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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No time to talk about that now though we need to head to the party before Alice gets angry that where late." Jenny winked at Riley letting the girl know that she was only speaking to prevent Laurence from finding out they were not welcome. Poor Laurence though undoubtedly he will take the brunt of Alice's rage. In away she almost felt bad for the puppet he did seem the kind sort. Jenny lead Riley down the stairs taking shelter when every she thought the sentry would make an appearance. It would be tricky and they would have to move fast but Jenny was confident that they would make it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The plan was a swift escape downstairs... unfortunately that was not going to happen.

Riley snickered warmly at Jennys comments "Alright, just one more moment" though the charade was not necessary needed as Laurence had already shambled his way to the end of the hallway, the heroine dismissed him for the time being afterall.

The showgirl picked up a rag nearby and wiped her ankles lightly, before throwing away "The Bronxy boys most cetainly can get messy." she snickered lightly, not all bothered at what likely went on here for hours upon hours.

The trio peeked out the door and made their way to the hallway, unfortunately Jenny noted Laurence had stopped, a bright yellow cone light illuminating him. As Laurence spoke her looked back to Jenny and Riley once, before the sentry light illuminating him turned red!

It's never easy... a screech rang out throughout the dorm! Before either of the heroines could react the doors on each end off the hallway opened up, several hunters exiting on one end and a huge slime creature slowly dripping out the other!

The hunters all wore red bowties, their eyes empty and distant. The slime creature had 2 fake wobbly eyes floating around in it. AS numerous of it's tentacles shot out ready to attack the girls!

Greater Tentacles fiend and 3 hunters appear!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"SHIT!" Jenny grabbed Riley and headed for the stairs they needed to get out and fast! Trying to to avoid the tenticles if she could. It seems their's would be a fighting retreat!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley uses Greater Illusions:
6 EP cost

Resistance checks:
50+ vs 41
50+ vs 30

50+ vs 27

All tricked!

Jenny quickly looked both ways and cursed loudly, this was not a fight she'd rather take! The heroine grabbed Riley by the hand only to note, her grasp went through her?

The heroine stopped briefly as she looked to the showgirl walking away from her and swaying her hips. Riley slowly threw her gloves aside as she approached the two hunters and slowly placed her hands on their cocks, smiling seductively as she lead them back to the room.

Jenny flatout couldn't believe it! Till she felt HERSELF was grabbed by the hand and tugged onwards "It won't trick them for long let's go!" Riley winked slyl and notioned to get a move on. It was just an illusion. The illusionary distaction was used to similar effect on the tentacled fiend as it's numerous tentacles quickly lunged to the illusion that offered herself to it and instantly tore her clothes apart. The trio didn't care to linger around for too long, lest the creatures saw through the Tricksters magic.

With both enemies occupied it was a clean escape. The two girl quickly exited the hallway and went towards the stairs down rigth at the end of the middle hall when Riley suddenly stopped Jenny "Wait, Jenny! We still need the statue!" with all manner of sounds surrounding them it was a risky venture to try and force through the beehive... then again what choice did they have?
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The locked door was Jenny's only clue damn. Jenny pulled Riley along to the locked door and did her best to pick it before they where spotted. "This is the only door this way I haven't checked I hope your tricks hold true."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The two looked to each other and Sir to them, their business still wasn't done here. Best get it over with now, rather than return here again "Are you certain? I thought she'd keep it near her room in the middle." Riley looked to Jenny, but followed her lead. Either way this was no time to stand around as the vails, laughter and moans echoed loudly throughout the building.

The trio went on through the art display when someone rounded the corner! The 'little red riding hood' from before made her appearance. The woman twitched violently as she stood infront of the two heroines and their tiny support golem, her butchers knife gleaming with dark intent.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stopped a moment and stared into the little girls eyes. She couldn't do it she couldn't shoot the poor child even if it was a lifeless doll. Still Jenny felt dark energy's flow threw her and her eyes glowed red as she stared at the foe before her.

Jenny uses stunning gaze with X=5 so it should be 22ep spent with at reistance check vs Jenny ??vs 33 or be stunned for 6 rounds
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Hood attempts to resist:
33 vs 33... err
32 vs 33 Resistance fail

Hood is stunned for 6 rounds

Jenny eyes grew red as a brigth light shinned infront of her. The succubus opponent froze up and dropped her blade, standing there stunned by the dark powers.

The trio proceeded past her without much worry "What was that?" Riley looked to Jenny curiously. Whether the heroine answered or not soon enough they reached the locked door.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"A dark gift". It was all Jenny would say about it for the moment. The effort had drained a substantial amount of her energy but it worked though she felt the girl fight hard against her. Hopefully this room would be what they needed if not it could also prove a shelter if no one saw them. In fact Jenny made sure none of the creatures spotted her as she picked the lock and slipped inside. Hopefully it was safe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The lock clicked fairly easily and all three went inside, no time to check what was inside as the howls of encroaching enemies neared them. Jenny closed the door behind them and looked around.

It was a simple room with surprisingly intact furniture. Looking around Jenny would find numerous dresses that seemed to be akin to hers, usually sewn together from numerous remains of blue robes "Odd... seems she left this room empty..." Riley looked over the dresses and then to what Jenny wore "For you."

Indeed even on the small table rested a teaset, with some liquid in it. Besides that the room had a writting table, a busted up bed and a coach. Everything in particulary shaggy state, but heck it was still unbroken furniture "We should wait till the alarm wears off. Every single of ALices minnions will likely be out to find us."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny locked the door no reason to give her pursuers any doubts. If the door was locked to begin with it should stay so. So this was supposed to be her fate humm. Kept in this room like an over sized doll. Jenny shuddered and took off the dress she was forced to wear before digging threw Sirs bag and fetching the robe from the armory. Waiting a moment Jenny picked up Sir and held him tight returning the affection the little golem had given her earlier. Taking one of the ratty dresses Jenny began to clean Sir off. Keeping her voice low while she worked Jenny looked over to Riley. "So if Jack and Alice are crazy no doubt Azreal will be as well." Jenny sighed it wasn't looking good.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Meanwhile Riley sat down on one of the couches and sighed with relief. "M?" she snickered warmly "No, he's different than these two. The GrandMaster is still very much the same as back when--" Riley paused briefly casting her glance downwards "Well anyway, he's fine. Though he was always a little whacky, but he's got a very good heart. If we meet him I'm sure he'll be able to help you."

Jenny finished off cleaning Sir and unless she asked something Riley would speak first "So... what was it like? When Alice corrupted you?" the showgirl glanced over to the heroine.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Humm which part where she knocked me out or ... the other." Jenny thoughts drifted to the briefest moment when she had lost her soul and memories washed away as if they where nothing. But she had been saved by someone and well to say she was thankful was an under statement.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley smiled at Jenny "The other?" the showgirl looked to Jenny curiously "What happened after they took me away? Once you drank that tea, something changed in your eyes... I wasn't sure you were there anymore." Riley looked forward silently "Such cruel magic. Alice used to be---" she cut off whatever she said and looked to Jenny for the previous answer.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stopped cleaning Sir for a moment and looked over at Riley. Keeping her voice low she spoke. "Well after I sipped the tea things got a wobbly and bizzar. To me it looked like you left to have fun with the boys or whoe ever they were supposed to be. Sir looked like he was a giant teddy bear and well after the effects wore off the other dinner quests where rather frighting. Any way when I sat at the table their was another cup of tea waiting for me. I took a sip and passed out only to wake up a demon realm where I was a proper succubus. It was just a twisted version of my life but I managed to break free only to be judged by Alice. After that she came for me and I... well I lost but was saved at the very end." Jenny shuddered again before resuming her tale. "Anyway I was saved and returned back to the land of the living and fought Alice again. This time I won and got free and well after finding Laurence we found you and here we are."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley gently shifted on the sofa looking to Jenny curiously "Alice made you believe you lost?" that was the one detail that didn't add up, while the showgirl always imagined Alice would use a twisted world of peace to trick her victims... but what did Jenny mean by her last sentence.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No Riley I... died. But a spirit I helped in the past saved me at the last second he prevented me from passing to death." Jenny looked up at Riley and continued to speak. "He sent me back to before I died and I fought Alice and escaped." Jenny wasn't sure Riley would believe her but it was the honest truth as far as Jenny knew.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley listened to the tale at hand, even fixing her top hat, it was a tall order to believe, but stranger things had happened... as the showgirl herself could attest to "If that's true... it couldn't have been a mere spirit, Jenny. No spirit has the power to bring someone back. Avedel herself brought you back?" Jenny had visited the Shrine to the Deathly Shepherd, unless the artist of the statue mistook the gender and the look of the diety completely... it was someone else.

Riley would listen Jenny if she explained what or who she thought intervened, causing a warm smile on the showgirls face "Guess we have something in common.. we've both died once, but were brought back. Though my... 'master' was not as kind."

"Let's change the topic..." she smiled warmly at the heroine, obviously not particulary keen on talking about the creature that wanted her back.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No it couldn't be the man said Avedel didn't like him interfering.. but your right we have current mysteries to resolve first." Jenny looked to the door letting her hearing see if things had calmed down once more. If not she would sit back and let Riley talk after all it was time the show girl shared a little.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Best not rush outside." Riley spoke up as Jenny approached the door "Let's just wait it out." she smiled at the heroine, though if Jenny insisted she'd hear some shuffling of feet echo from behind the door. The duo stirred up the beehive pretty darn well.

Though Jenny had quite the few question for Riley, she didn't ask. Perhaps the girl would offer insight by herself... then again one doesn't just start explaining things about themselves out of the blue "You're quite the farmgirl then..." Riley smiled warmly "How did you hide your succubus nature? I always assumed most folk feared demons of any kind... then again, a kind and friendly succubus at easy reach. The farmboys probably stood in line just for a peek." she giggled lighthertedly "Quite a few students took a few too many liberties with some of the demonology spells. I imagine farmboys aren't that different"
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