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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A single solitary tear rolled down Jenny's cheek. She had finally found out why she could never find information about her father or mother in King's Coast. Wiping away the tear Jenny looked to Sir. "Come lets check out the other room down the hall." Jenny only spared a single look back at the empty healing hall the fate of its keeper still a mystery though given what she had found she wasn't sure she wanted to know.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Slime stealth checks
27 vs 32 !!!
40 vs 37 ?
40 vs 48 !!!
39 vs 29 ?

2 slimes sneak up on Jenny!
Jenny is in a group grapple!
With her silent good bye to the medical center said the girl moved onwards. The Martial arts halls were thankfully silent and empty, making her trip forward fairly uneventuful.

The heroine approached the first room in the left wing and peeked inside. THere were numerous rows of seat with a tables infront of a fairly open space and a chalkboard. This was actually the first room Jenny found that looked like a legitimate classroom. Each row of seats for the students was slightly higher than the last with stairs on both sides of the class.

Jenny entered the room to take a look around, sadly there didn't seem to be anything of note here. The front desk was completely broken tell tale signs of dried up cum and nail scratches all over it... actually looking around the bottom area was fairly drenched in some liquid once, but it wasn't aany Jenny could recognise.

The girl leaned down inspect it... wait it wasn't dried up it was fresh! A distinct bubbling sound reached her ears, the heroine looked around only to note several dirty puddles inch closer to her! Slimes! There were two here, one was sliding down the wall the other was making its way down the stairs---

Suddenly Jenny felt she stepped in something a blob of water engoging itself and covering up the girls lower half, before she could scream another slime landed right on top of her from the ceilingcovering her top and head!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Slimes always the fracking slimes! Jenny did her best to struggle away from the goo which seemed to be just basic goo.

Actions Escape Grapple
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny HP: 70/70 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35; post-orgasm, HORNY, GRAPPLED!
61 base grapples on slimes. Jenny cannot escape.
Double aphrodisiac treatment!
Jenny is at 0/20

Jenny is penetrated! x2
33 PP dealt!
30 PP dealt!
Jenny orgasms!
Slimes fill-her-up/orgasm!
No prego.

Both are stunned!
Hunter attacks! Easy hit on slime #1. It be dead.

Jenny is grappled by slime #2. 2 more slimes enter combar. Hunter enters combat!

Jenny tired to struggle, but it was just impossible now. The girls hands were either restrained or the minor motion she could've done only made the slime coating follow her movements around.

The warm substance snuggled Jenny perfectly, feeling like second skin, before it started to tingle pleasant across her skin and especially around her nipples and clit. Jenny blushed brightly as she jerked once more, but it was far too little too late.

Jenny felt the slime intesnify around her breasts as it soon started playing with them. Down below the slime formed up two almost rubbery robs near Jennys loins and slowly slipped inside. The slimes combined mass moving Jennys body as it wished, plowing into her relentlessly. The rods actually changed perfectly to copy the girls love canal and soon she was being fucked by two cocks shaped to perfection. Whether she liked it or not, the heroine was bounced in the slimes mess for quite some times a smile forming on her face at how exceptionally it felt!

The slimes warm bodies, perfect rhytm and the tingly sensation soon encouraged Jenny to allow her body to enjoy the ride as she gave in and fucked the slime around her body silly, reveling in the sensation like a perfect whore. The sucucbus opene dher mouth willingly getting more than decent taste of the slime, absolutely alight in joy how her body was overwhelmed by the aphrodisiac completely.

Soon enough the slimes orgasmed spilling a hefty amount of it's substance deep into Jenny making the girl orgasm aswell! Sending an ecstastic reverb across the slimes body.

They weren't done quite yet though as the rods were about to reenter her once more, when suddenly a huge claw, perfectly aimed, tore off the top part of the slime around Jenny! The girl looked to note her "scaly" friend was there! Likely not too happy to see his mate being fucked by another creature!
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was no longer in any state of mind to fight. All she could do is fuck the slime she was currently attached to and this she did with much gusto. Her throaty moans likly drawing the others into combat.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys is still penetrated!
Slime does 24 PP damage
Jenny forces the creature into an orgasm!

Slime is stunned.

Hunter attacks Slime#3.
44+ vs 24 HIT
Slime #3 dead.

Slime #4 grapples Hunter!
Hunter is grappled!
15 resistance damage!

Round 2.

Jenny enjoys her ride.
Jenny orgasms, Slime orgasms.

Hunter attempts to slice apart the slime!
17 PP left
Slime drains hunter for 15 EP!

Round 3.
Jenny fucks away her cares.

Hunter tries again!
64 vs 59 success!

Slime is split apart!
Slime #4 dead

Jennys fuckers is dead soon after.
Poor slimes failed to spread. Safe rolls.

Lost in her aphrodisiac induced ecstasy Jenny didn't falter. Scooping up a hefty amount of the slimes from between her grand bust, the girl licked her fingers clean and rocked her lower body. Moaning happily at the rape?

Meanwhile the lizard fiend turned to the two slimes rapidly approaching him, the first one lunged and got splattered in between the great beasts claws, but the second one managed to wrap around the lizard instantly heating up and starting to drain him off his essence.

Jenny cried out in passion, completely blind to her surroundings, the heroines tongue out she just indulged herself in the sex. It didn't matter who won, in the end she'll get hers and right now. She couldn't wait...

The hunter soon got his hand in position in one fel swoop split the slime apart it's body turning into liquid and falling to either side. Another swipe later it got Jennys rapist off her. Leaving only her drenched in aphrodisiac and her 'hero' alone in the room...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

And then she was on him trying to coax the slick member from his loins. pawing needy Joan moaned in frustration till the lizards member was free of its body. Wasting little time Jenny mounted the lizard riding him like a horse pounding away on the creatures rod. As her mind cleared Jenny's senses kicked in and her succubus powers came into play turning off her reproductive organs preventing her from getting pregnant with lizard babies. (damn horny :()
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Totals of 5 rounds of horny.
4 orgasms

Filled her up every chance he got. 5 orgasms... yeah you almost killed him via Snu-snu.

Jenny chose to be infertile. Safe

Well that was quite the royal reward. Jenny quickly tackled the creature, smiling madly at her catch. With the girl utterly reeking of sex and her grinding her drenched sex against the creature it was mere moments before the creatures hardon appeared.

The succubus wasted no time and slammed herself home, pumping away vigorously and moaning loudly, like the whore in heat that she was. The hunter sneered from the sudden shock and the longed for treatment it received and grabbing the girls ass helped her along.

Jenny was fucked in all manner of place and positions on the cold aphrodisiac soaked floor, on the borken table, while standing, while standing from behind, just from behind. It would be quite some time before their feral sex ended. The hunter breathing heavily and completely exhausted lingered out towards the exit, leaving the girl completely soaked in it's seed. With that it disappeared to rest back to its lair... but likely it would return for her soon enough.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny got up cum drenched again. This not how she thought exploring this place was going to be. Cleaning herself as best as she could Jenny looked about the room and checked it with the occulus to make sure she didn't miss anything before returning back to the main hall to explore the right wing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Who could've thought this place had so many sexual predators inside... or perhaps she had an uncanny knack of flushing them out. Well on the brightside she's been naked throughout the ordeal. Who knows how many good dresses would've been ruined in here.

Jenny placed the oculus and looked around, finally it wasn't pitch black and she was able to see right through it. Besides the remnants of the oozes emiting a very meek aura, there didn't seem to be anything of note here-- suddenly a bright light caught Jennys notice. Removing the oculus the girl looked to the source recognising Servos blue light. The lil golem was hiding at the top of class throughout the whole ordeal... Jenny couldn't help but wonder what kind of impression she was leaving on the inexperienced golem.

Still soon enough, with a little encouragement to boot he came down the stairs and joined up with Jenny once more.

With that both of them proceeded out, one smelling much worse from before they entered the room. Thankfully there was noone outside, to her left there was one more doorway, but Jenny decided to keep that for later and proceeded to the right wing.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking Sir by the hand Jenny noted the door she had missed earlier and paused a moment. No need to back track. Stopping she motioned for Sir to be quiet while she herself moved to the door blade ready listing first before stealthily opening and entering if she heard nothing. In side she would check the room over before heading back on her original plan and checking the first double door for sound.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny walked toward the last door entering the sun illuminated area. Just as she thought this was an open area here. It was fairly huge area, filled with sand which hardened from years of training, under the pressure and sweat that it was treated by. Not to mention there was several metals stakes here, akin to those in the Destruction class. At eastern end of the area there was a huge pedestial... but nothing on it. How odd. In fact the pedestial was very much akin to those that held up the statues of the Star God and Janis. Who's was this... or well where was this statue?

Still first things first. Jenny approached the door and peeked inside. A room very much the same as the previous one was here.... only inside there was significant amount black stains and... parts of the meat puppets. The smell was too digusting for the heroine to enter. Still she at the very least placed the oculus on herself and glanced inside.

At first glance there was noone here, but she could always enter inside and get a proper look around... but the venture into a smelly, sticky and dark room just to look for something that might not be there at all did not excite her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't like it not one bit. She turned to Servo and smiled. "Sir can you be brave for me? All I want you to do is fly into the room and look around okay try to see if anything we can use is in there." If Sir went about his mission Jenny would lavish him with complements on how brave he was. If not she would comfort the little guys saying that she didn't blame him after all she didn't want to go in there ether.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well Jenny wasn't going in there.... but perhaps there was someone who could do it for her. The heroines eyes slowly rolled over to Sir who was right behind her looking into the room cautiously aswell. Though Jennys mischievious gaze caught the fella well offguard as he looked up to her meet the evil womans schemings...

If a golem could be pale white and have an unsure smile, this was the moment it would be clearly as day. Servo slowly floated inside much to the silent cheers of the heroine.

Sir made it half-way into the room when suddenly a loud screech rangout! Near him landed another hunter, a different shade than her fuck-buddy! The heroine gasped lightly and looked over as another of the foul creatures appeared near Servo! Though they didn't attack or seem hostile...

Jenny spoke a silent prayer for the safety of her tiny companion, but couldn't go in to help. It would be suicide!... then again she couldn't help but squeeze the blade in her hand. If those things dare harm Sir...

Servo floated back from the shock as the creatures inspected him curiously, it wasn't made of flesh, yet moved into their nest... one of the lizards gave him a poke, sneering loudly, but soon walked back up the stairs, with the other hunter inspecting Sir a while longer, but soon following his kin up the stairs aswell.

Stone faced Servo made his way out and collapsed face first. Never. Again.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny closed the door silently and picked up her little companion and held him tight muttering apologies to the little construct. Holding the little guy tightly Jenny made her way past the combat dummies and into the right wing making sure she stayed extra quiet and sneaky while she check what lay behind these doors.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Well the girl certainly owed Servo something nice after that. Still with the apologies done, Jenny carried onwards. Backtracking slightly Jenny went to the other wing not via the open training area, but the training dummies. Servo looking to one of the curiously as they passed.

Nevertheless as they approached the right wing Jenny had to set Sir down and both of them would sneak closer. There were 2 double doors in total, separated, by a fairly large distance. Whatever these rooms were they fairly far larger than the classrooms.

Jenny carefully approached the first doubledoors and peeked inside, quiet as a mouse near cats.

The heroines eyes grew wide at the sight, hundreds upon hundreds of weapons of all kind laid here from scytches to polearmas, from daggers to greatswords! There was also a substantial collection of armors here too! All kinds shapes and sizes going up to as sturdy as chain! This was the armory!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny sighed "How come I didn't check this room before Sir?" Still with this many rape lizards around she better check things out. Jenny grabbed the occulus and eyed the room for any hidden elements before sneaking in silently ears and eyes wide open listening and watching. If the room seemed safe she would look for armors that might fit her before sighing. If the room was this well stocked then none of the students got here to arm themselves.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

So the academy was well armed and should've been well trained. Then how did it fall like this? What happened to all of the students? Jenny carefully entered the room, seemed foes were keen on lurking at every corner. Fortunately there was noone here besides her and her tiny golem companion.

The girl wandered to the armour selection, there were so many armors. Time to see if any of them fitted her. Well the girl certainly had quite the curves, seemed no chain armor was made for a bust of her size... but on the brightside there was some leather and martial mage robes that fit her perfectly.

So it depended what Jenny wanted tight leather pants and a corset like sturdy leather or bright white clean robes with beautiful decorations made...and a substantial amount of 'sideboob' to boot!.
Leather armor is self explanatory.
Battlemages Robes are more like this:
Warning amazing chest ahead.
Use two hands. (it's darksouls humor... shuttup >,<)
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No reason to settle for one after all no one else was here to use it. The robes where pretty but sadly they where not lasting long maybe some leather. Looking around Jenny found a suit that looked comfy and smiled yes this wold do though she should really clean herself up a bit. Using the last clean scrap of the former destruction class robe Jenny cleaned the goo and dried spunk off herself before slipping into the armor that had built in padding for her chest. Smileing she turned around and looked at Sir. "What do you think little guy?" Looking about Jenny grabbed an extra set of both armor and robes telling herself it was for repairs not because she was going to be raped again. Armored Jenny began to look around for a slightly better blade. She liked the weight and feel of this one but it was most likely mass produced and cheap she could do with something of a bit better quality or if she was lucky an new hand repeater.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The armory didn't have any firearms, only Iavelins. Though there was a good selection of one hand swords here. They were all exact mirror images of each other, but each had beautiful engravings and keen shiny blades. Some were dulled, others were exceptionally sharpened. It was nice to be rid of that dreaded blade, even if it was well made it was taken from some demon grunts. Not something Jenny fancied on carrying.

Jenny grabbed the new sheath and turned to Servo... who unfortunately had trouble fitting all of the armors in the backpack. It was a miracle they managed to fit as much as they did in the first place. Only one extra armor set would fit.