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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Muttering under her breath Jenny turned to the table and orb. The room was much smaller than the other despite being on the same floor plan. Maybe it was a secrete passage or some such. Looking about Jenny didn't see any strange wires or hinges. Looking at the bed Jenny tried to figure out if it was someone getting up normally or a rushed get out of bed fast there's danger. Either way she would examine the orb and table closely.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perception: 47 vs 40 WIN
It was a tough call, obviously the room was undisturbed for years and telling whether the sheets were throw off in a rush or just casually placed aside was not particualary easy. Whatever signs Jenny tried to find around the bed nothing seemed out of the ordinary, likely it was not the case of someone rushing out of bed.

With the dresser locked and the bed not having anything of note, there were only 2 more objects left to inpsect. Jenny appraoched the orb and looked it over. It was clear crystal ball standing on a golden stand, numerous intricate enrgavings covering the jeweled contraption. Unfortunately it was far too large to carry and didn't seem to want to budge. Though the orb was removeable fairly easily. No mater what Jenny did the device would not react or activate to her presence or prods.

All that was left to inspect was the table. Jenny approached the table and noted 3 drawers, 1 of them having a fairly basic lock on it. Besides that the table surface was clear of any objects. Though now that she looked closer Jenny noted something else of note... the dust beneath the table, seemed to have been disturbed much, much more recently than the rest of the room. Someone most definedly were looking for something down there.

Leaning down Jenny looked through the table and noted a actual key hole undernreath the table!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

'Yes!' Jenny contained her joy to her head lest she draw attention to herself. Still the dust having been disturbed she needed to be cautious. Looking under the table Jenny fiddled with the lock to see if it would open.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Unfortunately no amount of tinkering brought any noteworthy results. The keyhole required a very peculiar key. Jenny sighed with disappointment, well that joy was short lived.

Then again there's still 3 drawers to check, one of the still denied with a basic lock.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny grumbled to herself and decided to search the drawers. Maybe just maybe she would get lucky and find the key.. maybe. If not she would move on leaving the room and its secretes to itself.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perception: 31 vs 30
Hoping for the best Jenny began her search through the drawers...

The first drawer didn't give anything of interest, just some basic ink and paper supplies. Then again, who knows when some paper or writing tools may come useful.

Whatever Jenny choose to do with the findings, soon after she closed it and slid the second drawer open. It was filled with scorched and burnt up papers, the papers didn't just appear inside here, they were burnt precisely and purpose. The table had no damage to it afterall... Jenny casually moves the ashes aside hoping to find atleast a little bit of information, when she noted a certain gleam inside. The heroine quickly pushed aside the remains of the scorched pages only to note the fire had burnt through the bottom to reveal hidden bottom in the drawer!

Curiousity aflame, the girl quickly pulled the drawer as further out as she could and pried open the covering bottom, to see what was hidden. A key! An elaborate, gold key rested hidden from anyones eyes, whoever burnt the pages seemed to incidentally paved way for the heroine to proceed.

Though she wanted to lunge forward and try to unlock the secret beaneath the table there was another lock she had to tackle first. The third drawer had a robust, but basic lock on it. With Jennys previously aquired skill it wouldn't take long for that 'Tink' to ring out and with a pull the lock was open!

Jenny slowly opened the drawer revealing a single book inside. Well then what was Jack hiding in here... the heroine slowly opened the book to read what lied inside.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly stashed the book it would be something she needed to talk to Riley about. Not to mention this Einhart was going to be trouble. No doubt he caused all this to happen or at lest was linked to it. Still she had one more place to check and it was time to put the key to use.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over the key and nodded to herself it had to match. Just HAD to... The heroine quickly slid under the table and slowly attempted to fit the key, a perfect macth!

Jenny pushed the key inside and turned it, making the keyhole expel some light and a click could be heard from behind her. Looking back the dressers door slowly opened up. Bingo!

The girl quickly got to her feet and being as cautious as ever approached the dresser and looked inside. Suddenly numerous candles ignited inside to reveal a disturbing sight. There was indeed a hidden room here, but it's contents well...

The whole area was covered with art of Riley, either drawn or conjurered, though some just seemed like frozen moments. Whatever the disturbed man used there were literally layers upon layers of pictures, all of them surrounding 2 crown jewels of the hidden room. A stand with a open book and a identical replica statue of Riley.

Jenny approached the book at looked to see what it was. Unfortunately it was even more of the arcane writings, not to mention it just had the most sickening darkly aura around. If Jenny tried to move the book it would not budge, but whatever was written here may be of great interest.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It was to much she had to let the girl know. Something was not right here and Jenny quickly backed away to the door. "Riley.... Could you come here a moment..... You need to see this..." Still with all the dark magic and obsession with Riley Jenny would be sure to keep the acrobatic girl out of the room lest it set off some devious trap.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny left the room more than a little disturbed at the obsesion of it's owner and called Riley over... well she almost didn't even have to.

Riley was leaning to the entrance of the room she explored, carefully reading over a book "I keep trying to teach my students, a prayer is nothing but words adressing the dieties. Some day I hope to hear someone answer me, that dieties do not need prayers, love and respect each fleck of grass, care and grow each seed you plant. Actions, speak volumes more than words ever could." the showgirl smiled warmly, a clear hint of deep nostalgia in her eyes and closed the book "He was always such a pleasant man."

"Found something?" Riley looked up to Jenny, awaiting what was her salvage result.

Riley found a EP potion
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Uhhh Riley the professor of this room..... he ... well he was more than a little obsessed with you. He's got drawings and all sorts of nasty things. I don't know if you should see them I think the room might be trapped waiting for you to enter it...."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley frowned briefly "What?" the girl casually threw the book forward o a room infront only for some commotion to be heard from inside there... likely poor Sir was to catch it on his way out.

The showgirl approached Jenny curiously "Who?" though stopped dead in her tracks and turned pale as her eyes shot wide in terror. There was something behind Jenny...

"Riley... come home..." a voice as if coughed up, echoed from behind Jenny, it's tone as if slowly cutting away at her skin, piercing and cold. If Jenny turned around she'd see a long thick tendril with a humanoid torso at it's end peering out of the room. The torso had no arms, but had a head with no facial features but two huge yellow eyes, it's whole body covered in thick black goo taht seemingly slowly dripped off.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny spun around her rifle at the ready for a quick shot at the nasty creature. "Stay back RILEY!" At this close of a range Jenny could hardly have missed. The question was however what type of thing was this.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The creature looked down the barrel at the heroine, it's intense eyes burning brightly as it eyed Jenny "Harvest... comes..." the darkly voice sent shivers down Jennys body "Harvest comes.... harvest comes... harvest comes, harvest come--" suddenly a bright flash of energy pierced the creature, making it disperse right back to the wall it came from.

Riley breathed deeply, shakken by the sight. The showgirl caught Jennys look to her and quickly looked "I-I need some fresh air. You better not tally around her much longer. It won't be safe here soon."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Riley wait theirs some kinda creepy statue in there should we destroy it?" It was a tough call but she needed some input from someone in the academy. Someone who had actual schooling.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny didn't even have time to finish her question as Riley had already turned and ran to the exit, without a further word.

Looked like Jenny was stuck with this decision alone... well almost alone. From one of the rooms Servo walked out looking over the book Riley threw to him, his backpack slightyl bigger than before. The lil golem looked to Jenny and waved happily. His task complete.

Servo found:
- 'Improvised rope'
- ??? book
- Healing potion
- Rileys found book
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

What else could she do there was a clear warning and it was best they leave. "Good job Sir lets go!" With that Jenny headed out. "Riley wait up a second where can we go thats safe?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny found Riley sitting on nearby rock, looking thoughtfully forward before looking to the heroine and smiling "m? Oh! Well you can try to hide-out in the academy main building. Somewhere out of reach or~ we can try our luck with Alice." for brief moment Rileys eyes looked down, before she rapidly blinked and looked back to Jenny. Obviously, whatever that thing was, it wasn't new to the showgirl... nor was it something pleasant.

Sun is still shinning brightly, numerous(we're talking lots) meat puppets roam the ground just over 70ft away from the girls.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Would we be safe on the roof of a building?" Jenny looked over at the other dorm wondering if it was more intact than the last one. "Besides I want to take a look at a couple of books I found."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley shooke her head firmly "Whatever you do, don't get caught outside during harvest... the roof would only leave us out in the open." the showgirl casted a short glance to the boys dorms "And Jack will be back soon, it wouldn't be safe inside."