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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Wearing only her panties, stockings, and skirt, her bare back was to him, before she turned, and blushed slightly as she held her arms out wide in a pose. "Am I a naughty little vampire?" she asked with a grin, before turning, and bending over slightly, lifting up her skirt to just allow him to make out the curves of her right ass cheek, along with her pure white panties. "I'm wearing panties, but it still looks nice, right?" she asked with a giggle.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's initial response wasn't verbal. Instead he gave her a deep growl and snapped his jaws at that air. As if to suggest he was inclined to take a bite out of her, she looked so good.

"Yes, but naughty looks good on you."

As she bent over and exposed one of her cheeks Aiden tiled his head to the side to view her from a slightly different angle. Primarily the panty class pussy she asked about.

"Especially with that pose. Very sexy Venice, and your panty clad pussy is looks lovely. I'm not sure I'd be able to stay over here much longer if I saw it uncovered."

Straightening up Aiden moved his hands through the air, as if to caress the curves of Venice's body from a distance. At length he seemed to come to a conclusion, as he suddenly spoke up.

"Black. You should defiantly wear black panties and stockings. It'd go great with your skin tone."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Oh, is that so? Well, you know what to buy me now." Venice chuckled at Aiden, before stretching her arms out, and pointing to a bra on top of a travel bag. "Would you like to put my bra on? I won't poke you in the butt if you touch me, promise~" she giggled. "But don't push your luck~"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Always such a tease."

Aiden's eyes didn't pull away from Venice right off, but after a few seconds of lingering on her they moved over to the bra Venice mentioned. Leisurely he entered the room and meandered over to collect the undergarment that hand been pointed out. Then moving up behind the little vampire Aiden looped the bra in front of her and used his hands to guide the cups to her breast. Refraining from squeezing he settled for contact alone, and then trailed his hands long Venice's ribs as they made their way to her back and secured the clasp.

"You really do have nice breasts though, and despite what women may think, bigger isn't always better in a man's eye."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Being poked in the butt must have been traumatic, or are you afraid of me? I expected you to be at least a little more perverted." she said with honesty, before slipping her own shirt over her head, as well as putting her amulet into place before looking up at Aiden. "Thanks for finally noticing my breasts. They're so tiny it's hard to see them." Venice chided Aiden again for not noticing them sooner. Hmm... she hummed thoughtfully at Aiden. "So, you wish to have sex with me as well. You may yet get your wish, Aiden, but not today. I will lay with you when I have fully accepted you, heart and soul. Maybe not love, per se, but something just as important." she announced.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A deaf ear was turned to Venice's initial query, but her at talk about the tiny and hard to notice breasts Aiden made a point of looking at them. His eyes rose back to her face when the half breed vampire talked about possibly, maybe having sex with him ... if the conditions were right. The young man didn't seem hurt, wounded, or disappoint. Instead he offered her a small smile and rose a hand to push a few strands of hair behind Venice's ear.

"I apreciated the display anyway. It helped improve my mood. A little at least."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Venice winked at him. "Mission accomplished then!" she giggled. "I'll go convince Suika to wear clothes while Ryoko and Maria dress. Could you wait in the bedroom you slept in for a few minutes?" she asked, as Aiden would just hear the other girls getting ready to come in.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A light 'heh' came from Aiden as Venice announced her mission a success. The short little laugh turned to a mildly amused smile as she talked about persuading Suika to wear clothes. Finally, a look of mock suspicion came over Aiden's face as he gave Venice an exaggerated leery look when she asked him to wait in the room he'd slept in the previous night.

"I get the feeling you're plotting something ... but I'll play along."

He complied, speaking as he made his way to the other room. There he occupied his time reading from a book he brought along to pass time. It didn't hurt to try and learn something new while waiting either.

*Ninja poofs and goes to bed.*
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The girls came in as Venice said they would. Maria was already searching for Aiden, apparently accusing him of peaking, before Venice insisted she had it taken care of. The girls gathered in the room opposite of Aiden, before Venice was heard talking to Suika. "Our society calls for wearing clothes, Suika. Would you be so kind?" Venice asked of the kitsune.

The red tailed fox chuckled. "Why, of course." she agreed, before Aiden heard her approaching. "... Of course I won't. Clothes are such a hassle." Suika said on her own, out of earshot of Venice. Stepping into the room, Aiden was so positioned that he didn't fall within her eyesight. Strangely enough, the kitsune acted as if he wasn't even there. "That town needs a wake up call anyway, I think I'll strip before this mayor I've been hearing about." she said with a lewd giggle as she fetched a pure white kimono with gold lace.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When he started to make out what the women were saying Aiden paused in his reading, and marked where he left off. Since they had made themselves loud enough to overhear, Aiden didn't mind eaves dropping. Perhaps listening to the women talk amongst themselves would give him insight into things they might otherwise conceal from him. Still, he kept the book on hand, ready to resume his reading if things got too boring while Venice hatched her scheme.

When Suika came in, Aiden didn't do anything to further conceal himself, or draw attention to himself. If she found him, it would be as though he were quietly reading. He had no qualm letting her continue to talk to herself, if that was the woman's inclination.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

After a moment, as Suika pulled the kimono out, a sudden tail flew straight in Aiden's direction. With lethal force, it seemed to carry enough force to blow a hole in the wall near Aiden's head as the kitsune announced. "Who dares hide their presence from me?" she asked, before giving a surprised look to find Aiden sitting there. "Aiden... How..." she asked, confused, before a knock came to the door that Suika had shut.

"Aiden! Did she say anything that she didn't want me to hear?" called Venice.

Then, it all seemed to click within Suika's mind. "How clever... Using Aiden to catch me off guard."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's eyes quickly darted to the hole to spot Suika's tail impacted against the wall. Odd or not, he wasn't surprised, the force of the assault was certainly startling. He was also expecting Venice to ask about Suika as well. He gave Suika a smile while he closed his book and wrapped it up in some material that would protect it should water get into his belongings. Raising his voice he responded to the sneaky vampire.

"Just dirty kitsune talk about stripping for me when we meet with the mayor."

After stowing his book away Aiden reached up and stroked the tail that had pull a hole in the wall before he rose to his feet and made his way towards the door.

"You probably just want to get her to have sex with me."

Aiden teased the kitsune with a mild suggestive tone, perhaps referencing her earlier comments about her creating another opportunity to for him to sample Clarice's demonic pussy. At the door he raised a hand to the kimono Suika had held, wordlessly encouraging her to put it on while he waited at the closed door for her. When she was dressed and ready, he'd open it for her.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Of course," Suika replied casually, dressing even before Aiden left. Not a minute later and she was already out of the room with the simple kimono wrapped around her. A round hole in the dress allowed for her tails to show themselves, and the kimono was so light with only the white, silk sash around it that Suika could become naked once more in a split second.

Maria was dressed in her armor, Venice still in her rather impressive dress, and Ryoko in her slutty shrine maiden outfit, showing lots of hip, thigh, and cleavage. "So, Aiden," Venice began. "We are prepared to go back to the town with Suika, but... Is this what you want to show the mayor? Since she has given you this task, it's up to you how ready you think you are."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Hearing Venice's prompting query Aiden looked to his comrades, each one in turn starting with Venice. As he spoke he looked from one to the other, so that he spoke to the group and not just Venice.

"The mayor didn't want me to bother her unless it was important, or I had found an option that supported my proposal."

A pause was given, and Aiden raised a hand to indicate their new kitsune ally Suika.

"We have a plan: helping Suika consolidate local Mamono into a group willing to coexist. But as of yet, it is only a plan. We need proof. We need to show that we can make due on our claim. That means a reasonable number of Mamono must support our goal first. The mayor may be able to turn just Suika down, but if we has a number of Mamono supporters, and I mention the potential to gather more, it becomes harder to refuse us."

Aiden allowed his words to die down, and gave the women a time to think on what he said before going on.

"Are all of you up for such a task? We do not, as yet, have official support for our actions. We'd also need a place to begin ..."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Venice chuckled, before patrolling a circle around Aiden with her arms folded behind her back. "Then you have choices, Aiden." she began. "There's the slime queen rumored to have appeared in the distant southeast. She's rumored to have quite high intelligence despite being of a race of slime. Then, there's the fiery lands under Ignis' volcano where Salamanders are said to have made various clans. They're an aggressive, warlike species. The last two are the dwarves and the lands of Zippangu. I'd be lying if I knew what you would exactly encounter in the lands of Zippangu, but the lands of the dwaves are most known for their greed. They like to party, and are fairly genius inventors. In fact, some believe that the dwarves are even more advanced in their technology than the Magi..." Venice chuckled.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's head turned, and eyes swung, moving to follow Venice as she circled him. But he remained stationary in his stance. A brief leery look was cast to the half vampire when her ambition reared up. Or maybe she was testing him.

"Those sound like considerable threats for the five of us to face. We can certainly discuss those options, but I was thinking something more local, a small tribe or two. We encountered a flock of Harpies and some Orcs on our way here."

The youth took a quiet moment to muse on the ideas Venice brought up. There was a thoughtful tone in his voice as he resumed talking.

"But of the options you mentioned we'll discount Zippangu, because we've talked about trying to forge an alliance with them. That leaves Slimes, Salamanders, or Dwarves. Is there an advantages we could hold over any of those? I'm also unsure of what political ramifications we'd face for making a move on one of these groups."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"We won't get anywhere by picking up stragglers and nobodies, Aiden. Even the few that we saw may belong to a certain leader, and it's that leader we need to concern ourselves with. So long as we think small, our results will be small. And working our way up from the small steps, as it seems like you're thinking... Truly, we'd be putting ourselves underneath the power of such a leader, and I'm sure that someone like you, Aiden, would only cause unrest should a mamono try to lay claim to you, especially an orc. With that said, we need the collective as a whole to ally with us, not little bits and pieces of it. And do trust me, if you see one orc, she's likely part of a larger clan, sent to do who knows what."

"I agree. With me present, picking up a bunch of little no name creatures of little importance is a waste of my time. I'm frankly for finding any leader of a small army and crushing her beneath my foot and taking her forces for my own." Suika stated aggressively.

"You're like some kind of tyrant..." Maria shifted nervously.

Venice shrugged, "Well, it's not a bad choice, really, to just dominate them. But... Aiden, understand that there's no right choice here, otherwise I would push you towards one or the other. There are of course advantages for each choice, but there are also disadvantages. The dwarves could arm the whole population, but they would destroy the economical market established and pretty much take over blacksmiths of the area and likely make them their husbands. The slimes... Are awesome front line infantry that can take immense abuse, but... Well, they're slimes. And Salamanders are warriors that could rival the dullahan of the demon lord's army, but they're like barbarians. They're battle crazy and unlikely to listen to you even should you get them on your side. Our end goal should be to acquire all of them, but we need to decide a place to start.

"There is no right choice we have right now, Aiden, except for you. As we are, you are currently are biggest liability towards acquiring any faction to join us. I say that with all honesty and no disrespect towards you, but..." Standing in front of Aiden, she put a hand on her hip and regarded him seriously. "This is why I so strongly suggest I become leader. If you were to represent the town as a whole, and diplomacy with a faction goes awry because you vehemently hate the thought of being underneath a woman, or dominated by her, or so I have observed. If you're the leader," she points to Aiden. "And you anger the other leader of the faction, then all that will result is combat. At least I, a woman and fellow mamono, can keep you from having to resort to either combat or such sexual situations. Best case scenario that I can predict, you will simply walk away from such a leader, and think that you will do better elsewhere. That is not the kind of attitude we need for coexistence... We must learn to tolerate. And tolerate, I can do. But can you stand the thought of being underneath a woman, subject to her desires, if it means coexistence and peace?" Venice asked him seriously.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When Venice started down her talk of 'I should be leader because I'm more tolerant' he shook his head. He was waiting for a power play. It might have been appealing to the rest of group when she talked about him submitting to a woman's desires: they were all women with Mamono blood. But what Aiden heard was that Venice wanted to consolidate power, and sell their people to the Mamono. He let her say her peace uninterupted but it was easy to see, even before he opened his mouth, they shared different views of what 'coexistance' should be like.

"Two cultures could coexist with each other by one being enslaved or serving the other. Coexistance isn't enough if we loose ourselves. Peace isn't enough if we are oppressed. We, men and women, human and Mamono, need to stand on equeal footing. It is not such a great thing to ask, and I will not settle for anything less. I am willing to be tolerant and compromise, but I will not point my people down a path of submission and say 'this is good'. That is not bettering ourselves. That is giving in to what is already happening and slapping a new coat of paint on it."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"I didn't say that, Aiden." Venice sighed. "Many mamono can only comfortably have sex if they are the ones dominating, and others enjoy being the servants of humans. What would happen if you met such a creature as a scylla, Aiden? And she wanted to have sex with you? You would end up in a swarm of her tentacles and bound, as that is how they have sex. True coexistence forms a perfect relationship for all races and beliefs, allowing them to fit into their roles.

"Between this coexistence of human and mamono, there must be someone to lead... Did you think it would be you? In all honesty, telling powerful mamono that they cannot obey their instincts is truly oppressive. If you could prove that you could stand with all mamono, and accept them into your society, then you would be fit for the task. I don't know if you could do that, Aiden. From what I understand of it, even Suika plans to work around your hatred of being the bottom man in bed, and gather men who she can tease and dominate."

Suika giggled slightly, blushing, and seemingly agreeing with that fact. "We cannot coexist if we continue to form barriers between each other and say, "you cannot cross this line," when such a line is merely a personal twitch. Do you understand that forcing mamono to live in a purely human society is unreasonable?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

With some misunderstandings already forming, due to choice in word or phrase, Aiden raised a hand for peace.

"We're saying much of the same thing then, in different ways. A lot of this comes down to individual choice for humans, or finding Mamono the right partners. Some humans, men and women, prefer to dominate or submit as well. Myself, I am a man with a cause. I have no political power, and if I achieve it, it will be given to me by our people. I cannot be all things for all people, but I can endeavor to see that their needs are met. That is what I want to ensure, for all species."

Lowering his hand he looked over at the giggling Suika as she blushed under Venice's delcaration. No, he wasn't upset or surprised by this information, but rather took it in stride.

"I have no qualms with you, or any other Mamono, gathering a harem of men to dominate. As long as those men are willing, and not forced into that position."
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