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Day Job (Tiffanian)

Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Tyduk smirked at her, but released Tlech and went over to a bench perpendicular to the one on which she and her room mates were sitting. They continued to glare daggers at him for a moment before turning to her with pitying gazes, something that the cook happily joined in on before serving the other two goblins their meals. As the two male goblins descended on their meals, Dorpina leaned in on Tlech and whispered; "Yah want us to knock 'em out for yah? We can do it when they're in our room, and you's can tell 'em that you sucked 'em so good that they passed out! They'd probly believe it too!"
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tyduk smirked a bit at Tlech’s response, but he still did essentially as she had asked, taking his arm off her and moving to a bench a little ways away from her and her roommates. That was enough for her, and she went back to enjoying her meal as Irving and Dorpina continued to glare at him and Ab. The pudgy goblin just kept shoveling down the delicious mashed worm, saving her remaining live one for last, not even really thinking about her predicament for the night until Dorp leaned in and whispered that they could knock out the two male goblins and claim Tlech had serviced them until they passed out, which quickly made her shake her head. "Naw. ‘ey ‘elped me out, an’ I ain’t gonna skip out on payin’ ‘em. If’n I do, no one’ll ‘elp me ina future. Asides, Ab’s a good guy. Jus’ keep ‘em from goin’ too far" she whispered back, mouth still full of worm, before going back to her meal.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Dorpina still frowned, but then nodded and replied; "Aright... We'll be watchin 'em!" Her room mates had eaten their fill a bit before Tlech did, Irving finishing hers first and Dorpina eating the last of her meal a few moments later. Tlech finished her own shortly, slurping up her last live worm, and saw that the two male goblins were soon to finish their own meals. She still had a few moments before they were done, however, and could depart from the kitchen early if she wanted to be alone with her room mates for a little while longer.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

"Tanks" Tlech replied to Dorpina quietly, "yer a good friend." Both she and Irving really were good friends, and the pudgy goblin had no doubt that the two of them would keep things from going farther than they should have. They were quick eaters, and didn’t eat as much as her, so they were done a while before she was. No, she took her time with the big plate of mashed worm, savoring the seasonings the cook had put into it, before finally slurping the second live worm into her mouth, letting it slide down her throat on its own. Delicious. The two male goblins weren’t done yet, but they were close. Tlech got up, motioning for her roommates to do the same, and put her arms around their waists, turning to the cook and saying "tanks, ‘at was good. See ye soon" before turning to walk away. She gave a brief look back at Tyduk and Ab, calling back "ye comin’, boys?" before setting off in earnest, not wanting to have to wait around all that long for the inevitable.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Dorpina beamed at Tlech for her compliment, and both she and Irving rose after she motioned for them to. The cook offered Tlech a nod and a smile at her thanks, the same as always, and then her signal to Tyduk and Ab, who had been watching her ever since she had risen to her feet, caused the both of them to grin. They wolfed down what was left of their meals in seconds before jumping to their feet and running after them, as she wasted no time in departing back towards the warrens. She could practically feel their eyes crawling over her body as she led the way back to the underground section of the fortress, while her room mates shot glares back at the two all the way back. No one bothered the gang of goblins along the way, and all too soon Tlech and her assorted compatriots, both good and bad, were back in their warren, and in her own room again, with Tyduk and Ab still grinning at her expectantly, obviously quite eager for their reward for the earlier assistance they'd provided.
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Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

A quick nod from the cook, her roommates jumping up to leave with her, and Tlech was on her way back to the room, the two of them to either side of her. Tyduk and Ab began to really wolf down their food then, though the pudgy subject of their attentions paid them neither any attention nor any mind. They began to run, though, getting right up behind her before they slowed down to a walk. She knew they were staring at her, their eyes assuredly running the length of her body, but she didn’t care much. If anything she enjoyed it; it felt good to have her looks appreciated, and not everyone was such a fan. Irving and Dorpina kept glaring back at the two as they followed along quite amusingly, as if they needed any more proof that they only questionably welcomed.

Again they passed through the fortress without running into any trouble or impediments, the gang of five arriving in the room shared by the three women quite quickly. Tlech let go of her roommates and made her way to her bedding, sitting down on it and pulling off her beaten-up shoes, tossing them aside without much care. "So, ‘ow ye wanna do ‘is?" she asked idly as she began to peel off her sackcloth dress, pulling it over her head. "One by one, or atta same time? Don’t matter ta me." She wasn’t really interested in trying to control the details of how this went, but she would have preferred one at a time, if only so she could suck both of them off. If that wasn’t how her partners for the night would have liked, she would express a preference for Tyduk to take her mouth, Ab her pussy. There wasn’t any particularly strong reason for the preference, though she assumed that Tyduk would be a bit rougher than his lackey, and if she was going to be handled roughly she would much prefer that it not be in either of her lower holes.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The grins on the two male goblins became wolf-life as they watched Tlech's dress come off, bulges appearing in their loincloths before both garments were simply discarded, causing both Tyduk's and Ab's members to spring forth. They were about the same size, average for a goblin, and both were quickly fully erect as their eyes roamed over Tlech's curvacious body. "Uhhhhh...." Ab was seemingly transfixed by the sight of her breasts, but while Tyduk obviously liked what he saw, it was he who offered the instructions for the night's activities; "You can use your mouth on Ab 'ere, but I ain't settlin down for the night 'til I've had me somma that pussy!" Both Dorpina and Irving scowled at him from their respective beds, or at least scowled harder, but Tyduk was seemingly unwilling to waver from acquiring his desire now that he had a good opportunity for it.

And then Tlech was nudged over to her bedding, where Tyduk commanded her; "Get on yer knees!" He wasn't forceful about it, and if Tlech opted to do something different he wouldn't begrudge it to her, particularly under the watchful eye of Tlech's room mates, but if Tlech acquiesced she would find herself with a face full of cock as both male goblins proudly presented their dicks for sucking.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech could see that both Tyduk and Ab were quite excited as they watched her strip; their grins were quite predatory, and their loincloths quickly bulged out lewdly when she was fully nude. Said flimsy clothing was almost immediately discarded, revealing what she had to work with; they were pretty similar in size, and fairly average for goblins, which suited her just fine. Ab seemed almost dumbstruck by her body, unable to turn his eyes from her plump breasts. It was kind of cute, actually. Maybe some day she would have to pull him aside and get him alone, to let him truly appreciate it. Tyduk was much different; he knew what he wanted, and he made it known. He wouldn’t be satisfied until he had fucked her pussy. Tlech rolled her eyes a bit, and her roommates glared daggers at him, but she didn’t mind. She had a feeling she was already pregnant, so it wouldn’t hurt to give him a turn in her sex, and she didn’t mind anyway. As long as he wasn’t awful at it she at least wouldn’t have to masturbate to get off while she sucked on Ab.

The two began to nudge her farther into her bedding, the more aggressive of them commanding her to get on her knees. It was a weak command, not one Tlech really felt compelled to follow, but she didn’t object. In a way she was glad that Tyduk didn’t want to just jump right into it; this gave her a chance to tease them a little and build up to it, to get herself aroused and ready to really repay her favor. Slowly the pudgy goblin rose up to her knees, both cocks in her face, and she grinned up lewdly at the two men. "Awrite" she said, "we do ‘is at me own pace. Don’t ye worry, I wanna get ye two off nice fer ‘elpin’ me, but I wanna do it me own way." With that she reached out to gently grab the base of each cock with her hands, holding them steady as she began her work.

Of course, Tlech started with Ab. Out of the two of them she definitely liked him more, and maybe if she was subtle about it he would catch on without Tyduk noticing. Of course, the odds of that were quite slim… She leaned forward, pressing her lips against the head of his cock and then slowly pushing herself forward and letting those lips part around him, taking the shaft inside. Her tongue sprang to life once she felt his tip against it, running slow circles around him as she slipped down to the halfway point of his length. As she pulled back just as slowly she thought that really this might not be bad at all… barring any shenanigans by Tyduk, getting to suck multiple dicks however she pleased was nice. The chubby goblin got back to the tip and gave a flourish with her tongue, teasingly delving into Ab’s piss-slit before pushing back down again. She repeated this twice before pulling off turning her head to take Tyduk’s member in. She gives him much the same treatment, slowly teasing his cock with her lips and tongue, stroking Ab with her hand just enough to keep him hard.

Tlech switched back and forth a few times, taking their dicks into her mouth each in turn and bobbing a few times before moving on to the other. It was both to tease and further arouse them, and to give her a nice, long time to appreciate the taste and feel of their cocks, and also to gauge how willing they were to let her have her way. If they both behaved it would only take her a few minutes to start to really get into it, unable to help but give a little more effort, to go a little deeper down their lengths… She let out very quiet, muffled moans as she began to get wet, grinding her crotch against her bedding lightly. She kept it up for only a little while longer before pulling away again, maneuvering herself onto all fours, her plump rear stuck up into the air. "’ey Tyduk, stuff me puss’" she called out, "but be soft ‘bout it. Don’t jus’ ‘ump away. Make it last." There wasn’t much chance of that, of course, but she at least wanted him not to go at the more typical breakneck pace that goblins seemed to default to. When he had gone around to the back she looked up at Ab, grinning lewdly. "As fer ye, take me mouf ‘ow ye please" she said quietly, "jus’ be sure ta stuff me balls deep at least a few times." The pudgy goblin was quite ready for the next phase, more excited for it than she had thought she would be, although she had expected them to be much more rowdy than they were.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Ab and Tyduk offered Tlech no complaint when she said that she'd pay them at her pace, particularly when she actually started on them. Both of them proved remarkably patient, allowing her to stroke, suck, and tease them for a while, their cocks occasionally twitching and offering her a taste of their precum. Ab's was very thick, almost to the point that it was like jelly, but otherwise fairly standard. Tyduk's, on the other hand, was a good bit stronger in terms of taste, possessing an odd tang to it likely because of all of the spices that he ate, and was perhaps a little bit more voluminous. She got a feel for what each of them liked as well, Tyduk seemingly preferring it when she ran her tongue along the underside of his shaft or took him only a little ways in, while Ab preferred to have his head licked or his whole cock deep-throated.

Both of them were patient, content to enjoy her treatment and offering Tlech the occasional groan or caress to encourage her, but when she shifted and bent over the two couldn't have moved quicker without magic. "I gotcha! I've been waitin for dis too long to not savor it!" Tyduk replied offhandedly following Tlech's request, while Ab merely nodded dumbly to her request. She found him more than willing to acquiesce her, as the stronger goblin seized her gently by her hair and thrust his cock all the way into her mouth, going balls deep in his very first thrust and holding himself there. Tyduk might have surprised Tlech then, as he grunted; "Ease off Ab! She said a few times!" And then, rather than stuff his cock into her pussy, he leaned down and pressed his both against her nethers, giving her outer lips a few licks before she felt the tip of his hooked nose rubbing against her ass, and his tongue prodding into her depths. The goblin's tongue flicked this way and then, lapping up her juices and finding some of her sensitive places, which he promptly attacked. Ab, in the meantime, set up a steady rhythm of thrusting into her mouth, his hand holding the back of her head while he occasionally poked into the back of her throat.

Tyduk, in his oral work, quickly found her clit and began flicking over it rapidly, and his hands began to rub and grope at her voluptuous bottom while he ate her out. He only kept at it for a few minutes though, by which point Ab was starting to throb as he pistoned into her throat, and then stood up and crouched behind her, lining his dick up with Tlech's now sopping sex. He slid in so easily that she might as well have not even bothered to tell him to be gentle, but he did so anyway, and perhaps surprised her again as he rolled his thrusts, causing his cock to rub against the same incredibly sensitive spot inside of her inner walls again and again. He wasn't as good as the faerie, but he was closer than his rough exterior had led her to think, and his pace increased at gradually rate rather than the rough bucks that Ab was beginning to use to piston into her mouth.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech was surprised at just how patient both Tyduk and Ab were being with her, perfectly willing to let her do her thing seemingly indefinitely. It gave her plenty of time to get herself ready and to savor their taste, which was always a plus. She had a decent handle on what was “normal” for goblins given her love of being on her knees, and Ab’s precum was pretty close to exactly normal in terms of taste. It was much different in consistency, though, incredibly thick to the point of being like a sort of jelly or jam one might spread on food; this was perhaps her favorite kind, because it was so much easier to hold in her mouth, to thoroughly taste. She hoped his load would be quite similar. Tyduk was quite different, the taste much more potent, tangier than normal by far; his preference for spicy food was probably to blame, and the plump goblin couldn’t help but wonder if she tasted like that herself, given her similar eating habits.

Of course, Tlech also took note of what the two of them enjoyed most about her performance, and began to tailor it to them. Even beyond wanting to pay them back for the favor they had done her, she took pride in her skill with lips and tongue, enjoyed being able to please her partners well. Tyduk liked shallower, quicker bobs of her head, especially when she combined the motion with tonguework along the underside of his cock, something she was happy to do. Ab seemed to like attention to the tip of his cock more, and also when she took him in deeper. She wasn’t terribly interested in deepthroating him as part of the foreplay of course; she had to save something for the main attraction for him, after all. Every so often one of the two would groan out softly in their pleasure, once or twice even lightly running a hand through her long blonde hair.

When Tlech had had enough, and had gotten herself into position to move onto the next phase, the male goblins quickly sprang to action. Ab grabbed hold of her hair gently, pulling her to him… and then slamming his dick into her mouth fully to the hilt in one go, making her gag hard as her eyes widened. She hadn’t expected him to go quite so fast or hard, going from speaking to him to having his heavy balls pressed tight against her chin, his crotch against her lips, in mere seconds. Tyduk really shocked her then, admonishing his companion to “ease off” of her, to slow down. She had assumed he wouldn’t care about anything but his own pleasure, getting himself off. He proved her wrong even further when, rather than just beginning to pound her as she had told him he could, he leaned into her upraised crotch and began to lick. His broad tongue lapped at her lower lips a few times before he really buried his face between her legs, tongue delving in deeper into her depths, teasing at her inner walls. He wasn’t quite as good as the fae had been earlier, his technique and knowledge of her body somewhat lacking, but it was certainly not out of lack of effort, and he was damn good for a goblin.

By now Ab had begun to thrust into Tlech’s mouth, a little bit more gently than his initial thrust. He had a good, steady rhythm going, gently holding her in place with a hand while he bucked at her, only poking into her throat every so often. She gagged each time, but she didn’t mind; she was expecting it now, and she could brace herself for it. It was about that time that Tyduk’s tongue crept down to her clit, rapidly licking at the sensitive little nub, making her moan out softly around the dick in her mouth. She began to lightly rub her lower body up and down against him as he squeezed and caressed her plump rear, his attentions making her feel quite wonderful. It went on for only a couple of minutes, but it felt like more to the pudgy goblin, and by the time he stopped she was quite glad he had insisted on being the one to take her pussy.

If Tlech had been wet before, she was dripping now. The combination of Ab sawing into her mouth increasingly rapidly with his throbbing cock and Tyduk’s oral attentions to her cunt had her very much in the mood, and she could hardly wait to have his cock inside of her. She dearly hoped he was as good with it as he was with his tongue. She could feel him positioning himself, could feel his member rubbing up against her as he lined it up, before finally he slipped it inside. She was so well-lubricated that he entered her with ease, his surprising gentleness adding to the sensation. Slowly he started to thrust, rolling his hips each time, and much to the chubby goblin’s delight he prodded and rubbed up against a wonderfully sensitive spot whenever he did so. She let out a muffled, lewd moan as he started to thrust in earnest, closing her eyes tightly. Tyduk was actually a damn fine lover, not as good as the faerie from before, but as good as any goblin she’d ever had. At this rate she’d cum well before he did… Ab was pounding her mouth roughly now, feverishly, which only made her that much more ready. Supporting herself with one hand, she reached around with the other to lightly grip his ass and pull it softly towards her, trying to get across that she wanted him to go deeper. She wanted to feel his balls slap against her chin with every thrust, his dick deep in her throat… if he got the hint and did as she wished, and Tyduk kept pushing her buttons so effectively, she’d be cumming hard in no time.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech: HP = 67, PP = 42, EP = 89, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Ab didn't seem to need much more encouragement than Tlech's hands on his ass, pulling him forward. The less intelligent goblin gripped her by the hair, though he only hurt her slightly, and began to pound into her mouth while moaning loudly, his throbbing enough to signal to her that she'd be getting a treat within the next few moments. Tyduk, in the meantime, was steadily increasing the pace of his thrusts into the blond goblin's sopping pussy, sending a delicious surge of pleasure up her spine and causing her breasts to shake wildly beneath her with every thrust.

The overwhelming tide of sensations pushed Tlech rapidly towards her peak, and when she reached it she got her wished. Her moans were silenced by a wave of thick, sticky sperm from Ab's cock as it pistoned into her throat, his thrusts continuing as the dim-witted goblin simply continued to thrust into her mouth. She still got plenty of his thick, jelly-like sperm in her mouth, but much of his large load ended up sticking to the walls of her throat. Tyduk never stopped his thrusts despite her added tightness, not even slowing even though he began to grunt with pleasure and exertion.

Tlech's room mates, ignored but still present, watched on with scowls and Tyduk pounded into her from behind. They seemed unaware or uncaring for Tlech's pleasure at the rough male goblin's surprisingly skilled attentions, apparently set on being disapproving no matter what, but they didn't attempt to intervene and stop him. Ab, momentarily spent, pulled out, leaving a last small spurt of cum in her mouth before it plopped out of her, still leaking and mostly hard. If Tlech didn't keep holding him by his ass, he would drop onto his back in her bedding, his breath coming in heavy pants as he became a spectator to Tyduk's ravishing of her cunny.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech’s message was received quite clearly, and Ab’s hand, which had been gently cradling the back of her head, quickly moved to seize a hold on her long blonde hair again, grabbing it hard and holding her quite firmly in place. It was a little bit painful, the way he was tugging on her scalp, but not anything she hadn’t felt before or couldn’t handle. At the same time he began to thrust hard and fast, really forcing his cock into her throat with each one. It was just what the pudgy goblin had wanted; she repeatedly gagged as he used her mouth, could feel his heavy balls smacking into her chin, and couldn’t help but let out muffled moans. All the while Tyduk continued to speed up his own thrusts, really starting to pound her now. While his urgency seemed to have increased, the skill with which he was fucking her didn’t suffer at all, his dick slamming her inner walls in just the right spot.

Tlech was trembling with arousal after only a few moments of this picked up stimulation, her body rocking to and fro with each powerful thrust of first one, then the other of the male goblins, her heavy breasts swinging beneath her. She had to take her hand off of Ab to support herself now, her body going somewhat weak with the pleasure the two of them were dealing her. Ab’s cock was really throbbing now, signaling that he wouldn’t take much longer to give her a good taste of his seed… The sum of all these feelings finally built her to her peak moments later, the chubby goblin letting out a muffled cry as her sopping cunt clenched tight around Tyduk’s cock rhythmically, trying for all it was worth to milk his seed. Ab came with her, spurting his thick spunk into her throat. He didn’t stop or even slow down his thrusts, though, still pounding her throat as he pumped out cum. As a result some of the jelly-like substance was forced into her mouth, coating her tongue in a most pleasant way.

By now there were lewd wet noises coming from Tlech’s crotch, each of Tyduk’s thrusts forcing more of her ample love juices out of her pussy with a squelching sound. His continued thrusting enhanced the afterglow of her orgasm quite a bit, keeping her pleasure and arousal built up even as Ab pulled out and collapsed back onto her makeshift bed, his energy spent. He was still pretty hard, though, and he could probably get going again very soon if he wanted to… the pudgy goblin didn’t think about that, though, her mind focused now on Tyduk. His stamina was pretty impressive too for a goblin, and he was still plugging away at her. She kept her mouth full of Ab’s cum as she lowered her head, grabbing onto her bedding as she savored the taste, and began to move; she had took this passively for the most part, mostly because she was getting it from both sides, but now she began to rock her hips rapidly up and down, her plump butt rippling as she worked herself against him. He had been quite a good fuck, and she wanted him to say the same of her when all was said and done.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tyduk groaned with pleasure as Tlech began to roll her hips back into his thrusts, and though her return motions momentarily disrupted his pace the goblin was quick to compensate, matching his pace to hers and once more causing her bottom to shake with every wet impact of their sexes. He still managed to hit her sweet spot with every wild buck down into her, and now his heavy balls were slapping against her clit with every thrust as well, only adding to her steadily rebuilding arousal. Ab's sperm in her mouth was thick and salty, its pungent taste and jelly-like texture both quite potent, and while he hadn't given her much of his load to work with the quantity that she had to play with was more than enough to last through the end of Tyduk's turn at her sex.

Though his stamina was impressive for a goblin, Tlech rolling her hips into his thrusts was proving a bit too much for Tyduk to handle for long after he'd been pounding at her plump backside for the last several minutes. "Gonna cum in yah!" he grunted excitedly, and the steady throb of his shaft as it plowed into her sex was enough to confirm as much to Tlech. The pace and power of his thrusts steadily and swiftly increased over the next few moments, rapidly building her towards another orgasm herself, before she felt him tense behind her, letting out a long groan as his pulsating dick erupted into her pussy, pouring wave after wave of semen down into her as he gave a few more thrusts. Then, still cumming, he bottomed out and rode out the rest of his copious release with his dick pressed against her cervix, gripping her hips tightly as he emptied the last of his sperm into her womb. Once he was finished he gave a few more weak thrusts into her, and then pulled out of her cum-slick flower and fell back, as spent as Ab.

Both of the other goblins were still conscious, and she knew quite well that she could probably get a second and maybe even a third load out of them if she wanted to, but it seemed that they would be contented with what she'd already done. Her room mates were still glaring daggers at Tyduk, but Tlech also noted that both of them had let their hands stray to their own nethers as they watched the encounter between her and the two male goblins.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech’s movements had an immediate effect on Tyduk, breaking the rhythm of his thrusts and making him groan out with pleasure. The pudgy goblin grinned, enjoying her power to please and to arouse, as she always did. She kept up her attentions without pause, her hips bouncing quickly up and down. It took her partner only a few moments to recover his composure and begin to thrust into her in perfect rhythm with her own motions, adjusting the rolling of his hips so that he would still strike that same sensitive spot he had been targeting inside of her with each one. She let out a gasping, lewd moan the first time he regained his stride, her mouth still full of thick, delicious cum. She was quite impressed indeed with Tyduk’s skill, and the way he seemed to be pleasing her with intent despite having already driven her to orgasm once that night. And now, with the new angle she had had introduced to their coupling, his balls slapped heavily against her engorged clit at the end of each thrust, only making it all the better…

In fact, Tlech was building to a second peak as her skilled partner pounded her, quite improbably in her mind. A fair few of the men (and women whom she had given cocks, for that matter) she had been with in the past hadn’t been able to give her an orgasm at all without help, much less two. Still, his stamina was finally coming to an end. She could feel his cock throbbing within her as he slammed it home, the lewd, wet sound of their coupling echoing through the small room. When Tyduk called out that he was going to cum inside of her excitedly she finally swallowed the last of Ab’s wonderful seed before practically growling out "do it!" She wanted to feel his seed inside her, even if he was too soon for her own peak, and as he sped up his thrusts, holding firmly onto her waist, she increased the pace and power of her own motions to keep up with him.

Finally Tlech felt it; the first blast of cum against her soaked inner walls. Her partner gave her a few more thrusts before one last powerful one, slamming himself as deeply into her as he could. Indeed, she could feel his tip just barely pressing up against her cervix, giving her quite the pleasant feeling. She let her upper body go low as she moaned out, her forehead pressed against the soft bedding as her legs trembled, accepting his seed into the deepest part of herself. The pudgy goblin could tell that he was shooting quite a lot from the warmth that spread from her womb now, and she enjoyed it until the last spurt. Tyduk gave a few more weak thrusts, but it was pretty clear that he was spent, and soon enough he slid his cock out of her with a rather lewd wet noise, falling back onto her bed. She slowly looked back, her pussy aching with unsatisfied arousal, and briefly caught a glimpse of her roommates. They were still glaring at Tyduk, but somewhat ironically she noticed that both of them had been masturbating to the sight of them. She would have to say something about that later…

There was still a moment Tlech needed to decide what to do. She needed to get off, and there were a few possible ways of getting there. Of course, she could have just stroked herself to orgasm right there and been done with it, but that was no fun… the two male goblins looked like they could handle more, both of them, despite being content with what she had given them so far. That she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to do either. There was something of a middle ground to be had, though. Slowly she scooted herself back towards Tyduk, until she was quite close, and then began to wiggle her hips in front of his face, her pussy dribbling his cum down her thighs… "Ye ain’t gonna jus’ leave me ‘anging, are ye? Won’t take long" she cooed, hoping he would take the opportunity to lick her to a second peak.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech’s urging was quickly followed through on by the male goblin, much to her delight. Tyduk grabbed firm handfuls of her plump rear, giving her a nice squeeze as he leaned in to press his lips against her oozing pussy. As she felt his tongue probing her cum-slick passage she let out a gasping moan, squirming her lower body against his face. She could see from her position that he was already quite hard again, and she could have easily leaned down just a little bit more to take him into her mouth once more… but the pudgy goblin chose not to. She would surely have to finish what she started if she did so, and then she wouldn’t be able to leave Ab out. They had already been at it quite a while, and she had already had a good deal of action beforehand, so it was about time to wrap things up before she got too tired.

Of course, she wasn’t thinking about that too clearly at the time. Tyduk was just too damn good with his tongue, and he was adjusting perfectly to what she needed in her quest to get off. Tlech could feel his tongue darting against her clit after just a short while, causing her to shudder and moan, and then delving back into her folds briefly. He continued on in this way, giving more and more attention to her engorged nub with each passing moment, and it quickly brought her to her peak. The chubby goblin cried out lewdly, arching her back as a rush of both her juices and the male’s cum flowed against his squirming tongue. She took a few seconds to collect herself as he pulled back once more, listening to his offer quietly. She did want to turn around and give him a ride, but she also wanted to test him (and in the back of her mind, didn’t want to fuck herself to exhaustion)… Tyduk had listened to all of her conditions and requests without complaint thus far, but he was quite obviously aroused and ready to go now. How would he react if she told him no? "Naw" she said, slowly moving to a sitting position on her bedding, "we’ve ‘ad ‘nuff fun fer now I tink, an I wanna sleep." She also wondered if the two men would spend the night in her bed rather than go to their own.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

Tlech could see that Tyduk was displeased with her refusal of another round, his frown deepening, but he took a look around the room for a little bit and his expression changed. Her eyes narrowed; would he have tried something if she weren’t surrounded by her roommates? Not that she was worried about her safety or anything, given that she was quite confident she could whoop both the male goblins around her in a fight if it came down to it, but it was a matter of their character that she was interested in. After all, he had followed her conditions to the letter thus far, she he might just turn out to be a reasonable source of favors and help in the future, for a very reasonable “price.” And there was the fact that he had trying to rope her into marrying him for a while now… maybe, just maybe, there was a chance that he was worth it, assuming he had a better attitude towards her in private than in public.

He pouted a little bit in jest, getting up and gathering his clothing, such as it was, announcing that Tlech had paid him and his companion properly and that they were going to leave. "I’m plenty o’ fun" she objected, "jus’ gotta save sum, so’s people’ll ‘ave ta guess jus’ ‘ow fun I can be." She gave him the slightest wink, implying that she wanted to give him a little something to think about until the next time they met. The pudgy goblin was a little bit surprised that he was leaving; she had expected him to crash on her bed, in the hope that he could entice her into having a bit more fun when they awoke. Still, she didn’t mind their leaving. It gave her more room to sprawl out on her bedding, and some time to be alone with her roommates before she slept. "See ye guys ‘round" she said in parting to the two men, watching them leave before sitting up properly on her bed and looking over to her roommates, who were quite obviously trying to look elsewhere.

"So, ye two liked summat ye saw, eh?" Tlech teased, recalling the way they had been playing with themselves to the sight of Tyduk taking her from behind. "’ey warn’t so bad. Didn’t try nuttin’, an’ did as I tol’ ‘em to. An’ Tyduk’s not a bad fuck. Mite not be bad ta get ‘em ta do me favors inna future" she continued, expressing her opinion on the two men. "Was glad ye two was ‘ere ev’n so." The chubby goblin was actually pretty tired by now, though, so whenever her conversation with her roommates, however short it may have been, was over she would lay down in a sprawl across her bedding, belly-down, and quickly drift off to sleep.
Re: Day Job (Tiffanian)

"Prob’ly" Tlech replied with a nod to Dorpina’s objection that Tyduk was just trying to woo her. "Can’t ‘urt ta make ‘im tink it’s workin’ fer a bit. May’aps ‘e’ll be nice ta me" she continued, grinning a bit. And indeed, if she could continue to extract favors from him while only giving him rather enjoyable sexual sessions in return she would be winning that exchange by quite a bit.

The pudgy goblin then went on to have quite a nice sleep sprawled out on her bed, which continued to be soiled as Tyduk’s cum leaked from her pussy, adding another such stain among many to the tattered cloth that made up her bedding. Of course, she was awakened much too soon for her tastes with a slap to her plump butt. She groaned, rolling onto her side with her eyes still shut tight. She could hear Irving talking to her, which sort of annoyed her. Her skinnier roommate had always been an early riser, and of course Tlech herself had always loved her sleep and lounging around in bed a bit after waking up. "Guh… a li’l longer" she groaned, trying to shield herself from further smacks with her positioning. It didn’t work at all, and after maybe a minute more of being spanked she grumbled and rolled up to a sitting position. "Dammit, fine" she said with a grumpy tone and a yawn, stretching herself out for a moment before moving to put on her sackcloth dress again. "Awrite, le’s go."