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Re: Atlantis

Aya would lead Zaleia through numerous rooms for some time. The Z.P.M room, the drone storage facility, and other cool places with names she probably would never remember. Finally, they began their long walk back up to the control tower. By the time they arrived, Sho would have already gone through the gate, while Siphon and the armored hulk who'd called her Zappy were coming down the stairs, heading for a door opposite of them.
Re: Atlantis

Stepping into the room behind Aya she glanced about the area once more and seeing siphon and the other one she just rolled her eyes and kept up with Aya to continue traveling along. "Alright Aya what else you got to show me"
Re: Atlantis

Hearing her voice, the Klarnell turned slightly, and for a moment actually seemed to be hanging his head. Saying something to Siphon which was likely in Ancient since Zaleia couldn't understand it, he stepped off to one side.

Siphon turned to Zaleia, and hesitantly spoke.

"Aya, would you keep an eye on our guest for a moment please? I need to speak with Zaleia outside, alone for a few moments. And Zale, please, no arguments on it. You have to know."

Blinking slightly, Aya nodded.

"Um, sure. Zaleia, I'll ... see you in a bit I guess."

As she moved, she mouthed a few words to Zaleia.

Something big must be going on. Really big.

After they stepped out into the hall, Siphon hesitantly put an arm out in the direction he wanted them to go, almost offering to escort her and his hand.

"Please ... come with me."

Assuming she followed, he'd lead her onto a small overlook, just off the control tower.
Re: Atlantis

Zale would simply roll her eyes as Siphon told her no arguing. A simple shrug of her shoulders to Aya the only reply she could get out before heading off with Siphon.

"alright alright so what the heck is this about? your starting to get weird on me now having to take this all outside and private and stuff."
Re: Atlantis

After making sure the doors were closed, he turned to face her.

"What I am about to tell you is something that's going to be a little hard to swallow, but I want you to know just in case you start feeling like something is off. Our guest there wanted me to apologize to you on his behalf for the nickname, and I'm sure you know what I mean. Apparently, in the time line he came from, Anubis somehow got a hold of you and essentially turned you into one of his assassins. Supposedly, you killed Sho, and then tried to kill a few other people, and ultimately we had to kill you. Apparently, your arriving here so soon after he did caused him to worry that he might be too late to stop Anubis from getting to you. According to him, you showed no emotion whatsoever when someone used that particular nickname, just before you killed Sho. His belief was that whatever method was used usurped your normal emotional responses, and that if you reacted to him calling you that, things were fine. If you hadn't reacted at all ... well my guess is that would have meant Anubis had gotten to you already, which would be bad. Now I know that you really dislike being called that, and this probably doesn't make it feel any better. Just ... hold off on zapping him until he helps us get my daughters back please?"

As he spoke the last sentence, she could see his fists clenching, which might make her wonder just what the situation really was, and what he wasn't telling her. It was also apparent that if anything happened to his kids, someone was going to die a terrible death. Of course, that were assuming it registered considering he'd just told her in the future she was supposedly going to kill her own sister.
Re: Atlantis

As she listened to Siphon starting to think he was kinda long winded her face went from kinda bored with talking about the big ugly thing and his throwing of the nickname out; to someone who didnt think the joke was funny anymore when Siphon said she would kill her own sister.

"hold off on zapping him? are kidding me? I should be zapping the hell out of you after saying somethinglike that. kill sho? this is a bad fucking joke i hope cause there is no way in hell i would hurt my sister."

She looked like she was trying to contain herself but the white knuckles of clenched fists made it appearent she wasnt very happy right now.
Re: Atlantis

Siphon shook his head.

"I sincerely doubt he was joking. However."

He raised a hand to calm her down.

"However, his coming here and us knowing Anubis' plan, as well as how to stop him from getting to you means that likely can't happen now. Which is why he came here, to stop that, and the entire annihilation of the Tokra. Anubis likely won't dare try and use it now, because apparently the Tokra are near a technology that can detect these assassins, which means it's not a viable option to him any more. So repeat after me, it's NOT gonna happen."

Risking it, he placed a hand gently on her shoulder, turning her slightly so she could look into his eyes.

"It's not going to happen. We're going to kick his fucking ass til it explodes for even THINKING about it, OK? You wanna zap me for saying something to you, go ahead, it might help. At the end of the day though, I've got your back. If that half ascended prick wants to try anything that low ball, he's gonna have to kill me first, and even then that won't be enough to save his sorry ass. The future isn't set in stone Zale, we CAN change it. He's not getting anywhere near you, I give you my word on that."

He let go of her shoulder after a moment, shaking his head, and she could hear him mutter, "I'm not burying another person close to me."

As he muttered those words, the air suddenly changed around them. A similar sensation to what she had felt when Aya did her little test hit Zaleia, and after a moment she realized it was coming from Siphon, although he seemed to have no idea he was doing it from the near enraged expression on his face.
Re: Atlantis

A frown crossed her features once more and at this point Zale reached forward and gave siphon a light shove.

"No your not gonna bury anyone else. Like you said its not gonna happen. And just to get it out there this first time i'll slide. If he calls me that again i dont care how big he is. i'll zap his ass good."

Zale then maybe a little uncharacteristic for her stepped up and gave Siphon a hug then.

"Now what the hell are you talking about having daughters?"
Re: Atlantis

Taking a breath, he told her what she would need to know.

"Long story short, apparently I ascended one time more than we know about, and got sent back. Now prior to that, Aya and I were married, and we had four children. Our two daughters, according to our Klarnell guest, are both still alive and currently prisoners of the Klarnell faction he opposes. Quite some time ago there was a raid on one of the planets we controlled, an anomaly of sorts opened, one that breaches the boundaries of both space and time. Our daughters went missing, and were presumed taken by the Klarnell, but we had no means of following them or mounting a rescue. Now, with his help, we might at least have a chance at a rescue. Now I have to assume they took after both Aya and I and don't actually age, or maybe they do and future time line it hasn't been terribly long, it's impossible to say. What I can tell you is that as far as our own time is concerned, they have been gone for fifteen thousand plus years. One second in captivity with those ... savages is too long as far as I am concerned, so trust me when I say you can zap the living fuck out of any Klarnell we see on that mission."

He carefully embraced her in return, and as she touched him, her own body's cells resonated slightly, similar, but different to when Aya had tried to do whatever it had been earlier. In fact it almost felt like some of her energy were being tapped, or removed from her. Siphon meanwhile showed no outward sign of noticing anything off, but she could feel it.

Shaking his head slightly, he added, "you know, Daina would have loved to be here, and she'd have been a real big help with all of this. Especially with the new memory stuff, cuz I gotta admit, this ... this is getting to be a little tough to swallow certain things. If you hadn't guessed it by now Zale, I'm not Alveran. I'm Lantean, or as you folks have been calling us for some time, one of the Ancients."
Re: Atlantis

After a short hug she stepped back from him breaking contact.

"ancient alveran..doesnt matter your still what you have always been...A pain in the ass!"

She said it with a grin before clapping her hands together and then cracking her knuckles for a moment

"okay so some mission is coming up that will involve lots of the big ugly guys..and i can zap any of them i want right? sooner the better"
Re: Atlantis

Siphon laughed, then nodded slowly.

"Yeah, except for him. We may need him still. Chances are this will truly spark an all out war when we do this, so we'll need all the help we can get."

He was silent for a long moment, then he turned back to her thoughtfully.

"Zale, can you actually make your electrical energy lance outward like a lighting bolt rather than by touch?"
Re: Atlantis

Zale did her best (or worst) impression of raiden from the mortal kombat games just silly hand motions and letting a bolt of electricity launch out into open air.

"you mean like that? or were you needing something more specific when you say lance?"
Re: Atlantis

Siphon broke out into a grin.

"No that's perfect. I'd like for you to help me test something later, when we find another anomaly. I shot one earlier on a hunch with a zat, and it seemed to lock it down. I'm wondering if your own electrical charges would do the same. If so, we would need to be careful of you using it near an anomaly, but it would also allow us to lock one should a zat not be handy. Are you game to give it a shot when a chance presents itself?"
Re: Atlantis

"sure why not. i mean if locking one down is a good thing then i'm all for it. plus someone needs to shoot me with a zat. just so i can be sure of what i'm thinking"

Zale rubs her hands together before reaching out and nudging him

"so wanna shoot me with a zat?"
Re: Atlantis

"Wait, why would I be shooting you with a zat? And come on, you know I don't carry one myself."
Re: Atlantis

"you would be shooting me with a zat so i can make sure i can absorb the charge! its gonna be shoot me with a zat or i beat you with a phonebook. If i can find one at least..that way there wont be any signs i beat you"

Zale grinned broadly almost scary like.
Re: Atlantis

"Ah. Well, we'll have to acquire a zat first. Remind me when we return to Peltas next and I'll pick one up alright? I can't do anything about that until I have one, unless you happened to bring one with you?"
Re: Atlantis

"goof i would be asking you if i had one myself. alright so back at peltas get zat...mental note made!. now what anything else we need to discuss or we good now?
Re: Atlantis

Siphon thought for a moment then shook his head.

"No, I think that covers everything for now. Oh wait, actually, if you happen to do any exploring on your own, be forewarned, there's been an ascended in and out of the city, sort of our contact with the ascended ones. She may pop in, so if you see a glowing woman, no worries, she's friendly."
Re: Atlantis

Zale had to have a small laugh at that one

"okay so friendly glowing people gotcha gee so much new stuff ya know its alot to take in at once"
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