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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

There's a smile on Ian's face as he turns to face Alana, though she might catch the slight widening of his eyes as he catches sight of her ascended form. From the look of things, it's not something he's used to seeing, if at all. Still, it seems he relaxes more when he sees her, rather than tensing up at this new development.

"Looks like ya did a'ite, then," he says by way of greeting, that crooked smile still lingering. "From the sound of it, though, this goin' ta be another brief encountah?"

"I wouldn't say 'everything,' but I know enough," is Sho's reply. Figured I'd see what sort of a reaction I got out of you before I went and started riling things up in Siphon's brain, because he needs to know about these things and once that snowball starts down the hill..." She stuffs her hands in her pockets. "Easier, maybe. But don't think he takes that for granted. I know him and it's something that eats at him. It's an instance of "I know I don't remember, but why?" Suffice to say, I won't tell him why, not yet, but he's going to have to know about the kids." There's a pause and she studies the floor for a moment, watching her feet, "I also wouldn't call the memory loss having it made. Siphon's not the type to be content with the 'easy' solution, so to speak. And when he finds this out, not knowing and not knowing when he first saw you is going to be harder on him than you actually having the memories of it."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Alana shook her head.

"Not if I can help it. As I already told Shoni and your friend Jacobs, I'm under instructions to ensure no Klarnell controlled anomalies open up within this galaxy. Eventually I'll get help here and I will be able to mobilize the others out about Pegasus. I'm hopeful that I will be able to stay and speak with you for longer than our last encounter. I wanted to thank you, having something to focus on gave me the strength and determination I needed all those years ago. Well, many years for me, for you, it hasn't been more than an hour."

Aya was silent for a few moments, seeming to digest everything.

"If we're right and his memories are unspooling now, then you should know something. When you tell him about ... our children. When you tell him, it may open a flood gate. I don't know what will happen if I'm right. The way I understood things with Nirrti taking control of me is that he should have two minds to process all of it, but even that may not be enough. I'm not saying you shouldn't tell him, but ..."

She hesitated a moment, then found her nerve to continue.

"I want to be there when you tell him. From what I've gathered, you two are about as close as family, and well ... he's still my husband in my mind, even if he doesn't remember it. I need to be there, even if it's to act as a secondary anchor against a potential storm. I just hope it will be enough, or that I am wrong about the potential risk."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

He gives the Ancient a little smile. "Just glad Ah was able ta help. Only been a short time, but it's a load off mah mind." As she speaks of the anomalies, he nods. "Here-tell's been they're poppin' up heah in the city. And, well, now that ya have access, maybe, on the planet we designated Mi'ton," he'll pause and spell it, knowing it might not come out right for her, "six. Figyah that's not intaferin', since that's what yer heah for, right?"

Sho nods. "Wasn't sure if you wanted to be or not. Gathered it wasn't exactly an easy subject for you. But having someone around to back me up if he goes bug-fuck might not be a bad idea. Not that I think he will, mind you, but you're right. There's no telling how he's going to react. Hopefully, if he gets too bad, Talvesh can hijack him and keep him quiet until he settles down. Otherwise, we'll just have to deal with it." She pauses. "And if he gets really quiet, that's when you batten down the hatches." She'll pause again. "Maybe I ought to wait until we're out of sub-space. Then if he pitches a fit, he won't damage the wormhole." It's more absently, since, chances are, the city's got defenses against things like that, but one never knows.

When they do finally reach the room, she'll pause for a minute, shaking her head at the view. It's truly impressive. She'll also acknowledge Ariana first, not outright disturbing the woman if she's meditating still, but she'll do something to alert her of their presence without outright touching her.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Ariana shifted when the pair came into the room, the noise of motion making her open her eyes. She glanced at Sho, offering a smile and a small nod, the took stock of the room, making sure she didn't miss anything else. "Nothing much up here, Siphon got the chair working. Any news from you guys?" She asked softly, remaining seated.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Hard to miss that," she chuckles as the other woman mentions the chair working. "Been poking around in the database and I've got some info I need to share with Siphon. It's partly about those anomalies we've been dealing with." She'll pause. "And partly about," she taps her finger to her temple a couple of times. Another pause. "You're welcome to stick around for the former, but the latter's kinda private." She figures the other woman's got just as much a right to know about the threat as anyone else, though talking about Siphon's personal issues in front of a stranger, even an ally, wasn't something she was about to do, but she wasn't going to out and out throw Ariana out of the room without an explanation.


Dec 14, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

The woman gave another nod, this one deeper. "Fair enough, I understand. He's dipped into himself too, or something. I didn't want to disturb him, that's why I been taking a break too." She explained, glancing over at the man. "Big shoulders, that guy."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Carries the weight of the world on 'em, sometimes," Sho mutters, shaking her head. "Well, we'll let him come out on his own. Imagine poking a bear with a stick during hibernation and then double it." She grins. In the meantime, she'll fill Ariana in on what she discovered about the anomalies and the race that controls them. She'll mention the bits about them abducting women but she'll omit the more personal aspects of the information. Something to pass the time until Siphon comes out of his trance.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Not a morning person, then." Ari commented with a chuckle, listening to Sho's recap. She frowned when she mentioned abducting women, coming to the same conclusion the wind adept had as well, that there was usually a single reason why only women were abducted, in most circumstances.

"Well, I havent spotted anything like what you've described of these Klawnell... Klarnell so far, I'll say it's a good thing, too." She said, looking concerned.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Alana nodded.

"I am aware of that anomaly, but since it was not Klarnell controlled, I could not interfere with it. I may only prevent the Klarnell from using them to enter your galaxy and this one, however outside of these two galaxies they are free to do as they wish. I don't agree with it, but the number who side with me ... we aren't enough yet. I fear my ability to help you in this battle may be very limited at best."

Aya nodded.

"If need be I can fly the city but ... it can be very taxing on the body if one hasn't had proper rest, and despite the stasis, I'm not too prideful to admit what Nirrti did to me still has me feeling rather weak. Honestly, I should be on a bed groaning in pain from numerous aches for about a day after all of this, not sure how she managed to speed up the recovery of that. Ah, and we're here."

She remained mostly silent as the other two women chatted, though she chuckled at the shoulder comment and Sho's reply.

"Can't remember who he is or most of his previous life, but still the same person I knew. Some things never change no matter what happens to a person."

A few moments later, Siphon's eyes opened, and he blinked a couple of times, registering the presence of Aya and Sho. Standing up, he remained silent for a few moments, and at least for Sho it might be apparent to her that Talvesh had been in control, but upon seeing Aya, had relinquished control back to Siphon. It wasn't uncommon for Talvesh to be at the front after one of their meditative trances, though it was unusual for him to not greet her. Evidently, they felt it would do more harm than good under the circumstances.

"Well, nice little crowd gathering here. Please tell me something didn't go wrong with the stardrive?"


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

"Just keepin' those buggers off our becks is enough. Though Ah'm guessin' that if they start messin' with the ones that open up othahwise, you'll be all over 'em, aye?" He chuckles, then looks thoughtful. "There a way ta tell when one's goin' ta open up? Be nice if we could figure out an early warnin' system."

"Probably a good thing," Sho remarks as Ariana says she hasn't seen any of the creatures. "Again, mess of info on them in the hologram archives, but hopefully, for the moment, not something we have to worry about."

"Some things about a person never change," she remarks quietly to Aya. When he comes out of the trance, she'll not in his direction by way of greeting, though she figures there's probably a reason Siphon 'snaps to' right away and doesn't press the issue. "We're a little calm for that. Probably be a lot more flailing and yelling were that the case," she chuckles. "Nah, just came to report in on some stuff I found in the hologram room. Although one of those things might take offense to being called 'stuff,'" she chuckles. "Got something of a lead on the anomalies that are opening up. Or, well, more like a 'keep an eye on them in case' sort of situation."

If he's up for it, she'll launch into telling him about the Klarnell, still omitting the kids as long as Ariana's in the room. She gets the basics out of the way before subtly motioning to the other woman that they've shifted over in the conversation to what she wanted to be a little more private.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded, though he did raise an eyebrow at the comments Sho made.

"Alright, what do we have?"

As she launched into telling him, it was visible that he didn't like what he heard. When she got to the part about female only prisoners, there was a visible flash of emotion on his face, and both Ariana and Aya, should they see it would have no doubt that if one of these Klarnell were here now, Siphon probably would be trying to rip it apart. He was definitely pissed, his eyes glowing for just a moment before he regained his composure. When he spoke, his voice was even, but with a hint of anger to it.

"Yeah, because there's only one reason to take all female prisoners, and it doesn't involve anything they want to be part of. Bastards. Oh and what did you mean about one might take objection. Unless ..."

He stared at her, and Sho could probably guess what kind of conclusion he'd drawn up, but he wasn't saying anything out loud just yet.

Alana nodded.

"If they interfere with an anomaly in any way within these galaxies, they will be sent back immediately and never appear here. By now though, they won't use a natural anomaly, somehow they figured a way of forcing one open at times, but they don't seem to be able to pick a specific time just yet. As for an early warning system, I'm afraid we never figured out how they actually formed or what actually drove them to collapse. We know they have a high magnetic field, and a unique radial frequency, and that the magnetic fields are unique to each anomaly, while it's radial frequency is always the same. Beyond that though, we never did figure out how they worked, or why they open and close the way they do. They vary in their lifespan too."


Dec 14, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

Ariana listened along, focusing on trying to connect any dots the others may not have thought of, the second time around. Nothing really came to her though, so she simply stood while Siphon vented, her own face stern in agreement. She gave Sho a brief nod before leaving the room to give the trio the privacy they required. “I‘ll stay close, just holler when you need me.“ she told them, heading down the hall to the first corner after she left, and sitting back down there.

It was these times when she missed Al‘s voice in her head. She had spent too long in long silences before they had found each other, now she found the loneliness a bit distressing. Letting out a small sigh, she folded herself up and started to meditate again. She focused outwards this time, holding her hand out and filling the space above it with her mental energy. Three concentric spirals of blue light folding in and out of each other, over and over.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

She gave him a bit of a grin as he asked about the exception. "Seems Atlantis wasn't as abandoned as we thought. She's here in an official capacity and has rules she has to abide by, but, yeah, there's an Ancient chilling in the hologram room. Ian's talking to her now. Seems they know each other." And it comes out, just as casually as that.

After Ariana leaves, though, her posture changes some. The hands go into the coat pockets again and her shoulders hunch. "There's more that I need to tell you. And it's personal." She sighs. "Do me a favor and give Talvesh the head's up on this, would you? I've got a sinking feeling you're going to need the support."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Siphon blinked.

"Wow, um OK, didn't see that one coming. Wait, they know each other? Interesting."

He paused at her request, noting both her demeanor and Aya's.

Damn, it has to be something about Aya and mines previous life for them to be this nervous about it, and big too. time to play dual role Talvesh, looks like we've got work.

After a long moment, Siphon nodded.

"Talvesh in in the loop now. So what's going on that the two of you look so ... nervous?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Apparently," comes out in reply to the comment about Alana and Ian. After she gets his go ahead, she takes a deep breath, the action striving to settle her a little bit.

"So, outside of the obvious reasons to hate these guys, I guess you, and the rest of the folk back in the day," she indicates Aya to show how far back, "were fighting against them. And not doing too well. But," and she sighs again, looking more nervous than she had been, "the biggest reason is...they," a swallow and then another deep breath before she's looking him square in the face. "They cost you...your kids."

And there's another pause, because, well, bombshell, right there.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Siphon was prepared for just about anything but what Sho tossed at him that final sentence. A type of rage he hadn't felt in a long time began to boil up, and about the same time several visions slammed into both him and Talvesh simultaneously. He suddenly had four names pop into his mind, quickly followed by three rapid fire visions. A stargate exploding, obliterating everything in it's path. A ship being torn apart by dozens of Klarnell ships. He was trying to figure out how he recognized those ships when the last vision slammed into him.

Two women, his daughters were visible. They looked battered, tired and scared. He could see they weren't right somehow, looking larger than he remembered them being. A flash of their 'prison' came to him, and he watched as numerous women were assaulted by the Klarnell, beginning to understand what was going on, and why the girls looked the way they did. A rage that rivaled that of when Kara had been killed flooded through him, and he reached out to crush the Klarnell from existence. And then nothing as Talvesh finally took control.

Outwardly, Siphon had seemed to go ramrod stiff at the news, and then his eyes began to glow fiery red like they did when Talvesh took control abruptly. Aya backed up a step, not used to that, however this was something Sho was used to seeing.

Except the glow didn't die right down, in fact, it grew even brighter until for a goon ten seconds or so, it was bright enough to overpower the rest of his facial features, almost blinding in it's intensity. Slowly, it died down, but it took almost a full minute to completely die, and when it did, it was still several moments before Talvesh spoke, sounding shaken.

"That one hit both of us hard. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there at just the news. Another one of those flashbacks hit him, and this time it hit me as well. I believe I know why he couldn't remember this until now."

He looked directly at Aya and then added, "Amasara and Cassidy weren't killed in the attack. They were taken prisoner by the Klarnell. Worse still, assuming they had similar gifts to you Aya, in that they were unaging, they may still be prisoners of the Klarnell."

The air near Sho rapidly heated up suddenly, and a spark of flame erupted from Aya's skin, dying down almost immediately as the blonde struggled to keep from exploding. Finally, it died completely, but Sho would be able to tell with hardly any effort that the woman was very rattled, and monumentally pissed off at this latest revelation.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

((Sorry. Net was out almost all of yesterday and had to work today.))

Despite being used to it, Sho takes a step back as the glow intensifies, keeping a watchful eye on Siphon and even going so far as to flick her zat off of her belt. When Talvesh finally speaks, she seems to relax a little, although when Aya gets riled up, too, she gives the woman a little bit of berth.

"He was made to not remember," is all that Sho states. "And given what I found out, maybe it would have been better if he hadn't, but I know him. He wouldn't stand for it, even if they weren't kin. Give him time to rail. And then, when he's calmed down, we'll see what we can do about the girls," and it's at that moment that she pauses, the actual amount of time suddenly hitting her and she stops, her hand covering her mouth. It shifts to a press of her lips against the backs of her fingers and her eyes close. When she speaks again, it's after a steadying breath and her voice is very cool. "We'll find the girls. I don't know how, but we'll find them. The thing is, we are going to need help. And we are going to have to at least try and do things by protocol, especially if we're going to start World War Seven with a rescue mission. We'll get ahold of Julia when we reach our destination. In the meantime, I'll hit the archives and get all the information that I can on the Klarnell ready for transmission. Then we'll go from there."

Anything else isn't even suggested. If it's one thing she's learned over their years of working together, it's that rescuing his daughters--hell, even if they weren't his daughters--is going to take up all of Siphon's time, thoughts, and energy. And if they could strike a blow to the Klarnell in the meantime, more the better, but doing anything else is going to take a back-burner to the rescue, whether he's given permission to do it or not. Better to give Julia the head's up on the plan, just in case they need their asses pulled out of the fire.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Talvesh was silent for a moment, sifting through memories now open to him perhaps.

"I'm not even sure we can figure out when and where they were taken to off of just his memories. Even if we could, there's no way of knowing how to predict those anomalies or even opening one of our own. I'm afraid for the time being, they may be beyond our ability to help. I doubt the ascended ancients will help either, it would be interfering on a massive scale."

Again, things heated up slightly, but Aya caught it faster this time. When she spoke, it was with a determined voice, and icy.

"Maybe not. Before he left, Janus told me he planned to research the anomalies more when he returned to Mintaa. The Milky Way as you called it Sho. He thought he might be able to find a way of controlling them, at least temporarily. If we can figure out the when and where, maybe we could still get to them."

Talvesh thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"It may be possible, but I have to stress that his mind is a chaotic mess right now. Sifting through and finding that particular information might be very difficult. For that matter, the sudden flood of additional things it could open up could damage his mind."

Aya was silent for a long moment, then seemed to perk up just a smidge.

"What if he didn't have to search for them himself? What if we could do it for him, and in a way that wouldn't unlock any more of them until he was ready?"


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

Sho chuckles a little. "You make it sound like I expected it to be easy, Talvesh. I know better than that by now." Another chuckle. "Though you're right about the Ancients. The one in the hologram room is here to keep an eye on things and she miiiiight consider bending the rules the tiniest bit, but I don't really want to put her in that position."

Then she gets a thoughtful look on her face, mixed with that deviousness that only comes out now and again. "Sounds like you've got an idea, too, Aya. Granted, mine counts on the fact that we'd be able to figure out when the anomaly was going to, but if we can get to one that takes us not all that long after the girls were taken, we might be able to do a little rewriting of history." For now, though, that's even more of a longshot, but given Aya's got an idea, she's willing to hear that one out, since that might be better than waiting on information they may or may not be able to find.


Dec 14, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

Ariana gasped as she felt another vision from Siphon hit her, her trance shattered as the scene played out. It was gone just as suddenly, almost feeling cut off from some outside source, leaving the psychic alone in the hallway again. The look of the pair of women, of the uncounted others the klarnell had in the vision, brought the bile rising again, and she spent a moment dry heaving in the hallway.

She recovered after a moment, looking around to see that she was still alone. Did that vision have something to do with what Sho had to tell him privately? She figured it must have been, the man was triggered usually, some private info would be a likely cause, given the circumstances. Standing again, she moved back to the door to the chair room, giving a knock and stepping in a moment later. "I, uh.. Sorry if it's a bit too soon, is the sensitive bit done with?"
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