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Re: Atlantis

Siphon paused a moment, then pulled out his weapon. He carefully set it to stun, then nodded.

"Be careful, it may double back for you and beat me here once we split up. Just be ready for anything. If possible though, try to take it alive. It's clearly not wraith, and given that it just now popped up with the shields up still, I think it's safe to assume it's been here this whole time. The hologram said something about someone being left behind, so it's possible this is an Ancient we're dealing with. If so ... killing them would be a bad thing."

After making sure she understood what was going on, Siphon took off as best as he could, even as the city continued to rise to the surface.
Re: Atlantis

"Phasers to stun, not kill. I know." She gave him a bit of a grin, actually laughing as he mentions killing the Ancient would be bad. It's a touch of nervous laughter, but it's still amusing. "Go. I'll be okay."
Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded, handing her the control for the 'probe before he took off at a run, vanishing from her sight in a few moments. Only a few moments later, the city let loose another violent shudder, and from a window Sho hadn't even seen, sunlight suddenly flooded the hallway she was in. A quick glance would confirm the thought, the city was now floating on the surface, though she heard a strange noise. If she looked just hard enough, as the noise was heard, she could see a faint spark of energy outside the window, and it didn't take a genius to figure out that likely meant the shield was completely gone. Now, limited power began to come back online, lights and the like, illuminating the halls.

A pair of well hidden eyes watched the platform as one of the intruders stepped into view. They watched as the man, of decent age by his hair color, slowly entered the area near the power center. He carried a large box, one that gave off a faint humming sound. His garb was very similar to that of the Ancients, though he seemed unaware he was being watched, or perhaps he was but unsure of where the watcher was. A single pistol of some kind, energy from the looks of it was visible in his hand, but he held it like he only intended to use it if he absolutely had to.

The eyes watched as he finally relaxed some, but not fully. Watched as he gently knelt to the ground, and opened the box. The eyes narrowed, then widened when they saw the Z.P.M in his hands. They watched as he headed into the power room, realizing he intended to plug it in and power the city. They hesitated a moment, then decided to reveal themselves.

With barely a sound, a slender figure rose to it's full height and carefully stepped out from hiding. In the open, it was revealed to be a woman, standing about five foot nine, and startlingly attractive even for an Ancient. She was dressed in typical Lantean attire, brown cloth that covered most of her body, but that accentuated her body features. Her hair was semi-short and white blonde, while her emerald green eyes gave away part of her heritage. Carefully, she made her way so she was looking at the man's backside, studying him as best as she could. He didn't seem to be a threat to her, he wore almost an armor type of clothing that was similar enough to her own people that she wondered if he might not be one of their descendants. Still, she was about to make her presence known, and he might not react well to being startled, so she was ready to defend herself if the need arose. She opened her mouth to speak, but somehow he had sensed her already, a testament to his own instincts.

Siphon was about to place the Z.P.M, when something internally told him he wasn't alone in the room anymore. Had it been one of his friends, they'd have called out letting him know, not wanting to risk him shooting. Which meant it had to be their unidentified life reading. His body tensed, but he knew whoever it was likely had a favorable position on him, and it was unlikely he'd get a shot off quick enough were they inclined to attack him. He gently placed the Z.P.M down, and slowly turned around, coming face to face with a strikingly attractive woman. His eyes widened slightly as he realized she was dressed in Lantean attire, realizing he'd been right about the life reading being an Ancient. However, he could tell from her body language, she wasn't sure yet if he were friend or foe, and gently he lifted his arms in a show of peace.

When he turned around, the woman's eyes shot wide in recognition. How ... how can he be alive and not recognize me? He ... he can't be alive, it's been too many years. He'd be with the others, but ... he's here.

She opened her mouth a couple of times, words forming, but stopping each time, trying to process things. She could see him tilt his head questioningly, perhaps wondering if she could even speak. Finally, she found her voice, and when she spoke, she could see his eyes widen in shock at her words, understanding them despite the fact he clearly didn't know her.

The woman spoke, and when she did, it was in Ancient, and her words sent a shock through Siphon. He had been expecting many things, but this ... this definitely wasn't one of them.

"{Siphon? It's ... Aya. God, you don't remember me, do you?}"

Siphon hadn't been gone for very long when the device in Sho's hand let loose a beep. If she glanced, she could see it had picked up Siphon now that he had stopped where he needed to be. Unfortunately, the second life reading was almost on top of him, and it was impossible from this to tell if he even knew it was there. Regardless, it was within just a few meters of him.

((And now things REALLY get interesting, muhahaha))
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Re: Atlantis

There was just no going after him, not with the city listing side to side as it was, though when it finally stopped, seeing that they were above water was relief enough for her. She could put her attention on other things, like the incessant beeping that the probe was making.

If she was reading it right, there was the definite possibility of trouble and Siphon would have walked right into it. Typical, but it would have been nice to deal with one crisis at at time. Ah well. More proof their lives were never boring.

Now that the city wasn't trying to send her ass over elbows, she could sprint the rest of the way to the chamber that the two occupied. She had no doubt that Siphon could handle himself, but having backup was always a good thing.

As she neared the room, though, she slowed to a stop, padding forward instead of pounding, since she didn't know what sort of situation she'd be getting herself into. Best not to just blunder into it.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon blinked several times at 'Aya'. He had never met this woman before, yet clearly she knew him, and from the look of sadness in her eyes as she spoke, he was willing to bet she knew him in more ways than one. It bothered him, though he couldn't say why. He'd encountered beings capable of reading minds, ones that could fake you into thinking they had known you for a long time, but were really predator types. In this case though, that couldn't be the case. Only Adria had been capable of that, and that was because the Ori had cheated and made her effectively a walking energy being who was mortal.

So that begged the question. Why couldn't he remember her, and who was she? From the sadness in her eyes, he wondered just how well she really knew him, and then decided at the moment, that probably wasn't a good path to go down. Finally he looked at her glistening emerald green eyes and shook his head.

{"I .. I'm afraid I don't. I'm sorry, but I don't think I've ever met you before, yet clearly you know me? How is this possible?"}

For a long moment she turned, and there was a soft sound of her crying. By now Sho was close enough to hear this, which probably confused the living hell out of her. Sho actually was close enough to see the blonde bombshell woman, dressed in Lantean attire similar to what she'd first met Siphon wearing. Clearly though, her outfit was much older than Siphons, probably older than he was too, which was saying a lot. For a moment, she might wonder what had caused the woman to cry like so, it wasn't something you saw every day now.

Sho could see Siphon now, standing awkwardly in front of the woman, seemingly unsure of what was going on. Naturally, he wanted to say or do something for her, but Sho could tell even from here, he hadn't a clue what to do. Which meant she'd clearly missed something, some exchange of words, most likely in Ancient. The question was, what had she missed?

After a long moment Aya turned back to Siphon. She was stunned, sad that he had no idea who she was. He had to have ascended and then come back she thought, it was the only way he wouldn't remember her. Which meant for some reason, those memories had been blocked from him, but she knew from what Moros had told her, that it was impossible to destroy them. Somewhere, deep inside of him, those memories existed, and it would likely take some kind of event to trigger them. Finally, choking back tears and the urge to cry more, she stood to face him again. She had become aware of another presence near by, but she didn't feel threatened by it. For the moment, she chose to ignore it, focusing instead on the man who she'd once lived across three different galaxies, and two different cities, hoping she could at least restore his memories to him.

{"I'm ... sad to hear that. I guess I'll have to start from scratch again. I'm Aya Morioka, and you are Siphon Velnaros, or at least you were. This city ... was our home until about ten thousand years or so ago, it's hard to keep track of time while frozen. You ... you vanished a few years before we abandoned Atlantis, and I remained here. The others thought you dead but I never ... I never gave up, it's why I stayed here. I wasn't ready to ascend, to let go of who we were, what we had. Oh god please remember me."}

Before she could think twice about what she was doing, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

Siphon stood there shocked by her words. She wasn't lying, he could tell this much, but to think he'd been HERE at the time ... It was something he couldn't fathom. He knew his memories had been tampered with after defeating Adria that time, but this would mean it hadn't been the first time,
and it would certainly mean he was MUCH older than he thought.

This ... CAN'T be possible. That would mean ... shit what if it really is true and I've forgotten a huge chunk of my past yet again? Son of a ... WHAT THE HELL?

He blinked when Aya suddenly pressed her lips to his and kissed him, arms instinctively wrapping around her and bracing against the wall to keep them both from half going through it. She was strong even for an ancient, and he wondered for a brief moment what her abilities were. That quickly left his mind though as she didn't immediately break away, and suddenly he caught the fire behind her kiss. Any shred of thought she could be lying was gone right then and there, no one could put that much behind a kiss if they didn't mean it. He might not remember her, but she clearly remembered him, and if the kiss were any way to judge, she clearly was in love with him. It was a long moment before she broke away, her cheeks having flushed just a little bit, and she backed up a half step, her head drooping.

{"I ... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ...."}

She stopped when Siphon shook his head.

{"No it's OK. You just surprised me is all, I wasn't expecting it. I'm sorry, i don't remember you but that doesn't mean you should be ashamed of how you ..."}

He trailed off as a sudden flash slammed into him, and it took him a moment to realize it was in his mind. He staggered back against the wall, hand bracing himself as several rapid fire images raced through his mind at once.

Atlantis at night, fully lit was a spectacular sight. It's piers stretched out as far as the eye could see against the night sky, lit by three different moons. They were lucky to be here still, it had only been just a few days ago they had learned of the massive flare about to hit them, and even then it had almost been too late. The Atoshka had been doing a survey of unusual sunspot activity on their star when an arch flare had sharply cut outward. The pilot had seen it coming in barely enough time to engage their hyper-drive, arriving mere minutes before the brunt of the heat and radiation would. He had lived just long enough to warn them of what was coming, given them JUST enough time to get the shield up and extend it across much of the planet before it hit. And hit it had. A large chunk of the planet surface had been scorched, killed instantly by the supercharged radiation. Anything outside the shield had died instantly, wildlife and Ancient alike. They had lost over a hundred people who'd been too far out past the extended shield to make it in time, despite the warning. But Alkvernon had given them the precious minutes they had needed to prevent it from being a complete planet wide die off. He'd been the only survivor on board the Atoshka, burned so badly even despite the jump that he had only lived for an hour after arriving back at Atlantis. They had done everything they could, but even their most advanced healers and technology hadn't been able to do anything for him except ease his suffering some. Siphon wince as he recalled how Alkvernon had died slowly, painfully, understanding exactly what was happening to him but powerless to stop it.

He shook his head lightly. Alkvernon had sacrificed himself to save their city, and over eighty percent of their race. They had lit everything tonight to honor him, and there had been a remembrance of his life earlier this evening. He and Aya had personally seen to everything for it, especially given the fact that Aya had arrived back to Atlantis mere hours after the event had ended. Without Alkvernon's warning, Aya would have had nothing to return to, the gate simply wouldn't have locked, leaving her scrambling to find the next Aurora class back to Atlantis, only to find the smoldering ruins of a once thriving planet.

Once more he shook his head, pushing the thoughts from his mind. It hadn't played out that way fortunately, and tonight was the first chance he and Aya would have to really spend time together after that incident. They had planned to make the most of it, the incident having been a grim reminder to them once more that even though they were in a new galaxy once more, they weren't always safe from everything. He pushed all other thoughts out of his mind suddenly as the doors behind him opened, and Aya stepped out onto the balcony that extended off their room.

He turned to face her, once again marvelling at how beautiful she was. They'd been a couple for dozens of millions of years now, their lives having seen not one, but three different galaxies, and two different types of cities. They had been coupled just a few centuries before the great migration as some called it. They had left their original home, Alterus behind, the differences between views in their society having created a situation where his own faction leaders had ultimately decided leaving and branching out to a new galaxy was the best idea. Fortunately, he and Aya had both been believers of the same principles, and he hadn't been forced to leave her behind.

And so they had left in a city ship, one much smaller than Atlantis. After months of travel, they had arrived in a new galaxy, their new home. They had set to work fixing a new life for their people, and it was then they began to advance in great leaps and bounds. By the time most everyone they had known was long gone, Siphon and Aya had seen the dawning of a new galaxy being born. Their lives had already covered several million years, far longer than anyone had ever lived, and yet they showed no sign of slowing down. Many credited that to the incredible advancement of their healing abilities, although many felt it strange that only the two of them had this gift. It wouldn't be until after meeting the Nox and Asgard that they understood why.

Now though, they were in yet another galaxy, living at the crown jewel, the center of their civilization. Tonight though, none of that mattered, he thought as he lovingly looked at his wife. She was a beautiful woman, and though they had been together for so long, they had no children. It was something they had discussed in the past couple of days since the incident, a dawning realization that despite their seeming immortality to aging, they weren't invincible. They had to think about the future, and now. For so long they had been afraid to have a child, for their lives always had some kind of excitement in them, but they realized now that would never change. They couldn't be afraid to try and raise a child any longer.

As she stepped onto the balcony, he once more took in her form. She was only slightly taller than he was, but that hadn't mattered. One would have a hard time after looking into her lovely green eyes not to fall in love with her, and despite her incredible gifts, she was still a sweet woman. While some grew arrogant with their power growing, she never had, and she had never lost that 'vulnerable' air to her.

She smiled at him, reaching for him, and he embraced her, kissing her as they stood there, simply enjoying the night and the time together ...

And suddenly Siphon was back to reality. His head shot up to Aya, realizing that the woman in his vision had been HER. His eyes widened, even as her own Emerald Green eyes widened in alarm.

{"Are you OK? What happened?"}

He shook his head, replying first in English, than cursing at himself for the stupidity, again in English.

{"I'm not sure ... Right after our kiss I ... I think it might have been a flashback?"}

((Have Sho feel free to do something, not much more I can post to this lol, the ol brain has run dry!))
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Re: Atlantis

Honestly, she'd been expecting a Wraith. Or something, well, not blonde, not female, and not...crying? Sho was pretty sure that as she'd neared the room, she heard the tell-tale sniffles of someone who was trying to not cry.

From what she could take in, the woman was dressed in Lantean clothes, which, given where they were, made some sense, but not all. And she was talking to Siphon in Ancient. One of these days, she was going to pin him down and have him teach her. Either that, or find her an honest-to-goodness babel fish.

Their conversation was quiet, private, though it continued even though both of them likely knew that she was there. She was about to announce herself with a slight quip to Siphon about making the pretty lady cry when said pretty lady suddenly wrapped her arms around him and caught him up in a deep kiss that actually staggered the warrior.

It took him a moment to recover, separating the two of them. From the sound of things, there were apologies. Even if she couldn't make out the words, the tone was clear enough. Siphon was in the middle of reassuring the blonde when he suddenly stopped and nearly buckled.

Aya might become aware of a rush of air filling the room, actually striving to push her away from Siphon at that, and before she has a chance to ask after him, there's a less-than-pleased looking non-Atlantean as between the two of them as she's able to get.

"What'd you do?" The accusation is at Aya, though she'll toss a look over her shoulder, especially at Siphon's cursing to make sure he's all right, though her attention is right back on Aya.

((Sorry to interrupt your own flow of action, but Sho's coming into this mid-stream and all she saw was *kiss* *collapse*))
Re: Atlantis

As Sho brushed past the woman, she felt the air suddenly charge, as if someone had lit a powerful blast furnace over her head, but it died down when Aya realized the new woman posed no threat and was concerned over Siphon.

Siphon shook his head, but it wasn't him who spoke, but rather the woman.

It took her a long moment to get the words formed, but when she did, Siphon and Sho both got another surprise when the woman spoke in English.

"I ... I don't know. I don't think I did anything?"

Once more she looked uncertain, and about ready to slink back into the shadows, clearly not sure what had just happened, but scared out of her mind she might have done something bad.

After a long moment, Siphon found his voice.

"Nothing she did Sho. I think it was a flashback of some kind, it just took me by surprise. It COULD have been a projection of memory from her own mind, but I don't think so, and even if it was, it wasn't intentional. Do you remember when I came back after the whole bit with Adria and had no memories, and then some of them came flooding back as flashbacks? This feels the same."

Aya only shrugged, completely lost, but she turned to Sho again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happen. Oh god ... you aren't ... you two aren't mates are you?"

If it were possible for the woman to look any more apologetic, she certainly managed it. Sho could see Siphon's jaw slightly flex in a half amused smile at the wiestion of if he and Sho were a couple. Sho could probably hear him choke back a chuckle, as he waited for her to reply to that one.
Re: Atlantis

The blast of heat catches her by surprise but given that it dies down, much like her wind does, she doesn't worry about it further, having more important things, like namely making certain that Siphon is all right.

The English surprises her and it shows. At Aya's answer, she'll turn to look at Siphon for confirmation of that, relieved when he does seem to have his wits about him once again.

Siphon and his flashbacks had been fun to deal with, but she was, at the very least, grateful that he could explain what it was that happened, or something comparable to it. Still, she wondered what sort of flashback a kiss like that could have triggered. It was also his subtle way of hinting that this girl might have some sort of psychic powers, though he didn't seem too sure.

Mind reading, though, obviously wasn't one of them, obvious as she stammered out the question about the two of them being mates. If Siphon's grin isn't an indication for her, then Sho's snort certainly would be. She bites onto her lower lip, sucking in a breath through her nose to keep herself from out and out laughing, since, well, it's not the girl's fault for thinking that.

"Don't let the fighting like an old married couple fool you. I've just know Siphon so long that we don't stand on ceremony about much of anything, especially when he lets himself get ambushed like a greenhorn." One of her breezes ruffles at his hair.
Re: Atlantis

That drew a snort from him as he looked at them both.

"That's her way of saying, no, we're just old friends."

Aya seemed to relax now, genuinely grateful she hadn't committed some kind of atrocity here. Once more she apologized.

"I'm sorry again, I had no idea that would happen. Nothing like that has ever happened before, that's not how my abilities work. I can only guess that perhaps either in my desire for you to remember me it triggered a power I didn't know I had, or somehow for some reason parts of your own mind are greatly suppressed and my kissing you triggered a sort of response. I just don't know."

Siphon thought for a long moment before he replied.

"Well, if it was a reaction then theoretically it may not be the only one. If there's something left in there that hasn't unspooled out, that may have simply been a trigger to start that up. If it was something you did, then the only way it should repeat would be if we made physical contact again. Somehow though ... I don't think it was anything you did. Nothing in the database suggest anyone from either species, not even the Nox would have possessed such an ability."

Aya slowly nodded, understanding at the very least what he was saying, if not more so than he did.

"That makes sense. Though ... Sho was it? You clearly aren't one of our species, yet you look like us? Perhaps one of our descendants from Soltarus?"

Siphon raised an eyebrow at this, translating the word for Sho.

"Soltarus is the name the Alterans gave to Earth when they first arrived in the Milky Way. Basically she's asking you if that's where you come from."

Siphon of course knew himself, but he decided to let Sho answer. It would help Aya to feel more comfortable around her, and to feel a little less guilty he hoped.
Re: Atlantis

Sho rocks on her feet, from ball to heel and back. "Or maybe you just got caught up in the moment?" It's not exactly accusing of Aya, but, well, you just don't go randomly kissing strangers unless there's a reason for it. And if she, herself, knew her powers didn't work that way, then, well, there was another reason besides them that she had done it.

"Soltarus, huh? Makes sense. Sol and all. And yeah, that's my planet of origin, a few years removed. Finding there's a lot of the 'in our image' thing that goes along with this crowd," she says with a chuckle. "Though, in case you haven't guessed, I'm not exactly a generic example of the species." She grins.
Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded.

"The wind I felt was from you, I have no doubt. You take more after our heritage then, rather than your own people. I would be surprised if you did not possess our genes. It has been ... well I'm not sure now how long I was in stasis for, but when I went in it had been eight or nine million years since I had seen your planet. I imagine it must look very different, and even though I seem to have been fed information of your language, I have no memory of ever having returned there and then come back here. I can only assume it has something to do with the devices Moros installed throughout the city. It must have picked up on you talking earlier and then fed enough information to my slumbering form to educate me. Even though I was asleep, I was aware of others in the city, but I couldn't gauge if you were a threat until after I was woken up."

She paused, looking at Sho as her other words suddenly registered. She seemed confused for a moment, then finally asked, "caught in the moment?" I don't ... I don't understand what you mean."

Siphon for his part looked a bit stunned when she rattled off the name Moros. It took him a few moments before he made the mental connection, sifting through his brain for it. When he did, he let out a low whistle with his eyes lifted slightly.

"Moros ... last high councilor of Atlantis according to the database we found. He returned to earth roughly ten thousand years or so ago, and then vanished. He later returned to Earth in an attempt to create the first version of the Sangraal weapon. It was through his attempt I was able to create mine during the war with the Ori. Except when he came back and made his attempt, he wasn't known as Moros on Earth. Moros and Merlin are the same person. Which means his list of achievements technology wise is a lot longer than we gave him credit for."
Re: Atlantis

The look from Sho isn't quite incredulous, but as Aya states her age, it's clear to Siphon that she doesn't believe it. His, she has something of a grasp over, the how's and why's, but this...this might be a little much. She won't call Aya on it, not right here and now, but it's something to be discussed later. She's a little more focused on that whole "others in the city" thing. It also meant leaving the other statement unanswered for the time being.

"So, were Siphon and I the ones you picked up on or are you aware of more in the city? Might be good to know, since they're not as friendly. Or as good looking." She chuckles.
Re: Atlantis

"I sensed five of you earlier, but tracked the two of you more when you broke off. Of course, now that I'm not connected to the city sensors via my pod, I'm about as accurate to tell you how many people are here as any normal person would be. The only reason I sensed you at all was because of the tie ins to the city wide sensors. Moros installed them before I went into stasis, he said it was to allow me to adjust better to people arriving again should I be in there longer than intended. I was only supposed to be in there for three or four thousand years, although I have a sinking suspicion that it's been longer than that based on some of your reactions to me. Which likely means that, unless you count Siphon, I'm the last of my people alive."

She trailed off for a moment, seeming to try and compose herself. It was understandable given the circumstances. It wasn't every day you woke up to find you were the last living member of an entire species, especially one as wide spread and dominant as the Ancients had been. Finally, she spoke again.

"If you would like, I can show you how to operate the main city sensors once main power is back online. Siphon's presence alone dictates I still follow my orders, and help you both."

It became clear to Sho that Aya wasn't quite sure what to make of her. It might also be clear that she knew the other woman didn't trust her, or didn't believe her. The unnerving thing though was that she didn't seem to mind or care very much, her remark about Sho's reactions notwithstanding. Which meant either the woman felt she had no reason to be afraid of Sho or whatever abilities she had, or she was telling the truth and figured it would become apparent soon enough. Or possibly, a bit of both.
Re: Atlantis

"Just us five, then?" Sho glances over to Siphon at that, seeming relieved at the situation. Means they're the only ones here, still. Or were, up until just a short while ago.

Like with Aya, the main concern is getting the city up and running. Sho's willing to shelve any personal feelings she has on the matter of Aya and Siphon in the back to get done what needs to be done. She's not going to push the trust issue, still not quite sure how she feels about it, herself. This is going to be Siphon's to deal with. It'd just be up to her to keep an eye on him in the meantime.
Re: Atlantis

Aya nodded one more time at Sho to confirm. Then, she stepped back to let Siphon handle the Z.P.M Installation.

Siphon stepped forward, and within a few short moments, had the Z.P.M in place, and full power came back throughout the city. Finally he nodded.

"Alright, main power is online, let's see about getting the shield up and then we can tour?"

Aya though paused with a very concerned look.

"The shield? Are we expecting some kind of fight or trouble?"
Re: Atlantis

"I think it's more of a better safe than sorry situation. That, and, well, it kind of failed when the city was rising up from the bottom of the ocean." Sho will lightly bump Siphon with her shoulder. "At least now we have someone around who knows where they're going and what they're doing."
Re: Atlantis

Aya visibly relaxed at her words, but still was slightly guarded. It might occur to Sho that the woman might have been around for whatever enemy the hologram had been trying to tell them about when all hell had broken loose, which probably explained her alarmed reaction. Which meant whatever it had been, the woman clearly expected that it's kind could still be around, and was afraid of it.

"Yes, the city was designed that in the event the shield failed, it would rise to prevent anyone inside from drowning. It was a last resort protocol, one that should never have had to activate. Which means ... well I don't know what it means entirely, but it means my people's plan to come back never happened. Let's ... let's just get the shield up just in case, as you said."
Re: Atlantis

"Lead on, then, MacDuff. If you can get us to the controls quicker, and help us to decipher them, then hopefully we won't have any problems." She reached out and rapped a knuckle against the nearest wooden-looking object, even if she has to use Siphon's head as a last resort and a gag. "Knock on wood."

She knew better than to discuss Aya anywhere the girl might be able to hear her, so any concerns, comments and questions she might have for Siphon were going to have to wait. Granted, she didn't know for how long, but they'd keep. If she felt they were that important, then she'd ask, company be damned, but there were more important things to worry about right now.
Re: Atlantis

The three moved out, and had gotten about half way to the control room when both Aya and Siphon suddenly reacted to something Sho couldn't see. A moment later, a phantom image moved across her field of vision, and it took her a moment to recognize what it was, even as Siphon grumbled, "great ... wraith."

Aya wasn't sure what a wraith was, but she knew what a hallucination was, and she was sure that was what she had seen. She slowly moved her way forward, but stopped outside a set of doors that should have been open according to the wall reader. Yet, they were closed shut.

"We may have a problem, something is wrong with these doors, and that's the only short way to the control room. And what the hell is a wraith?"
Re: Atlantis

"Wraith? How can you tell?" Not that she usually doubted Siphon's instincts, it still would be a good idea to make sure that was, in fact, what they were dealing with, especially since she hadn't been sure of what she'd seen. "They're big, ugly, nasty sons-of-bitches that, for the most part, like to feed on human life force. Don't let one touch you. And while a few of them are on our side, since we didn't bring any of them along with us, these are probably the bad guys."
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