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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yes it was scary though I did save one of your coworkers from a bad fate indeed. Almost killed that lizard to before the flying things attacked got five of them killed before they overpowered me." Jenny downed the potion an eased back wondering if staying at the inn was still a good idea.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"You... beat back the lizards?" Rosas eyes widened "I-I see... wow that's amazing Jenny. The fog should stay away for quite a few weeks if we're lucky. The moment Nico took note of the fog rolling in she almost ran out to get you, but it was too late and we had to power up the warding spell we use." the barmaid smiled warmly at Jenny "Eh~ Overpowered you?... so that's why you..." Rosa looked to the morning after potion "Ew~~... such vile creatures" the girl shudder lightly sitting near Jenny "I wonder if anyone went missing this time. The fog kidnaps girls and slays any men that stand in it's way..." Rosa sighed "But with heroes like you looks like we'll be losing a whole lot less girls around town." the barmaid smiled and stood up "I'll go check on Nico. The ritual really takes a lot from her, maybe she'll be able to come talk now." with that the girl went off with her tasks at hand.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I wouldn't call me a hero just yet I was lucky thats all." Jenny couldn't help but picture Lina in the hands of the lizard creatures and shuddered visibly. Thinking back to the mound of corpses she may owe the sheriff an apology though she was loath to admit it maybe it would be in the form of a bit more kindness.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Time just went on as Jenny thought over the events, with such a morning, what could the day bring. Still noone nor Nico, nor Rosa showed up. The girl was free to do whatever she wanted... For the time being atleast everything was back to semi-normal. This wasn't the first time such an assault took place and it would eventually happen again, the Kings Coast citizen just adapt and live on. Jennys options were rather open, she was alone in the bar and unsupervised allowing her free peeks, maybe free samples of some of the drinks, she had a new room to set up and papers to collect or maybe she wanted to look around town, the choice was hers.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got up and stretched finding a pad and pencil that the waitresses used she jotted down a note for Nico.

Dear Nico

Hope your feeling better and sorry about the room. Im going to clean up and gather my things and move to room 20 and go for a walk. Please be well


With her note left Jenny went about moving her things and cleaning up a little before going for a walk pondering what she was going to do. Things where getting way above her head and she didn't know if she was up for the challenge.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With her note done, Jenny slowly got out of the bar and decided to have a small wak to clear her head. Looking up the street Jenny honestly wasn't feeling like bothering or passing by the Sheriff, so she just walked down the street. Thoughts running through her head, she continued down the road near the huge lake. Honestly it was rather beautiful as the sun brilliant broke to the small waves throughout the water giving it almost glittering properties.

The calm silence and fresh air worked wonder on the girl, as she took a deep breath. Perhaps the contrast to the mornings loud and violent mood, time passed peacefully as even some birds could be heard in the distance. Several of the Kings Coast citizens passing by and greeting her.

Jenny was about to turn back, perhaps walk the other way, when she finally saw it. There right beyond some busted-down gates stood the building Jenny read so much about, a fairly big manor house darkened by burns, The Black Manor...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There it was the object of her research. What tragedy had befallen the people here. She looked at the burnt walls and broken windows. It was early morning the sun was bright everyone would be searching for loved ones and taking care of rebuilding. Now was the time no one would be looking for her well the only one who cared was recovering and would be busy likely most of the day. She sighed it was probably the only time she had to do this even though she didn't feel ready one bit.

Checking her weapons to make sure they where fully loaded and throwing a few glances about to make sure no one saw her Jenny hopped the fence and headed for the manor looking for a way in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The grass around the manor was either dieing or overgrown from lack of care, noone really dared enter the area and the very moment Jenny set a foot on the tainted soul she could feel something tingling inside her, as if unaudible whispers.

Jenny slowly approached the manor, the gravel road leading to it was fairly busted up, but mostly in passable shape. There seemed to have been a fountain infront of the manor, with the road circling around it, but now the once beautiful structure was torn down and not even a shadow of it's former self.

Gulping lightly Jenny slowly made her way up the stairs leading into the the manor, though to her horror she noticed drops of blood leading off deeper into the abbandoned ruins.

Jenny was at the main entrance of the manor. There was a 2 sided large door on her left, with the stairs up not too far away if she went straight to her right she could see the collidor continue onwards with the small droplets of blood leading there.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny readied her hand gun it would be better in the close quarters fight anyway. Looking at the drops of blood She tried to take a deep breath and calm herself. Being as quiet as she could muster Jenny made threw the corridor with the stains. What was she doing this was foolishness at its very heart. Did she just not get done with a life or death struggle not an hour ago? Still her feet moved her deeper down the hall. Well in for a penny in for a pound.

move silently
Keep an eye out for danger
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

42 vs 42 Jenny just barely makes out the hunter!
35 vs 31 Hunter doesn't notice Jenny!

Jenny was going into danger both feet first, hopefully she would not regret it. Once she left the farm, the peasant girls life changed so much... not in her craziest dreams would she think she'd be this far away from home in a haunted mansion following blood trails, not to mention finding out she was some semi-demonic lust creature... she took a very odd turn somewhere.

Nevertheless the blood stains turned a corned and lead into a nearby room, Jenny slowly cracked the door open and heard unmistakeable heavy panting from an injured creature...

Jenny peeked inside and eyed the room she was certain the sounds were coming from here, when suddenly a pool blood told her exactly where to look as the light seemingly bent around some frame! Was this the ghost?! Could they actually bleed?! Still Jenny wasn't noticed quite yet, so what she would do now was all up to her.

Though she could see the claw on that thing shine... perhaps it was actually the creature from before?
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny's hunch proved right she thought it could be the creature from before and given its nature she doubted it would be so nice the second time around. Taking a deep breath Jenny took aim and fired if her luck continued to hold the thing should die.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Auto-success stealth attack
Jenny hit for 9 x 2= 18 damage :/

Reaper kills the Hunter for Jenny.
MASSIVE damage.

Jenny aimed down her handgun aimed let her shot go! Hopefully ending the horrible beast! The shot rang out thoughout the manor as the bullet went in and got stuck in the creature making it spazm violently at the sudden shock!

Unfortunately it was not enough to kill it off! The Reptilian blood in it had healed it just enough to survive such an attack as it quickly leapt up and screeched at Jenny in rage!

The girl quickly raised her weapon to shoot once more, but then another figure appeared behind the beast. A greatly distorted figure of a female in a long elegant red dress appeared, her face absolutely untangible and her hands turned to reaper scythes. Jenny could feel the door slam behind her as the ghost screached out loudly.

Jenny never thought it would be possible, but even a creature as fearsome as the reptilian quickly cowerd in fear. It's eyes over-ridden with panic as it looked around and turned to face the ghost behind it. The scythes quickly impaled the creature and lifted it up in the air, it's wild clawing just going right through the ghost before a fountain of gore sprayed out as the scycthes previously just impaling the creature made their way through it's rough scales, flesh and bone. Leaving it's upper body in 3 slices.

The ghost turned to Jenny and eyed her briefly before disappearing... suddenly the wall infront of Jenny had some writing using the slain creatures blood appear "Purple for memory." "Pink for secrets." the door previously absolutely barred away quickly lunged back open, as the silent whispers in her mind finally produced a clear message "end our suffering... please..."

Jenny gains 5 xp for the fog encounter and killing the hunter + bonus for collecting all the clues for the Black Manor.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stood their in shock only realizing how uncomfortable her pants where at the moment. Looking down at the dampness she realized she just pissed herself. These turn of events made sure she was done exploring for now and she turned to leave and get cleaned up and maybe have a hard drink.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well that was it for exploring for today!

Jenny quickly got to her feet adn ran for her life right out of there! She was unobstructed in her escape, though the whispers seemed to carry a sincere tone "don't leave... help...us..." Don't matter, don't care Jenny was out of there! The girl quickly jumped the gate and caught her breath, feeling the aura of the manor leave her.

She back and safe on the streets... Now she only had to actually clean herself up. Perhaps she could find a loundry or cleaning service in town, though she could always jump into the lake for a swim.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The lake sounded like a good idea but Jenny was really in no mood for such things and headed back to her new room to change into non soiled cloths. Sure they where not as warm as her current set but she could deal with the slight discomfort for a little bit as she asked where to launder her cloths. After that was taken care of she would head to the bar and get a hard drink to steady her nerves.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys trip back would prove uneventful likely because she was really sneaking by everyone just so they wouldn't notice the odd stains on her clothing. Going up the stairs to her room Jenny could see the woman she just recently saved recalling the events of this morning to a few people, who listened with great interest, it just might that Jenny was getting her name around town whether she wanted to or not.

Though they were slightly ripped and stained with blood in a few spots, her old clothes still fit. They should do fine till she gets her newly aquired one cleaned. The inn does indeed collect clothes for laundering, but she always could just go to the laundry herself. Recalling she did see one, not too far from Misteys little shop.

Still after seeing a creature levitated and cut in pieces by supernatural forces... perhaps Jenny would just rush to the bar and get herself a stiff drink. Her clothes would be clean by tommorow morning by the inn staff.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny set her cloths down well she can still launder them herself after her stiff drink. With that in mind Jenny went to the bar and order a tall glass of liquid courage hopefully free of wolf hair.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny decided she really needed a drink and went straight to the bar. Oddly enough there were some folk around and a few of the barmaids did pop up and walk around the tables, even after such events the bar had to be up and running, where else would people drown their terror, sadness or bask in relief and joy.

The heroine approached the bar as one of the barmaids turned to her smiling "What will it be Jenny?" "A stronger drink please..." the barmaid giggled warmly "This morning hit you hard aswell eh? How about some whisky. We've got the Demon Samurai and the Wildfire Kitsune" The barmaid looked over the two drinks, whichever Jenny choose she'd get her glass filled "So~ what ails you hero of the Inn?" the barmaid smiled warmly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Interesting types of whiskey she never heard of either of them. "Which one do you like?" Unfortunately the barmaid informed Jenny that she didn't drink the hard stuff so she was still left with the question. "How about half and half?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The barmaid smirked "Maybe I'll just make a cocktail for you then..." the girl took both bottles, mixed the two whiskeys, added a few other drinks and served it with ice after a good stirring "Thankfully these two mix wonderfully." she slid the cocktail towards Jenny it stopping right infront of her or in her hands "So why the stiff drink hero?"