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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Looking againt the energy stream already went into the crystal, perhaps breaking it away would stir Lina back to life... or just make the massive construct fall aside and making the girls really stuck here "I've never been in here before..." Riley looked around "Jenny... on each rune. There's an angelic figure, amde of the most pure white energy I've ever seen. They're all looking to the crystal in prayer." Jenny blinked as she turned back into the chamber, there was a good couple of hundred blocks with white runes etched into them. Whatever this chamber was, it was something far grander than suspected...

"We've come this far, there has to be a way to free her!" Riley looked to Jenny with seeming annoyance with the situation "I'm new to all this, you've had to have some plan... right?" she looked to Jenny hopefully, what DID Jenny learn over the course here?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked about the room and to her sister. "I was told that if I free her I would set in motion events that could bring about disaster but if I don't free her then she will die and the disaster will happen anyway...." Jenny looked about the room to see if she missed anything. "Riley help me move her out of the energy field it might end the ritual. Jenny moved into position to push it so Lina wouldn't fall into the pit the bridge was over. Waiting to see if Riley had any insight into what was going on or a better idea Jenny waited still thinking the action over herself trying to search her brain for hidden clues.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley blinked at Jennys offer "Are you sure about this... if we move this thing away from whats holding it in place. Who knows what happens?" still Jennys quote rang true, perhaps something akin to exactly as said... a disaster "A-alright..." it didn't seem like a good plan, but it was the only plan they had.

The 'pitfall' was barely a few inches wide. The stone was used to approach the center area of the crystal. Both girls placed their hands to the crystal and looking to each other nodded "Heave!" the duo pushed with all their might and slowly the crystal leaned more and more out of the stream of energy that held it in place... before toppling over. And falling to the ground, the surge of energy suddenly shooting up in thick stream of white energy, passing by the girls harmlessly, before the room went completely and utterly dark.

A loud crash of glass could heard in the dark right infront of the duo. Only the white orb illuminating the area a few feet around itself and Sirs blue light beam in the distance looking around in a very worried fashion.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny carefully moved forward shining what little light the group had to see if her sister was alive and well. "Is she safe?" Her voice had a worried tone to it her body tense. She had no idea what she did and in fact her efforts might have killed Lina. This concern was foremost on her mind as she checked her sister for signs of life.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley picked up the white orb and looked to Jenny "Did I mention how bad a feeling this idea carried with it." she'd snicker playfully, but on Jennys mind there was only question. How was her sister!

The duo quickly moved down the bridge noting the previously energy filled runes now, deathly silent. Just plain sharply cut stone beneath them. The orb of light providing very limited visibility seemingly more keen to stretch it's pure hwite tendrils across the room... mainly aimed to the center of the chamber.

Walking over where the crystal crashed Jenny noted numerous fragments on the ground, though they seemed sharp, thankfully they didn't seem to cut even if stepped on directly. The light slowly moved forward to reveal a red haired girl in the rummage! "Lina!" Jenny quickly dashed forward and checked her, to her unskilled touch it was hard to determine how was her condition...

Suddenly Sir quickly approached and leaned over Lina his blue light running across her weak looking body as he looked up, by now Jenny could read his very little emotions. But it was clear, that light was a happy light! Sir placed his hand on Lina and for brilliant yellow light light to emit from them and sink into red haired girl.

"How is she?" Riley leaned forward curiously, looking fairly concerned, but more on Jennys behalf. The room remained silent and black.
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked over her sister and smiled while tears of joy flowed down her face. "Shes going to be alright." Jenny moved to hug Riley tight holding her a moment. Though this moment had to end there was another thing she needed to do. "Okay Riley help Sir get Lina off this bridge I need to do what I promised to do." Taking the orb Jenny moved to where the light tendrils where pulling.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Will do!" Riley glanced to the orb now placed near Lina "Just... be careful." with that Jenny was free to pick up the orb, it's pure white tendrils seemingly leading her towards the center of the room.

The heroine continued to follow where she was lead, the thick darkness denying vission, but she felt she slowly descended down a light slope. Soon though she noted the tendrils going lower and lower before aiming directly down, the white orb shinning brightly illuminating more of the area to reveal she was directly at the center.

Well there was only one thing left to do now. The heroine lowered the orb down to where it lead and placed it on the ground...

The chamber suddenly ingited with light once more! The runes previously extinguished burning brightly! Jenny took a few steps back as the orb began to float out up on it's own. A thin pure white energy line going through it and into the ceiling above.

Jenny squinted lightly as the air in the room seemingly became rarer and rarer, sound diming before vanishing compltely. The orb began to pulse light waves of pure energy, each pulse going further and further as the artifact began to spin in place! Suddenly Jenny felt a powerful grasp on her shoulder, as next moment the orb made the room go completely white! The girls conciousness disappearing.


Jenny gasped for air as she suddenly shot up! A harmonic melody of harps playing soothing music nearby... looking around she was back in the grandmasters chambers. Though they seemed to have been cleaned up, the table cleared of most items.

Looking over herself the heroine now wore a red silken evening gown. It was an exceptionally pleasant dress, clearly made of the finest silks, it scored a fairly deep cut to show off her bountiful DD's and parted to show off her left leg. Her companions were nowhere in sight.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked about a little worried. While it wasn't the first time she awoke wrapped in silk in someone else's bedroom the fact that her friends where missing caused her some worry. "Hello?" Jenny looked about before her eyes fell to the bed the only other large piece of furniture besides the bookshelves. Moving her eyes to where the tear used to be Jenny held her breath.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

There would be no answer, just like her first impressions hinted she was alone in the room. Looking around Jenny sighed with relief, the tear to the academy was there and fully active. Unless she wanted to check or do something else in the room she was clear to leave.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking another look around the room Jenny eyed the pictures on the wall. If anything caught her interest she investigate it. If not she would head for the tear and step out hoping that the area was safe.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at the picture and it was indeed Azreal, oddly enough after his change. The skull-like mage stood in fairly fancy looking robes, his gaze locked down upon whoever looked up at the picture. Otherwise there didn't seem much to do here, atleast without magical talents.

The girl looked over herself and noted all her weapons were gone, a painful tisk she'd sigh lightly and step through the tear.

Jenny knew all too well where the tear would leave her off, in the darkness of the underground main hall. The girl stepped through and quickly dashed to the nearest collumn almost out of instinct and much to her surprise clearly looked around.

All of the light were on and the area was cleared of signs of conflicts. Infact it looked suprisingly tidy! No cobwebs, the floors were clearly recently cleaned aswell as the walls seemingly renewed. A creeping though of this just being another illusion of flashback of the past ran across the girls thoughts, everything was far too tidy!

The faculty doors were all closed with the busted and smeared signs removed. The whole area had a warm, even majestic feel to it now. The grand statue seemingly recently polished aswell.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked about confused and headed for the recently polished statue. Before it had been quite dirty and even damaged but now it looked clean and pristine. Touching the cool stone Jenny let out a sigh. Mustering her courage she headed up the stairs to the main hall. Was this all an illusion or a memory? She had to find out and the best place to find out was the library.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Walking upstairs Jenny couldn't believe her ears. The light was shinning down brightly from the upper floors, but of far greater note were. Birds? From upstairs Jenny heard all manner of birds chirp and sing loudly.

Getting to the top woudl reveal it was the nature faculty that was the source, as even butterflies flew around previously overgrown or bushy grass now clean cut and having hints of flowers.

Looking down to the hall of the star god, only now Jenny noted the mirro polished mable stone here. Previously barely recognisable from all the muck, blood and dirt covering it. All the torches were ignited a light blue flame.

Heading forward towards the library suddenly Jenny heard commotion from ahead, the 'gift' shop had someone inside it. Jenny heard numerous shards of glass being moved, as a clear presence could be felt.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny stopped only a moment to listen to the birds before something caught her attention. It was movement in the gift shop. Turning to the source Jenny headed over feeling very much exposed to everything. Peaking in Jenny tried to see what was making the noise. Was it dangerous? Could it be one of the lizards from before?
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hmmm~~ mmm~~ mm~~" Jenny heard clear humming, though it had a strange echo to it. A certain echo she had heared before... the heroine approached the gift shop and peeked inside, only a for a smile to form on her face.

Inside stood a fairly tall figure, glowing with power, it's robes tattered and head well... quite simply on fire and juse bare bones. Azreal hummed happily the numerous items of the gift shop floating around him and returning to the shelves that repaired right before Jennys eyes. Looking down the simple tiles had all of their bits ripped out and were slowly dragging the glassy shard across the floor, sliding inplace and melding together to reform the floor!

"Finally awake are we?" the archmage didn't even turn around and continued his work, his hands orchestrating the renewal of the small as if a symphony. The cashiers table quickly floated up and was reconstructed. The peeled off paint from long ago slowly returning itself against the table and gleaming lightly as if recently applied.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded as she watched the archmage work. "Wow the place looks way better now. How long have I been out and what happened to Riley, Lina, and Sir?" Jenny watched the floor reform as if made of liquid. Equally impressive was the the furniture repainting itself right before her eyes.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"A few days. Tainted bloodlines and angelic purges don't mix too well." he gently floated the soaked or torn leaflets to him and renewed them to their pristine form, keeping the small bundle away from himself "The rest are fine, they've been helping out all around while you slept." he placed the bundle on the table and turned to face Jenny "Oh~ Nice dress."

"HEY!" a blink later the archmage was near inches away from Jenny almost making her step back "Which one do you prefer... Red... or Blue?" he held 2 fliers in his hand, one had red accents the other blue accordingly. Though where his fingers held the paper the poor leaflet seemingly kept evaporating... only to be restored the moment it did so.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny hopped slight startled but looked at the flyers in question. "Humm blue maybe?" Red seemed to stern but the blue looked more welcoming. "I guess its the message you want to send." Jenny looked down at the rather risque dress. "Uhh thanks was it your doing? I really like it." Jenny looked up at Azreal once more his previous statements coming to mind. "What do you mean tainted bloodline and angelic purges?" Had something happened to her? "Did.. something happen to me?" It was a good question considering she had been rendered unconscious for three days.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Azreal turned his head curiously "Er... yes?" he looked to her briefly "Oh dear. You're not particulary up to speed at what you've done and are?.. are you?" he sighed casually and leaned out, before looking back to the room and snapping his fingers. THe gift shop restored to it's absolutely adorable and well kept form.

"Come on then, your golem is in the Spirit Warrior faculty, Lina is with Riley at the theatre. Let's go to wherever you want and I'll tell you what want." he shrugged in a friendly manner "Guess I owe you that much eh?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Okay! Lets get Sir first he has undoubtedly been worried sick!" In all honesty Jenny wanted to see Lina first but she wasn't sure if her sister would believe that Jenny was truly her sister let alone having to explain to Lina about her nature. "So I blacked out after I triggered the thing in the chamber. What happened after that?"