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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Suika sighed, and left the tent without saying a word. Ryoko soon followed after the mood was spoiled. Some talking was immediately heard outside, before Venice's laughter roared loud and clear, her voice clearly heard even from within his tent. "The poor man!" she announced, before her voice quieted down to where Aiden could no longer hear them unless he eavesdropped.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A short while after the women withdrew from the tent, Aiden redressed. Without the extra body heat and physical exertion it would probably get cold. Besides, he liked clothes. He spent some time hydrating from his water supply, then climbed into his sleeping bag. From his travel pack Aiden took his book and a candle so that he could do some reading. The reading would help get his mind off of what had just happened. Half an hour of reading and he'd be ready to sleep.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The next morning Aiden woke up, all was relatively quiet. He could smell breakfast cooking, and everyone exchanging good mornings to one another. "So, no one spent the night with him in the end?" Venice inquired with a playfully curious tone.

"Suika and I cuddled together." Ryoko answered casually.

Meanwhile, Suika let out a grunt of displeasure. "Hmph, that man needs a pathetic 'human' woman. A weak woman. The picky little prince is not suited for monsters." Suika stated, sounding quite irritated.

"Calm down." Venice said immediately. "You remember your goals, right Suika? There are many other lovely men for you. It's not the end of the world if he alone rejects you. And if it truly becomes a problem, Ryoko can help you with your energy crisis, right?" she inquired.

"I have not forgotten my goals." Suika snapped back. "Nor will I forget the humiliation of rejection."

"Oh boy..." Venice sighed, seeming to let the matter go.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

After a restful night's sleep Aiden cleaned himself up a little bit put on his gear, and packet up anything else he might need to before the tents came down. Then he slipped outside and stretched his limb. Without even pretending he hadn't overheard what the conversation the youth began to talk while he went through his stretched.

"No one rejected anyone. The only thing I was upset about was another penis popping up when I was having an intimate moment with two women. Seriously, how many heterosexual men have you met that get turned on when they see something like that?"

Then, making his way toward the fire he sat down beside Suika. That is, unless her expression or body language suggested it would be a poor idea to get close to her after the precieved rejection. If that were the case, he settled in at a respectful distance from her.

"I still think you're a sexy kitsune."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"A fair enough amount of men." Suika revealed. "And that is what I am, Aiden. I can summon such an organ for my personal and intimate use. That ability alone is what those of the Order use to call monsters like me 'disgusting'" she growled, clearly not happy, as she looked at Aiden as if he were one of those men who'd reject her due to such abilities. With that in mind, he could sit near her, but her aura may not be a pleasant one.

"He isn't apart of the order, Suika." Venice casually said.

"What is the difference between him and them? The lack of mamono blood on his hands I'd say, but nothing else. The men of their society enjoy having women underneath them, Aiden shares their same sexual desires. In regards to that, I will not hide my displeasure."

"It may have been the best course of action to have had Ryoko, someone he seems so close to, inform every new face to Aiden of how particularly picky he is." Venice offered, before raising a hand to Ryoko. "Could you do that for us? Just give any girl who might jump out at him a little word of caution... Well, provided they intend to take him willing."

Ryoko nodded. "I can do that." she said with a smile, before Venice looked to Aiden directly.

"And... As for you, Aiden..." Venice frowned at him. "Do not have sex with mamono without being absolutely sure they understand you. You may find Suika unreasonable, but she is considered a god in the lands of Zippangu, and expects to be treated as such, even if only out of respect for her power, which, if you can't sense it, she has in immense quantity." Venice revealed. "If any mamono so much as tries to seduce you, refuse." she ordered him. "This is for the sake of our plan, so it's not negotiable. Not that I have the power to outright stop you, but I cannot simply let you find out the consequences on your own, as it could spell doom for you, and more importantly, the whole plan itself. You'll end up as a toy, or a mere pet. I think I understand you enough to know that that is not what you want."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden gathered himself some food that had been cooked earlier. While the women talked he ate and listened to what they had to say. Suika seemed to have ignored the word "heterosexual" when responding to him, but he didn't correct her. Instead her hostility was met with a mild disposition. When she finished voicing her displeasure he moved to place a hand on her knee, and if allowed, let it rest where while he spoke.

"We're just getting to know each other. I don't expect it to go smoothly all the time. We've both seen things in each other we don't like. But I do not intend to dissolve our relationship because of that. I hope you won't either."

Then he returned to eating. When Venice suggested he might think Suika unreasonable, Aiden shook his head once to refute that. She'd been quite reasonable. But again Aiden didn't interrupt while someone was talking. Later, when the vampire spawn's tone took on one of command, as if to order him, Aiden's lips pursed together. He let her go on without interruption though and finished his food. The youth remained quiet, hydrating with some water until a little after Venice had finished saying what she wanted.

"Thank you for the advice Venice. However as you may recall with Cynthia, refusing a mamono doesn't detour them in the least."

Extending his hands, Aiden warmed cleaned them with smoke and heat. He rubbed them together a little then steadily rose to his feet. For a few second he paused, seeming to think on something, then looked between Venice, Suika, and Ryoko.

"If I can convince Maria to begin my training, would you ladies mind holding off on breaking camp?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Our business relationship still stands." Suika announced, seeming to ignore his hand on her knee. "But I will scorn you until I have been apologized to." she said coldly, while facing forward into the fire with her back straight, and her tails swaying back and forth by no force of wind, looking much like a kitsune god, if one were to see her that way.

"It doesn't," Venice followed up, knowing what Aiden said was true. "You simply need to be more clear, and remember that we are not humans. Your rules..." The half-vampire's eyes flashed red. "Don't apply to us. So don't bother being polite to a pushy mamono."

After she said that, no one gave any objections. Maria herself, however, seemed very happy with the way things turned out. "Training, huh? I suppose I can do that~" she said, beaming, which she seemed to be ever since Venice highly discouraged sex with mamono.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The young man remained stationary as the women responded in turn. A nod was given to Venince. That was actually helpful, and was something he had been worried about. Being polite to women who were trying to eat him. Then his attention moved to Suika. Aiden wasn't sorry for how he felt. His reaction was a honest one, and he wasn't going to lie. However ...

"I am sorry that I hurt you Suika. My reaction probably touched at fresh wounds, given your recent flight, and was likely made worse by the intimate moment we were sharing."

His gaze lingered a moment before shifting to Maria. Aiden waited a beat before nodding in response to her.

"Then lead the way teacher."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Suika gave Aiden a glance. "An apology leaving much to be desired. Make it up to me in the future." she demanded, showing the arrogance that often came with those who advertised the title of being a god.

"Yeah, sure." Maria said, standing up and making off from the scene of the campfire, towards an open area amongst the trees. "So, I'm gonna throw an assumption out there and imagine you won't be able to handle yourself against most mamono anytime soon. So what I'm gonna teach you is simply how to survive a mamono's attack without ending up on your back, unless you absolutely wanna cut their heads off." Maria said as she pulled out her large bastard sword, swinging it around elegantly as she walked forward as if the thing were as lightweight as a toy.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Before leaving Aiden collected his sword and shield. Entering the clearing his slid his shield onto his arm and stood by as Maria explained her agenda. He nodded once in acknowledgment. Basics were good place to start, given this was their very first training session. There might even be some things he'd need to unlearn.

"I'll trust your judgment Maria."

His eyes followed the woman's movements. As she started to approach, swinging her sword around, he raised his shield, but held off on acting. Instead he waited for her to provide instructions or a demonstration.

"Survival is good ... and I'm not big on killing, except as a final measure."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Don't use that kind of thinking while fighting a mamono who is attacking you." Maria announced. "What you should be thinking is, which way should I dodge?" She announced, raising her sword, "Every mamono has a weakness. You have to exploit their weaknesses if you hope to avoid losing, as you will never win against a mamono in a straight up fight, unless you're fighting a cow or something. For instance," she rose her sword as if to display it to Aiden. "I am using this heavy blade. While I can swing it pretty fast for something of it's size and shape, think about how it can hinder me. I chose this spot, because there are trees all around us. My blade will do a lot of damage to these trees, but they are very thick, so you should consider the possibility that my blade won't be able to go through them entirely. With that in mind, you can use the terrain to your advantage, fleeing from me because you know my blade swings will be just slow enough, and using the trees to your advantage."

She lowered her blade, and took a fighting stance. "And always remember that most mamono will not try to kill you, but capture you. That is another advantage, they won't be going all out against you unless they particularly hate you. Now..." she began, crouching slightly, ready to pounce. "Try to hit me with the flat end of your sword, and make sure you..."

She leapped up into the air, holding her blade overhead, ready to crush it down on Aiden. His shield would do nothing against the brute force coming down for him.

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The young man stood, quiet, but on guard like an attentive student as he absorbed Maria's advice. There were no thoughtful nods of pondering hums. Instead his eyes followed her movements, and looked to the trees around them as she directed his attention from one item to another. When her attack finally came Aiden was a little surprised by the suddenness, his eyes widening and racing upwards as Maria soared into the air.

But he had been expecting an assault. His mind race. He could block with his shield, and his arm would get broken. He could shuffle backwards, but then she could charge him. He could side step, but she could easily swing her sword to either side. He could leap up ... well ... no ... he couldn't. Not very high anyway. That would just be stupid anyway. So Aiden went for what he thought would delay Maria's next attack the longest. He dove low and forwards, trying to dive under Maria as she arched through the air over the distance between them.


If his insane maneuver was successful, then he could try to maneuver into a more advantageous position and try to take advantage of the trees like his instructor had advised him.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

His motion proved to earn him a great deal of success. Not only did Maria miss, but she seemed to think that he'd go for the blow immediately following, and counter attacked against an assault that simply wasn't coming. She swung, and of course missed, as Aiden quickly stepped away. Though he moved fast, it seemed that Maria wasn't going to give chase. The area she was in was the wider open area, and the only true area where she'd have the most room to swing. She knew that, and so kept her distance.

Though it seemed Aiden now had control over when the fight would continue, it was also apparent that one small mistake would flip his advantage right over in Maria's favor. With all the trees with thick branches, and wide open spaces to move around, Aiden would have to use his greatest tool against Maria, his mind once more.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden smiled at Maria when she opted to stay her ground. It gave him time to think. Time to formulate plan, where in melee she'd likely press the attack and he'd just have to react. But to follow through with Maria's suggestion, he needed her in the more confined space. The youth eyed her with that smile still lingering on his lips. How to get her there? He considered goading her. But Aiden really didn't want to deal with the aftermath of an angry Maria. Maybe he could play up the student card ...

"You favor melee exclusively. Is that really practical? What do you do when your opponent has the advantage of range, but to close with them would hinder your fighting style?"

Sliding his sword between his arm and shield Aiden took out his sling shot. He then grabbed some dirt clods and pine cones, which he proceeded to load into the weapon and fire at Maria aiming at differed spots of her body with each shot.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

For his first shot, Aiden would see Maria turn the flat side of her huge sword to him and take cover behind it, laughing as she answered his question. "That's easy! You just have to adapt!" she replied, before using her sword as a shield, and charging towards Aiden while peaking out from the side to see where she was going, moving her sword with accuracy to reflect his projectiles as if they were more threatening than they actually were.

Like that, Aiden found a fast moving Maria heading straight for him, her new objective to apparently run him down.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden let out a quick, "Hah!" of laughter when Maria turned her sword into a shield. He'd expected her to swat the missiles out of the air. But this maneuver really showed off the immense size of her weapon. It also served to remind him he did not want to get hit with it. Ever. But Aiden was quick to see a potential hindrance. Maria's vision seemed to be limited when she wasn't peaking out from behind the sword turned full body shield.

"I've been wondering, where did you get that sword?"

In an effort to exploit this Aiden maneuvered, and fired off his projectiles, Trying to get Maria to move where he wanted her to, and overlook the fact he was leading her towards some thorny brush that might tangle her up long enough for him to get a serious attack in.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Charging forth, Aiden did little to distract her. She didn't move forward so long as she couldn't see, and she could see often. His shots only stopping her for a moment, and as he led her towards a brush, Maria suddenly jumped over the brush with surprising grace. Her sudden attack caused Aiden's last shot to fire randomly into the air, before Maria came crashing down on him, spreading her legs to straddle him with a victorious grin. "I made it myself!" she answered him, before leaning forward, and putting a hand to his chest. "And this is what happens when you lose..." she was about to begin, before Aiden saw his last shot, fired into the air, come zooming back down, and bounce off of Maria's head, stunning her for a moment, until she realized what had happened.

"Um..." she voiced in confusion. "That... Totally doesn't count."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Yaaaah !", Aiden Cried out as Maria pounced, his aim going astray. Then as her body impacted with his he let out a grunting , "UH!", as he hit the ground. If he hadn't just been tackled to the ground by a pouncing Amazon he probably wouldn't have minded the position he was in: between a woman's legs. As it was, he was a little dazed from the assault. Looking up at Maria he blinked as she started to make what may have turned into an advance were she not interrupted by a pebbled thumping her in the head. He shared a moment of confusion with Maria before his lips pulled back into a smile as he realized what just happened. Then he started laughing lightheartedly.

"Ah hahahaha! Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good. How about we call this one a draw?"
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Maria puckered her lips up, and her cheeks inflated as if she were a puffer fish. She seemed upset that she was caught off guard like that, and by a pure accident. She deflated her lips however, and groaned. "Y-yeah, whatever..." she sighed, before rolling off of Aiden and letting herself fall flat on the soft grass and earth below. "There are likely gonna be a lot of situations you'll have to run from, so at least you seem to know that you should back away from some situations..."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

After Maria rolled off of him, Aiden sat up. Slowly.Getting tackled had dazed him, and he wanted to make sure he wasn't hurt before moving quickly. Fortunately he didn't feel any sharp stabbing pains in his back or head. With his free hand he pulled his sword out from behind his shield and slipped it into it's proper sheath. Afterwards the shield followed, finding a place on his back.

"There is one good thing about running: it's good exercise."

While he worked through his gearing down from the spar Aiden looked over at his instructor, studying her.

"Do you think we should work on ways of dealing with Slimes, since we're headed into slime territory?"