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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Terra blinked a few times "Didn't your family from there tell you?" the blonde girl got herself comfortable, seemed this was a topic that interested her "The constant disappearances? The sighting of crazy creatures? The stories of the mages in the mountains? Are any of those true?" Terra looked Jenny dead in the eyes awaiting her answer on topics Jenny didn't even a have a clue about
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blanched at the rumors Terra was sharing though as with any rumors best take it with a grain of salt. "Well she mentioned nothing like that. She wasn't feeling well and wanted me to come help her while she recovered." Jenny recited the lie she had practiced on her way to Rinston but her mind raced what kind of trouble did Lina get herself into?. Not wanting to hear anymore horror stories lest they deter her from going Jenny changed the subject. "So Terra what brings you to Rinston? Are you travailing like me?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Terra sighed lightly, she was hoping for some confirmation or denial on the things she heard... still seemed Jenny knew little more or less than the blonde "Me? No~ I live here." she smiled "We work the juice factory in town, specialising in~~..." the blonder picked one of the blue grapes Jenny shared with her "Grape juice!" the girl threw the grape into the air and caught it in her mouth, muching down on the fruit happily before continueing.

"Mom and dad are off to get the fresh batch, it's their season so the prices are much lower than usual." Terra pointed towards the fruit stall "So I'm just left to watch over the house till they get back."

"But back to you, you're awfully lightly dressed for Kings Coast, Jenny... didn't your family tell it's cold up there?" the blonde continued to nibble away at Jennys grapes. Honestly she was takign the whole post-rape experience awfully well, maybe she wasn't as maidenly as the girl seemed.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh? Humm guess I forgot to pack some warmer cloths though Im sure Ill be able to get some once I reach the town." Jenny leaned over and whispered to Terra "I think some of the merchants in town are gouging their customers." Still it was good to know that it was a bit colder up that way maybe she could get some more info. "So whats it like up that way my aunt said little in her letter maybe you could fill me in? After all you seem the nicest person Ive might here." All lying Jenny was doing was starting to grate on her nerves and she hoped it wouldn't become a habit she got good at.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Terra's eyes slightly widened as she smiled at the question, with all the stories she heard from the merchants the blond girl had done some digging about the town "Well~ I've never been there myself, but from what I know it's a small town built for the miners working in Kings mines. It was rather prosperious right until they had the mine closed due to it collapsing or something. Actually it's seen alot of trade, even with our town... 'til the Invaders came. Now with the mine closed, it's just a snow covered sleepy town." Terra leaned closer to Jenny "...but I wasn't joking about people disappearing Jenny, my dads friends family went there to check if they can setup shop up there... they never returned." With the blondes enthuasiasm it was hard to tell was she just telling random stories she overheard or was she actually serious.

"Oh! Wait right there Jenny! Don't leave okay?!" The blonde quickly got off the bench and looked to her hero for permission to leave her alone for a bit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked up at the girl as rose, "Uhh sure I can wait got a lest two hours." Jenny smiled at Terra even though the girl had unnerved her with her stories. What if it was already to late? What if Lina was taken by what ever was up their. Jenny shuddered. No I can't let those thoughts deter me my sister needs me no matter the danger she would do the same for me..... I think. Shaking the thoughts from her head Jenny went over to the cloths merchant and bought some winter cloths after all it looked like she would be heading into the mountains after all.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked around the stalls once more, there was just so much to see! And since she was going up a cold mountain why not grab some decent clothing for the change in weather.

Soon though a few bells rang out near the travel office "KINGS COAST! All aboard to KINGS COAST!" Jenny was about to rush away when she felt a sudden tug on her hand "Wait!" the blonde returned no wearing her own actual clothes - a white baggy shirt with a black bra and leather pants "Please take this! Be safe Jenny! Mom and dad are coming back after they heard what happened, I'll be sure to tell all about you!" Terra hugged Jenny once more, before waving good-bye to her savior.

The carriage was absolutely empty, besides some fairly large packages and some letters seemed Jenny would ride solo.

Jenny gains:
Terras old winter clothes.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nearly gagged at the price for the winter clothing. No way was she gonna pay to wear such over priced garbage! "You should be ashamed of yourself selling winter cloths people need for such outrageous prices. Why I never! You think you can get away with such outlandish prices because Im an outsider. Shame on you! I don't want your filthy cloths they are probably filled with lice and fleas!" Jenny stomped off from the merchant after vocally speaking her mind and she was still in a huff when Terra returned and handed her a package. "Oh Terra Im sorry did you hear me yell at the merchant I didn't mean to yell so much he just upset me is all." Jenny's face was red with embarrassment and if Terra wasn't to shocked at her outburst than Jenny would give her a hug and a thank you before boarding the carriage.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Placing her bag and the leather pacakge Terra gave her Jenny looked out the window one more time. Well she gained a friend and fan during her brief visit, bought all the supplies needed-- wait did she buy everything she needed? THE WINTER CLOTHES! Jenny looked on to the market street speeding away from her sight. The carriage had no intention to stop for the girl to go shopping now!
The outragious prices seemed to have shocked her so much that she forgot that she actually NEEDED the darn things.

Well, maybe she'll find some in town. Hopefully the carriage wouldn't get too cold. Though she didn't check what was Terras gift. The bag was fairly large, Jenny opened it up and what do you know! A fur coat, a raggy and rather dirty fur coat, but it was winter clothing nevertheless! Seemed like it was either Terras or her mother old coat for when the Crolian winter came. Well that sure saved Jennys hide.

It was a rather simple and at times bumpy ride for the first couple of hours, looking out the windows at the passing sights can only amuse for so long... though what could Jenny do to pass the time...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny rode along in the coach bumping around quite a bit due to some of the rougher bits of road she passed over. Reading over her survival guide a bit Jenny made mental notes about the more relevant things like finding shelter or starting a fire while glossing over the how to skin a bear or the best way to trap wolves sections. Still however it was dry reading and this tripped seemed to drag on 4 days on the road and she has only spent one what was she gonna do? The thought of pleasing herself during the ride did come to mind but when she did she often got really involved and only did such a thing when both her parents where away. While she may be alone for this trip the driver of the coach would surly notice if the things started rocking under Jenny's self pleasure and any way the first few nasty bumps in the road Jenny doubt such activities where safe on the move.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny pretty much finished her book by now, but as all Crolian days they get dark soon. And with no light in the carriage Jenny couldn't really finish her read. Looking up into the darkened sky, she wondered just how were her parents coping with her sudden actions, was Glenn getting scolded for driving away with their precious daughter... what was ma' making for dinner tonight.

Still Jenny was alone with the numerous packages in the carriage, occupying the other seats. She could always catch some shuteye, might aswell get this day over with or should she stay up and gaze out the window some more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked up and spotted the moon its bright light bathing all in its silvery glow. Her farmers eye caught the ring around the moon hinting at a frost in the morning which made Jenny feel bad. Archie was starting to feel the effects of his age and the cold weather made him a bit of a bear when it came to doing choirs but alas it was out of her hands. Feeling sad and homesick Jenny took one last look at the moon before covering herself up with her new coat for warmth and tried to catch some sleep.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny: HP: 60 EP: 1 PP: 30
Jenny tries to make out what she saw. Perception checks:
30 vs 33 FAIL
27 vs 35 FAIL
43 vs 34 WIN
32 vs 27 WIN
27 vs 31 FAIL
30 vs 31 FAIL
Well shit...

Jenny was about to catch some shuteye, when a very meek light caught her eye coming further away from the fields. Looking deeply into the distance Jenny could make out 2 riders with light sources, likely the road patrol guard on their way around. The roads from Rinston town were rather dangerous, a fate of all merchant cities. Bandits always try to look for easy profit by robbing the supplies coming out of town.

Still raiders usually came in droves, Jenny was only left to wonder how on earth would 2 patrol guards beat them back. The girl was about to get comfy, but why were the patrol guards in the neighboring fields and forest in the first place.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Wait patrol guards would be on the road not in the field unless they where chasing someone or running away. The revalation spooked Jenny enough that she leand out the window and shouted at the driver. "I THINK WE ARE BEING CHASED BY BANDITS!" Jenny was scared sure she took down a bunch of thugs but these where bandits with more than just rape on their mind.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

One may argue that seeing two riders skulk about doesn't justify crying wolf, but this time Jenny was spot on. The Driver looked back from his carriage and sweared the most juicy and damned curseword he knew "GODDAMN DINGLLEHOPPERS!" the man quickly rushed his horses up to speed as the carriage started rocking violently. Leaving any and all cargo from the roof scattered throughout the road "YOU--!" Oh god his passenger was just some peasant girl "FUCK! Grab a gun from under your seat! And get up here! NOW GODDAMNIT NOW!" To say the driver was agitated would be putting it lightly, but it was hard to keep cool when you're chased by a group of raiders.

Under her seat Jenny would find a Su-Ku-Ta Bolt Action Rifle
4d6 + 9, 35 foot range, 5 shots, 3 round reload, ignores 12 AV
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny reached under the seat and pulled out a strange contraption. What was she supposed to do with this? Still it looked like a weapon of some kind. Thankfully a box of rounds also lay near by pocketing the the ammo and slinging a the rifle around her shoulder Jenny made the precarious climb up to the roof of the carriage almost slipping a few times. Finally reaching he top of the bouncing ride Jenny didn't have a clue what to do and stated as much to the driver. Was the girl serious she never used a gun before still it was to dangerous to have her take the reigns so he did his best to give the girl instructions on how to operate the gun. Thankfully Jenny had always been a quick study learning things far faster then even Lina could manage though her sister was by far more academically smart. Lying down (prone) Jenny released the safety and fired her first shot at the lead horse aiming for the man no need to harm the poor horse for doing what it was trained to do.

Attack: Shooting lead rider from prone +36 hit(30+16p-10)
Move: being prone
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny takes aim at the lead Rider!... the lead rider on the left! Rider is 50ft away! Jenny takes -4 penalty.
40 vs 43 MISS ('~' )

Rider #1 is 50ft away
Rider #2 is 50ft away
Rider #3 is 50ft away
Rider #4 is 50ft away
Rider #5 is 70ft away
Rider #6 is 70ft away

Jenny quickly grabbed the weapon and made her way up tot he roof, expressing her incompetence with the weapon at hand openly "Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! Fuck... I figured as much..." The man barely held onto the speeding horses at his command, giving the reigns to Jenny would end the chase in mere moments. "Look there's a V shaped metal at the end of the carriage place the weapon there for stability, look down the the weapon, align the two metal sticking out at the target and pull the trigger! You won't even feel the kickback! Just lie down and use the station back there!"

Well Jenny didn't really have a choice she'd have to learn to use ranged weapons FAST! Especially with the sight of six raiders on their tails, 4 infront and 2 slightly behind. IF she'd have to guess the raiders were atleast 50ft away from her... HOW WAS SHE SUPPOSED TO SHOOT THEM FROM HERE?!

Jenny felt the urge to panic, but the adrenaline kept her going. Quickly going into prone on top of the roof Jenny placed the weapon in position and did as the man instructed... well there were definedly two metals sticking out. So if she does as the man told her... The first shot from the battle rang out as the weapon jerked back in Jennys hands, missing the raider just barely. Though she was surprisingly close! Maybe she CAN do this!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was surprising of course but never the less Jenny had to keep it up. Steadying herself Jenny aimed once more for the lead rider and fired this time keeping a firm grip on the weapon.

Attack: shoot at lead rider (a hit will hopefully slow him down as well)
Move: none
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny takes aim once more!
43 vs 40 HIT!
25 damage! Nice one!

Rider #1 is 45ft away [slightly injured]
Rider #2 is 45ft away
Rider #3 is 45ft away
Rider #4 is 45ft away
Rider #5 is 65ft away
Rider #6 is 65ft away

Jenny caught her brief and took aim once more, slowly but surely the men would be on them!

She shoots! And she scores!... a hit on one of the raiders! The man arching over his horse in pain. Obviously her weapon did some damage, damage that the mere scraps of leather didn't stand a chance against!

Though even if she did manage to hit one of them, the pack drew closer and closer. They wouldn't be shaken so easily.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny with held her joy at hitting the man as it seemed to hardly slow him down. Sighing to herself Jenny took aim at the horses trying not to picture Clover.

Attack: Taking aim at the closest enemy horse and shooting
Move: None