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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny moved quickly to the table smiling brightly. "Hey guys need another brew?" Jenny waited for the men to make their orders while trying to pick up what was bothering them.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Y-yeah..." Kitsen smiled meekly at Jenny and noted her interest "Don't worry about Steven, he's just going through his usual crisis. Bring us the house special if you could" the man nodded lightly before placing his hand on his friends shoulder once more. Some people came to the bar to drink to their joy, others drown their sorrows. Still if there was ever a place to lift ones spiritis this was it.

"Jenny do be careful with the house special. It has an interesting effect on people..." Meril filled up a few fancier looking mugs "Though it will lift anyones spirit." with that the girl gave Jenny the drinks to deliver.

"Ah thanks... say... would you mind sharing one quick drink with us? Atleast with Steven." Steven looked up "Aye share a drink with this lousy git girl." he smiled meekly aswell grabbing his mug. Jenny would have to borrow Kitsens drink. She could always refuse, but that would down the mens spirits even more.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I would love to guys but its my first night got to make a good impression for the boos right. So how about a kiss on the cheek with that do humm?" Jenny winked at the sad man and gave her best seductive tilt hand on her hip tray under one arm.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No... it's alright..." Steven sighed lightly and got to drinking his drink "We'll call you if we need anything else, hun." Kitsen nodded at her and got to drinking his brew himself.

Jenny would return to the bar with Meril shaking her head lightly "Lost a tip did you? Ah well there will be plenty of opportunities still, but next time... must you inquire if you want to kiss a man on the cheek? This isn't kindergarden Jenny." Odd even if in a place as loud as this and at this distance the bar girl was keeping perfect tabs on Jenny. How she did this was a mystery though. Meril looked over to one of the girls tables "Looks like Tillers table is about to empty up their drinks. Have at them."

Indeed, the mugs were running dry with one of men waving Jenny over for a refill.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny filled the second round of the Ales for the men and got overt to the table. "Round two gentlemen is there anything else?" Jenny waited a moment before heading back and checking on the lovers and the two buddies at the table before moving back to Meril at the bar.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The boys cheered out as Jenny approached them with a filled tray, their mugs smashing against each other in joy before downing whatever was left together. Jenny kept her smile up and slid the drinks to each one, befor egetting halted as she was about to slide Tiller the last drink "HALT! Not before you taste it~" laughter rang out "Drink~ Drink~ Drink~" the table tapped their feet in time with the chant. What was with these folk and their obsession to get Jenny to drink their brews?! Still this was simple ale, perhaps she could just play along.

The lovers seemed to be sharing a moment so it would've been in bad taste for Jenny to interupt, there didn't seem to be anything else of note at the dockhand table.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny shook her head at the bows and sipped a little bit of the drink before setting back down again. She never did like ale she preferred the sweeter drinks. "There ya go boys." Jenny winked at the group of men before heading back to Meril. "Okay Meril I think Im getting the hang of this put a house special on my tab please I owe a customer an apology." If Meril consented Jenny would bring the drink to the troubled dock hand. She would give the man a kiss on the cheek before setting the drink down saying "This one's on me." She would give the man a dashing smile and tend to what table she needed to next.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A rousing roar escaped the group as Jenny amused their wishes and drank some of the ale. Even if the girl wasn't a fan of beers, she had to admit the bar served quite the exceptional brew! With a smile and wink Jenny walked back to Meril, the joyous laughter of the girl amusing their company leading her off.

Meril was busy chatting with another barmaid when she turned back to Jenny and listened out to her request, a warm smile quickly forming on her face and placed the house special for the girl to grab "Maybe I underestimated you..."

With that Jenny proceeded with her plan the duo were busy just chatting about their dock machinery or the like when Jenny approached Steven gave him a kiss on the cheek and slid the house special near him, smiling warmly. This definedly had the effect Jenny was looking for as both men eyes light up and smiles quickly broke the gloom and doom around the table. "I'll grab another special too then!" Kitsen grinned happily at his barmaid. Jenny walked away feeling the air around her table liven up, a certain sense of pride swelling up in her. Likely she just did more than save her reputation in the bar.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Phew being a barmaid around here was hard work still Jenny was oddly enjoying herself. Bringing the other house special to the dock table Jenny made the rounds of her tables again seeing if anyone needed anything and not bothering them if they looked to engrossed in each other.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Actually it seemed to be a long night for the girl... and the shift change has yet to come. Jenny was stopped at the lovers table, both of the pair smiling warmly at her "Check please and we would like a room, if you have one free." the girl nodded at Jenny, she was held lovingly in her boyfirends arms their glasses empty. Seemed they were looking to kick it up a notch in private.

Meril likely had the information on the keys and the check so she knew exactly where to go. As Jenny passed the party table the voices from there rang out to her aswell "Come join us, girl!" a cheer accentuated the offer, there was no lewd intent in their voices. Just a bunch of guys looking for female company.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Just a moment boys Ill be right with you." Jenny winked at the lot as she went to inquire for the young couple about their room. Having got the info she needed Jenny would make her way to the party table and join them for a little chatter making sure she kept an eye out for her other table. "Hows it going guys are your drinks good? Would you like some more?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Meril looked to Jenny happily and nodded at the request made by them "Alrighty, I'll have someone deliver their check and key to them asap. The tips is, ofcourse, yours." the girl winked slyly and watched as Jenny walked away to join the party table without needing encouragement. Looked like the new girl will do just fine here.

Jenny approached the party table smiling warmly who promtply squeezed up and to give Jenny some room to sit down. A cheer to her rang out "MERIL! Get your friend whatever she want, on my tab." and that was extra denarii earner right there for Jenny. She could pass on ordering, but she does get half the denarii as a bonus for a drink sold by her... then again that means she'd have to drop by and drink it up with the lads.

Thankfully the company was very pleasant, noone sweared and the whole table just joked around and friendily poked fun at each other sometimes, laughing up a storm "Well with a fine girl like you here, they sure got a whole lot tastier!" Tiller chuckled lightheartily "Say what's your name?" the table glanced over to Jenny meanwhile the pair of lovers made their way out, the girl dragging her man by the arm out both looking happy as can be. A barmaid passed by Jenny and winked slyly counting the denarii left.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Just and ale for me guys can't get to tipsy tonight after all Im on duty." Listing to their conversation Jenny almost missed the question directed at her. "Oh well my name is Jenny." She looked over the lot making small talk but would excuse herself if her other tables needed her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Surprisingly she noted the dockworkers even sharing a laughter together, guess a little kindness and a smile worked wonders in here. Well Jenny definedly brightened up a few people day... and was definedly brightening up an already joyous day at the party table. Another barmaid quickly dropped by and placed Jenny her mug.

"A toast for fine company!" "HAROO!" the men smashed their mugs looking at Jenny and downed them. Wether Jenny joined in on the toast was up to her. Still even if she was an outsider the jokes told were genuinely lighthearted and actually funny. The stories all had their own silly twists, simple tales told like great humerous feats... heck Jenny wouldn't have minded staying with them, but soon she noted their mugs were running dry "Oh dear~ We can't have that. Refill?" she smiled earnestly "Aye! Tell Meril to get the special brew popped we're celebrating tonight!" they cheered out and almost didn't want Jenny to leave, but she had to order the drinks.

It was getting late, though Jennys night only began "Oh wow~ the Special brew is our most expensive ale. Look at you~" Meril snickered lightly as she popped a valve in one of the barrels and slowly filled the mugs in question "Enjoying yourself?" the girl smiled warmly at Jenny, though as the fresh recruit was about to give her answer music started playing from the clearing in the hall!

All the barmaids quickly ran up to their respected tables and picked out a guy to drag to the dance hall! Would Jenny join in? And if she did which table would she offer the dance to?!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny joined the toast and sat the table a little longer before leaving to fill the drinks. Answering Meril's question Jenny simply nodded and fanned herself. As for joining the dance Jenny's choice was easy. The person from the docks was married so he was out and Jenny didn't want to make him feel worse by picking his buddy over him. So it looked like the fresh divorcee would be Jenny's dance partner for her first outing. "Come on lets dance it will cheer you up."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly went up to the party table "Come on lets dance it will cheer you up." she smiled warmly and that was more than enough than needed to be said "Out of the way lads, I'll take it from here!" Tiller quickly got through his fellow mates, everyone laughing merrily and patting the man on the back.

Just like Jenny thought he was a tall and rather burly man, his beautiful curly moustache seemed to only stregthen the machismo he had floating around him. The man playfully picked up Jenny in his arms and carried her off to the dance floor.

It was fairly packed, laughter and joy surrounded Jenny on every single side as the energetic music made her move to the happy-go-lucky beat~ Tiller set Jenny down and gently took her hands. Jenny expected a crude dancer, but he was surprisingly gracefully in his movements and lead the dance expertly. Though as the song intensified so did his moves, occasionally even throwing the girl up or placing her on his shoulder for a spin. Overall it was a very fun dance.

After the riot like dancing, the music quickly shifted to a slower pace. Jenny could call it enough who knows maybe she had her tables waiting on her!... still Meril likely would take care of it. This was just so much fun.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Slow dancing implied to much romantic interest so Jenny decided that she was done. Clapping excitingly as the energetic dance ended she spoke. "That was fun but its time I get back to my tables." Jenny smiled and scouted away checking for any orders or new customers.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Thank you!" The man bowed down politely to his dancing partner and went back to his table a huge grin on his face. He likely enjoyed it even more than Jenny.

The girl came back to not Meril, but Nico! The silvery beauty clapped excitedly "Bravo! Bravo~!" Nico sncikered lightly and turned to Jenny smiling warmly "Thought I'd drop by and check in you. You are my newest girl afterall"

Seemed the dockhands made their leave aswell leaving Jenny with 2 empty tables and the party table starting their rounds of the special brew. Looks like the guys had Meril bring them a fairly small keg and placed it on their table, valve and all.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at Nico "Well I had a little rough start but I think Im getting the hang of it." She smiled again but she was getting tired fast. "So how much longer is the shift Nico?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well~ this is just the evening shift. We always end it with a dance" Nico smiled warmly "This is the last song and the evening program will be at an end... and the late night shift starts..." Jenny could see a hint of a hidden smile on Nicos face "Well since you pretty worked throughout the evenign shift, will you stay for the late night? Remember it pays extra... and you already know your customers." Nico glanced over to the party table.

Whatever Jennys answer would be Nico would soon walk off to the dancing ground entering right as the musci stopped "Thank you everyone for coming! This concludes our evenings program, you've been a wonderful bunch and please come back again tommorow for more drinks and fun at the Kings Rest Bar!" the dancers cheered out and all went back to the their tables, some gathering their stuff other staying and ordering more drinks. Wether Jenny left or stayed she should have a quick chat with Nico.