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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lina leaned forward with widened eyes and a blush, while Riley just smiled warmly at the question "No~ she was more interested in your heroic feats than anything else." the showgirl looked to Lina, who actually fairly bashfully glanced away. Clearly the sister was far from the pervert Jenny had now become or perhaps she was yet to find her perverted side.

Whatever the case, Lina eagerly joined in on the hug all girls smiling widely or grinning cutely at the embrace "Hum~ you two DO look alike." Riley smirked teasingly in the embrace as per usual, she and Jenny tighetned their hugs, trapping Lina alongside them aswell. Suddenly all their bust squeezed tightly, Jennys taking center stage, followed by Riley wonderous mound and Lina perky C's "Though of the two of you, seems I caught the really pervy girl." she'd wink at Jenny playfully.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blushed she hadn't always been that way. "Well lets just say I had my eyes opened by a certain bar keep." Jenny threw a wink at Lina before kissing Riley once more and letting the embrace slide. "I see you girls have been busy sense I was out. Come on show me what you've done!" Jenny took both girls by the hand and let them lead the way.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley eagerly returned the kiss snickering as both, gave each other light kisses before ending the deeper embrace.

"Well we were about finishing up in the theatre. Just need to get a few backdrops in order and it'll be back to it's glory just as before." Riley smiled widely. Indeed even the backstage seemed so much grander now that the shadows had dispersed. Looking up Jenny could see hundreds of backdrops and props hoisted up tower way above the theatre. The area absolutely polished to a shine, the wooden floors and walls seeming just recently cut.

"Come on let's finish up here and we can go." the girl nodded firmly to the sisters and unless opposed Jenny put her wings to good use helping both of the mages align numerous backdrops. Some showing a farmland, others dark interiors of a cave and quite a few completely unknown without context.

"Nice dress by the way." Riley winked slyly as they worked, the evening gown far too extravangant for such work. Even compared to Rileys sexualised ringmaster silks or Linas bright red robes, with golden ornaments. As they worked the girls told Jenny about what happened during those three days. After they purged the academy all the bonds and magics force upon it dissipated and destroy all that carried the taint. Azreal saved the group from the purge and began reconstruction and refurbishment of the academy, creating a memorial deeper in the forest to those lost. The duo and Sir meanwhile helped him out wherever they could, though judging by the story it was a particulary cheerful time, even with her resting. The group fooling around and having fun, though dropping by Jennys bed each and every day.

"All that's left is the dorms, Azreal said he'd clean em up and for us to come and help decide on the furniture inside." Riley smiled lightly, leading the girls out of the fully reconstructed theatre, a muted spotlight following the ringmistress out it's light off for the time being.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny paused at the mention of the dorms. Far to many horrors remained in her memory of the place especially the one that lead her to the Skullman and the hint of her fate. Still that was the future and that was subject to change at lest she hoped. "Well lets get to it then. Clear em out and fix them up!" As the group walked to the dorms after sending Sir to let Azreal know what they intended Jenny eyed Lina's robes. They looked like academy robes and from what she could tell, if her memory held true, they where of the destructive school. "So Lina.... I just got to know how did you make it threw this place. It was a real challenge for me even with all the help I got."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

With Riley leading the girls forward the trio and their tiny helper went onwards towards the dorms. As the group turned the corner of the theatre Jenny recalled the horrors she faced in both of the locales... madness, death, impalement and... just the sheer memories were enough to gvie her goosebump.

Though as she turned the corner and the dorms came into view she could only blink in disbelief, what was fairly recently dark and dreadful, became bright and... welcoming?

The whole Yard was fixed up, with seeming brand new steel benches along the freshly laid white gravel paths. Each leading all over the area, arching away to quite a few resting locales complete with a beautifully made steel table and an umbrella no less!

The dorms themself were quite the sight, the old colors renewed to become bright white, new windows shinning brightly even from here. The trees recently deathly now flourishing even blooming, litering their path with broken off petals. The wind was warm and even the birds had returned, peace had been restored to this place.

Lina looked to Jenny curiously as she asked and smiled "Well luckily I went straight to the library when I arrived here and met Azreal there. He took care of me during my visit." suddenly Riley spoke up, her confident strut as clear as ever "As a mage Lina could enter the library no problem, so long as she communicated with a professor... or a certain grand master."

Suddenly a arcane explosion rang out from the male dorms! All the girls getting in combat stance, even Lina joining in!

Several coughs suddenly echoed behind them "Riley. I'm gonna need you with this... excuse us girls." looking back it was no other than the grand mage, coughing up some red flames with a accent of purple. The group relaxed at the sight "Well we were just enroute to the dorms already---" "I may have got the wrong orb frequency." the two mages turned their heads at the 'grand master' mage in disbelief "It happens!" he leaned forward innocently like a teen in trouble. Riley could only facepalm with Lina looking to him curiously "Azreal, but you're the grand master. How can you miscalculate such simple things." Azreal looked around "Well~ maybe it's broken. Come on Riley." "Fine~... give us some time and drop by the boys dorm. Think you two have some catching up to do anyway." Riley smiled as she took Azreals hands and with that she was gone leaving the two girls on the gravel path.

There was a simple bench nearby and quite a few resting stops aswell, then again the simple grass was sharply cut and could provide comfort. Lina only smiled to her sister and waited for her word with Sir remaining silent and just following the girls around. The backpack on him fixed up with seeming simple patchwork... actually giving it a certain charm.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking Lina by the hand Jenny led her to one of the benches and sat her down before picking up Sir and placing the little guy on her lap. "Well Lina Im sure you two have already met and by this patchwork I assume you helped him with his pack?" The stitches did have Lina's handy work on them, while proficient her stitches where hardly ever clean. "If not well Lina this is Sir my trusty companion and life savoir for this little mission. My brave little knight in shining arm..err stone." Jenny smiled and kissed Sir on the forehead. "Sir this is my sister Lina. Mage extraordinary and trouble maker to boot." Jenny couldn't help but giggle as she made formal introductions that had likely already been made. Setting Sir aside Jenny took Lina by the hands and looked deep in her eyes. "So... how much has Riley and Azreal told you about me..... and what... I've become...." Jenny felt the blush of shame cross her face. She had changed so much sense she went out to rescue Lina some weeks before.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lina could only giggle playfully to the formal introduction, but still played along. In very feminine fashion and with a huge smile on her face the girl extended her hand "Tis a pleasure Sir...Sir..." she'd snicker at the name "Though I believe the pleasure was had awhile back" Lina winked slyly and smiled at Jenny.

The mage as if guilty lowered her eyes at the question "Riley said it was best for you to tell about... your change." she raised her eyes and looked over her demonic sister almost with regret. The girls gaze was clearly confused was this a tragic curse... or a newfound gift Jennys had manifested.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Good it would be best I think as well." Jenny took a deep breath before starting. "You see Lina our mother.. is not what she appears to be. She is a full blooded demon succubus." Jenny kept going not letting Lina interrupt her as she was fond of doing especially if she had questions. "Dad was a student here in the demonology class. He summoned our mother and well I guess they fell in love. Christine and yourself are normal as far as I can tell. I think Im the only one of us who got this.. blessing or curse. I think of it as both really." Jenny frowned at times it was indeed a blessing and was probably the only reason she had made it threw her challenges as well as she had, but it had come at a great price. "Anyway I was apparently always this way just nearly starved most of my life. I won't go into details about how I found out. Needless to say my first meal was traumatic." Jenny looked away remembering the look on the man's face. It was full of horror and bliss and would haunt the poor girl for a long time yet. "As for the rest of this Nico is mostly to blame... I guess we had to much fun and well I never knew about corruption till it happened. She took me in when I was lost." Jenny looked down and then back up to Lina's face. "She saw the true me at my darkest moment Lina and she rallied me to safety to fight and live on."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lina remained silent after Jennys tale, her eyes looking down thoughtfully as if allowing everything to sink in "It's funny. We met the same people and have the same parents and even learned of similar things, but how our journeys differ." she smiled warmly to her sister, her eyes clearly not judging her or her newfound appearance.

"I've met Nico aswell. She... introduced to most of the town, but I avoided the inn." Lina looked to Jenny with a light blush on her face "It was a tad too... you know." she'd giggled hinting at the skimpy outfits and 'night activities' inside.

"Me and my curiousity. I just wanted to learn about our parents and here we are both in some long forgotten ruins. Messing with things we shouldn't have disturbed in the first place" the girl smiled widely "Then again we always loved to get into trouble." the red haired girl snickered lightly at the memories...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"It seems our trouble is hereditary." Jenny pulled Lina in for a hug. "Im glad you can look at me as your sister not a monster." Jenny paused a moment taking a deep breath to hold back tears. "I was so worried that you would see me as one.. of them..." Holding the hug for a good few moments Jenny finally let Lina go. "You should head back home and let ma and pa know that we are both alright."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Lina leaned out with smile "This is my mess, I kickstarted this and I'll stay here to see it through." any and all objections would be met with a quick finger to the lips "And no matter how you appear, you're my sister, Lil' Jen." the girl snickered and hugged her. The two were barely a few months away from each other, such a slight age difference never stopped Lina from taking the Elder Sister role. Even if she wasn't particulary suited for it.

"Jenny..." the girl spoke up, but seemingly interupted herself looking to her sister. As if not wanting to spoil the moment, the girl instead smiled and continued, though her tone far different "So~ Whats his story?" the girl nudged towards Sir, who was busy looking over a fairly similary shaped trashcan a few feet away.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at her little friend and smiled. "Sir come here please." Picking up her friend Jenny showed him to Lina. "Im surprised you didn't look him over while I was out. "Well as I said his name is Sir and he was orginally a invention by Mistey In Kings Coast. She intended him to be a perfect little servant to help me find you and to keep me safe from the dangers around this place. I think Mr. Azreal did something to him though.. he seems more alive and aware than he was before. Any way he is my brave little side kick and if he could talk the stories he could tell." Jenny blushed the little guy had seen things that would make her mother blush and given that her mother was a succubus that said alot.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"I did actually, but I've never seen a construct react like he does." the girl looked over the tiny golem, who peered at the two girls curiously right on back "Kings Coast..." Lina looked away briefly, before turning to Jenny "With the ward down we have to get back there as soon as possible." her eyes sparkled lightly, clearly torn between just relaxing with her sister and going back into dangers that would roam the silent town.

"With the ward down..." she lightly gripped her dress tightly "We have to hurry back Jenny! Everyone in town is in danger" Lina quickly got off the bench and turned to her sister.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny nodded and got up. "Yes we will but don't worry the town is in good hands for now." Taking Lina by the hand Jenny moved forward speaking of things she had missed while she was gone especially the good news about their sisters coming pregnancy. Their path would lead Jenny to the male dorms with the young succubus attempting to see if Azreal and Riley where present.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

While at first Lina seemed almost reluctant to linger, feeling her sisters hand and calm swiftly brushed aside the sudden worry. The duo slowly walked moved onwards sharing stories of much simpler times.

The dorms were nothing like what Jenny remembered, though the memories of the bloody nightmare still lingered looking inside the two girls couldn't help, but awe. The sharply cut marble floors polished to a absolute mirror shine, the arcane lights placed in intricate boubles with silver filigree and even numerous pictures of mages layering the walls leading onwards.

Most of the doors downstairs were locked meaning the girls would have to look upstairs. Walking up echo could alreay be heard between two figures bickering... the sisters approached the upper middle rooms only for the scene to become clearer.

"This... doesn't usually happen to me" Azreal chuckled lightly, his arcane voice carrying an distinct echo. While Riley was firmly holding her palm to her face "How..." it was the only question that lingered as Riley looked over the top floor room decorations...

The rooms would've been perfect, 2 sturdy beds, some drawers, fairly elaborate writing tables, even a small bookcase "In my defense, being cooped up in the library for so long gave me quite the appetite" but every room, every item inside was a made completely of different foods... be it the chocolate room infront or the lettuce room nearby.

Riley turned to the duo approach and smiled with relief, while the grand mage tried to break off some of the table only for it to melt at his burning skeletal fingers.... didn't stop him to try again and again though "Hungry?" the ringmistress snickered playfully at the situation.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Smiling Jenny broke off a piece of chocolate painting and smiled. "Lina if you could chill this for me. Make it really cold to." If done as asked Jenny would move to Azreal and look at him shaking her head in disbelief. "Open up and say ahhhhh." Waiting for the right moment Jenny would chuck the hopefully hyper cooled piece of chocolate into the Arch Mages mouth. Doing so while Riley a former student looked on, most likely in disbelief Jenny simply smiled and spoke. "Well I may not be showing the Head Master of the Academy all the respect he is due. I'm no student so I have a little leeway. Besides I have a promise to keep the Head Master if he's still interested."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Finding a chocolified picture would prove all too easy, the heroine approached the huge slab and easily nicked off a piece "I never knew the orbs could do something like... this." Lina curiously turned her head looking to Riley "They aren't supposed to..." she sighed lightly.

"Wha-? Er sure." Lina gently placed her hands around the piece and swiftly chilled it, making it almost frostburn to the touch. Azreal quickly caught whiff of Jennys plan and played along, with Lina more than any of the girls looking over in disbelief.

The chocolate flew true and quickly disappeared behind the skeletal teeth! "Hum... I expected it to be more... whats the word?" Riley now with her hands crossed looked to the mage with a smile "Having an actual taste? You know not having tastebuds or anything else may be at fault." she snickered lightly.

"M~aybe... well at any rate..." he casually approached the purple and placed his hand on it, the room swiftly returning to how it was intended to be! Silekn sheets, fine wooden decorations and furniture.

Riley blinked at the sight "Azreal?! You mean you could've done it the whole time?!" the archmage turned his head "Well you don't become a GrandMaster just for ones studly looks, though it didn't hurt." he puffed his chest proudly only for Lina to giggle and Rileys minor dismay.

"Wh--" "So those two could have a private chat together. Had to get nab you away somehow." he looked up briefly "And for fun." not much to do else, Riley only laughed lightly at archmage "So when I was..." "Well I do love the outfit." the ringmistess could only shake her head silently, a knowing smile on her face.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Well at any rate we should move on. I have a new mess of my own making to attend to in Kings coast and as much as I would love to stay and see the entirety of the Academy as it should be but I don't have the time." Jenny looked about and frowned a moment before looking to Azreal. "Grandmaster Azreal do you remember Becky and Nina Brensley?" Jenny was sure he did after all the arch mage despite his quirks likely had a solid memory. A true tragedy befell them and they where trapped as undead in their former home. I was hoping sense I freed their spirits if you could work your magics to return them to life. I feel I owe them this much after all with out them I would have never made it here and never found Lina." Jenny waited and prayed that this was withing the Archmages power.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Absolutely not." for the first time ever Jenny noted a significant change in the Grandmasters voice, it was all too clear there would be no discussion on the matter "The peaceful dead shall not be disturbed." the mage kept his gaze on Jenny briefly before turning his gaze aside, though oddly enough Riley kept her eyes low for some reason not daring to meet anyones eyes during the exchange.

"I'll have the academy restored in say a day or two. I'm pretty sure the Coast needs you much more than I do." he turned to the group "All of us?" Riley blinked at Azreal, her eyes growing wide "Ofcourse. Unless there are some other objections." he turned to Jenny curiously, the smile on Rileys face growing wider and wider.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny was indeed disappointed but the grand master had his reason. Still Jenny smiled back. None at the moment though I would like to take stock of our supplies before heading off into a potential battlefield. Azreal could you pretty please make some of those healing bandages I found in the infirmary?" Hopefully Jenny's request would be answered in the positive as she felt she would need alot once they got back to town.

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