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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This was getting rough but she could do it she had. Jenny drew on more water magic this time chucking a massive ball of ice right at the pyre next to her escape plan. With that taken care another blast of force much stranger than the last freed the lab door she was almost free.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny uses Freeze! x3
The Pyre cools for a brief moment
Jenny uses lvl 3 force spell [Push or Grt. Forcebolt]
Ice elemental dies.

Rocking earth!
Resistacne check vs 25
31 vs 25 WIN

Jenny quickly focused the water energies into a ball of ice, still there was alot of smoldering wreckage, would it be enough? The girl threw her magic causing a part of the pyre to cool, but there was far too much wreckage to take care of in just one spell!

The girl quickly focused and casted once more before entering the room and throwin another to make herself a small wall-off from the wreckage. Jenny approached the door and noted the handle being red hot. Focusing force magic Jenny slammed a mighty burst outwards flinging the door open!

Suddenly Jenny felt the house literally start sliding... as a sinking feeling came over her. A loud roar of flames and wood resounded throughout the whole manor! The support beam would not hold for long! Jenny didn't account that her wind magic enticed the flames to spread and burn with far greater power than if left alone!

Still she was so close now! The girl approached the stairway which was red hot aswell, her shoes would flatout melt if she got on it. Though a certain ally saved her some time the wated elemental quickly jumped on the stairs and giving away his life cooled the way up!

Jenny made her way up, the mirro was so close now as it shined, when the house roared out once more! Causing a gap to slowly open up on infront of Jenny. With the very ground udner her moving aside as some of the smoke and ashes shot out from the newly formed gap, Jenny STILL managed to keep her footing. Still jumping across the gap with her new strentgh would be easy, but doing so with a passenger could be risky. Perhaps Jenny had some ideas how to get both of them across? If she did she better hurry as the sounds of cracking wood, resounded violently around her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hold tight Becky!" Jenny looked down at the ground and gave a little hope while at the same casting push on herself. Complete ting the spell at the apex of her jump should help her clear the gap it would hurt but so dose burning to death.


Using this spell on myself
{F} Push (Cone) [Targets affected by this spell must win a Resistance check against the caster or be thrown back to the end of the range of this spell.]
To push me and Becky over the gap and to the Mirror I chose to fail the resistance check of the spell and hold onto Becky for dear life.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny casts Push!
Jenny takes 20 damage from her own spell! 25/60 HP left!
Jenny fails resistance check and is prone
Becky just whimpered lightly and tightened her grip as best as she could to her sister. Jenny took a deep breath and braced herself her plan was daring to say the least..

The heroine quickly started running towards the edge of the gap, slowly incating a spell as violent aura started grow larger and larger around her hands... at the last moment Jenny jumped and slammed the spell behind her the violent explosion sending her flying across the air and onto the other side!

The girl quickly grabbed Becky tightly and held her for dear life bracing for impact. Aiming to land on her back so Jenny wouldn't be harmed the heroine soom crashed down with a violent thunk on the other sidem tumbling and rolling right up to the mirror. She was hurt, she was really hurt, but she made it!

Jenny coughed for a brief moment trying to catch her breath after the impact knocked all the air out of her. Meanwhile the other part of the of house continued to further and further away before crashing violently splitting the house in two.

Becky quickly crawled up to Nina and hugged her warmly "B-Becky I'm scared..." "Don't be little sister, I'll always be here for you. We're finally together." it wasn't Jennys words but they escaped from the body she was in, still it felt so relateable to her, the love between two sisters... And with that the mirros light quickly enveloped the girls hugging each other right before the roof collapsed.

Jenny would shortly wake up in the manor, an odd silence fallen on it. The magical mirror seemed have lost all of it's power as it stood there without a glass and made of wood. All the gold ornaments gone. Actually it wasn't the only thing that changed. The whsipers from before were gone aswell as the aura. The house didn't seem as impossing anymore.
Black Manor act complete. Loots on their way.
Jenny gains 5 xp
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny carefully checked her side where she had hit the floor was she still hurt where the sisters okay. Getting to her feet Jenny checked the light outside how long was she gone? Feeling glad that she had helped the two sisters at lest be together in what ever afterlife awaited them Jenny was still concerned at such contact between her and the spirits. Still the manor seemed quiet and at peace. Brushing herself off Jenny left the attic. Was this place truly at peace now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It seemed at most her whole ordeal took a few hours. The sun was still high in the sky and quite a few birds came by to the ruined manor. Jenny double checked herself for any injuries or whatnot, not finding anything out of the ordinary. The girl turned her gaze to the mirror, what will become of the sisters now... did the heroines actions truly break the seal that held these girl in torment for this long.

Deciding to check out the rest of the manor Jenny slowly got down the stairs, the rooms actually having quite a bit of familiarity to the girl. Nothing visually changed, but the atmosphere of oppresion and horror was gone. It was now just an empty burnt out house, no longer the nightmarish den the girl entered.

As Jenny descended down the stair, a loud creak caught her ears. Turning the corner Jenny seemingly caught glimpse of a brilliant light, but she couldn't be sure. But the door downstairs was finally opened...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The manor was quiet and all seemed at peace. Though it was but a former shell of its glory Jenny almost felt at peace here. Almost as if this was her home. Shaking her head clear of the thoughts she saw the door open down stairs. Drawing her pistol Jenny approached the door and opened wider and explored what lay beyond.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny readied her weapon just incase as she slowly proceeded to wahtever lie beyond. The final door was indeed a flight of stairs leading down intothe basement, while usually Jenny would do a double take before proceeding everything seemed at peace her, making the girl feel oddly safe.

The basement was a mess. Spilled and burnt wine covered most of the floor with a giant lump of blackness and ashes for what usedtobe a food storage area. Jenny slowly proceededinside the room, giving the main support beam a look over, this one was still holding, but the damage of the fire was indeed done.

Still there didn't seem anything out of the ordinary down here, Jenny was about turn and leave in her disappointment when a gently breeze upstairs rushed past her and into a wall, seemingly disappearing into it.
Behind the illusionary wall is a pristine looking box containing, 2 mage outifts, an official academy badge, an ornate monocle, a few books and the girls last will(Stating that if somethign happens to them, they leave the manor and all they posses to Mistey Truxina.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny felt along the wall confused untill her hand nearly slipped threw it. Gasping in surprise Jenny carefully made her way threw the way to find its hidden contents. Looking over the stuff dabbed a tear away poor girls if they only knew. Still she would see that their will was carried out even though it was a burnt shell she could at lest do that for them. Packing up the objects Jenny left the former alchemist and healers. Stopping just short of the gate Jenny looked at the manor and spoke her parting words to it. "Good bye Brensley sisters may Naya shelter you always." With that Jenny made her way to Mistey's shop to tell her the sad and good news.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked back saying her last goodbye to the manor, when she could suddenly clearly see, two bright white silhouletes waving her goodbye from one of the windows aswell. Though a blink later they were nowhere to be seen...

The girl quickly hopped the fence and went on her way to the alchemist, hearing a very loud crack and roars of wood breaking from behind her. With the spirits moving on and the curse lifted seemed the manor decided it was time for it to leave aswell as the structure broke and crumbled onto itself.

Jenny made her way to Misteys shop, seemed it was open once more, a few customers leaving with their pots of choice. The heroine entered the shop and Mistey instantly beamed a smile "Hey~ Jenny!" the girl smiled widely, though once Jenny got closer she could see some old tracks of tears on her face.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ignoring the customers completely Jenny went to Mistey. "Aww Mistey whats wrong? Did Reicarn upset you?" Of course Jenny went to blaming the sheriff he exactly wasn't in her good graces at the moment.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey blinked a few times "That idiot..." the girl looked away, HA Jenny knew it! "He was brought in here in critical condition... he almost died out there... thankfully he had a potion in his office, by the time the fellas found him he was collapsed on his table from bloodloss." the alchemist stiffled a smile "He's stabile now. No need to worry."

"So~ what brings you to my shop. Heard you fought of 2 of the reptilian creatures during the fog. A heroes discount is in order" Mistey winked slyly at Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Uhh well...." Jenny decided not to mention the healing potion on the table was hers not to mention it might make Mistey a little angry at her for not heading straight to her. "You see Mistey it was only one not two." Jenny smiled at Mistey. "Maybe Ill go have a talk with the sheriff try to talk some sense into that fool head of his humm?" Jenny didn't really want to talk to Recarn but if it made Mistey feel better than she would. "Oh in other news" Jenny leaned in close to whisper to Mistey. "I freed the Brensely sisters from their curse." Jenny let that one sink in before giving the girl the other news. "I also found their will they left everything to you. Well whats left of it." Jenny put the items on the table robes and all. "I was hoping you could let me have the badge though I need it to find my sister." Jenny didn't beg but she did ask after all technically it belonged to Mistey now.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey smiled warmly at the mention of keeping Reincan company "No it's best that he gets some rest and relaxation for now." though 'on a sidenote' comments really caught Mistey off guard..

"W-what?" the girls eyes widened "But... but..." though Jenny didn't relent quite yet as she placed the will and the items in question right infront of Mistey! The girl eyed the robes and will shocked beyond words, before casting another glance of disbelief to Jenny.

"I'm sorry customers! We're closing up early!" the other two people turned to Mistey quizingly "I'm so sorry please come again later. 'kay?" the customer didn't argue as theyj ust left and Mistey ran up and flipped the OPEN sign to CLOSED.

"Jenny... but how... please sit I tell me more. Is it true? You broke their chains?" Mistey sat down and eyed Jenny with wide eyes.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny waited for the last of the customers to leave before filling Mistey in. "Really you have my sister to thank she left enough clues that I could fill in the rest myself. I won't lie it was dangerous." Jenny proceeded to tell everything in detail to Mistey from her first encounter in the manor to the escape form the fire and the sisters guiding her to the hidden will. "I do have one request though Mistey please don't tell anyone. If I draw to much attention to myself then I don't want to think what will happen."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Misteys eyes shinned brightly as she listened to the tale "You went through all that, for a few spirits that you didn't even know" the girl teared up lightly and lunged towards Jenny hugging her warmly "Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you... they used to be my good friends. I visited Becky during her final days,but with the church starting to spread it's rumor I had to abbandon her aswell orbe hunted aswell." the alchemist sobbed heavily on Jenny shoulder "I was her only friend and I abbandoned her, Jenny.... and yet they still left everything to me?" Mistey continued to sob on the heroine, obviously this was a stone that rested on the girls heart for a very long time... and knowing that later her friend became a reaver likely truly tore at her...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Its okay Mistey its okay they are free now. You know when the fog comes again it will vindicate the sisters." Jenny smiled at the girl holding her close. "Maybe you should visit the manor sight or their graves and let them know how you feel Im sure you will feel better. Ill even go with you if you want."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"How could I face them Jenny? After I abbandoned them to their horrid fates, too scared to even get close to the manor. I can't... I just can't do it." Mistey rapidly withdrew from Jenny shame writte all over her face "Ninas grave is behind the manor... B-b-becky never had a proper burial...the church said witches don't deserve to rest..." the girls words were trembling to say the least "Only Rei defied them. He gathered what ashes he could and placed the urn near Ninas grave... I-I just couldn't go there myself."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well its time you did. Dangerous times call for brave actions! Come on Mistey Im not gonna take no for an answer. Besides I think they would want to say goodbye to if where lucky maybe they are still lingering just a little longer. I may have not been their friend like you but a little of them did rub off on me I know they wouldn't be angry at you. Its time to forgive yourself. Your the last soul that needs to heal from this." Jenny threw Mistey her best smile. "Ill be with you every step of the way."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey eyed Jenny sadly for a brief moment "I-I... okay." the alchemist slightly gulped "Just give a second..." Mistey took the robes and placed them under the table dropping the oculus and badge into her pockets "You lead Jenny. I'll be right behind you." the elven girl made double sure to avoid any and all eye contact with Jenny and with that the two left for the manor.

It was a brisk walk Mistey being absolutely mute throughout their trip, though soon they reached the manor...well what remained of it "It... collapsed?!" Mistey turned to Jenny questions in her eyes.

The grave would be behind the manor, having been rather recently fixed up, a few candles and flowers rested on it. With the urn encased in glass nearby. Likely to protect from the weather. The urn was in an expensive looking ornate green style.

Jenny would find the graves first and would have to lead Mistey onwards,her being uneasy with this trip.