP the actual maker.

Step 3: Create a new project in RPGMaker, save it

Step 4: Delete EVERYTHING except for the Rproj file, it's important.

Step 5: Extract game that needs to be translated.

Step 6: Copy all the files except for the data file (so copy the EXE any DLL's, the data FOLDER and graphics folder but leave the data file behind)

Step 7: open RPGMAker and get translatin'

Progress report: There's been none, personal stuff came up out of no where, back on track now though :D
Re: virgin island

i see thanks for the info
also sorry about the change of topic i should of used pm :(
Re: virgin island

Long-time lurker here. :p

Just wanted to say thanks to Monkeyman for all of the work he's put into this. Can't wait to play the translation!
Re: virgin island

There's no real learning involved. It's a bit complicated the first time round but after that it's second nature.

Step 1: get the game you wanna translate (obviously)

Step 2: find the RPGMaker program that the game was made in, NOT the RTP the actual maker.

Step 3: Create a new project in RPGMaker, save it

Step 4: Delete EVERYTHING except for the Rproj file, it's important.

Step 5: Extract game that needs to be translated.

Step 6: Copy all the files except for the data file (so copy the EXE any DLL's, the data FOLDER and graphics folder but leave the data file behind)

Step 7: open RPGMAker and get translatin'

Progress report: There's been none, personal stuff came up out of no where, back on track now though :D

Sounds fairly complicated to me. xD

Can you even copy font in and out of the game and paste it back into the game that way or do you use some form of text hooker to just try to translate it through a translating program and do it that way? If any of that made sense. >.>`
Re: virgin island

First of all, go Monkeyman767, go! I wanted to replay Virgin Island for some time now, but since I learned you're translating it, I just can't wait to put my dirty hands on it.

Sounds fairly complicated to me. xD

Can you even copy font in and out of the game and paste it back into the game that way or do you use some form of text hooker to just try to translate it through a translating program and do it that way? If any of that made sense. >.>`

I'm not aware of any tool designed for translating RM games and I don't know how Monkeyman767 does his translation. But most likely it's tedious process of using RPGMaker itself to edit texts - copying japanese text to translating software and pasting back translated text.
Some things like items/skills names and descriptions are relatively easy as they're placed in game database.
Menus and other windows in most cases require script editing.
Dialogs are worst of all - you must check and edit every text command of every event page of every event of every map. Hope that previous sentence is understandable and properly illustrates how tedious this is.

Hope this helps.
Re: virgin island

I'm not aware of any tool designed for translating RM games and I don't know how Monkeyman767 does his translation. But most likely it's tedious process of using RPGMaker itself to edit texts - copying japanese text to translating software and pasting back translated text.
Some things like items/skills names and descriptions are relatively easy as they're placed in game database.
Menus and other windows in most cases require script editing.
Dialogs are worst of all - you must check and edit every text command of every event page of every event of every map. Hope that previous sentence is understandable and properly illustrates how tedious this is.

Hope this helps.

Isn't Habisain's RPGMakerTrans tool designed for exactly this kind of thing?
Re: virgin island

It is, but it doesn't support VX yet. Should do by end of month though.
Re: virgin island

Isn't Habisain's RPGMakerTrans tool designed for exactly this kind of thing?

Didn't know that, thanks for the info.

And back to the topic. Before stumbling into info on Monkeyman767's translation I got my hands on some partially translated version of the game. All data was unpacked so naturally I browsed it a little ;). It seems that in \Graphics\Pictures folder there are few text in graphical form: moji??.jpg files. Just saying in case you (Monkeyman767) missed them - I don't even know if and when are they used. Thanks again for all your work.
Re: virgin island

I am german so i dont understand everything here :S I wanted to play Virgin island is there a download available? All i understood is that someone is translating it in english? is there any version i can play now?
Re: virgin island

I am german so i dont understand everything here :S I wanted to play Virgin island is there a download available? All i understood is that someone is translating it in english? is there any version i can play now?

You can prolly snag an updated non-translated copy off of Nyaa, I remember seeing a copy there some months ago.
Re: virgin island

I am german so i dont understand everything here :S I wanted to play Virgin island is there a download available? All i understood is that someone is translating it in english? is there any version i can play now?

I imagine that there will be the english translated release extremely shortly. I seem to recall having played it partly translated before, but have not seen anything to confirm that recently. The translation is extremely close to done, so I would imagine within a day or two it will be released.
Re: virgin island

I'm not aware of any tool designed for translating RM games and I don't know how Monkeyman767 does his translation. But most likely it's tedious process of using RPGMaker itself to edit texts - copying japanese text to translating software and pasting back translated text.
Some things like items/skills names and descriptions are relatively easy as they're placed in game database.
Menus and other windows in most cases require script editing.
Dialogs are worst of all - you must check and edit every text command of every event page of every event of every map. Hope that previous sentence is understandable and properly illustrates how tedious this is.

Hope this helps.

Yeah you have to copy the japanese to something like Chiitrans (I set it to monitor clip board so as soon as I hit CTRL+C it translates it)

The menus and windows are very very very rarely script based, there's a tab in RPGMaker called System, that contains everything from what you want to call EXP to the name of the menus.

Before stumbling into info on Monkeyman767's translation I got my hands on some partially translated version of the game. All data was unpacked so naturally I browsed it a little ;). It seems that in \Graphics\Pictures folder there are few text in graphical form: moji??.jpg files. Just saying in case you (Monkeyman767) missed them - I don't even know if and when are they used. Thanks again for all your work.

Don't worry, I got em. Painstakingly, because they're pictures I had to use the google translate app on my phone camera to do it then photoshop in the phrases, as such the lettering and stuff might be a BIT off but not much.

Also I've never used Habisain's for RPGM2000 so I dunno if it's any faster for translators to use BUT it'll be much easier to release updates for people if it still patches the same way it used to (with a file)

I imagine that there will be the english translated release extremely shortly. I seem to recall having played it partly translated before, but have not seen anything to confirm that recently. The translation is extremely close to done, so I would imagine within a day or two it will be released.

There was an old release, the intro and one or two other things were translated, I used it as a base at first but ended up doing most of it from scratch.

Also, while I appreciate that you're trying to assuage peoples fear's that it'll never be finished, please don't say it'll be done in one or two days, that puts me under a load of pressure to do it then :p

ANYWHO after that, back on topic. Still working on it this evening. It's painfully close right now but stupidly I didn't realise just how big Carapa Ruins was, there's like 7-8 scenes in there, that's not counting the H-scenes.

Still it'll be out very very soon :D
Re: virgin island

The menus and windows are very very very rarely script based, there's a tab in RPGMaker called System, that contains everything from what you want to call EXP to the name of the menus.

Well, if menus are not changed from built-in, strings in database usualy works. But many windows are customized, which means at least new strings requires sifting through script. Also recently I noted increased usage of "libraries" made by some people/companies - windows contained in those libraries, even though some looks just like built-in windows are entirely based on script (doesn't use database).

Don't worry, I got em. Painstakingly, because they're pictures I had to use the google translate app on my phone camera to do it then photoshop in the phrases, as such the lettering and stuff might be a BIT off but not much.

Well, you could create dummy scene with no background, display those strings in it and take the screenshots - would look just like originals ;). If you're not into RM scripting, I can help with that.
Re: virgin island

Well, if menus are not changed from built-in, strings in database usualy works. But many windows are customized, which means at least new strings requires sifting through script. Also recently I noted increased usage of "libraries" made by some people/companies - windows contained in those libraries, even though some looks just like built-in windows are entirely based on script (doesn't use database).

Oh yeah, I know that, but those are usually BIG games. The only menu in this that hasn't translated is the items menu, that's balls deep in a script somewhere that I'm too lazy to find (I actually know where it is, I'm just focusing on events atm)

Well, you could create dummy scene with no background, display those strings in it and take the screenshots - would look just like originals ;). If you're not into RM scripting, I can help with that.

Oh no it's not that, I just mean the text tool on PS isn't entirely accurate to line spacing etc, so some pictures have slightly lower text than others, nothing noticeable though. It just irks me.
Re: virgin island

Oh yeah, I know that, but those are usually BIG games. The only menu in this that hasn't translated is the items menu, that's balls deep in a script somewhere that I'm too lazy to find (I actually know where it is, I'm just focusing on events atm)

Heh, after proposing help, I looked into the game internals. And it seems that this is one of the games using scripts libraries - they're in "▼ 素材" section. And in this section is "アクター毎の所持" script, which contains item menu strings (among others).

Oh no it's not that, I just mean the text tool on PS isn't entirely accurate to line spacing etc, so some pictures have slightly lower text than others, nothing noticeable though. It just irks me.

OK, just wanted to be helpful.