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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked down at the bottle and read the label. So Jenny was in the place of Becky strange. Still that was Nina's voice she better hurry Jenny grabbed the bottle and took it with her down the stairs and to the kitchen.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The label red Nyxothradin, likely one of the many alchemy igredients Jenny had no idea about. Still Jenny would not linger and grabbed the bottle and went downstairs the circular stairway, the rust from before gone as it seemed to almost be polished.

Jenny entered the labortatory once more and what a sight it was! The books all labeled and almost color code rested on the huge bookcase infront of her, a lush and ornate carpet rolled throughout the the laboratory "You find it?" Jenny turned the corner to find a girl very similar to what Jenny looked like now only much more mature looking and in a red dress, likely Nina was the older sister. "Nycks--" "Nyxothradin, thanks Becky~" Nina giggled warmly as she stood up and placed the bottle "So you headin out to Misteys again? Make sure you write down how she strengthed the healing potions. 'kay?" Nina smiled as she poured some liquid into a beaker and stirred "Also~ a certain someones coming over again~" Nina blushed healthily "Take your time at Mistey, me and---" suddenly almost static reverbed through the memory, making hearing what Nina said impossible for Jenny "- will want some private time" Nina winked slyly at Jenny and continued with her work.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

So Becky was at Mistey's when it happened the poor girl. Still this was a memory how could she stop him from killing Nina? Didn't these events already happen. "Oh Nina I was hoping me and you could have lunch together? Where always so busy. Im sure your friend wouldn't mind."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"M? You mean dinner." Nina chuckled warmly at her sister "Well ofcourse, silly. But there's still plenty of time till then.... come on. Need to let the potion set for a bit. That shoudl take care of Mister Rogers cold." the girl smiled warmly, when suddenly a ringing from downstair caught both of the girls ears "Oh! He's here! How do I look? Is my hair fine? I didn't get any drops on my dress? OH~ my hair's messy isn't?"

The girl straightened out her dress and rapidly started moving out the room.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny/Becky followed Nina down stairs to greet their guest. She wasn't sure how to stop what ever was going to happen. No doubt decking the bastard would only prevent the murder. Jenny stated to fidget what was she going to do.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The moment Jenny went out the laboratory a blackness surrounded her and she appeared in a small hallway with 6 distinct doors. Approaching each one she could hear whispers of a name, one for each doors: James, Jimmy, Robby, Nick, Rick, Michael.

All the doors were identical and she unmistakeably saw them somewhere else before. Still There was nothing else here, Jenny just had to pick a door and proceed to whatever was inside. Hopefully she made the right choice.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The man who killed Nina was named Nick Lawry maybe she could stop him here. Jenny went to the door that whispered Nicks name and opened it and hoped she made the right choice.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny decided to open Nicks door. It slowly creaked open bathing Jenny in light. The girl looked around she was at entrance to the manor, looking back Jenny could see the courtyard though beyond the fence there was nothing, but a whirlwind of energy. There was nothing else here, but the house.

It was rather odd to see the manor in it's full splendor, brilliant white decor and numerous carpets inside and overall a rather pleasant atmosphere, miles from what it is today.

Further inspection of the house would have to wait as a piercing cry tore at the surrounding silence "Help! Someone, please HELP!" it was Nina, though where her voice came from was impossible to pinpoint. Jenny only had one chance to check a room, she better make it good.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny ran through the front door right into the kitchen intent on stopping Nick from his murderous plot.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Spirits did not sense intereference
Jennys interuptions - auto-success!

Nicks spirit fades.

Jenny knew exactly what was going on! The girl dahsed though the hallway and into the kitchen through the archway. Running towards her target she could see a man having Nina pinned to the table, his pants dropped and Ninas dress ripped heartily. The girl was squirming as the man held her down with one hand and had a butchers knife in his other!

Going on pure adrenaline Jenny dashed in tackled the man off Nina! Jennys lunged success she was about to pin the man down when he disappeared into black smoke, leaving the two girls alone and only his butcher knife a reminder of his intent... for now.

Nina looked at Jenny shocked beyond belief "B-becky? No... who are you? You're not supposed to be here. Don't I die here?" the girl eyed her savior cautiously, this was not how it went at all.

"Yes you do, Nina." Jenny could see the black smoke gather infront of the kitchen in the living room. Likely she had mere moments before Nick returned!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the black smoke forming and spoke quickly. "Im here to help to let you be free from this evil Nina so that further suffering stops. So you can be free and move on to final rest. I have limited power here but you can change your fate if you fight! Don't let him get away with it." Jenny readied herself to defeat the evil apparition of Nick again until Nina finally freed herself. "You can be free Nina don't let him trap you here." It was dangerous if Jenny failed would she be stuck here as well?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Words of encourament indeed, they were enough for the elder sister to gather her bearing. Though their trial would not end with simple words "We cant fight him! Please don't let him catch me!" Nicks spirit slowly appeared his neck bent in a broken fashion, before snapping back into place. The man had black hair and even blacker eyes, giving him vile a appearance, not to mention a particullary scary grin "Stay out of this you! Nina come, I'll make it quick... well... slightly quicker than last time." the man started walking towards the two, his steps seemingly echoing through the hallway. Jenny could feel it that this was dangerous! REALLY dangerous, but what will she do?!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stepped between Nick and Nina. "Begone spirit you are not welcome here!" Jenny grabbed what ever was handy and threw it at the apparition. "Nina remember how would you defeat a evil spirit?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl sure had some gal as she firmly took her stand against the vile apparition. Though it didn't seem to falter for even a moment, no matter how much strength of will Jenny showed it.

The kitchen table had a plethora of items Jenny could use against her opponent picking wisely the girl grabbed a knfie and threw it at the spirit. Though she was no knife thrower her current predicament wasn't normal on itself. The blade quickly straightened itself out mid-flight and flew directly at the apparitions face, leaving a deep cut.

Nick wound quickly spilled forth some of the dark smoke, as it quickly became black vile looking tendrils. The spirit did not falter even for a moment as it continued its advance towards Nina.

"I-I can't!" Nina whimpered in the corner near the archway, absolutely frozen in terror "Outsiders do not belong here... but I can always use more toys" Nick quickly chnaged his glare to Jenny. The peasant girl had to make a decision, the spirit would be in range to attack in mere moments. There were more knives, forks and dishes around her she could use those, but the effectiveness was not guaranteed. There was also Nicks own blade on the floor.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh please it takes a big man to hurt a frightened woman." Jenny sneered at the apparition of Nick before diving for his knife. If anything had the power to defeat the bastard it was the blade he used to commit his horrible acts. "Lets see how tough you are when one fights back!" Getting to her feet she held the knife at the ready.. well as ready as she could she after all wasn't a knife fighter by any means.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny attacks the ghost!
49 vs 35 HIT
The ghost disperses!

1 Round passed.
Nick grows in power.

Jenny grabbed the apparitions weapons and glared the spirit. Finally the girl got a reaction from the spirit as it's grin rapidly disappeared the moment Jenny grabbed his weapon.

An unearthly roar escaped the spirit before it lunged at Jenny! Thankfully the girl had her footing proper and slashing a charging creature wasn't particualary difficult. A trail of black followed the blade as it literally went right through the apparition, making it scream out and dispere into the black smoke.

This won Jenny some time, but she doubted this would be enough to kill the apparition. The girl had a moment of freedom, how would she spend it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the blade and the terrified girl. "Nina is their a place we can run to or would destroying the knife end his power?" Right now she was wishing she had the little baubles from Ezalor they would be very handy indeed. Jenny kept an eye out for Nick to reappear.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girl whimpered lightly, but with the spirits presence gone she had more of a presence of mind "We can't... but if you got in here, perhaps we can escape! Keep the weapon it may banish him!" Ninas eyes widened at the idea "Quick! We have to make haste before he comes back, how did you enter this place?!" judging by Ninas posture and way of talking she was absolutely terrified, but offered a straw to escape she absolutely lunged at it.

Meanwhile the vile apparition slowly started to form... in several places! One near the counter and 2 near the windows in the living room, atleast from what Jenny could see! "DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO ESCAPE ME NINA!" the spirits roar had taken on rather distorted features as his form mimiced this aswell the first of the smoke creatures formed up it's torso leaned unnaturally as black tendrils now escaped both wounds caused by Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Came through the front door but before that a mirror. Quick this way!" Jenny grabbed Nina by the hand and lead her up the stairs running for mirror.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grabbed Ninas hand and quickly almost dragged her out of the kitchen aiming to dash to the stairs and up. As Jenny dragged the girl out the door to the study was suddenly smashed open as another of the apparitions quickly gave chase to the girls! Jenny didn't even turn around to double check, but one the girls rounded the corner to the stairs the living rooms doors were flung open aswell "NINA! YOU CAN'T ESCAPE!"

With the spirits rapidly going into sprint after the girls, Jenny still had a reasonable lead on them. She was up the stairs, it was indeed a shrine area to Naya no less, still a darkness clawed at every single window in the room slowly slipping inside. Where would Jenny go now?!