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Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine, Webbed x2
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 80/81, Status = Fine

Perception (Kiah) : 36, lol nat 1
Perception (Angelina) : 41
Perception (Anna) : 14
Stealth (???) : ??

Anna uses Wrath of the Elements X = 1 to make some fire to burn webs!
No actual rolls needed, just thought I'd mention it.

Attack: Automatic Hit. Angelina is webbed twice.

"Fire? Yeah I can do that... It can be a little dramatic though, so stand back!" Anna replied jovially, and approached the passageway ahead of them with Kiah before stepping in front of the succubus. Holding her hands together, she concentrated for a moment as an orb of flame suddenly appeared within them, causing the temperature in the dank basement to rise slightly. Anna threw her hands forward, and the orb of flame shot into the hallway and exploded in a tiny puff of fire that cleared out many of the webs and momentarily illuminated the darkened passageway. Beyond it was a short hall into what looked like another room meant for storage, and there weren't any further signs of spiders. "Easy as pie! Should scare out anything trying to hide pretty well too!"

Angelina, in the meantime, crept about at the edge of the lantern's light, searching silently for what Kiah had asked of her. She completed a circuit of the wall to their right and reported; "No signs of any books, and nothing moving. The walls seem sturdy enough, and I didn't spot any holes big enough for anything dangerous to get through." Anna started wandering among the racks, and after a moment she pulled down a black bottle and smiled, "Wellington Reserve 383! A very good year! It's probably not the oldest bottle down here, but it was a great batch." She pulled her pack off and gingerly placed the glass bottle inside after wrapping it in a few layers of clothing, and in the meantime Angelina crept over to the alcove on the left side of the room and peeked inside.

"Same.... Looks like a storage pantry, and it's really cold. There's a bunch of empty shelves and some runes, probably to keep the room chilled to preserve whatever used to be inside," the elf reported quietly, but as she turned something came shooting out of the darkness at her back. A wave of stringy white gunk that Kiah recognized immediately as the same material from which the larger webs had been made suddenly shot out at the elf's back, and before the fiery haired woman could react, she was wrapped tightly in the sticky gunk. The webbing had come from somewhere up above her, and though she wasn't quite bound completely, Angelina dropped to the ground with a soft thump. "What the hell!?" she spat as she began to squirm, and though Kiah couldn't see the source of the webbing, she could tell that the attack had come from the shadows up near the ceiling in the dark alcove. Anna let out a startled cry of her own, though it was unlikely that the human had seen whatever had issued the sudden attack if Kiah hadn't.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"Anna, get me some light up in the ceiling of that room. Let's burn the fuckers out," she snarled, gnashing her fangs as she moved closer to the room, ready to move should the spiders shoot any more of that crap at her.

Best play this cautiously, she had no intention of ending up some arachnid's meal when a good lay was potentially waiting upstairs.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine, Webbed
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 77/81, Status = Fine, Webbed.

Anna uses Wrath of the Elements X = 3 to light up the ceiling in the storage room.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 3 + 1 = 5 * 3 = 15 - 8 = 7 damage on ye spider.

Angelina removes an instance of the Webbed status.

The spider comes down and says thanks to Anna for being set on fire. He does this by shooting a web at her.
Attack: Hit. Anna is webbed.

Anna didn't bother to reply verbally, instead rolling her hands together and forming another ball of fire, one that she promptly threw up towards the ceiling of the small room adjacent to the wine cellar. The two of them were standing close to the doorway by then, and as Angelina managed to tear some of the strands coating her off, the ball of flame exploded in the middle of the ceiling. It had been a bit hotter than the last, and the flames lingered for longer, long enough to catch on several old wooden crates and on some of the webbing.

The burst of light and its lingering aftereffects slightly disrupted Kiah's nightvision, but they allowed her to see the thing that was hanging from the ceiling just fine, even if she might have wished that she hadn't afterwards. The spider looked almost like a daddy longlegs, a small harmless creature that she'd glimpsed a few times during the summer... Except that it was huge, easily as large as a fully grown hunting dog if one included its legs, though its main body was only about the size of a breadbox. Its carapace was pitch black, but there were yellow stripes visible on its legs as well.

It clicked its fangs at the two of them and skittered across the ceiling to get further away from the flames, and then it suddenly shifted and started to excrete a stream of white fluid. The stream lashed suddenly at them even though it was projected by no force that Kiah could see, but it never even came close to her. Anna was drenched in webbing from her right hip all the way up to her shoulder, which caused the woman to let out a surprised shriek and start flailing wildly in an attempt to get free of the stuff, momentarily leaving Kiah as the only one facing the gigantic spider as it darted across the ceiling, coming into the wine cellar but then shooting over their heads and turning towards the dark passageway that they hadn't gone down yet.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

I'm hoping Kiah gets a change to strike seeing as the spider moved right over her head. It ain't that high a ceiling is it?

Chasing the abomination only as far as the darkened passage, Kiah leaped upwards, swinging her blade at the creature's abdomen and rear legs, hoping to at least incapacitate it before plunging in for the kill.

Landing upon her feet once more she turned to face her companions. She would need their help before proceeding further inwards, so decided to move over and assist them free, before trying down the dark passage.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 77/81, Status = Fine

Kiah takes a swing!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 23 + 2 - 8 = 19 damage.

Anna and Angelina remove an instance of the Webbed status.

The spider shoots webs at Kiah.
Attack: miss.

To answer your ooc bit: It's a low enough ceiling that Kiah could swing at it. DG doesn't do attacks of opportunity though.

Kiah presumably takes another swing.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 23 + 2 - 8 = 23 damage.

Angelina takes a shot with her bow!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: More than its single digit hit points.

Slashing at the creature as it skittered overhead, Kiah took off one of the massive spider's legs at the upper joint, but besides letting out a little shriek and adopting a slightly uneven gait it just kept on. Before it reached the doorway, however, it spun about and shot another chunk of webbing at her. The agile succubus easily evaded the attack, however, and sprung forward to take another swipe at the spider. This time she took off two more legs, and it dropped to the floor onto its back... Or it should have. The creature somehow righted itself in midair, and though it was badly unbalanced, it opened its mouth and lunged at her! Before she even needed to try and dodge the attack, an arrow came speeding across the room and thunked into its open maw, and it tumbled to the ground in its death spasms.

Turning about, she saw that both Angelina and Anna had freed themselves completely from the webbing besides a few stray chunks still clinging to their clothes, and the former had her bow out. "Damned ugly spiders! I hate spiders!" Anna said irritably, and the two of them walked over to join Kiah in examining it, Angelina giving it a quick kick before bending down to retrieve her arrow. "It only seemed interested in getting away, but I'm guessing that these things are what we're here to clear out..." the elf muttered, and then glanced over at the darkened hallway that led deeper into the basement. "How do you want to do this? Same as before, me in front and you with the lantern in the middle?"

She and Anna waited until Kiah had decided how they ought to go in before advancing with her, and then on they would proceed. The narrow passageway only got stuffier the further they went, and after going down it they emerged into a larger room with a higher ceiling than the wine cellar. A number of old cages made out of rusty iron filled the room in neat rows, and several of them had bones lying inside. The walls were covered in webbing, but the light of her lantern didn't reach the ceiling. The right side of the room had a chair and table with a bunch of stuff on it, but she couldn't see what it was specifically from the doorway. The left side had another small passageway that led off somewhere indeterminate, and the right side had another. This room was much larger than the last had been, but like the last didn't seem to have anything living in it at first glance.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"Yeah, same as last time," Kiah said, keeping her ichor spattered blade in hand as the group moved through the passage to the next room, with its large arching ceiling.

"Big. Anna get some fire up there, but not too powerful. Could be wooden beams or something that we do not want to burn. So control yourself. Angelina, be ready with that bow," Kiah said as she kept her eyes moving about the room.

The table intrigued her, after they were sure this room was clear, she'd have to check it out.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 76/81, Status = Fine

At Kiah's commands, both Angelina and Anna nodded, and the elf prepared her bow while the human conjured another orb of fire between her hands. After a momentary pause Anna released the orb, which surged up to the darkened ceiling and exploded, briefly illuminating the darkened area and exposing nothing but bare stone and a handful of gigantic webs that thankfully lacked any occupants... Though they did hold a few silken bundles that looked like they might be large enough to hold a person-sized object. "It looked.... Clear!" Anna said, sounding surprised, and though she still held tightly to her bow Angelina nodded in agreement. "We should keep alert, but I didn't see anything up there.... Nothing that looked alive at least."

That left Kiah free to examine the tools on the table on the right side of the room, which Anna and Angelina simply followed her to. Most of the implements were either sharp or pointy, and the vast majority of them Kiah had never seen before, but what precisely the odd assortment of tools were for wasn't immediately clear.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah overlooked the items, and shook her head. "Could be our original inhabitant of this here tower was a fan of pain," the succubus muttered, and bit her lip as she looked upwards to the ceiling.

"It did look clear up there, but no beams. Get some more fire up there and see if you can bring those bundles down. Might be eggs, or might be bound up dinner from years ago. Angelina, let's check out this next hallway," the huntress said, moving with her lantern towards the next passage.

"I'll take lead for this last one, just... try not to shoot me," she said.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 73/81, Status = Fine

"Fire'd just burn 'em up, but I've got something else that might work," Anna said at Kiah's request, and rather than call up balls of fire as she had before, she called up a burst of wind instead. The stream of air flared out as it hit the ceiling, and a handful of bundles fell from the ceiling. She repeated that a few times, causing more to drop, some of them landing on the floor and others hitting cages or tables. Each made a slight cracking noise as they hit the ground, and if Kiah examined one that fell near her as she and Angelina started toward the forward hall, she'd find that it contained nothing but bones.

"I only promise to try~" Angelina replied sardonically at Kiah's request to not be shot, and held her bow at the ready as they stepped up to look down the next forward hall. It was a shorter one that led into another wide chamber, one with many more webs in it but no visible movement. These seemed to be fresher than the others, and had a handful of bundles that were still giving feeble squirms, suggesting that whatever was contained within might still be alive.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Pushing the webbed bones away with her foot, Kiah shook her head, and moved towards the hallway Angelina was by. She glanced at the Elf, and softly shook her head at the woman's comment but said nothing.

Holding the lantern up high to cast its light down the walls and floor before her, blade ready to swing in the other hand, the succubus began to stroll down, looking for more of the damned spiders.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine, Webbed x2

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine, Webbed x4, Bound
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 73/81, Status = Fine, Webbed x4, Bound

Spiders: 27, 33, 41, 40, 38, 35, 42, 32 | 29, 27, 34

Perception (Kiah) : 42
Perception (Angelina) : 47
Perception (Anna) : 29

Anna uses Wrath of the Elements X = 9 at a spider approaching her!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 4 = 8 * 9 = 72 - 8 = 64 damage.

The two spiders that she didn't see Web Shot her.
Attacks: Both hit.
Anna is webbed four times and is considered Bound.

Four spiders try to web Kiah, the other four try to web Angelina.
Attacks: 2/4 hit Kiah, 4/4 hit Angelina.

Perception (Kiah) : 44
Perception (Angelina) : 43

Kiah can remove up to her Grapple mod divided by 20 (aka 2) webs per round from herself, or from an adjacent ally. She can currently act normally still, albeit with the webbed penalties, but if she doesn't remove the webs she'll be in trouble.

Webbed: For each instance of this status, the character takes a -10 penalty to attack rolls, grapple rolls, Dodge, and Speed until the end of the encounter.

Striding ahead with a lantern in one hand and her sword clutched in the other, Kiah entered the next chamber with Angelina following close behind with her bow at the ready. The very moment that they stepped out into the wider room, she realized that that had been a terrible decision. The room was filled with webs, and amidst the thick white fabric and the squirming or dessicated bundles that decorated those webs were no less than eight of the spiders, each of which were taking a great deal of interest in the pair of women that had just entered their lair. A bombardment of webbing immediately ensued, and though she was quick enough to dodge some of it, even Kiah couldn't get out of the way of all of it in time.

She slashed aside some of the sticky substance with her blade and sidestepped another, but then one caught the half-demon by surprise and glued her sword arm to her side, making it exceedingly difficult to make use of her weapon, and then another glued her leg to the floor. Behind her, Angelina was caught in the doorway while clutching only her bow, leaving her unable to get out of the way or cut aside the webbing coming at her. By the time the bombardment ended and the long-legged spiders started skittering towards them, Angelina was bound up in a full cocoon and left stuck to the wall, squirming uselessly and leaving Kiah to face eight of the dangerous arachnids all on her own while already partially disabled. At about the same time she heard a wordless shout from the hall behind them followed by a loud thump, and then a quickly cut off cry of surprise, all in Anna's voice.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"You have got to be mother fucking kidding!" Kiah yelled angrily as she tried to both saw away at the webbing with her drawn sword, and pull it away from her body as she did her best to move away from the skittering monstrosities and get free all at once.

She cursed and spat, and even tried to use her wings to push away the gunk that was making her slow while she moved to the side, out of the immediate arcs of fire.
Last edited:
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 8/56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Badly Injured, Paralyzed x2

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine, Webbed x6, Bound
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 73/81, Status = Fine

Kiah tears off her webs and tries to dart aside and out of the way.

Four spiders try to bite her. Kiah's effective Dodge against them is 53.
Attacks: 49, 45, 55, 56 on rolls of 13, 9, 19, and 20. You really can't catch a break can you?
Damage: 7 + 10 + 12 - 5 = 24 damage per hit, for a total of 48 damage.
Resistance: 26 vs 31 and 27 vs 30, not in your favor. The dice reaaaaaally don't like you today apparently. :confused:

Paralyzed: The character is unable to take any action during their turn unless they succeed at a Resistance check against a DC of 30. The character takes a -4 penalty to non-damage non-Resistance rolls, to Speed, and to Dodge for each instance of this effect. A character can have multiple instances of this status, and every instance increases the DC of the check to resist losing their action by 10. When this check becomes impossible for the character to win, they are considered Helpless but are not knocked unconscious.

She must win a DC40 Resistance check or lose her turn, and takes a -8 penalty to Dodge for the round.

The other four walk up and bind Angelina some more, and start hauling her off.

Anna and Angelina try to escape!
Grapple (Angelina) : Failure.
Grapple (Anna) : Failure.

Casting (???) : Success.
Attack: Hit all.
Damage: 8 + 5 + 2 + 2 = 17 * 5 = 85 - 8 = 77 damage.

With a wrench of her arm and a beat of her wings, Kiah tore free of most of the binding webbing and darted aside, trying to put some distance between herself and the oncoming spiders. Unfortunately, that didn't work out, as the succubus found one of the creatures leaping from its webbing at her. Kiah managed to avoid its fangs, but only by stopping in place, and that left her open to the other encroaching monsters. The next one she warded off with her sword, but then one of them leaped onto her back from above, and before she could throw the abominable thing off she felt fangs sinking painfully into her flesh. Their fangs were huge and pierced deep, and in addition to the pain of the bite she felt a horrible burning numbness spreading out from where she'd been bitten.

Her adrenaline wasn't enough to shrug off the demonic poison, and she felt her limbs grow sluggish and her senses grow dull as it began to pulse through her blood. Even after she'd managed to throw the first one to bite her off, Kiah felt another set of teeth sink deep into the meat of one of her calves, pouring more of that paralytic venom into her bloodstream and compounding the problem even further. Angelina was hoisted by two more of the things even as the last two bound the elf fully in silk, and she was carried between two of the spiders towards their webs. Fortunately, it seemed that being dinner wasn't in their fate.

A soft crackling followed by a deafening crack sounded from down the hall in which they'd come, and a bolt of white lightning lashed out and struck the nearest spider only to lance over to the next. On and on the lightning bounced, until all eight of the spiders were left as charred masses of blackened exoskeleton. Only a few seconds later a thin figure clad in white robes that concealed the entirety of their body silently strode into the cavernous room, a slightly beleaguered looking Anna following close behind.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah screamed in absolute agony as the fangs pierced her flesh,sinking deep into muscle and sinew and scraping against bone. She struggled to swing her blade at the creatures, to move anything, as desperation made her heart pound within her breast.

The crackling bolt of electricity made her hair stand on end, even as the spiders around her collapsed into smoking charred ruins, and the succubus struggled to stay upright as the figure in white entered the room.

"Who are you?" she demanded, trying to keep her footing, as the poison of the spiders burned in her veins. Breathing was becoming a struggle, and she forced air into her lungs as the stranger slipped in. What else was there to deal with?

She found herself suddenly really looking forward to having Selina peel her clothes off, job be damned.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 8/56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Badly Injured, Paralyzed x2

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 73/81, Status = Fine

The white clad figure gave a brief glance at Kiah before looking away and proceeding deeper into the spider-filled room. Anna glanced at Kiah as well and paused, but after a moment she went over to Angelina and drew out a dagger, with which she began cutting away the webbing that contained the elf. "I am an associate of Mr. Dove. You may call me White," the rag-clad figure said calmly, their voice as androgynous as their figure. "I was sent here to tell you that he'd found out that this place was inhabited.... And clearly I was a bit too late. Mr. Dove would like to his extend his apologies to you and your associates," they continued in a tone of absolute calm even as they knelt down to one of the lightning-blasted spiders, and began prying open its carcase.

"He asked me to tell you that, while his offer remains open on the retrieval of the item he requested, he'd understand if you wished to abandon the contract, and would hold no grudge towards you for doing so." Reaching into the body as they spoke, the person pulled out an ichor-coated organ from the dead spider and rose back to their feet only to go on to the next. Anna, in the meantime, had managed to pull Angelina most of the way out of her webbing, and the elf squirmed out of the last of it a few moments later. The two promptly came over to Kiah, and Angelina slipped an arm around her back to help support the poisoned succubus. "Where did they come from!?" Angelina hissed to Anna, who frowned and replied; "I don't know.... They just kinda walked in while I was being attacked!"

She gave the two of them an angry glare for a moment, "You two left me alone in there! If they hadn't shown up I'd be spider chow right now!" Ignoring the human and instead looking over the puncture marks in Kiah's shoulder and calf, Angelina pursed her lips and said; "We ought to get those cleaned. Are you feeling alright? Did they have any venom?"
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"We'll get the damn book. The inhabitants have been rather kind to that fact... if not their basement. We just need to find the thing, if there are no more spiders," Kiah grunted in pain, still struggling to move, the tension in her calves and shoulder almost overbearing. She felt weak, tired.

When her companions began to speak, the succubus wearily turned her head, forcing the muscles in her neck to move even when her legs and arms refused to listen. "Anna, I have been spider chow. Shut up. They're venom has some kind of paralysis. Can't move right now," Kiah struggled to speak, wanting to just fall back, but unable to move her legs to do so well.

"Are there any more of those fucking spiders?"
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 8/56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Badly Injured, Paralyzed x2

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 73/81, Status = Fine

The white clad figure glanced at Kiah briefly before returning their gaze to the web-filled chamber, "I don't think there are any more spiders." Anna, in the meantime, looked somewhat mollified by Kiah's rebuttal, and fell silent as she examined the wound on the part-demon's shoulder. "It looks kinda bad...." she murmured, causing Angelina to shoot a brief glare at her, before turning back to Kiah and saying; "Lets get back upstairs. Maybe they've got something for that poison? At the very least we'll be able to patch you up."

As the elf spoke, White simply strode past them with arms folded behind their back, casually saying; "My message is delivered. I believe that you lot can comfortably handle the rest." Given that they were leaving, Kiah and company were close behind, at least at first. The succubus wasn't given long to question the figure, however, as she slowed her group enough that the quick walking stranger went well ahead of them, reaching the stairs well before they did and not waiting for them.

They didn't run into any more spiders along the way, however, and when they were back up on the first floor they found the scowling butler standing there waiting for them. "Things didn't go according to plan then?" he said blithely, glancing down at the blood running down Kiah's leg with an annoyed scowl.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"The plan was to kill them all, so it did. The plan just could have been better," Kiah said with a smirk at the butler, arms wrapped over the shoulders of the two women carrying her. She felt a little annoyed at mysterious figure sent in by their employer. Why the hell couldn't they have shown their faces sooner?

"By the way. You see anyone in white come by this way? And would you be able to tell Selena about our... finishing?" the succubus said weakly still struggling to move on her own.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 8/56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Badly Injured, Paralyzed x2

NPC stats
Angelina: HP = 48, PP = 34, EP = 34, Status = Fine
Anna: HP = 68, PP = 38, EP = 73/81, Status = Fine

"Indeed..." the butler replied coolly, his expression not budging from its frown. "The... Associate... Of your employer I assume?" he asked somewhat unnecessarily, as he continued without waiting for a response; "They arrived shortly after you'd gone below, and Lady Celothien was present to speak to them a bit more quickly than she was for you. Such seems to have turned out in your favor."

Turning to the side, he gestured for them to follow and started walking towards a door that he opened immediately upon reaching, speaking a bit more along the way; "I will gladly tell my mistress that your task is finished, but first I would appreciate being able to keep you from bleeding all over the floors. The place is filthy enough without adding to it, and I assume that having your wounds tended to wouldn't be against your liking."

They were led into the kitchens, and the butler gestured for Anna and Angelina to place her onto a somewhat high chair next to the counter, which they did. "Where was she injured?" he asked, to which Angelina promptly replied; "Her shoulder and her calf. Opposite sides." The butler scowled, and then glanced her over before simply saying; "Disrobe her. I'll need to see the wounds properly to be able to tell what I need before I can begin. There's an antidote for the spider's poison in the cupboard over there. Green bottle, labeled as 'Panacea' and marked with an eight point star." Anna went over to the indicated cupboard and started rummaging around in it while Angelina stared at Kiah uncertainly, looking for the half-demon's permission before following the butler's commands.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"I'm a bloody succubus, this isn't exactly an uncommon occurrence for me. Do as he says," she said, and would have started disrobing herself if not for the fact that moving her limbs at the moment seemed almost impossible.

As she was stripped down, Kiah glanced towards Anna, watching her loot around for the medicine, before finally looking back at the butler. "I'll be able to move again after this right?" she had to ask, sucking in breath between her teeth in a wince as Angelina's fingers brushed over the wound on her shoulder as she worked.