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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at the man and hugged him in thanks. "So Darnell where will we be able to find you when Grace is ready to visit again?" Getting that answer Jenny would head down the trail for awhile before she was forced to hide her wings once more. "I hope Rosa hasn't caused any trouble for the girls sense we've been gone. We need to find away to see threw her shapeshifting. Plus I think I need a Morning after potions just to be safe."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico looked to Jenny curiously "You still haven't learned how to control that?" she snickered warmly "Now, now we succubi can't be reliant on alchemy be safe from additional presents. I'll ask the girls around if they can get you a rune up and ready to take care of that"

"I still can't believe how far little Rosa fel... she was such a good girl, what happened to her..." Nico looked down sadly "I knew something was up when she said she was leaving the bar, but it was her choice I don't enforce my will on the girls. I shouldn't have let her leave... and now THIS happened..." Finally Nico hid her wings aswell as they were nearing a clearing up ahead some structure faintly visible.

Grace didn't have much to add to this conversation so she just listened in and tried to learn as much as possible about the group she was in right now.

Nico stopped near the clearing "Perhaps I shouldn't go to town All-Naturale like I am now" she giggled warmly running her hand across her glorious curves "Perhaps one of you girls could lend me some bra and panties, or you keep them and I'll use the uniform." by now Jenny had a very similar shape to the silver haired succubus, but if need be Grace would likely give up some clothing aswell.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stripped right then and their giving Nico her bra and panties before redressing in her borrowed garb. "Take Grace to the bar Nico I need to stop by the sheriff to let him know we are alright. After all he saw them take us. Also I want my gun back." Jenny smiled before bidding farewell to her friends and heading to the office or rather what was left of the office.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Don't take too long. I'm sure the girls miss you just as much as me" Nico smiled warmly and leaned in for a quick kiss... by Nico's standarts. The moment the two girls lips touched Nico quickly pulled Jenny in closer and allowed their tongues to dance for abit in the deep embrace. Jenny could feel Nico was eager for this to go to much more interesting ways, but just as suddenly as she enveloped the girl she backed down gently sliding her hands away from Jenny and smiling widely "Alright see you at the bar. Come on Grace, can't wait for you to meet the girls." she giggled warmly and lead rushed off down the street with Grace in hot pursuit, if anyone was on the street that day they would be forgiven for stopping and watching the two bombshell girls, one in a skimpy priestess outfit the other in just bra and panties rushing down the street...

Jenny approached the office, it seemed to had some work done on it, but it was a complete mess likely given up upon. Much less to say there was noone here. Still looking back into the sleepy village it felt rather nice to be back. The sun was high in the sky some birds chirped from the forest and people all around carried on with their daily routines, unworried and unaware about demons, invaders or other dark creatures.

Still getting her gun back and checkin in on the Sheriff seemed to be a smart choice, but with the office run down where else could she look?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

'Well if hes not here he is either at Mistys or on patrol.' Jenny quickly decided to check on her alchemist friend and get the potion she needed. As she walked down the semi familiar streets Jenny couldn't help but notice how calm everyone was no seemed the lest disturbed that demons had kidnapped a few of their citizens. Though given the attitude of the church she hardly doubted they would be involved. Still if Misty was gone she would try to find Ezalor trying to resist the urge to panic if she was missing as well.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny proceeded down the street, the simple folk nodding politely and adressing her as priestess... she was still in full uniform and it's unkempt nature did catch a few glances from people she passed by in close proximity. She'd really have to get out of this regalia and soon. Not to mention the chily breeze against her legs and the tight clothing around her breasts was starting to produce quite the results...

The heroine soon reached the shop still as active as ever, thankfully Mistey was there talking about some potion with one of the customers when her gaze turned to Jenny. At first she didn't quite understand what a priestess was doing wandering around, not to mention Jenny had a significant change in the appearance. Though when she saw the girls face in full there was no doubt "J-Jenny? Jenny!" the elven alchemist quickly rushed poast any customers and hugged the girl warmly jumping with joy and giggling like mad "You're safe! Oh thank the divines! You're okay!" she grinned happily.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny returned the embrace and smiled at the alchmist. "Yeah with a little luck and some kind strangers. I wanted to stop and see how things where going for you and make sure you where alright." Jenny looked the elven woman over in a mock inspection. "Im glad your safe I was really worried after all that happened."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey was no worse for wear, she still had the simple looking overall on her fairly curvy body, the white shirt as clean as ever. Seemed most of the town just continued their everyday routine just like any other fog passing, the heroines disappearance did not stir much trouble or chaos at all.

"Rei was going crazy after you were gone. Looked like you two made up a little bit... but..." Mistey looked down as if guilty "He had the town militia check all the town houses for any possible demon activity and well... some folk didn't take too kindly to that kind of inspection. There's some serious tension growing in the city..." the alchemist look away once more.

"At any rate, why are you wearing THAT?!" Mistey looked over Jenny "Did you... convert?" obviously the elven girl was fairly sceptical of such a possibility.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well when escaping captivity I find it best to argue with what you find to wear and no I didn't convert." Jenny noticed Misty's hesitation and frowned. "Is something wrong? Did something happen while I was away?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Mistey sighed briefly stepping back "A lot really... come please sit. I'll be right with you alright?" the elven girl smiled warmly and with permission would go finish up her dealings with the customers. As always the alchemists services seemed to have been employed by the simple folk aswell, not just adventurers or heroes. There was a total of 3 sales, a small pack of minor healing vials, some bath salts and a certain orange potion that Jenny knew all too well, purchased last and discreetly.

With the last customer out the door, Mistey followed him out and flipped the sign on the door, making it closed "Thanks for waiting." the alchemist smiled warmly and sat down nearby "All of us were so worried, when the demons got you... Rei even called in his friends to sweep the city. He's mentioned these people before" Mistey looked away as if guilty "They're professional demon hunters or Inquisitors how they call themselves. They should arrive to the city soon, I hope everything will turn out okay..."

"Other than that the Militia is always active and had been checking through peoples homes these past couple of days. Most folk didn't mind" Mistey showed a hint of a smile "Most of us here already know each other, so it's not like a stranger... but there was trouble with some others." whatever it was seemed the elven girl wasn't keen on talking about it "Also Ezalor was looking for you. He almost never calls out to the town, much less looks for someone. It must be serious..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Ill have to stop by and see him though I think I will need to change my cloths. Im not sure I like the looks Ive been getting not to mention if someone from the church saw me they might get offended." Jenny sat thinking a bit. "Demon hunters humm. Well when you see Rei again let him know I escaped with Nico and someone else and if he recovered frost I would like her back." Jenny smiled at Mistey before giving her a hug. Im glad your safe I hope none of this caused you to much trouble." Jenny made her way to the door before stopping. "Crap they took my key when I was captured all my clues where in my room....." Jenny tore out of the alchemist shop heading right for the inn to make sure all her hard earned evidence was still there.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Frost?" The alchemist turned her head curiously "Rei didn't mention anything about your weapon. I could lend you some of the spares he keeps around, a girls got to be carefully nowadays" she smiled warmly whether Jenny accepted the offered weapon or not was up to her.

Upon remembering all the clues she left in her room, Jenny quickly gave Mistey one good bye hug and rushed out to check. Hopefully all her work was not undone by a one nights slip-up!

Jenny dashed through the streets and soon reached her room. It was an unnerving sight... her front door was broken open and looking inside she could see the matress thrown against the wall numerous claw marks on it, the table, where she kept the papers, torn asunder. It was completely ransacked!

Be it fortunate or not, there was no shredded paper anywhere in sight. So her research wasn't destroyed, just missing. Though without any information on who could've taken it was of little comfort. Hopefully this was not Rosas handywork...
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny fell to her knees and started to cry. The capture rape and escape had finally culminated to a breaking point of emotion. All her effort and sacrifice was for naught the only clues to her sisters location where gone taken by someone or something. Sitting in the shattered doorway Jenny cried her tears and let the flow of emotions roll through her. When she could stand again she dried her tears. Maybe all was not lost she did as Reicarn to save her sister if something happened to her. So he knew where she had hidden the items. Either way she better get changed and warn Nico about the Demon Hunters. Brushing the dirt off her stolen robe Jenny made her way to the bar hopefully things here where in much better shape.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was all too much to the heroine as she just cried her eyes out briefly, the disaster seemed to be pilling on top of each other! Still there was hope the sheriff saved her work, but where was that blasted man to begin with!

Wipping off her last tears, Jenny slowly got up and got dressed. Her good clothes missing leaving her with only the fairly raggedy clothes she received way back when she arrived in the city. It was an absolutely miserable feeling, as she wiped off a few more silent tears. There was nothing in the room left, it was time to check the bar. Hopefuly Ezalor only wanted to inform her that the tools for her trip to the academy were ready, that could wait. Jenny was in no shape to do anything, much less heroic...

The small sign on the door for the first time since Jenny arrived read a clear "closed", still thankfully it was unlocked. Jenny had never seen the bar this empty. Noone was around and all the candles and lights were off, whatever Jennys reaction was would quickly be interupted as one of the girls slowly walked out smiling brightly from the hallway that Jenny knew lead to Nicos quarters.

It was Meril! The woman froze up as she noted a figure in the dark "Whos there!" the girls palms quickly ignited with energy as she eyed the dark, only to finally see who it really was "JENNY!" the girls eyes light up as she jumped over the counter and gave the girl a warm hug, kissing her on the cheek in happiness "We were all so worried! Come on! Everyone's downstairs!" whatever complaints Jenny might've had were ignored as she was dragged to the door leading to Nico quarters and led through.

"By your tales it sounds like great fun!" a rush of laughter, cheers and giggles flatout slammed into Jenny from downstairs! Everyone from the bar seemed to have gathered here! Tina, Ritta! Flatout everyone! Some chapagne could be heard popped seemed there was a celebration for the return of Nico. Jenny smiled briefly, only to note all the eyes lock on to her and cheer out "JENNY!" the girl was quickly swamped as a few of the succubi took flight and flatout carried her downstairs to the cheerful mob all hugging, smiling and cheering at her return!

Nico was on her lieing like a queen and smiling at the sight, though Grace was nowhere to be seen.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny returned the hug not wanting to ignore the friendly warmth of her "sisters" after all she could use some right now. "Meril Im okay but I nee....." Jenny didn't really get a chance to say anything as the succubus practically forced her down the stairs to Nico's quarters only to be bombarded with her other sisters embraces. Being bombarded with all the hugs and cheers it made it hard to ask any questions let alone answer any she would just have to let it calm down before she could speak with Nico about demon hunters and Graces where abouts.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had more than enough on her plate, but it seemed her sisters were not plagued by such weight on their shoulders, as some champagne could be heard popping to a cheer. It Jasmine with a bottle raised, Ritta quickly running up to her and kissing her deeply! Tina grabbed the bottle and happily filled up quite a number of glassm even running up to Jenny and offering her a glass. It was just a maelstorm of laughs, cheers and smiles around Jenny. The heroine did her best to smile sheepishly, as the festivities continued. Whether she drank the champage was up to her.

On the brightside there was now a possible path to Nico, if she wished she could in on the fun around her. There were numerous drinks served up, some odd powder and a closed small circular box. On the other hand Jenny could talk things over with Nico, she knew the private rooms were just beyond a nearby door.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took the offered glass and drank some of the bubbling liquid. Looking at the glass she frowned well it was different thats for sure. Setting the glass aside she made her way to Nico she had to tell her what she had found out. If she made to her friend without being intercepted by one of her sisters she would ask that they speak privately and lead her to a private room.

"Nico Reicarn has summoned inquisitors or demon hunters to town after our kidnapping I worried about the girls. Also where did Grace get off to I hope she didn't run to that church that place just feels off to me."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The girls seemed to be much too busy celebrating to even note Jennys slipping out of their cheery mob. Nico smiled warmly as Jenny approached "The girls really do love you little sister." the succubus tapped the bed gently offering Jenny a seat nearby "Seems Tina especially has taken a liking to you." Nico giggled warmly as looked to crowd, the energetic girl making sure everyone had a glass in their hands.

"Nico, could we go some place more private please?" Jenny looked to her friend, to which the silver haired beauty just chuckled lightly "Still shy? Really now? Perhaps we should help you out with that mm?" Nico had a certain glint in her eye as she ran a gentle finger across Jennys body, but after meeting the heroines eyes once more realised that something was up.

"Whats the matter?" Nico got out of the bed "Alright let's go." some whispers could be heard from the succubi likely they suspected far different reasons for the two stars of the bar leaving.

The two entered one of the VIP rooms and Nico listened to what the heroine had to say, the fairly cheery mood rapidly disappearing from her face "Oh no... no no no...no..." Nico covered her mouth "This is bad! This is very very bad! When will they arrive? I need to warn my girls of this!" Nico listened out to whatever information Jenny had "Thank you for warning me Jenny. Oh~ what horrible timing! What was Rei thinking!"

"Grace is upstairs, getting settled in. I've had a few girls cook her up a decent meal. Somehow I thought a succubi party wouldn't be up to her liking." Jenny was free to add anything she wanted, but she didn't have anything else to say Nico would soon leave the room and rush to deliver the warning. The Inquisitors were coming....
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Let them have their fun for now Nico the inquisitors won't be here till tomorrow. After all they just got us back. Ill see if I can find the sheriff and get him to urge them away from here at lest." Jenny smiled and got up to join the party for a little while and visit Ezalor on her way to look for Reicarn.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico expression said it alll "Jenny you don't know who these people are!" the elder succubus always had a cheerful and even tone, but her voice now was significantly higher and much more rough "You won't be able to urge them away. I told Rei there are no other demons in the city, but me and the girls... DAMN IT Rosa." the girl clenched her fist "I need to inform the girls..." Nico paused looking and Jenny "It won't be safe to any of our kin the city soon." she was obviously including the heroine too.

With that Nico quickly left the room and dashed to the party floor, if Jenny followed a scene would unravel...

Nico quickly got on the bed and called to the her girls "Girls! GIRLS! Listen to me! I have dire news..." the celebration cooled down as all the girls turned to Nico "The Inquisitors are coming." a silent gasp rang out through the crowd "They'll arrive to town tommorow, you all know the drill. Spread out in groups and lay low till I give the sign." Nico lowered her hand in a fairly defeated manor "I'm so sorry..." that was the end of the party. The girls would spread to their rooms and hurry to gather their things.

"Must we leave Nico? This is our home..." Tina spoke up giving her best puppy eyes to the elder succubus, Nico smiled and leaned down "It's for your own safety dear, I'll send out a word when it's safe-" "And who will keep YOU safe?" Ashai stepped forward interupting Nico "They won't touch me, we have an agreement" Nico smiled attempting to reassure the few girls that stayed in her room "An agreement doesn't seem like a strong safety net to me" Ritta and Jasmine stepped forward "We'll stay too." "Girls I said it's not safe! Please, I'll give you a sign, they won't stay in town for long I promise!" "You don't really believe that. If they find out what those demons done, they'll order a town purge. We won't let them touch the bar or you." Ashai turned to her group and was met with smiles. Seemed the vollunteers were: Tina, Ashai, Jasmine, Ritta and Meril.

Jenny could stay and add her input on the situation or leave onwards, Ezalor was looking for her and this inquisitor business was foreign for her.