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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: In trouble
Jenny: HP: 60 EP: 30 PP: 30
Jenny keeps moving forward with 1 enemy spotted...
41 vs 52 fail
40 vs 47 fail

Wolves attack! [Well shit...]
Autohit stealth attack!
71 damage on the horse!
Well it kinda did it's job. Horse is dead.

3 wolves stand vs Jenny! Well shit...

Jenny continued onwards keeping a beat on the pale and sickly looking wolf skulking her. She heard of arctic wolves, but this one just seemed off. Still wolves are not some mindless creatures rarely did they actually attack humans, much less riders. She should be safe...

Jenny noticed the Wolf scurried towars the road and jumping out right infornt of the girl... what was this thing... The girl looked over at the creatures, it's coat slick with some goey substance, eyes absolutely white, body proportions slightly out of the norm as it twitched right infront of the traveler.

So caught up in the sight Jenny didn't even notice as the bushes near her suddenly moved and two more wolves jumper at her horse, one comping down his unnaturally wide and fearsome maw into the creatures neck while other did the same on it's leg. Ripping the horses throat pretty much out the wolves ran off again into the bush only to slowly come out again... Jenny was alone versus the warped predators!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was surprised when the wolf tore out the horse's throat but thankfully managed to not get crushed under it as it fell to the ground. Stumbling a bit the situation became crystal clear she was out manned and their was no way she could out run the beasts. Drawing her rifle up and clearing the safety Jenny had to fight. Anyway maybe the noise would draw some help to her.

Jenny is fighting defensively taking -10 to her attack to add +10 to her dodge
Attack: Shoot the wolf with the bloody jaws aka the one that killed the horse
Move: Jenny is fighting defensibly
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: In trouble!! Beat up.
Jenny: HP: 37 EP: 30 PP: 30
Jenny uses her rifle!
28 vs 47 miss [pack hunter is wrecking havoc!]

Wolves attack Jenny!
42 vs 45 miss
50 vs 45 HIT
54 vs 45 HIT

Wolves kick Jenny!
23 damage total!

Jenny quickly armed her rifle and shot at the bloodied wolf, the creatures quick legwork foiling the shot completely. Still now she had a wolf with still fresh gore in it's mouth charge at her! Jenny quickly rolled aside as the horse flew right past her... was it actually trying to headbutt her?

Soon the second attacker came into view already in full speed and lunged at her, not to attack her with his maw aswell but kick her?! Whether she was shocked or not there was no way she could dodge a wolf going at full stride right at her, the creature quickly turned around midair and kicked her violently! Jenny stumbled back from the impact as another very much the same attack soon followed right into her back! The girls stumbled lightly, but quickly got to her feet as the wolves continued to circle her. She was in BIG touble!... but if the wolves were really going to eat her why didn't they use their fearsome maws?
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This was not a good situation to be in. Jenny was clearly no match for the wolves and she couldn't run them either. "HELP SOMEONE HELP!" Screaming for help was hardly heroic and more fitting a damsel in distress but right now Jenny fitted the description perfectly.

Attack: no point
Move: Where to
Other: Full defense +30 dodge +15 perception
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: In trouble!! Beat up.
Jenny: HP: 37 EP: 30 PP: 30
Jenny has 65 dodge. Wolves can hit for max 57. She's safe. Dodged ALL the things
Warped Wolf #1 alerted nearby allies
Alas no white knight showed to whisk the girl off to safety. Surrounded and pretty much helpless the girl decided to avoid any harm for as long as possible. There was hardly anything the girl could've done.

The wolves continued to circle her menacingly, Jenny making sure to keep them in sight.... before long her extra caution payed off as she noticed one of the wolves make his move! The creature charged forward trying to headbutt her, but Jenny managed to sidestep it, as his packmate quickly went for a follow up attack, which Jenny quickly blocked with her rifle!

The third wolf however did not attack just eyed the girl briefly with his dead repulsing white eyes and let out a howl! It's slightly disturbed voice echoing throughout the forest around the girl... did it just call more of it's pack?!

The creature looked down and snarled at the girl resisting, his maws finally opening to reveal the grotesque set of teeth within, twisted and turned but all razor sharp. The wolf barked harshly at Jenny and continued to growl. Obviously it was not pleased with the girls resistance and would do something about it!

Meanwhile Jenny managed to take a look around, there was a trail leading into the forest. She could try her luck doing a mad dash through there... then again going into the forest seemed far too risky she was still on the road. Perhaps someone, somehow would come help her... a series of howls echoed from the other side of the forest. The call was heard.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny new she couldn't keep this up all day and eventually she would get exhausted. Still she was on the road someone may show up and it was better than getting treed by wolf pack. Still help needed to arrive soon. Then an idea struck her if her voice couldn't be heard than maybe just maybe a gun shot would carry farther. Keeping up her full defense Jenny shot the rifle in the air the dogs being far to nimble for Jenny's skills at shooting.

Attack: can't full defense
Move: Full defense
Other: Shoot the gun to draw attention.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Saved.
Jenny: HP: 37 EP: 30 PP: 30
??? is too far for the wolves to see.
Shots fired from 100ft!!! [range increment penalty at lvl 2 -8atk rolls]
74 vs 47 hit! Called shot! + Deadly Aim[10]
148 damage!!! [37 Damage x2 called shot! x2 stealth!]

Rapid shooting! [-4 atk] [-1 damage]
71 vs 47 hit! Called shot!
66 damage! [34 x2]

RAPID SHOOTING! [-8 atk] [-2 damage]
60 vs 47 hit! Called shot!
80 damage! [41 x2]

Triple kill!

Looked like there was hardly any hope for the girl she would dodge what she could, but eventually the pack would arrive and flatout swarm her... She never should've left home! This was so stupid! Jenny grabbed her rifle and fired into the air in desperation. Her quest couldn't end here could it?!

The wolfs growled at the girl and snarled, some dribble coming out of their malformed jaws. What happened to these creatures?! It was hardly the work of nature... still here they come again. Jenny tightened her grip on her weapon, it would have to serve as a stick to dodge the wolven fangs... otherwise her fate could potentially be worse than the horse she came her with!

*zzzzzZZBLAH!* a sudden whistling sound later the first wolf exploded in a display of gore! Jenny stepped back in shock. What happened? Was someone else here?! The wolves quickly turned around looking for the origin of whatever just got their pack friend when another of the foul creatures head flat-out exploded. The last wolf quickly jumped aside from his friend and with a final yelp met the same fate as gore sprayed out of it's head.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny only briefly looked at the carnage around her before running to the downed horse grabbing her gear and running down the road she wasn't going to wait for the rest of the pack to come.

Move: Jenny /flee
Attack: none
other: Running like her life depended on it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Saved.
Jenny: HP: 37 EP: 30 PP: 30

Jenny ran down the street as quickly as she could, not even stopping to really take in what just happened. All she cared about was to get away with her life, the shock and awe will have to wait!

Running down the street Jenny could finally make out someone! A mounted man slowly strided down the road atleast 70 ft away from her! Hopefully this rider isn't like the last six...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Was this her savior she didn't know but either way he needed to be warned of the beasts as well. "MORE COMING RUN!" Jenny's legs burned with exertion the thinner mountain air hindering her normal athletic ability.

Attack: None
Move: Jenny /flee more
Other: Shout at the gunman and keep running
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Saved.
Jenny: HP: 37 EP: 30 PP: 30
The man remained calm as he slowly stopped and got off his horse. Dusting himself off he approached the girl. He was around 28 with a rather charming features hidden under a layer of war experiences. The man wore a rather long leather overcoat and had mid-length brown hair. Upon another quick scan Jenny noticed 2 weapons at the mans sides both seemed to be pistols "Calm down. Let's just all calm down..." the brown haired man non-chalantly approached the girl running straight at him "So~ where's the carriage?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Was the man insane more wolves where coming and he wanted to know where the carriage was? "No time more wolves heard them coming run!" Jenny ran past the man unless he stopped her.

Attack: None
Move: still /flee
other: And Brave Sir Robin ran away
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Grappled?
Jenny: HP: 37 EP: 30 PP: 30
Reincan tries to catch Jenny
50 vs 48 SUCESS
Jenny was pretty much set to jump up the mans horse and flatout flee as quickly as she could! Didn't he hear her MORE were coming!

The man sighed as the panicking girl finally closed the distance between them, though instead of letting her pass he quickly grabbed her strongly, but not forcefully "I heard you the first time. Now. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened to the carriage. Is it nearby? Where's the driver?" the man held Jenny strongly and looked her dead in the eye. He wanted some answers...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man grabbed Jenny but not in a malicious way but still he was strong and apparently demanding answers. Fine if he wanted to ask questions and get eaten by mutant wolves that his choice. "We where attacked by bandits they killed the driver and I managed to escape. Now let me go before more wolves show up. Im not interested in being their snack."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Status: Sore, but fine.
Jenny: HP: 37 EP: 30 PP: 30

"Noones gonna be snacking on noone, don't worry." the man let Jenny go "Shit. No wonder he was running late... Bandit sons a bitches" he looked down the road as if expecting something ". You better not be lieing to me girl..." the man gave Jenny a very sharp look "Still if you're telling the truth, there's no point to stay here. Come on." helping the girl onto his mount the two rode off, with numerous howls from nearby.

"Faster!" "Relax, geez. They'll keep their distance." he was right though several of the wolves did try to near them, once they saw the rider they stopped dead in their tracks and ran back. Whatever it was seemed the riders presence kept the attackers at bay. Still their calm ride offered Jenny an opportunity to inquire about whatever she felt like asking. It would take some time before they arrive back from where the shooter came from.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny held onto the mans waist as they rode much like she used to do with her Pa before she got big enough to ride on her own. Being this close to him she could feel his muscles move under his cloths. 'He must be a big boy' she idly thought but then caught herself now was not the time nor the place for such things. Still the absolute silence was getting to the girl. "Was he a friend of yours?" Jenny wasn't sure if she should tell the man how she escaped but something told her that she would get an interrogation after they reached the town.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"An aquintance..." the man answered in an unwavering fashion, he was rather hard to read. The rest of trip was silent, Jenny knew being the sole survivor of the bandit raid the man would have some questions. Though she didn't really even know who he was "Excuse me... but..." "The Sheriff of Kings Coast." the man smirked cockily, not doubting he answered what the girl was inquiring.

A brief gallop later finally a city emerged from the forest view... Jenny finally reached kings coast! It was already dusk, making the city have a sheen of red sun shine upon it. The streets were all paved with stone and most building looked to be built rather sturdy. No doubt the income from the neighboring mine Jenny heard about did wonders for the city. There was a fairly large amount of people walking through the sidewalk "Rinston town now departing! Last trip for the week!" Jenny could hear the travel office shoutouts from nearby as cries of horses shoutout the leave of the final carriage leaving town.

Everyone seemed to keep their eyes averted from the Sheriff, seemed the man gained quite the reputation around town. Though what it was, would remain to be seen. Riding through the street Jenny passed the rather elaborate and fairly big church of the Star god and around 4 houses before stopping near a rather beat up looking hovel.

"I'm affraid I'm gonna have to ask you a few questions. If you could just walk this way..." the man took out a keychain from his pocket and went off to unlock the door to what seemed to be the local sheriffs office.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked around it seemed a quaint little town hardly the nightmare Terra had placed in her mind but still things could be bubbling below the surface much like Archie and his gas. "I understand Sheriff......?" Jenny waited for the man to answer if at all and moved on. " I may have a few of my own."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Obviously the place has not seen the gentle touch of a female for a long long time. Various papers laid scattered about with a substantial weapon locker near the what probably was the main desk. Looking around the place was perfect square shaped with the right end cut off to make 2 cells, as unclean as you'd expect from a palce that hasn't seen a mop in years "Welcome to my humble abode. Let me grab you a seat."

The man picked up a nearby chair and carried it off toward the desk with the locker of weapons behind it it, before placing it on one side with himself sitting down on the other end. Obviously this was where their talk would take place.

"Comfy? Good." the man didn't even wait for the girl to respond "Keep your questions to yourself for now. First you tell me who the hell you are. Then what happened with the carriage... the whole story, including your escape." The man crossed his arms and threw his legs on the desk eyeing Janney sternly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

How much was she gonna tell this man he seemed very sever and didn't exactly have a winning personality either. Best not lie to him out right. "My name is Jenny Hulus sheriff and where I come from people at lest introduce themselves before demanding answers from people they hardly know." Jenny watched the mans face for signs of anger or annoyance maybe even a hint of apology before she began her story. His response would determine how much she told him.