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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny fell to her knees assuming the worst. "No no no no no..." Resting in the doorway she cried. "No no no it can't be..." She had literally flirted with hell to get her sister back only to lose her to a holier than thou inquisitor. Sorrow and anger flashed between her rapidly and repeatedly. Anger at those who took her sister from her and sorrow that she was responsible. All joy and happiness left her as she sat thinking the worst, her anger and grief feeding the darkness that had taken hold of her soul threw her many trials.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"No-no-no..." Riley held Jenny up as her legs failed, grief of what might swiftly taking root in her mind. "Jenny! She's alive! She's okay... Lina is alive and well, Grace too" the showgirl quickly took Jennys face by her cheek tenderly and smiled "We wouldn't have let that happened." with a gentle touch she brushed aside a few tears and helped Jenny up.

Riley looked back from the main room, Jenny saw Nico in "Come on let's head in here." taking Jenny by hand the showgirl would try to lead Jenny into the bunk room and sit her on one of the beds. Seemed the story of what happened could not be delayed.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny put up no resistance as Riley lead her to where ever. Being seated on one of the bunk Jenny sat emotionally drained. She had assumed the worse but was apparent that she was wrong though something had happened that Riley thought Jenny should be told by someone else. Still her sudden shifts from joy to grief to anger had left her raw and drained.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley looked to Jenny with great concern, but she hid it behind an adamant smile. One of them had to keep their spirits up... especially since the news weren't as good as Riley hinted.

"Hey." the showgirl leaned forward and smiled at Jenny "Don't jump to conclusions anymore alright... can you be strong just a bit more, for everyone? For us?" whatever the heroines reaction was Riley sat down on the bunk infont.

"Grace and Lina are fine... but---" Riley shut her mouth thinking briefly, a light sigh later she retried it once more "After you were taken out the Inquisitors wanted to continued onwards with the execution. I hope while you distracted them with your weapon that would give me a chance to sneak behind and free them, but... things didn't go as planned." she looked to Jenny carefully judging if the girl was still listening "A third templar came and caught me before I could do anything." Riley moved her hands to her shoulder and rubbed them as if cold just from the memory "He was strong... far too strong. I couldn't even speak or act, I just... he saved us."

"You should've seen him Jenny. He said something to the other two, even if the older one tried to contest it he calmed down and released the Sheriff from the bindings" for her next sentence Riley didn't even look at Jenny "On one condition, in three days you and your friends stand court and to prove your innocence. Till then they will keep Lina and Grace."

Riley remained silent for some time before finishing "If you fail to show up or fail their court, you will all be 'purged'"
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny blinked "One of the inquisitors intervened?" Maybe they where not all as bad as she had thought. Though given the consequences it was hardly mercy. Jenny reached out and hugged Riley tight trying to hold on to the warmth of her. She felt so cold right then. "I can be strong just a little longer.. for you." The images shown to her during her time with the skull man came to mind. Three days it seemed such short amount of time to save this town and stay alive.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley eagerly returned the hug, resting her head against Jennys, very much a mirror of the heroines pose. Even Sir tippy-toed in his own fashion closer to hug them aswell, though he hugged the girls legs more than anything. Riley wouldn't be the first one to break the hug, eagerly keeping it for as long as needed.

Leaning out Jenny would meet the girls encouraging smile "On the brightside Nico has a plan." looked like introductions were not needed... then again Jenny didn't even know where she was or how she got here.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny dried her eyes. "Good cause Im all out of them right now." Jenny smiled weakly before picking up Sir for a proper hug. "Hey buddy." Jenny stroked his head which seemed kind of silly given he was made out of stone. "Uh Riley did Mistey make it?" Jenny waited for the answer and if it was so would tell Sir to go visit his mom for a little bit. If not she would hold on to the little guy tight full of her own grief at a friend lost. "What happened Riley I need to know my memory is hazy at best..."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Mistey? I know that she's sheltering us, but I don't think I've met her." the showgirl looked away a little embarassed, spurring Jenny further curiousity "Um... Well both Lina and Grace didn't argue and followed the inquisitors away. Leaving me, Sir, your sleepy butt and the sheriff." swaying her legs lightly Riley giggled warmly and looked down to Sir "He actually quickly picked you up and instantly got to running to one of the buildings, making me carry the sheriff and rush after him."

The girl casually looked around with a smile "Somehow he unlocked the door and inside we've met the sheriffs lover, she helped us downstairs and there we met your succubi friends." Riley glanced ot Jenny "Nico is pretty enamoured by you isn't she?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Mistey? I know that she's sheltering us, but I don't think I've met her." the showgirl looked away a little embarassed, spurring Jennys further curiousity "Um... Well both Lina and Grace didn't argue and followed the inquisitors away. Leaving me, Sir, your sleepy butt and the sheriff." swaying her legs lightly Riley giggled warmly and looked down to Sir "He actually quickly picked you up and instantly got to running to one of the buildings, making me carry the sheriff and rush after him."

The girl casually looked around with a smile "Somehow he unlocked the door and inside we've met the sheriffs lover, she helped us downstairs and there we met your succubi friends." Riley glanced ot Jenny "Nico is pretty enamoured by you isn't she?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny picked up Sir after her and Riley's embrace. "Well Mistey is the sheriffs lover don't let Nico fool you. Not to mention she made Sir and all his brothers and sisters so he is like his mom." Jenny's voice had a little bit of mirth and warmth back in it. "As for Nico.. well I won't lie Riley. We are both very fond of each other. She helped me learn how to control my powers and well." Jenny let her wings loose. "She gave me these as well." Jenny brought them around hugging Riley with her wings. "I love you Riley and I love Nico but not in the same way. She will always be special to me and sometimes I can't help myself around her, but if you want me to be with you and only you I will do everything I can to make sure its just that."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley all too eagerly snuggled to the wings around her and leaned against the heroine. Two girls bodies lightly pressing against each other, the showgirl could only snicker in joy before speaking "No~ no need to be that extreme." she kept her eyes on Jennys "I imagine you have quite the fandom with your peculiar... skills" she leaned in and kissed her loved on her lover lips, moving up to a proper kiss.

Even if she tried to resist it, Jenny could only smile feeling Rileys soft lips. Her risque body against her own, even her hand began to slowly slide down almost intent to guide her touch along her companions risque legs...

Riley leaned out, likely the one breaking their kiss and smiled "Come on, let's go see how we'll save your friends." she winked to the succubus and got up.

The two would walk to the exact same room as Jenny was before she collapsed. The two pushed the doors open only for a light fragrance of exceptional incense to fill the air. The room was modeled much like Nico's previous one - the bare stone walls covered in red silken curtains, the torches replaced by candles in elaborate holsters and of course the center piece of the room was a fairly huge bed, transparent dark red curtains surrounding it on all sides hinting at the exceptional silken sheets behind them.

Suddenly Jenny felt her heart stir as a feminine silhouette slowly pushed up from her sheets, barely visible through the special dark red curtains. Jenny knew how quickly Nico could move to her, but it was clear she didn't want to. No~ this was exactly what Nico wanted Jenny to see.

Her long wavy platinum hair all too clear, the silhouette turned to the opposite side to show off her slender form and breathtaking curves. The girl glanced to the new arrivals and slowly got out of bed with a teasing gyration. One hand sliding along the red curtains, slowly the figure moved across the bed before appearing.

Her compassionate eyes were already locked firmly on Jenny, her full-bountiful lips forming a welcoming smile "Hey... Jenny." Nico seemingly light up with joy, approaching the heroine. While her platinum hair obscured some of it, Jenny had forgotten just how dazzling Nico was. Her smooth skin, her alluring jiggle, her all too confident sway....

Before Jenny even came to grips she felt, Nico hands slide across her sides before tightening a grasp and pulling her into a deep kiss. Jenny felt her body stir, the numbness gone no longer obscuring contact with the elder succubus skin. No matter how much she grew in the academy, her body felt weak, eager to just give herself to Nico's embrace fully once more. Her sweet scent, soft skin... skilled touch and amazing tongue...

"I knew you'd come back to us. I've missed you so much, Jenny." Nico smiled warmly to Jenny. The poor heroine feeling herself falling deeper and deeper into the whirlwind Nico brought. Her eyes wandering over Nico in amazement and down, the heroines legs lightly brushing against each other just from the memories. Nico caught the glance and smiled widely, her body slowly channeling energy downwards--- "Are these the plans?"

Suddenly a voice cut through the intense embrace, even breaking Nico's concentration on Jenny. Looking to the side there was a round table, the one Jenny saw before with numerous papers on it "Y-yes, that's the scouting report." she smiled weakly, still holding Jenny tightly.

"This looks written in demonic. We're already well into the first day... would you mind?" Riley kept a light smile, but her lightly narrowed eyes told a clear story... almost the same kind, Nicos own gaze told. The elder succubus paused lightly and uncoiled her hands from Jenny, seemingly breaking the lusty trance "You're right... Jenny... about Lina and Gr--" "I already told her what happened." Nico once more glanced to Riley with suppressed annoyance "She was worried sick, so I saw no reason to hide it from her." the two looked to each other, the room growing silent...
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Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Once more as if for the first time Jenny was swept away by Nico. The elder succubus had such power over her that Jenny couldn't resist. Maybe it was from their time together or the fact that Jenny had taken a fair amount of Nico's essence into herself, she just didn't know. Lips like silk welcomed her back sweeping Jenny away consuming her claiming her. She missed it loved it wanted it.

"Are these the plans?"

And the spell was broken. Jenny looked around mildly stunned a moment before her thoughts caught back up with her. Listen as the rest of the conversation played out Jenny couldn't help but notice the stares between the two. Clearing her throat in attempt to end the contest and snuff her own pride at having two sexy woman compete for her attention, Jenny moved to the map. "Okay we need to figure out our next step. If I remember correctly I thought I saw Jasmin here. Is she going to lend us aid?" Jenny looked over the map the marking complete unfamiliar to her. "Also Riley told me what happened after I got the snot kicked out of me but I would like to know what happened while I was gone."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Jasmine, Rita, Tina and Meril." Nico smiled warmly "The rest of the girls got out of town." the elder succubus walked over the papers and spread them lightly across the table for the duo to look over them. There was only a few and mostly just maps with numerous areas circled around with demonic writing nearby "They're away now, gathering food or scouting their assigned areas."

Riley leaned on the table and listened curiously to the succubi leader, her pose or expression clearly showing on ill-will towards the platinum haired beauty... yet. "It's been a week, since you've left to look for Lina." a warm smile quickly spreading across her face as she casted a glance, mixed emotions about hearing the sisters return and her 'welcome back' "The moment you left town it all went to chaos, the truce we had with the demons in town, all but shattered completely and they began actively roaming the city stealing people from their homes even in the middle of the day." Nico looked down "But then it got worse, to the chaos the Inquisitors arrived." the succubus looked aside rubbing her shoulder lightly, seemingly fear stricken "It was a slaughter. Not an hour passed and the town was 'saved' atleast from the demons bold enough to attack on the streets."

"Then began the purges... the slain demons were thrown on the pires you see around town and the inquisitors began checking each house for demons." Nico paused "Then they came to our bar, if Rei hadn't warned us about them we'd have been slaughtered too... I had to abbandon it." Nico remained silent her gaze aimed downwards.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Thats troubling new Nico... Considering that you used to be a member of the black widows right?" Jenny looked over the maps trying to read them but failing. "No worries Nico well get your bar back, and when we do if Riley is willing she can give you a excellent play of our victory." Jenny smiled trying to sound mirthful and drive away the images the red man had shown her. "Okay so what happened to Ezalor?" The Anglic librarian was missing from this mix but Jenny felt a deep sadness thinking of the kind angel. "Also have the girls spotted or tried to contact Alysa?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"They're something else entirely..." the elder succubus looked down with clear frustration, remaining silent about her helplessness. Only Jennys attempts to raise her spirit seemed to wake her back up as she smiled weakly, thankfully even Riley joining up "Mhm~ leave up to me. I'll make it a grand reopening." she winked slyly to Nico, the girl smiling lightly back "Thanks." seemed the rivalry had not create too much tension between the two.

"The Librarian? From what we know he's still in his library. Raiding demons interest didn't extend to the library." Nico turned to the maps aswell "As for Alysa, Grace tried to help us move there till the inquisitors leave." the elder succubus once more sadly looked down "She said she couldn't get near the house, numerous spiderwebs and cocoons blocked her way."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Okay I say we contact Ezalor and find out his fate for certain. Where are the inquisitors stationed?" Jenny moved the maps to one of the city. Jenny looked down at the map tracing one of the locations of the burning pyre's. "What of Rosa?" For Jenny it was a bitter subject and her voice carried her resentment clearly. After all it wasn't for her this likely wouldn't have happened as it did. Sighing Jenny looked up. "No don't tell me I don't want to know." Tracing her finger along the map Jenny looked to the library. "Also Riley told me you have a plan Nico?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nico slowly moved her hand and tapped the towns temple a few times "Here. They tend to not stay there too long so you may run into them in the streets aswell." the elder succubus removed her hand not to block the maps view "But if it really was Kain who ordered them to stand down, they will not be hostile unless provoked." Nico's eyes dared not to look at either of her guests.

"If you wish to visit the librarian than it's up to you, I'm guessing you're on good terms with the old man." the succubus finally returned her gaze to Jenny "As for a plan. Ofcourse I do... a few really." Nico pushed away from the table and walked to her bed finally leaning down to put on a nightie atleast "We cannot fight them." she paused to make sure Jenny got it all too clearly, even giving the heroine a stern look.

"But we can prove that Grace and Lina had nothing to do with the demonic raids that happened." she smiled confidently "By providing them with the truth on who it really was." the succubus slowly slid on her very risque panties "Check the notes near the map, that is a definitive report that the forces that attacked us and the city were under the command of the demons in that rested in the towns temple." unfortunately the paper was barely legible for Jenny, but Riley seemed to scan it over all too curiously.

"Though the inquisitors cleared their main headquarters I'm certain the snakes heads escaped. If we can find him and out him to them they may listen." Riley looked up to Nico "So~ We need to find the bastards behind the raid and expose them to these 'inquisitors'. Then we're in the clear." "That's the plan."

Meanwhile Sir during the exchange seemed to rush back to the hallway the duo came from.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Seems simple enough.." Jenny watched her little companion move down the hall trailing her head to see what he was after. "Still freeing Lina caused all sorts of bad to happen so we need to resolve this issue quickly..." Jenny paused a moment as Sir left her view before turning back. "Ezalor will have the information I will need to solve that issue but this one." Jenny tapped her finger on the temple location. "It seems you have a plan for." Jenny smiled it sounded good though she had her doubts. "If we can clear this hurtle the other shouldn't be so bad."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Any leads?" Riley casually leaned her back to the table "Mhm..." Nico approached the table once more and leaned forward to tap a house on the map "The high priests home. If the demons had the temple under their control I have little doubt we'll find something of note in his house." the succubus looked up to the two "Meril has been trying to get inside it for some time now, you could check in her. Something kept halting her progress."

"Jenny!" a familiar voice rang out behind the trio, as the true hostess made finally showed herself. Mistey, stood at the entrance to the room only for a brief moment with Sir lovingly holding her hand... still in his yodel-worthy getup. The alchemist laughed merrily and quickly ran to hug the heroine tightly "Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you!" she tightened her hug, some tears starting to appear in her eyes.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny quickly wrapped her own arms around Misty in a tight hug. "Hey no problem Mistey after all he saved my life on one occasion or two so I best even up ya know." Jenny held the crying girl... no woman in her arms trying to keep a light tone. "Well its a little late and Im sure you already met but, Riley this is Mistey alchemist extraordinary and mother creator of Sir and his siblings. Mistey this is Riley master performer and ring-mistress." Jenny smiled and separated from the hug. "Also she made that very special potion I told you about. Even if it was an accident." Jenny grinned as she held one of her friends relief at her safety.