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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Agreed, let's be off." Venice nodded, while Ryoko was more than happy enough to fawn over Aiden and rub him all over with her tails. The magical appendages seemed to carry a magical presence, as their touch was pleasant to the point that Aiden would be compelled to shiver from the pleasant sensation while the idea of being wrapped by those tails like a fluffy blanket was one that wouldn't be unappealing.

Aiden, Maria, Ryoko, Venice, and Suika would be off with that, and would retrace their steps back to Aiden's home city. When the town was in sights, it was Ryoko who seemed the happiest, stretching her arms up into the air. "I can't wait to lay down for a while!" she announced.

"You seem as if you'd made a great journey, do you not get out much?" Venice inquired.

"Even though I don't leave my shrine much, I do have lots of sex for exercise!" Ryoko defended herself.

"Ah... So you've strong legs." Venice noted.

"Yeah! But I still like to be lazy anyway." Ryoko giggled.

Venice giggled as well. "So being lazy counts as a hobby?"

The two women laughed while talking about how much of a sloth Ryoko is. The shine maiden had no shame whatsoever to be so proud of how useless she is as a former human being.

They made their way back into town, Aiden being able to comment along with them as they went, before Ryoko broke off to rest at her shrine, Suika decided to wait outside of town, and Venice claimed that she had something to do, which resulted in Aiden standing alone with Maria. "... I have to go check on my family," Maria stated, before Aiden was left totally alone; to do his task set for him by the Queen Slime.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Don't forget chasing, and tackling people. All that drinking has to do something for your constitution too."

Aiden had added, as if in support of Ryoko, when the shrine maiden spoke of her sex exercise routine. He'd continue to chat with the women, though his contributions tended to be more supporting and encouraging than teasing or jesting. When they parted company he gave Ryoko a kiss goodbye and thanked each of the women for taking part in the tiny adventure.

Finally, he was alone. It felt a little weird. Regardless he had things to do. Not just meeting with the mayor. Aiden had a list of things he wanted to do when he arrived in town. Promises to make due on, and gifts to arrange for the women who had shared, however briefly, in in dream.

First though, he paid a visit to his parents at their jewelry shop. He talked with them and assured them he was well and healthy before tending to the rest of his affairs.

Later Aiden hunted down some black underwear for Venice ... buying such garments got him a weird look for more than one woman at the shop, no doubt.

Aiden didn't know what to get Maria, but he wanted to get her something to show his thanks for her time. Even if she tried to get him raped by hordes of Mamono, she seemed to make a reasonable turn around after that. So, thinking back, he bought her some of her favorite pastries. Or what he recalled were here favorite pastries. She ate pastry, right?

Old Man Ken had once sported a bottle of Oni saki that people raved about for a sngle night, all wanting to try it out. Then no one ever touched. It sounded like something Ryoko might appreciate, so he stopped by the inn and had a chat with the old timer to see if he could get ahold of it for a reasonable price.

While he was there he chatted up some of his friends and tested the waters to see who he might be able to introduce to Suika. He was serious about hooking the kitsune up with a few strapping young men.

After all this was done Aiden made his way to the government building. But rather than make use of the privilege he'd been granted to barge in at will, the youth stopped outside her office and spoke with a guard or secretary. Whichever was available.

"Is Mayor Leviela busy at the moment?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"She's been expecting your return," announced the receptionist inside, after Aiden had accomplished all of his shopping and inquiry. His parents were happy to see him, and wondered if he was faring well, especially after they'd heard he left the safety of the city.

Purchasing Venice a black set of underwear, Aiden would find he had a choice of sets of varying degrees of sexy. From conservative to barely covering the important bits, he had such a choice.

Getting pastry for Maria, he'd have the opportunity to ask someone familiar with Maria about her preferences, the pastry chef herself, a handsome married woman who still clung to her beauty from younger days, making her look quite attractive. She gave Aiden a chocolate pumpkin and coconut pie, as Maria was a fan of all three flavors.

Old Man Ken got serious at the mention of Ryoko. He'd shake his head at Aiden. "Only Drake's Brew is a poison powerful enough to tame that beast," he referred to Ryoko. "But if you aren't careful, she'll go on a rampage through the town like that one time, so be careful about giving it to her." he cautioned Aiden. Aiden would remember it well. Men with their pants down lined the streets in the middle of night, furious wives everywhere with husbands who desired the drunken she-beast. The town guard came to subdue her, and were successful, only with the great shame of having their lower halves bare to the air as well. Mysteriously, Ryoko never got pregnant.

Suika needed a servant, and he'd manage to find some in a boy-cafe who were more than eager to leave their run-down jobs to join with Suika, who'd be getting proper accommodations for being someone of such prestige.

Getting all of that done, he'd get by reception, and meet with Rosanna herself, shuffling through papers and writing quickly. While working, Aiden would be forced to stand or sit for fifteen minutes. Any attempt to speak would be met with a sharp "Quiet!" from the mayor. After reaching the end of a paper she was writing, she dipped her quill back into the ink before letting out a sigh. "Report." she ordered Aiden with expectancy.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A 'thank you' was offered to the receptionist, then he entered the mayor's office. When it was obvious she was busy he quietly took and seat. Minutes passed and she still labored over the paperwork. Aiden's patience didn't waver, but he decided to put his own time to use. From his travel pack the youth retrieved the book he always carried with him and began reading it to pass the time. When Rosanna called for him to report, he found a place to stop in his reading and closed the book. Silence lingered for a few second as he mentally shifted gears and sorted through his thoughts. Then he started from the beginning.

"Ryoko introduced me to a noble kistune, Suika. She is willing to become a citizen of our city, and help us gain further allies. Suika has already begun to lend her assistance. If she is to stay, she'll expect accommodations befitting her status among mamono. I've already looked into finding her some servants to tend to her other needs."

Aiden seemed proud of that first step. For someone who'd had limited contact with mamono from beyond the city, it was a big step. Though she was grouchy when last they talked, the bright demeanor he displayed told of how he valued the woman. Like a fire being fed fuel that quiet pride grew as he went on to inform the mayor of the success he'd achieved in the Slime Kingdom. Yet he didn't let it seep into the professional tone he used to pace his speech.

"I also managed to gain an audience with the Slime Queen. She is interested in an alliance between our communities wherein both peoples retain their own cultural integrity while aiding and supporting one another. She would, however, like to speak with you to officiate the alliance and sort out details."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Hearing Aiden speak, Rosanna took on an immediate expression of dissatisfaction. "Do you not remember what you told me when you first suggested this course of action, Aiden? Because I certainly do. In case you don't recall, you told me that powerful mamono were out of the question due to their arrogance and that they would endeavor to make us their servants. So what you do next is bring a kitsune to my doorstep that demands to be treated like royalty? Is this what I'm to expect of these slimes as well? Accommodations for this Kitsune will already stretch us thin on our resources, as well as with the patience of those with wealth already in our territory. We do not have a vacant home that would suit the beast." Rosanna stated harshly.

"Milady," announced a woman's voice behind Aiden, before a nobly dressed woman quickly sped over to Rosanna, and whispered something into her ear. Whatever she said, it made Rosanna furious.

The governor slammed her hands down and looked at Aiden in outrage. "Not one, but two!? You caused Ryoko to become infected with the curse and now she as well is a kitsune! I was worried that the corruption would spread as a result of taking in mamono. Their threat of corruption is a danger even when we try to keep them out! This is not good enough, Aiden!" she announced, dooming his efforts with that, before the situation was dulled by the sounds of the town's citizens screaming. Rosanna turned from Aiden as if she were done speaking with him, before looking out of her grand window behind her to survey the city.

( )

"Orcs are attacking!" Rosanna announced, before looking to the woman who snitched about Ryoko's transformation. "Rouse whoever is unaware to take appropriate measures! I want all able bodied fighters on the move to face this threat, and I want citizens to barricade themselves inside their homes, taking up arms if they have to!" With that announcement, Rosanna quickly moved to her desk, and reached under it, pulling out a sheath and blade, drawing it as if she was expecting to fight. "That includes you, Aiden. Don't let your spite cloud your judgement." she commanded. Aiden still had his knife and sword from Ken, so he wasn't out of a method to fight, if he chose to help Rosanna.

Whatever he'd choose to do would come later, as Rosanna's large window was no doubt a location begging to be invaded when metal hooks were smashing through the glass. Rosanna turned to the source, while her assistant, apparently not interested in fighting, retreated from the room. Three hooks were thrown, and three peach skinned were climbing up along the edge. "Two humies lookin' for a fight!" the first orc said, quickly climbing up with such body control that trying to take advantage of them while they pulled themselves up might just result in getting grabbed. Plus, Aiden would know better than to think to cut through metal chain, or that orcs would be so weak as to fall to one thrust of a blade. It'd be best not to get close to an orc at all. Maria's training would be helpful here, as her fighting style seemed somewhat similar to the orc's sluggish nature. Mobility was important.

"One's a cutie, and the otha got lots of meat on 'er!" Said a second orc. "Smash em both! Then we's gonna have our fun!" announced the zealous third. Two orcs seemed interested in attacking Rosanna, while the first orc seemed interested in fighting Aiden. If he thought it wise, he could attract the attention of a second orc, and pull some attention from Rosanna, but fighting two at once would put him at a heavy disadvantage.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"If we were to host a champion of the Order or a prominent member of any other faction, they would expect to be treated in a manner befitting their station. There is also a difference between subjugation and willing service. As I said, I found people who are willing to enter Suika's employ."

After his response to the issues raised about Suika, the youth went silent and did nothing to interrupt the Mayor as she received news from one of her aids. His lips pressed into a thin line as the women erupted into scolding outrage about Ryoko. He didn't have a defense for that. Mainly because he didn't feel one was warranted. Ryoko didn't seem to mind her situation. Why should anyone else?

But it looked like no defense would due. Rosanna seemed to have made up her mind. As she wordlessly dismissed him Aiden rose to his feet and put his book away. He paused at the sounds from outside though, and listened. He couldn't hear what was going on well enough, but Rosanna soon gave voice to the trouble. Sword and knife where drawn when she shared the news.

"This is still my home."

The youth responded in a measured tone. Blades poised he watched the window as grapple hooks sunk in and the chunky monsters climbed their way into the room. Aiden raised an eyebrow at the trio of Orcs as they held their impromptu strategy session. As one came at him he gave his chair a kick, sending it flying towards the monster. Hoping to create an opening with the flying furniture Aiden struck with his sword, and then danced back in an effort to put Rosanna's desk between him and the porker.

"Oink, oink!"
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The chair flew at her, and the orc quickly grabbed the chair, before making a display by smashing it into splinters on the ground and laughing at Aiden. "Don't run now! Save yer squirmin' for when yer between my thighs!" she advised him, before suddenly jumping over the table with a wide leap, aiming to land right on top of him. "WAAAGH!" the orc cried out aggressively.

Meanwhile, an orc with an axe took to Rosanna, before the governer deflected the axe, and in the same motion, twirled about and kicked the orc with great force. Despite looking to carry heavy impact, the orc only took a few steps back, while her comrade came in after and swung her hammer, forcing Rosanna to quickly make a backwards leap to avoid taking a heavy blow. "Don't dawdle with your games, Aiden! Kill the beast!" Rosanna commanded him.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

There was a sword slash in there, but ok.
When the Orc leaped over the table Aiden's sword thrust upwards to meet her. If his aim were proper, gravity would do the work and the woman's own weight would cause help her impale herself on the blade. He didn't remain stationary and wait to see if she fell on the blade entirely. Instead he wove to the side, maneuvered around Rosanna's chair, and with a thrust of his foot sent it towards the Orc to provide another obstacle for her to cross to get to him. Ignoring Rosanna, he continued to jeer the Orc.

"Sweee! Pig, pig."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The orc fell down, and took a good blade wound to her side, which caused the orc to snort angrily as Aiden began taunting her further. "OOH I'M GONNA OINK YOU SO HARD!" she announced, before making a leap of faith towards him. Aiden would be able to dodge once more, before the orc collided into an armor set standing in the room. The prop halberd it held up fell over, and hit the orc over the head with it's flat end, knocking it out cold.

Back to Rosanna, Aiden would see that one orc was nursing a wound on her wrist, while the other held an arm wrapped around Rosanna from behind, pinning her arms to her body, while holding a knife to her throat. "Don't ya move a muscle, boy!" the orc taking Rosanna hostage announced. "We's gonna give ya a chance. Bugger off, and we won't gut dis girlie!" the orc demanded Aiden's retreat.

"Do something Aiden!" Rosanna demanded.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden danced to the side and circled around to the Orc's back as she charged. He was going to strike at her again, but she'd already plowed into an armor set and knocked herself out. He took a moment to take in the ordeal as it played out, adding in one final jibe.

"You Orcs are so cute when you get knocked unconscious."

His attention then turned to the remaining combatants. Either he didn't think the Orc would act on her threat or he didn't seem too concerned about Rosanna's well being because he lowered the point of his sword to the fallen Orc's throat.

"Really? You want to play the hostage game?"

The young man seemed to radiate confidence as he smiled humorlessly at the two enemy combatants. His expression became thoughtful a handful of second later.

"Wait now, let me think about that for a moment. She was in opposition to my ambitions. With her out of the way I may even be able to take over this territory."

Aiden slowly nodded, as if coming to the conclusion that he'd be better served with Rosanna out of the way. Sheathing his knife he took the fallen halberd into his free hand and held it poised to throw at Rosanna, and the Orc behind her.

"Yes, I'll save you the trouble of killing her."

At that Aiden threw the halberd, but his aim had suddenly shifted. Instead of throwing the weapon at the two women, his angle had drastically inclined. Up, towards a chandelier above them. If he could knock it down, it might hit Rosanna along with the Orc, but getting knocked unconscious was better than having your throat slit.
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Take over!?" Rosanna gestured in a rage. "You bastard, Aiden!" She shouted. With that, his halberd flew, and struck the chandelier above. It came crashing down, and fell on top of the two harshly. Only difference was that Rosanna was knocked out, and the orc simply abandoned her to be crushed at the last moment. Rosanna began to bleed on the floor from the heavy ceiling piece falling on top of her, a sign that he may have done something he'll regret later.

Laying on the ground after dumping Rosanna and jumping out of the way, the orc began to laugh. "Ha-ha-ha-ha! You stupid humie!" the orc mocked him. Meanwhile, the other was gripping it's blade firmly at him. "Yer outnumbered now, stupid humie! Off wit those clothes, now~ We'll be gentle wit ya~" she said, before her eyes went wide. Rosanna's blade was sheathed into the orc's back from behind, the white haired mayor having been hit hard, but not made unconscious.

Her hair and face stained with blood, the mayor looked up at Aiden, enraged. "I'll have... Your head... For that, Aiden!" she grunted, looking to be in a great deal of pain. Meanwhile, the third orc seemed to get the idea to flee while Rosanna seemed more fixated on answering Aiden's declaration to remove her.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden reevaluated the situation as Rosanna lay bloody on the floor, and two Orcs stood across from him. He gave a thoughtful hum, less intimidated by the Orcs and more annoyed that his plan hadn't worked.

"That certainly could have gone better."

With a sigh he raised his sword, expressing no intention of letting the Orcs have their way. When a sword poked through the taunting monster's chest Aiden's eyes widened in shock. What the hell was going on? The beast fell and a bloodied Rosanna stood over her foe. The mayor may have been enraged, but Aiden was delighted. His face bright with perceived success at the twist Fate had thrown him. Aiden couldn't help but remember a certain pebble as well.

"Hah! It did work. Just ... not as intended. Sorry about that. I thought you'd be more nimble and less squishy. At least you managed to make use of the distraction."

The youth paused, looked around, then approached one of the curtains. Taking hold of it he cut a few ribbons off with his sword. The fleeing Orc was allowed to depart as he sheathed his weapon and approached Rosanna attempting to clean and bandage her even though she seemed ready to brutalize him.

"Come on. We need you to organize the city's defense."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Approaching Rosanna, the mayor would deliver a firm punch to Aiden's midsection before putting her blade to his neck. "You tried to kill me, you idiotic fool!" she announced, "Do you honestly believe I'm going to overlook what you said earlier!?"

"Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't kill you right now, you dog!"
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden knew an attack was coming. Given Rosanna's disposition, that much was obvious. But he made no effort to block or dodge it. He walked right into the punch, flexing his abdominals in preparation for the blow he had readied himself against it and let out a controlled 'whoosh' of air. Prepared as he was, it still hurt. Then the blade was at his throat.


The youth stated. He still seemed unshaken. Near death or not, the youth had an eerily unwavering confidence. A pause was given to let Rosanna consider the word. Yes, Aiden was prepared for this to. Having to explain his intentions. He'd known this was coming given her honest reaction to his perceived betrayal. Calmly he went on, walking the Mayor through the process of understanding.

"Take a moment to think. Imagine how worthless a hostage you appeared. Where did I throw the halberd? The chandelier. Not at you. Now, instead of Orcs raping you, they've all been dealt with. Are you beginning to see the bigger picture through that haze of rage?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Her reply was a hook against his face. Rosanna had quite a punch, and did so like an experience boxer, driving her fist with enough force to make Aiden's mind go blank from a moment due to shock. "When you drop such a thing onto someone's head, it has the good potential to kill. So either you're a half-wit, or your 'subterfuge' wasn't such at all." Rosanna said sharply. "I'll consider this attempted murder, Aiden. If you're innocent after all," she began, before Rosanna's battered guard showed up, seeming to have seen their own battle before coming to check on the mayor. "Then you will bring yourself into custody and serve your time. Be thankful I don't try you for treason and slice your head clean from your neck."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden was willing to tolerate one retaliatory punch. Not two. When he sensed Rosanna preparing the second he pressed the tip of a blade up under her ribs. He had drawn his knife and held it poised while she was listening to him talk. Concealing it all the while with the closeness of their bodies in Rosanna's pressed melee. Now he was ready to impale her if she assaulted him further. Though he didn't want to hurt her further, he was unwilling suffer further strikes. Once was getting even. Beyond that it turned to abuse.

"That's enough. I won't be taking any more blows.."

He waited a beat to make sure Rosanna halted her physical aggression, then stepped back until he was outside of her striking range. The knife was then sheathed.

"There was a blade at your throat. Your life was in danger no matter what I chose to do."

Pausing he looked to the guard and noted his or her condition. Then he looked to the window. He waited, listening for sounds of battle.

"As long as the battle is over, and our fellow citizens are safe, I'll walk into that cell. If that's what is needed to right this perceived wrong."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's knife hand was twisted and put behind his back by Rosanna the moment after he decided to press it against her ribs. The guard came and pinned him down to the ground as Rosanna shouted bloody murder, not even needing to tell a tale as he held the knife in his hand.

He was instructed that he'd be tried for intent for murder, before being taken to his cell.

Some hours later, there came a familiar female voice. "Dropping a chandelier on someone's head was pretty stupid, but why on earth you'd draw your blade and point it at the mayor's heart is beyond me." Venice said, coming into view of his cell. She looked relatively livid. "But I don't want to hear an excuse. From what I gathered on the way here, she punched you. You may not have even deserved it, but you can't excuse pointing a blade at someone's heart, Aiden. You can't. If you even try, I'm going to leave you here." Venice said strictly. "I'm angry because I never expected you to do anything so damn stupid. I thought you were a smart man, with your plan. Smarter than this. A smart man would have taken the punch and steeled himself, because it's just a punch, something you can recover from in a few days like it never happened.

"But you threatened her life. Over a punch." She stated. If he informed her he was punched twice, it wouldn't really improve her opinion. It'd make her more furious, in fact. "I'm not here just to lecture you though. I'm here to see if you're willing to admit what you did was stupid, and promise that you'll avoid doing something like that again. Believe me, I want to punch you too, but I know that won't help anything. If you can assure me that I can trust you, I'll help you avoid the likely death penalty heading your way. But one thing is for certain, I am never letting you out of my sight again. You've already proven to me that you can't be left on your own."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

When she came to his cell Aiden was seated with his back to the world outside staring at a walk as if he could peer through it. His head turned when he heard Venice, however. Aiden offered no excuse. No explanation. No argument. No promise. It didn't appear that he was going to be making any of those. Instead he quietly and calmly appraised the pale woman with one eye. Once she had finished saying all she intended the youth's response came, mild in tone.

"Thank you for the visit Venice. On your way out, would you see about getting my backpack? There are some presents in it and I would appreciate it if you handed them out for me. Your's is in the white box. Ryoko's is in the red. Maria's in in the brown paper bag. Her's is a perishable item, so it'd be good to get it to her sooner rather than later. There is also a card for Suika in there."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Venice sighed at his response, squeezing the bridge of her nose between her index finger and thumb, before turning aside at that point, back the way she came. "You're welcome." She replied to his thanks, leaving on that note alone.

The next day, Aiden had another visitor. It was Rosanna. She came with her guards. "Before I say anything." she began. "What punishment do you think you deserve?" she inquired.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden was doing some sit-ups, followed by a series of punches at the air, when Rosanna and her escort arrived. He finished five more before stopping and just sitting. Sweaty from whatever prison cell workout he'd been putting himself through Aiden took a break. Still he didn't say anything right away. For a time he inspected Rosanna, looking for signs of her suffering before he spoke.

"You were injured in the process of being removed from a hostage situation. I would be willing to aid in your medical expenses if they are a burden to you."