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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"That and developing your tech would probably take too long. Doubt we could pop over to the local junk shop and hobble something together. Though negotiating with the Sodan to get their tech is going to be just as fun." She raspberries, then sighs. "Well, the Tokra already have a head's up on the goa'uld demon baby, so hopefully that will give us something of an edge. And if we tell them to specifically work on the anti-assassin tech, more's the better."

She snorts as he talks about not killing Anubis. "Take all the fun out of it. Besides, even if we can't kill him, there are ways of neutralizing threats that don't give them the opportunity to body-hop. We'll figure something out. Right now, we just deal with what's in front of us."

As he continues talking, her brows slowly arch upward, then furrow as she listens. "I'm not going to say a damn thing about holographic technology and it's apparently myriad of uses, but don't worry. You go bugfuck," yes, she seemed to choose that colloquialism on purpose, "pretty sure there won't be a problem. Speaking of." Given that he's managed to keep his temper in check, Sho will set Siphon's gun on the table and slide it down to him. "Unless there's a way for you to come back from it."


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"well i think all over the world there are people..we all have different abilities or powers. When i was younger still getting used to my powers most of us kinda well..we hid. Meeting all the others at the school i was in gave me my chance to meet others outside my sisters so i know there are others...how many others would probably be hard to find for sure though. hell the school i swhere I first met Siphon"

She brought a hand up to her chin looking thoughtful for a moment.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Nodding slightly, the Klarnell began thinking out loud.

"Right, so keep the Tokra in the loop, find them some way of finishing their anti-assassin technology, as you put it, in peace and quiet, figure out a way of stopping Anubis that doesn't involve letting him body snatch. Oh yeah, and make sure he doesn't try to mind fry your sister. Sounds simple enough. Actually ... maybe there is a place the Tokra could go to that Anubis can't find them. What if we had them come here? Anubis has hybrid technology, but it's a childs toy in comparison to what you have here. He wouldn't be able to mount a successful offensive, not quickly anyway."

Silently Siphon took his pistol off the table, holstering it. As the Klarnell mentioned about bringing the Tokra to Atlantis, he paused.

"That might actually work, if they'll do it. Be worth checking in with them about."

Aya nodded slowly.

"Tell me, how many live on Soltarus ... um ... Earth, I think you call it?"


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

She started tapping a finger on her chin trying to think of an exact number but really she could only shrug her shoulders

"Honestly i couldnt tell you an exact number. there are so many people spread across the planet i really dont know how many are on earth...just know there are alot...and when i say alot i mean alot alot."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Sho nods as the Klarnell speaks. "That's the first thing I thought of. Hopefully, with the city actually up and running, we'd be able to support them. That, and he wouldn't know they're here. At least not for a while. I can go get on the horn with Julia about that. Might even head back. She's got enough on her plate right now, another body might come in handy. We'll see what she wants to do."

There's a sideways glance at the Klarnell, given he avoided her sort-of question, but given it's probably a sticky subject, she's content to let it drop. Her gaze will return to Siphon. "We good here?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Siphon nodded.

"Yeah, we're good. I actually have something for the two of us to work on. Remember the holo-projector room from earlier? I'm wondering if there might not be a way to take pre-existing hologram technology and modify it for what ... er, what the hell should we even call you?"

It took the Klarnell a moment to realize Siphon meant him, and a blank look crossed his face.

"Uh ... well my real name probably would rupture your throats trying to pronounce, so let's go with something from your planet shall we?"

Siphon shrugged.

"Alright, we'll go with Steve then. I'm wondering if we can take the pre-existing hologram technology that the ancients had and come up with something for you for later on, given your potential future issue. Go on ahead Sho, this could take a little time to actually set up and find what we want, plus I still need to contact some of our Pegasus contacts and see if we can find any more information on that virus spreader back home.

((Might edit this later, I forgot if the Klarnell told them anything about that off hand.))

Aya smiled slightly, shaking her head.

"So your species has become more widespread than we were most likely. Good, I'm glad everything we went through to give life in this form another chance worked out. Ah, here we go, our first stop."

Opening a door, Zaleia found herself on a huge overlook balcony near the top of the central tower, looking down over the rest of the city. It was huge to say the least, as even though it was clear out, she could still only just barely make out the towers at the end of each arm on the city.

The ocean seemed completely pure, a sparkling emerald green, with small waves cresting against the sides of the city. She could make out at least a half dozen towers all over the place, and she could even look down and see part of the control room they had just left poking out below them.


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"wide spread is an understatement....every now and then i tend to agree with a thought that humanity was a plague upon earth...we the infection and nature the immune system trying to get rid of us. BUT we are getting better...taking more care of our gracious host of earth then we used to. And....this has got to be the greatest view of all of Atlantis i imagine..Is this a popular spot for people just to gaze out across the city?"

She moved to the edge just looking at the view before them she would be quiet for a minute just taking in the sight and how big the city was.

"Unless there is somewhere with a better view this might be my favorite place here...already"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Aya only nodded slightly, her features suggesting that at one time, her people might have undergone a similar thing.

"Yeah, it used to be when the city was fully populated, especially for guests. This is the best spot to get a view of the entire city by far, it's why I brought you here first. There's many different labs, and rooms for all sorts of things. But to have a full perspective for the scope of the city, this is the best spot."

After a moment, she shook her head, a small smile creeping to her lips.

"You know, I lived here for so long, but I never really stopped to think about how amazing a city this really is, not until today. I think all of your people coming here, the awe, the respect has made me realize I took a lot for granted. It took a long time to build this place, and to fly it here. Siphon did a damn good job. I'm just afraid he'll never remember all of it."


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"well one thing i have learned about humans at least is when it comes to remembering the important things we ourselves have done....well we forget them really easily sometimes. Its only the stupid things we have done we tend to remember the longest. Though those are sometimes the most fun."

Zale then leaned forward placing her waiting on the railing of the balcony until she could lift her feet from the floor and just hang on the railing looking straight down.

"This place would be amazing to go base jumping."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Aya shrugged.

"It's even more problematic when your memories have been stripped from you by ascended beings. Siphon was one of the most brilliant minds we had in our history, right up there with Moros and Janus. I'm not so much worried about him remembering all the knowledge he had, but I'm more hopeful some day he may remember who he really is, and everything about the life we shared. When he and your sister first woke me up, he had no idea who I was. Things are slowly coming back to him, but I don't think he's fully realized everything yet, nor has he fully accepted that there's much he has lost with his memories."

She turned to face Zaleia, a blank expression on her face.

"Base Jumping?"


Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

"well people do it for fun its an adrenaline rush caused by jumping off really high buildings or cliffs and using a parachute to float down to the ground. never done it myself but there are people out there who enjoy it. Gives them a sense of flying."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Swear to the Gods, that's your default," she can be heard muttering with a soft chuckle at his suggestion of what to call the Klarnell. "And are you talking about the archives or something else? Sorry, bit of a blur at the moment." She chuckles again as he talks about talking to the Klarnell about it. "Who knows, maybe this is where you guys get the idea. You might be a front-runner here."

She'll push up from the table. "I'm gonna dial Petlas and take a trip back through. Shouldn't be long, unless something else comes up while I'm away. I know you just got here, but need anything while I'll be there?"

Sho will eventually exit the room and head for the gate room, putting in the request for the transfer. She'll wait a minute or so, in case there's anything last minute and otherwise, will pop back through to go debrief Julia. Again.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Siphon let out a small snort.

"Really? I thought Bob or Todd was? I thought Steve was the least used. Yeah though, the archive room where we first looked in when we got here. There has to be something on the technology in the database."

'Steve' said nothing, at least until Sho spoke to him.

"It is possible, much of what we have has already been developed, and some from other species who came before us. I don't pretend to know the history of all of our technology, but it is certainly worth looking in to."

Siphon thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"No, I think everything is good. Tell her in light of recent developments, I haven't had a chance to send out formal contact requests yet here, but I'll get to that ASAP. Oh, and don't wake Ian up, last I knew he was trying to get some sleep, and well, you know how cranky he gets when he doesn't get enough."

Aya just blinked at Zaleia, and it was hard to tell if she were surprised, or if she thought Zaleia was insane.

"Well that's ... different to say the least. Sounds dangerous, but then again considering what I've personally seen and been through, jumping off a building with this ... parachute might be the safest thing I've done for adventure in my whole life."

When Sho reached the gate room, it only took a few moments to dial the gate, at which point one of the Alveran soldiers flashed her a thumbs up, indicating she was good to go.

((Will let you make the post arriving at Peltas.))


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Sarnael glanced up as the gate began dialing. Once he saw the address, he caught Sho's attention and tossed the data module Siphon had given him over to her. "I've added some notes on a possible pallative to that. No cure, but it should slow the progression down a bit and give us some more time. Best I've got at the moment."


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Welll people do some silly things in the name of an adrenaline rush...speaking of fun and such what do people do for fun around here? I know they gotta have time off now and then. cant be space warriors all the time."

She stepped back from railing a few steps and stretched her arms up in the air.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Aya shrugged.

"Honestly, that wasn't something that was majorly on our minds after the Klarnell became a threat. I can't remember the last time I did anything that wasn't stressful or warrior as you put it, at least not inside of this city. I do like exploring though, wish there was more time for it."


Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

"it does suck there is always something showing up trying to kill you or rule the world and all...I think it would be nice for everyone to be able to just take a nice vacation hehe"


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

"You rotate." She nods at his message. "And I'm sure she'll remind you if you don't send back reports often enough." At his mention of Ian, she nods again. "Given he's been known to toss people into walls, I'm not planning on it."

She'll head to the gate room, pausing long enough to bobble the module Sarnael tosses at her, but she manages to catch it without dropping it. "It'll give us time to work. That's more than what we started with."

Provided there's nothing else, she will head through the gate and back to Peltas.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Aya smiled slightly.

"It would be nice, but it never really happens. Welcome to life in our shoes, and life in the Pegasus Galaxy. Perhaps though one day I may at least have the chance to return to your world, to actually see how it has evolved in our absence. Tell me though, did they find the gate we left behind in Earth, or is it still likely to be buried? Before we left, the land mass the gate was on was slowly on it's way towards the southern pole of your planet, and we had left someone behind to make a record of what happened, so if we ever returned we'd know what to expect."


Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Atlantis

"well i know there is a mountain around the gate at its current location..couldn't tell you if that's where it was when we found it or not. I am not the best person to ask about how things are in reference to gate related things. I have rarely been involved with all that's gone on sorry to say. A lot of times i was kind of by myself just wandering anyways so i was even more out of the loop. But i have a feeling it will be soon you should be able to take a trip to earth and see all the ways its grown."
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