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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was pretty the soul energy and Jenny wanted it all but Nico interrupted her. "This is his soul essence Jenny.. You can take it ALL~ Or~ you can take just enough" She wanted it all but Nico's words finnaly got through to her. But she didn't need it all. Trying her best to gather an amount she could feel. It was strange with the unknown man fucking her but finally she got a good feel of his soul. He wasn't a bad man nor an especially good man. It was strange at this moment she felt closer to this stranger than she had to anyone in her life but then she took a small piece of his soul much smaller than what she had grabbed and sucked it in. It felt good he tasted good Jenny savored the taste while the man finished up no longer hungry for the man sould having sated the urges that had built up in side.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico smiled widely at Jennys restraint "Class dismissed" she leaned in and gave Jenny a deep and passionate kiss, the peasant girls moans vibrating through both women mouths "I'm so proud of you Jenny... though I've grown fond of your fun aswell. Finish up soon I'll go find myself some cocks from upstairs." with that the woman slowly walked away from the bed and got to dressing leaving the masked man fucking Jenny out of her mind.

Before she left Nico quickly approached the man "Oh right... I forgot..." the barmaid placed her hand on the man as Jeeny suddenly felt his cock engorge with the burning need to orgasm that he withheld for so long "Put the sheets in the corner there, Jenny... it's going to be messy" unless Jenny stopped her, the woman would leave the feldgling succubus to the incoming messy orgasm at hand.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's moans followed Nico up the stairs and to what every fun she decided to get for herself. The masked man soon reached his own orgasam which quickly released. Thankfully Jenny was ready for it and pulled her self of the man to take his load in the face enjoying the warm jets of seaman that coated her face and breasts. Still she wasn't done and soon coaxed another erection in the man and began to give him the best Blowjob of his life that he would never remember. She didn't know how long she serviced the man or men it was all a blur before she finally exhausted herself and passed out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With the events of last night a mystery Jenny would once more find herself in her room. Herself and her clothes cleaned, no note this time though, but she definedly tucked in. Though even if she didn't quite recall what happened last night, she has hardly EVER felt this exceptionally well. It was honestly like healing a long open would, such a feeling of a burden lifted. It would likely be another great day... and now thanks to Nico, she was able to control her gift or curse. If every night post feeding felt this good, Jenny could see herself enjoying sex more often than not.

Her good mood would be dashed however as a chilling sight appeared behind her window... the fog moved in over town! She knew she heard something about the fog earlier, but what?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

She couldn't recall exactly what she had heard but it was bad and while missing her appointment with Mistey would be a downer she didn't want to risk becoming another victim of the fog. Jenny got up not bothering to dress and drew the curtains over her windows and locked her door. Putting on her cloths Jenny noted that they had been cleaned. With that done Jenny got out her notes and looked them over with her hand gun in the open and at the ready if she had need of it. Hopefully the fog would clear soon and she could get on with her investigation.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Preparing herself for the worst, Jenny had some time to herself and the notes she collected. With the notes spread across the table and her handgun nearby Jenny inspected her current discoveries and tried to make out whatever she willed.

Though her quiet session would be interupted for a moment as she heard someone make their way up the stairs outside.. though those were no simple footsteps as they clinged to the ground as if knives and razors. Whatever it was it would soon approach her room, it was up to Jenny what she was going to do now. Though one thing was certain if she sat at the table she'd be seen by whatever was closing in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's heart skipped a beat and she hastly gathered her notes and ducked down under the desk doing her best to hide even blowing out her candle she had been using.

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly lunged under the table making sure nothing of note was left on the table showing the room was occupied! The girl remained motionless and silent in her hidey hole as the clawed feet closed in on her room...

Thankfully the steps didn't quite stop, when suddenly Jenny heard her pencil roll down on the table and fall down right infront of her! A cold chill ran across Jenny as her feet instantly gave way, to make matters worse the thing outside stopped and took a few steps back towards her room...

A brief moment of silence and Jenny could hear the door handle cracking as it was pulled down, thankfully she locked herself up earlier. Jenny eyed the door with beady eyes as complete silence filled the air, the creature was still there!

The time seemed to have stopped as Jenny waited for whatever comes next, cluthing her handgun for dear life. Thankfully the steps slowly cotinued onward, much to her relief... but the test of character would not end here.

Jenny could hear the creature stop by some other room "W-who's there?!" the peasant girls eyes went blank, her neighbor was obviously a female, a girl who didn't get the memo she should've hid! A bloodchilling gurgle escaped from where the creature stood as rapid sounds of it tearing the door open pierced the silence along with her neighbors screams of help.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

She couldn't and wouldn't let this happen getting up from her hidy hole Jenny opened her door and opened up on the creature attacking. Hopefully her surprise attack stunned the creature long enough for Jenny find cover again and lock her door. Maybe the sheriff even heard the shots and would come running. It was all a gamble with her, her neighbors, and Lina's fate if it didn't pay off.


Attack: Pop from cover and fire shots into the creature
Move: Retreat back into her room hopefully locking the door behind her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny does something stupid.
Shots fired!
41 vs 45 MISS!

The screams of help were just too much for the heroine to ignore as she quickly unlcoked her doors and peered out to shoot some shots at whatever creature assaulted her neighbor!

Jenny quickly peeked out her handgun firmly in her grasp and saw what was the creature in question, much to her horror. It was a substantially large far bigger than any male she saw hunched over humanoid reptilian. It's whole body was covered in scaled and it had small yellow eyes with black vile retinas. Heck the whole creatures body was misfigured its upper body substantially larger due to the engorged muscles and long strong hands... ending with rather huge claws.

The peasant girl absolutely lost her breath as she fired a voley of shots at the creature trying to scare it away, perhaps warn someone that it was here! Send help!

In her panic Jenny couldn't even hit the damned creature at all her shots flying around and near it. She just couldn't hold her weapon steady at such a sight! The girl quickly smashed her door behind her and locked it.

Only moments before the claws tore at it and another gurgle escaped the creature! She was in trouble!
Jenny looked around for anything of note. She could try to fight the creature off like a true hero, the writing table was nearby so perhaps she could blockade the entrance. There was also a drain pipe outside her window, it should be scaleable perhaps, be it to get down or up. Whatever she did she better do it fast!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny acted quickly as she could and pushed the desk to block the door. A creature that size would have trouble fitting in threw the door so blocking it was in her best interest. Grabbing her rifle Jenny got ready to shoot threw the door while her hand gun didn't have enough force to get threw the door and hurt the creature maybe the rifle would.


Barricad the door and get the rifle ready!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Door takes 33 damage!
It's in pretty bad shape, but should hold a while longer!

Jenny quickly pushed the table in place as another series of attacks assaulted the door breaking hole through the wood... perfect holes to aim and shoot through! Unfortunately the table quickly rocked back from the door! It was foolish to think something SHE could push a crature like that would have any problem showing aside!

Jenny quickly ducked behind the bed and grabbed her rifle aiming down her sights at the door. She could fire off now, but she would give a hand in harming the door aswell, but it would harm the creature! Or she could wait til it tore a healthy hole for the girl to aim through. It was all up to her!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't wait counting on the creature to have some sort of self preservation instinct. Aiming where she could see the creature Jenny fired of a shot hopefully the creature would grow weary of getting pegged with little lead bullets.

Aim threw the hole to shoot the creature after all guns ignore av she should be able to hit it!

Move: Take a knee should improve accuracy
Attack: Shoot threw the door and pray it gets fed up and leaves
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny goes last stand mode!
50 vs 38 HIT!
Pierces armor and the door!
Door takes a bonus 29 damage.
Hunter is hit for 29 damage!

Hunter attacks door 31 damage!
Door is broken down!

Jenny placed the rifle on the bed for stability aimed down. This weapon saved her from marauding bandits... more or less. Perhaps it can do a miracle once more!

The girl pulled the trigger forcing the much louder weapon to echo around her, making her head dizzy. It was not designed to be shot in enclosed enviroments! The bullet whizzed through the air and pierced right through the wooden door greatly damaging it, but also went right through the creatures scales aswell. The monste cried out in rage and smashed the meek door down.

Jenny was now well within the creatures grasp, it wasn't stopping! If only the door held out longer! Thankfully her weapon was fully loaded and ready to shoot again... hopefully if she does she hits it!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

*Click schink click thunk!* and the gun was ready to fire and just in time to see the door break apart revealing the horrendous creature at hand. Jenny would get at lest one more shot maybe two if she was lucky. Still it this was her last moment on earth best to at lest sound brave and not like a frighted little girl. "Hello big boy come to see me?" *BANG!* Jenny squeezed the trigger causing the gun to kick. Whether or not the shot was successful was unknown has the smoke from the weapon obscured her vision.

Attack: shoot again pleas do good damage
Move: Maintain the kneeling position
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

47 vs 35 HIT
21 damage!
Hunter flees.

Just like some action novel heroine Jenny utter her final breath into a one liner and shot! The weapon once more echoing out loudly, jerking the girl back.

The creature was mid-lunge, it's claws shinning with dark intent and eyes alight with rage, though the bullet quickly stopped it dead it's track! Another satisfying hit!

An uneasy smile escaped the heroine as she eyed the stopped creature... did she get it?... though it quickly turned to horro as the creature turned to her and screeched loudly! Jenny quickly locked another shot in the barrel, nothing no man, no animal could've taken two shots from this weapon and just continued to stand like that! Almost panicking Jenny almost jammed the weapon, but thankfully for her after it's final screech of provise to have it's vengeance for this. The reptilian creature quickly turned around and jumped down from the railings! She actually did it! She beat the creature back and forced it to flee! The heroine could always go chase it for the kill, surely the creature should be easy picking with it's back turned!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Letting the thing go was surly a mistake but what if it was a trap? Screw it she had to risk it! Running to the door Jenny cleared her jam and looked for her target she couldn't let the thing get away!

Attack: Shoot the creature if I have a definite target its to foggy to fire blindly and at shadows don't want to hit an innocent.
Move: Head to the door
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perception check
33 vs 42 FAIL

Jenny isn't sneaking, thus spotted by the sky ray pack!

Jenny decided to finish the job reckless chasing after whatever that thing was! The girl quickly lunged out of the room and looked around... nothing. Only a trail of bllod that seemingly stopped midway through the road. The girl continued to eye the road just incase for a few brief moments, unfortunately she wasn't the only one on the search for victims as some screeches from the sky rang out.

Looking up Jenny could see atleast 15 sky ray creatures, though they were fairly away they were diving right at her. She could tell the creatures were white with the same corruption the wolves she faced earlier!

The sky rays measured atleast 1 to 2 feet across and had long tails, their wings quickly grew a tendril at every tip. If they get in close chances were Jenny would quickly get enveloped by the creatures!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"What in the hells are those!" Not wanting to find out Jenny quickly retreated back to her room pushing what was left of the desk to block the entry. The creatures didn't look that strong but you never knew with corrupt things.

Retreat back to the room and try to barricade herself back in. I think my little Jenny will be getting a knife for such things soon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

27,31,26 vs 35 FAIL
Jenny is still free

Jenny quickly rushed in back to her room, no way was she going to stand around and wait for those things to dive bomb her. There was only one problem with her plan. She had absolutely no way to barricaded herself! The clawed creature made short work of whatever the girl used to stop it's advance.

Still the table was more or less in good shape, it didn't take the claws attacks upfront, it was just rebounded by the force of the attack. Jenny quickly pushed the table as dozen of screeches rang out from right outside.

Before Jenny could run back behind cover, a few of the creatures slipped by her barricade and dived right for her!

Jenny quickly dodged the creatures, a few just barely missing to wrap their wings around her. She was now stuck with atleat 4 of the creatures running havoc in her room with a good dozen right outside!