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RJ's Stream/Youtubes - Blowing with Kag

Re: RJ's Stream - FTL

By request, someone wanted to watch me play this. I don't know why, it seems like it'd be much more fun to play than watch imo.

Re: RJ's Stream - FEGAMAN

I'm going to be streaming a game only known by word of mouth and those who watch those Hitler parodies of the man in question being tortured by Hermann Fegelein and his antics.

Fegaman vs. The World

This game is an NES Megaman clone, and a good one in my opinion. I'll be taking a moment to set up everything before I play.

Keep in mind the game's only a demo as of yet, but there's plenty to enjoy.
Re: RJ's Stream - FEGAMAN (Update to the game+download)

I also forgot to mention:

He uploads updates to his game there.

This is also yet another update to his game.

Again, if you care. If you don't care then why are you reading this. The title should have told you what you'd see. Get out, I'm tired of being read by you.
Re: RJ's Stream - Plague Inc: Evolved

I was totally streaming this and forgot to announce it here.

Oh well,
Re: RJ's Stream - Plague Inc: Evolved

Dem random dudes who watched.
Re: RJ's Stream - Plague Inc: Evolved

No idea what their argument was about. Was pretty silly.
Re: RJ's Stream - Five Nights at Freddy's (rape jokes ahoy)

Setting things up for some scary game Tass wants me to play.

The setting is as follows. I'm a security guard for a kid's place, sorta like Chucky-Cheese if you've ever heard of that, or Disney-Land, though this is a small-time and run down business, sorta like Chucky-Cheese. Anyway, there's a problem with the dancing robots they have to entertain the kids. A murder problem. Instead of hiring a mechanic to fix the murder, they hired me to basically hide in the security office and cry for my mother while attempting to shield myself from my likely demise with drop-down security doors.

The problem with these doors is that they, for some reason, require power to remain CLOSED. The problem with the power is that I HAVE ALMOST NONE OF IT.

So it's a recipe for failure. I'm also getting paid 4 dollars an hour. The fuck.

Stream will be up in a bit, buckle your pants.
Re: RJ's Stream - Five Nights at Freddy's (rape jokes ahoy)

Stream's up
Re: RJ's Stream - Five Nights at Freddy's (rape jokes ahoy)

, it was pretty short.

It actually begins at about 5:50, so skip to that part.
Re: RJ's Stream - For all who don't care, Smite

Streaming Smite to see who's interested
Re: RJ's Stream - For all who don't care, Glory to Arztotska

I've been wanting to play Paper's Please for a long while because it seemed like such an interesting game.

I'm going to stream it, and keep stream chat open, but unlike usual, I'm not going to sniff around for interest. Watch if you want, don't if you don't want.

Stream will be up in a bit.
Re: RJ's Stream - Five Nights at Freddy's (rape jokes ahoy)

Stream's up
Re: RJ's Stream - For all who don't care, Fuck Arztotska

Arztotska is such a shitty place.

It's not even the government. Your neighbors are shitty too. A man can't be set for life when given money from a rebel group because they mysteriously discover your newfound wealth and report it to the authorities.

Anyway, gonna stream that game in a bit. Though I'm gonna do one extra thing. I'm gonna write down the names of cities and their districts on a piece of paper for quick reference, because using the in-game book is cumbersome.
Re: RJ's Stream - Five Nights at Freddy's (rape jokes ahoy)

Stream's up
Re: RJ's Stream - I challenge Tassadar to Bloodbowl

I hereby challenge the Tass of Dar to a gentleman's game of Blood Bowl using Classic Rules.

To the winner goes the lovely Toxicshock as a whore for the evening. If you do not think he is lovely, you have not seen his butt.
Re: RJ's Stream - I challenge Tassadar to Bloodbowl

Agad. Uhhhhh, I'll have to actually play a game of it first, but okay. At some point tonight.
Re: RJ's Stream - I challenge Tassadar to Bloodbowl

For the few of you asking, my answer is as good as Tassadar's.

Q: When is the stream happening?

Tassadar said:
At some point tonight.
Re: RJ's Stream - I challenge Tassadar to Bloodbowl

I'm eating dinner and gotta finish cleaning up logs. Might be going up in an hour or so.
Re: RJ's Stream - I challenge Tassadar to Bloodbowl

Tassadar is installing the game, the match will be held soon.

The steam is up, but all we're doing is talking for now.
