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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well this was disappointing Jenny backed away from the door only to stop short of leaving. What if she could find a spell or item in there that could deactivate the meat puppets. It could be worth the risk but anything she found would be in that arcane dribble she couldn't read. Though just because she couldn't read it dosn't mean Lina couldn't later. It was a rough choice and she needed to think about it awhile. Moving on Jenny moved to the last remaining door she had yet to explore repeating the process of listening before heading in.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny slowly backed away from the necromancer faculty, though Servo seemed to linger awhile longer looking to the door then to Jenny. Still he'd soon be right back on her heels once more.

The heroine approached the last remaining door a dirty steel messgae engraved on it in big bright red letters no less! Jenny wiped off the dust and checked what was written "NO ENTRY WITHOUT PASS or SUPERVISION" listening in didn't yield any results as it remained as silent as ever. There was one way to find out whats beyond here... but this place was crazy as is. What beckons a Warning sigh in such a building.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well no point in wasting time. Jenny tried to open the door if it proved locked then she would improvise and pick it the skills to do such easily in accessed in her mind a lingering effect from consuming the bandits soul. "Well Servo its not like a teacher is going to come and see me do this and give me a detention." Jenny hopped the thing wasn't alarmed a shrinking wail drawing the attention of the meat bags would be very bad right now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was unlocked. Jenny slowly opened the door to reveal a single chair and a long corridor, leading up to a square area, which seemed to separate in 3 different ways.

Jenny stepped inside, only to note the sudden shift in the air. Something was different in this area, not in a malignant sort of way though... more like she was floating.

The girl looked to the chair, it was a bare bones simple wooden chair, with some actual white chalk on it. Though as she approached distant echos seemed to clear up in the back of her head forming up clear conversations, each voice distorting itself at random intervals "So what is this place?" "Whatever you make it..." "....what if not a mage enters...." "...patterns they follow a pattern..." "....unknown effects..." "Professor what are...." "Draw circle to return" with that the fractured voices disappeared. The silent hallway standing infront of the girl.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Stranger and stranger yet. Still it was worth investigating. Jenny took out the occulus and held it tight to peer in the room. After all the way this thing was shaking she better keep a good grip on it. Taking in what the occulus revealed Jenny would head to the chair and grab some chalk.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The Oculus just seemingly refused to work the moment Jenny went downstairs, looking through it revealed absolutely nothing. The whole thing was buzzing and vibrating like made while in here. The girl was about to give back the Oculus to Sir, but noted the lil guy was already out of the room looking to her. He was not going in there, no way no how.

The chair was a simple chair, heck the chalk looked plain too, but somehow she felt she better hang on to it. The hallway stretched onwards from here. It was up to Jenny to decide if she proceeded onwards.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well she came this far might as well see whats in here. Jenny took a few hesitant steps forward not yet sure she wanted to explore this place. Still the square room up ahead had to hold something worth seeing. Jenny proceeded on pushing back her fear having a feeling that it would only hinder her for what lay ahead.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny took a few steps forward as the hall seemingly got longer and longer. No matter how quickly the girl moved she couldn't reach the room! Confused Jenny looked back only to see utter darkness behind her a short walk leading to it. This was bad!

Looking back forward Jenny noted she was already in the square illuminated room, plainly cut stone making up all of it. 4 short hallways leading into darkness stood before her. North, south,west or east. The exit was gone.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny gulped and looked at each hallway that was presented to her. "Oh man Jenny what in the name of Naya have you gotten yourself into." Looking around she had four choices to make. "Might as well pick randomly." Spinning around with her hand out stretched Jenny stopped her hand pointing at the very first path on the left. "Well here goes nothing." Making her choice Jenny headed out trying to leave any doubts she had behind her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific


Jenny took a deep breath and proceeded onward, extending a hand infront as she enteredthe darkness. Right beyond the dark wall she found herself entering the same room as before, until...

The girl took a few step into the rooms when suddenly she felt a mind-numbing pain from her belly striked her. The girls belly suddenly started swelling as her body felt floaty, as time had rushed forward as she went through her pregnacy in matter of second.

Thankfully the girls smart use of shapeshifted protected her from any unwanted side-effects, but very soon she wasn't able to stand and... puppies? Soon made their way out of her swollen belly, completely covered in the girls inner fluids. The moment these creatures got out of Jenny a dark slick coat covered them as they soon were already standing on their own, rushing away into the darkness. Looked liked that hellhound had left her quite the present...

It would take a while for Jenny to gather her strentgh, but the room seemed to re-energise her fairly rapidly to move onwards.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got to her feet breathing heavily. "That wasn't to pleasant.." Looking about she checked her location before moving forward once more unless something else blocked her way.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Effect #44
Nothing would block her. Choosing to move forward Jenny once more entered the darkness...

Soon Jenny emerged from the darkness once more to a sound of birds singing, looking forward it was the same room only it had overgrowth on the walls throughout. A very small river running down from one of the walls and below another cross the room. The floor was completely covered with soft grass and in the middle of the room a olive skinned woman rested, sitting up towards Jenny and smiling warmly at her.

The nymph would soon extend her arm and beckon Jenny over with a finger "You look hurt, please come rest." her voice was as soothing as it was innocent. Her eyes were light green aswell and she had long red hair, falling on her very perky D's.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny paused a moment eying the woman. "Hello... can you tell me where I am." As much as Jenny loved to see a friendly face she however was in a very dangerous place and this could be some sort of trap.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hello... Does it matter?" she smiled innocently, while getting off a bed like petal. The nymph looked over Jennys figure openly, the tatters of her robe clear, some of the dried cum still visible on her legs and giggled warmly "You look like you had quite the day"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the Nymph and took a step back. "Yes yes I have so you should understand why I might be a little cautious. Please I should get back to my search do you know of anything important here?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The smile dimmed on the nymph briefly as Jenny took a step back "I won't force you do to anything you do not wish." she smiled empathically "Importance is a fairly subjective point of view... Each mage has a room of their own here, a room only reached through a certain pattern. If you know where to look this place has all kinds of Dark Secrets hidden away."

"You look tired, join me. I'll help you relax" she smiled warmly and leaned forward, the nymph was very keen on Jenny approaching her. Though the heroine didn't sense any hidden intents from her. Then again... in this place could she really trust simple intuition.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the Nymph once more. "How do I know your not a trap? Some sort of security set up by a mage?" The Nymph was indeed beautiful but Jenny was hardly in the mood especially after having her birthing experience not to long ago.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The nymph sighed sadly "I'm afraid there is no way to prove it... there is no security here. No thief would be foolish enough to seek riches in such a place." the woman leaned back once more and rested on her petal. It was obvious Jenny wasn't interested...

Still there was some seemingly pure water here, at the very least Jenny could wash up or relax if she wished.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well it was honest that was one thing. "Sorry I've just been through alot lately its hard to trust anything I see here in this place." Jenny took a step forward and knelt next to the clean spring. "Why are you here? Are you trapped?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The nymph giggled warmly "And you shouldn't. Nothing you see in these rooms is real... well atleast from a simple point of view." she leid there casually moving her leg up and down, not a worry in the world. The sounds of the streaming river and birds chirping kepeing her company... though there were no trees much less birds here.

"No, I'm not trapped, silly. Are you?" the nymph casually raised her hand allowing beautiful butterfly to land on it "You've got a kind heart. Kindness is such a beautiful thing isn't it?" the water was indeed pure and just the perfect temperature not too cold and not too warm.