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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"We should stay besides who knows how many of us Rosa will try to pick off if we go into hiding." Jenny looked around at the smiling girls. "Besides I want to stay as well this is the only place I can ever really belong now and Im not going to let some hoidy toidy demon hunter take it away with out a fight." Jenny stayed abit to hear what ever the other girls had to say or if Nico wanted to add more before excusing herself to see Grace after all she had a feeling that Ezalor might want to see her as well.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"It's better to let some of the girls leave. They haven't seen battle for most of their lives..." Nico looked down sadly "Atleast they all know where to fall back. The skies are clear todays so they should be able to fly away without much trouble..." Ritta and Jasmine smiled at each other and hugged Nico from both sides "Don't worry Nico we'll have the bar up and running in no time." Ritta smiled warmly "Besides we'd never leave you alone with those fiends running around." Jasmine winked slyly.

Ashai turned to Jenny "We'll love to have you on our side little sister. Besides the sheriff owes you big time, perhaps you'll be able to steer the hunting party gazes away from us" she smiled warmly at Jenny.

With that the girls would stay and comfort Nico for the time being. It was painful for her to send away all her sisters, but who the hell were these people to cause such a drastic reaction. Nevertheless upstairs it was a rush of numerous girls packing their stuff and calling out to each other to form the predetermined groups.

Grace would be easy to find as she looked over the commotion lost to whatever was happening. The priestess was leaning against the railing on the second floor looking down to the main floor. With some pardons and squeezing through the rushing mob Jenny would reach her "Jenny! What happening here?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at Grace and smiled weakly. "The demon hunters are coming and from what Ive heard they leave no rock unturned and judge swiftly. Nico is going to send some of the girls away until it clears up." Jenny took Grace by the hand. "Come I want you to meet someone." Jenny if Grace allowed would lead her to Ezalor after all he was the next logical stop though maybe he should have been the first.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"D-demon hunters?" Grace paused briefly "Shouldn't we be happy?.. Maybe they'll know you all have good hearts, I've seen it how you act. They can't mean to hurt you can they?" the priestess eyed Jenny with concern, who in turn could only reply "Let's hope so. Come on I have someone I want you to meet" with that Jenny took the priestess by hand and led her towards the library.

Thankfully the commotion in the bar attracted only minor attention with people stopping by to check why so many scantily clad girls were running in chaos inside. One of such even adressed Jenny "Excuse me, whats going on inside?" it was middle-age simple looking blonde dockworker, likely making his way home. Jenny could answer as she wished or not at all, it was all up to her.

Soon the duo reached, the library. The old building standing calmly and illuminated as ever. Seemed it was already nearing dusk... Whatever the case it was time to give Grace some tips and trick when facing the old man, soon the heroine would find out what the angel wanted from her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Oh some of the girls are going to go on a holiday." Jenny was a terrible liar and quickly left the man. "Poor guys probably been pent up for a few days sense Nico was gone. Come on where almost there." Jenny led Grace to the library and threw the open doors. If by chance they where closed she would knock first.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Without a word of warning of whats coming next Jenny lead Grace into the angels library "Oh~ I haven't been in a library for ages." Grace smiled widely as both of them entered the impressive library "Ezalor, I'm here. Hello?" the library remained silent for the time being, as Jennys friend took a few steps further inside "Wow it's beautiful in here... and there's such a pleasant aura inside" Grace turned to Jenny smiling widely.

"Why thank you, young one. These old bones do try to keep this place tidy as best as they can" a voice rang out and the librarian stepped forward smiling gently at the two "I'm glad to see you safe Jenny and it seems you found a new friend." Grace turned to the man, her eyes going wide at the sight, likely a priestess could see just how much spiritual energy the old man possesed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yes Ezalor her name is Grace she was captive with me in the dungeon. Nico and I would have never made it out of there without her." Jenny put arm around Grace and hugged her tight. "I was hoping that she could help you out around here till she gets back on her feet. Shes been captive for a while now and is not ready to resume her former position." Grace shot Jenny a look what did she mean by that? "Go on Grace its okay you can tell him."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ezalor listened intently to Jenny and leaned forward supported by his staff, looking at Grace, the problem was that Grace wasn't exactly sure what Jenny wanted her to say... "It's my pleasure to meet you, librarian. I'm Grace Anteres, priestess.." the priestess paused briefly "ex-priestess of the church of the Star God." she smiled meekly at the man.

Ezalor chuckled lightly "Oh no~ the pleasure is all mine, Grace. I am Ezalor, the keeper of this little library. At your service." he smiled warmly at the girl who only smiled back, it was nice to meet someone who wasn't a pervert for a change.

"I'm affraid I have bad news Jenny." the librarian leaned back and slowly walked to a nearby chair sitting down comfortably "You must leave to the academy at once." the old man reached out to the library to send a book to a table near the heroine "The fog is not a natural occurence, not any more..." Ezalor nodded towards the book for Jenny to read. The book seemed to detail a ritual to convert holy energies to darkness, The Tjerdan conversion ritual... it detailed that it requires human sacrifices and immense knowledge of the arcane to pull off. Once Jenny finished reading that page the book would turn to a different section. This was a ritual of weather manipulation, which includes harsher winds, rain, snow... fog. A page later Jenny could see how the ritual could be empowered to become a dark whirlwind, ash rain or even a firestorm.

"The reason I suggest you make haste in your quest. Both of these rituals should not end, the fog should not be pulled back, nor should the conversion be cut off, someone is interupting both of these rituals and dispersing them. That someone has been growing weaker for quite a while now." he turned to Jenny "I suspect it is your sister, Lina."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny palled she had little time to waste. "Then I will have to leave at once. Ezalor did Reicarn say anything to you about saving my items from my room?" If Ezalor didn't know then she would head out to find Reicarn likely stopping at Misteys to find him better. Once she had her meeting and hopefully return of her items she would inform Nico of what she was going to do and tell her that Lina was in trouble immediately.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Your room?" Grace looked to Jenny "The girls said my room is near yours. On the second floor in the bar" the priestess paused briefly "I accidentally checked it out... by accident I swear!" the girl blushed cutely, avoiding eye contact "Everything seemed to be in order there. There were some papers and a rifle there too"

"Jenny!" Ezalor interupted the girls chat "Do not forget these items, they should help you in your journey." the angel levitated a small backpack to the girl "A wand of light, some light grenades, blessed ammunition and an orb... the later is the most precious, do not lose it dear girl." he nodded firmly "As for Rei..." Ezalor sighed deeply "He means well, but his choices are so reckless. I have not met him recently."

If checked Misteys store would be locked without signs of activity.
Meril would help the girl find her moved room and most of her items in the inn room, except frost.
New clothing options available free of charge in Jennys room.
Grace would follow Jenny around.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Thank the gods." Jenny breathed a sigh of relief at lest her clues to find her sister where alright. Taking the backpack Jenny held it tight and kissed the old man on his cheek. "I know you have done alot for me Ezalor but do you know of anything we can do to help the girls at the bar?" It was a long shot but she had to ask if the answer turned out to be a no then she would smile at Ezalor and say "You've helped me so much I hope we meet again." Jenny would then leave and head back to the bar to let Nico know whats going on and maybe she should get the girls to go into the woods and help Aylsa sooner than later. She would then get ready to head to her room and gather up her supplies and clues before heading for the academy.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Ezalor smiled a kind smile "I'm affraid I cannot aid those outside of my library, not directly. Forgive me." it was a no, Jenny would just have to accept it. With a friendly kiss Jenny would wave goodbye to the librarian and head out, Grace hot on her tail. "There's something special about that librarian eh Jenny?" the priestess smiled warmly at the girl.

By the time Jenny came back most of the ruckus had settled down girls constantly leaving and calling to each other in far smaller amounts. Likely most of the bar girls had already left "Come on this way!" Grace would lead Jenny upstairs to the fifth door and step aside letting the girl enter her new residence. It was just like Grace told her, the papers from her old room were neaty pilled on teatable, with her rifle and some fresh clothes resting on her bed.

"Knock, knock..." the duo looked back to see Nico peeking inside the room, that warm smile of her as prominent as ever "I see the girls managed to get all your stuff inside." the silver haired beauty entered the room, looking around "Though for you we'll have to have some of the girls get you some silken curtains to liven this place up." she sighed happily "Looks like the few upcoming days are gonna be rough. The Inquisitors, the demons, the fog... though with our troop of heroines, none of them stand a chance" she winked playfully at Jenny.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned and sat on the bed. "Yeah." she sighed "Ezalor thinks Lina is immediate danger and that I should leave right away to rescue her." Jenny looked up at Nico and Grace then back to the floor. "I didn't even get a chance to see Reican and let him know that the hunters need not show up."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Y-you found Lina?" Nico stutter lightly at the mix of emotions, she should be glad, but Lina was in danger when the bar needed Jenny aswell. The silvery beauty leaned against the door and looked down "So what will you do now?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Jenny looked up at Nico clearly torn. Can you and the girls find shelter before the inquisitors show up?" She didn't want to leave the girls by themselves to face such horrors. "Maybe Aylsa and Darnell would be willing to shelter you till the hunters pass? I don't want to leave you guys to fight them alone but the more time I delay......"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I won't leave the bar Jenny." Nico smiled nostalgicly, running her hand against the door frame "It's my greatest treasure, some bunch of murderers will not make me leave it." the elder succubus turned to Jenny "With Tina, Ritta, Jasmine, Ashai and me we'll be fine. Go save your sister Jenny, it's what you came to this city afterall" with that Nico left, without daring to look Jenny in the eyes. The heroine could tell Nico wasn't completely honest with her words, though well hidden sadness rang true and Jenny had a dread feeling, things may not be the same when she comes back. Still her sister was out there alone surrounded by gods knows what... dying.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"NICO WAIT!" Jenny bounded off the bed and headed after the succubus. "At lest hear me out alright? Im not asking you to leave the bar. Maybe you could shelter close by. Let Grace "run" the bar when the Demon hunters come. That way they can see her pure soul and not think anything of it. Just have you and the girls pretend to be common girls no super sexy shows or anything. If you don't like that idea then please ask sanctuary from Ezalor he is a powerful mage Im sure he can keep you all safe. Your all so dear to me I I I don't know if I can lose any of you."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny caught Nico mid way down the hallway, the elder succubus stopping but not looking back, just listening out Jennys proposal "This is our only shelter in town, we don't have anywhere else to go... Ezalor won't accept us little sister." Nico turned back with glassy eyes "Not after everything we've done to his kin, not when we are who we are." smiled meekly looked down and proceeded down the stairs "We'll keep a low profile..." she stopped once more "Just please... hurry back 'kay?"

Grace quickly ran up to Jenny "B-but Jenny! I can't let you go down there alone!" the priestess looked to her heroine fairly worried "You'll die or worse! I'm going with you" looks like Grace didn't just peek in the room... someone was a little too curious for their own good.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Grace I have only one key its a one way trip if I fail. Besides I want you to look after my other sisters okay?" Jenny moved back to her room and gathered up her gear necessary for was to come. Moving back down the hallway and to the stairs Jenny's mind was full of frantic thoughts of how to save her sisters both by blood and by gift. Stopping at the main hall she stood and watched a moment taking in the place. Her time had been so short here but it already felt like home.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Grace looked down thoughtfully at the comment "Please, don't leave without me returning." a glint of determination in the girls eyes, she rushed downstairs and outside, not stopping no matter what Jenny said. What was the girl up to?

Nevertheless, Jenny would slowly fill her backpack with all the supplies she aquired, not truly seeing the items she placed, her thoughts with her sister and the task up ahead. With whatever Jenny packed in the backpack she had the girl would take a peek inside the room, another gift from Nico and slowly close the door.

Downstairs she could she the girls that decided to stay alogn with Nico sitting sadly near the exit. As Jenny got down the stairs it was Tina who first ran up to the heroine and hugged her sadly "Don't take long 'kay?" she held Jenny briefly and allowed Ashai to come up to say her goodbyes "Focus on surviving. If you die out there, then there was no point to it." she'd nod firmly to her and step aside for Ritta and Jasmine, who both hugged Jenny aswell "Be safe our special sister." the girls separated for Nico to approach "I know you'll succeed. We'll have a grand party when Lina returns." the elder succubus smiled warmly and hugged Jenny lovingly.

Before Jenny left the bar and town she had to make double sure, she was ready. Chances were once she left there would be no turning back. There was also the issue with Grace...