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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Event #??

Jenny spread her wings and quickly rushed over the surface, a loud splash could be heard right as passed over. Looking back the water had been clearly disturbed, judging by the ripples it was of a fairly large size. The succubus continued onward, though as she moved onwards the 'snow' below had turned red, whatever amount of this stuff that melted now showed itself. Leaving the girls feet lightly soaked in the crimson liquid.

Thankfully she was able to move onwards without things going even worse. As she stepped forward much to her relief the blood from the previous room was gone, though to her distress something was in the room with her.

A figure dressed in long black garbs was kneeling in the middle of the room, rummagin through what seemed to be a bag full of metalic objects. As if sensing her presence it slowly smoothly stood up, giving no hints of legs or the like beneath the cloak and turned to Jenny.
wore a bright white ceramic mask with a long beak. It's whole body covered in the black garbs, not giving even the slightest hints of whats below "Hello." it---the man spoke up, his voice distorted by the mask. He seemed to have a pleasant and polite tone, but something just sent shivers down Jennys body.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed an exit before moveing over to it at a fast walk. "Uh hello sorry can't chat." Jenny headed for a west exit choosing not to stay with this stranger.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly walked to the exit the mans beak following her as she did in silence "Do you have the disease?" his voice echoed out once more, pleasant and chilling. Thankfully he made no move to approach the heroine.

As if some cruel joke, the exit had a door aswell, but this time it was actually locked?! Pull as she might the west exit was closed off. Turning back around she'd see the black figure staring her down "You do not seem sick, shall I cure you? I am a doctor."
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Damn looking back to the creepy doctor thing Jenny smiled. "Nope all good here doctor!" Jenny moved to the north exit and tried to leave threw it keeping an eye on the doctor thing.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Run you fool!
45 vs 35 WIN!

The creature kept his gaze locked to the girl, following her across the room unnervingly. Though as she was mid-way to the exit, the black figure suddenly at a very rapid speed began to drift towards her. It's black leather ladden hand extended towards her.

This was more than enough incentive for the girl to leg it! The girl quickly dashed to the north exit, which thankfully didn't have the door and not even looking back ran through the dark and into the other room!

As she lunged out from the shadows the girl quickly looked around this room aswell! It was empty.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Breathing from her sudden exertion Jenny kept her eyes open. Even if the room seemed empty it could be full of shadow horrors or other things that she couldn't see. Letting out a loud cry of frustration Jenny looked at the exits before heading for the east one.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked around the room carefully heading east, her gaze looking around the room carefully-- suddenly a white manequin stood near the eastern entrance. It's shape indistuinguishable as it had no facial features and only a plain body. Simple feet and palms.

The girl blinked at the sight, noting it's head now faced her!
Manequin appears.
Manequin moves at 70 speed every round. Cannot move if in direct sight of someone.

Jennys has to blink when her resistance runs out.
Each round a d8 will be rolled, stacking [2d8's for round two; 3d8's for round three] deciding how much resistance keeping her eyes open drains Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed this new horror and quickly moved to the north exit making sure to keep her eyes trained on it unwavering. She was afraid to even blink or lose eye contact with the strange object as she moved to the door and fumbled with the handle. Things had gone into serious creepy mode and it was all she could do not to scream out.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny loses 8 resistance [20/28]

The girl kept her eyes open, not daring to even blink as detoured around the creature. Loud cracking sounds reached Jennys ear, from the northern entrance though the girl refused to turn till something white caught her peripheral vission. Another of these things had made a mad dash at her just now. Stopped less than 3 feet away! Though it's palms were reshaped as 2 jagged hooks.

If Jenny continued to towards the northern entrance she'd have to pass right past the creature and gods forbid she blinked then... a most there would be 6 feet distance from the closest manequin.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

What in the hells was going on here. It took even more effort for Jenny to keep both the creepy dolls in sight. Staying out of arms reach of the closest one Jenny was to far along to make it to another door. speeding up Jenny felt her eye begin to water she couldn't do this for long she needed to get out of here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny loses 9 resistance [17/28]
Jenny blinks [28/28]

North Exit 86 feet,
West; East Exits 65 feet.

Manequin #1 1 feet.
Manequin #2 5 feet

The girl rapidly moved past the creature making sure to keep both of them in her gaze. Up close, while not fully focusing on the manequin Jenny could clearly see it's serated hook hands. The edges sharp to make sure once hit the pray would struggle to be freed, but the real question remained how fast were these things. Had Jenny not noticed it before... or did it run up so close to her, so quickly....

Whatever the case the girls eyes watered strongly needing to blink, as she grasped at the handle praying to all the divines the door was unlocked *click* much to her relief the door opened up. Giving her a a way to escape.

Jenny didn't linger a moment longer in the room and quickly went onwards closing the door behind her and sighing deeply, her eyes still wide open mostly of fear.

Be it fortunate or not this room was empty too. The girl took a step forward only to hear the creaking of a door opening! Looking back one of the manequinswas already in the room 2 feet away from her, the other at the opened doorway!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

What Jenny wouldn't do to have a hammer to smash their porcelain faces with. Givin this room Jenny tried to keep her foes in sight making a zig zagging path to the next exit. Choosing the west path Jenny's eyes began to water again. Damn why are these creepy things after her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny keeps her eyes open [23/28]

West Exit 37sp away
East 85sp. away
North 76 sp away

Manequin #1 29sp away
Manequin #2 33 sp away

The two figures remained motionless and looked to Jenny blankly, stepping back the heroine could see how close to death she actually was. One of the manequins had made it so close to her once more. It's hands changed to serated edge blades and well mid-way to a swinging motion.

Jenny continued to back towards the door, her eyes still wide-open for now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Out of all the horrors Jenny had seen these where probably the worst she had endured. The other she could run from but these things where so fast and she had no weapons to defend herself. Keeping her eyes open Jenny tried to rush to the door and get out of there. "LEAVE ME ALONE YOUR FREAKS!"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jennys keeps her eyes open [17/28] (9)

West 9 away
East 113 away
North 74 away

Manequin #1 59 away
Manequin #2 63 away

Jennys cries would be less than answered as the creatures remained still. The girl rapidly shuffled back, just forced to look over the lifeless creatures. What sort of magic could've made something like this. Were these guards, warriors... or just dark creatures with hatred of life.

Whatever the case maybe, the girls eyes began sting as she kept them open. Small tears forming up obscuring part of her vision, though as they rolled away the part that was obscured revealed 3 more of the creatures at the west exit, these had scittering legs, their limbs sharp blades that the creature would charge at Jenny.

Still the door was close now, but if they can follow her through doors how long would it take before the creatures blindsided her... heavy uneasy rushed across Jennys body as she realised she had no vision whats behind her or of the north exit.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

She wouldn't make it if she moved to a new exit she was stuck heading west. She had to get threw the door. While not seeing the north exit was bad diverting her gaze to it was worse. Instead she sped up for the west exit and trying to make her way threw it. Once on the other side she would keep the door shut denying the things entry.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny doesn't blinks.

Jenny reached the west exit.

Manequin #1 at < 1 away
Manequin #2 at 3 away.
Menequin #3 and #4 at 50 away.

The heroine kept backpedaling until the small hallway leading to each door cut her vision away from the creatures. Well it was a chance and she had to take it, right as she lost sight of the creatures she blinked. Loud cracking and clanging echoing through the room. Opening her eyes she'd find a sharp blade right between her bust and the sharp edge near her heart.

In one blink the creature closed the distance that took Jenny this long to reach! It stood motionless, though just sliding away from the particulary sharp looking blade was a challenge.

The girl rapidly felt around the entrance and grabbed the handle, turning it with all her might and fell backwards into the room--- At that moment Jenny felt her back lean against something.

Despair almost began to set in, when she noted it was a soft warm body, covered in silks!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny did not rejoice at this development what new horror awaited her Still she shut the door the puppet with bladed hands fresh on her mind. With the door shut Jenny turned around to see what new danger she found herself in....
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rolls paused for exposition... ;P
"Don't!" Jenny eyes shot wide as a voice spoke up stopping her actions "Please tell me it's you Jenny." the silken clad-body... it was Riley!

The showgirl rested her back against the heroine, unsure if it was her, though still hoping for the best. She did not move an inch too.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

It could be a trick... still the body was warm and the voice true. Keeping her eyes on the door Jenny reached out and delicatly grabbed Riley's hand. "Riley is that you?" If felt like the show girl smelt like the show girl but Jenny was dreading this as some trick.