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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Rei casted a short glance to his state and looked away "It's the price of betrayal." the sheriff remained silent for the time being, leaving Mistey to pick the conversation once more "Rei warned and helped your friends escape when the Inquisitors arrived at the bar." she looked to the man sadly and also fel silent "Grace was caught when she tried to rescue him. The Inquisitor kill anyone assisting the demon-kin."

She turned to Jenny meakly "I guess we should be happy their leader gave us this chance."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"We should be thankful for that though Im not sure why we even got the chance." Sighing Jenny looked to Sir and picked him up again for a hug. "Hey buddy Im heading out again alright don't worry make sure Rei dose what Misty tells him to alright?" Smiling she set the little golem down before waving to Misty and Rei and heading back to the room with the girls. "I guess I'm as ready as I can be wish me luck girls." Grabbing the offered tools Jenny would head out to the house in question.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir looked up to her almost sadly to her "Sir, you know, you're not allowed outside." Mistey smiled at the construct "It's curfew hour anyway. He may be useful, anyway." Reican briefly looked to Jenny and then down, all fo their lives were on the line. Any help the quest receives may be invalueable "Rei! If they see a magical construct... who knows what they'll do to him!" clearly worried Mistey interjected looking to the made offer. With a brief glance to Mistey and a kind smile, he'd lie back down and Mistey would give Jenny a goodbye smile, before treating the sheriffs wounds for the night. With Sir looking to Jennys answer hopefully.

The planning room had oddly fallen silent, with the two rivals finally at piece and looking over the map. Rita looked to Jenny enter the room and placed a set of lockpick on a table nearby "If you know how to use these, they'll get you through any lock." she smirked confidently. Tina and Jasmine were gone.

Riley broke contact with the map and smiled at the heroine, before approaching her "Ready to go?" seemed she too was willing to go, though likely if she stayed the plan would be all that much more better when Jenny returned.

Pick your party or go solo :p
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir was physically indestructible or near about but then again the inquisitors had magic at their disposal. "Sir..." Jenny knelt down and brushed a hand over his stoney head. "You have been my most steadfast friend how could I leave you behind." Jenny smiled at Sir in a loving manner as one would smile at a close friend. "We will need a disguise for you so we can make it with out much trouble. See if you can find a backpack big enough to fit in and meet me in the conference room kay." With that Jenny headed into the room and smiled at the girls. "Thanks Rita wheres Tina and Jasmine?" At Riley's question Jenny smirked. "Oh no you don't." Jenny spun Riley around and pinched her butt before giving it a gentle shove back at the map. "I need you to plan besides Sir is coming with me. So Ill be safe." In all honesty Jenny wanted Riley along but deep down she held a fear of losing her as well.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Hearing Jennys words the construct stepped back looking to her, before scadadling right out of the room in a rush to find a disguise. Mistey giggled at the sight "How strange. Did you teach him to act like that? He seems different than his brothers." she smiled casually.

The lockpicks seemed carefulyl organised and exceptionally maintained, all packed in a fairly sturdy leather hold "They wanted to chat privately." Rita nudged towards the hallway Jenny came from likely hinting at one of the rooms the heroine failed to check previously.

As for dealing with her second companion... Riley sighed and gave Jenny a playful eye, leaning on her right foot lightly showing off her hips incidentally. A display that incidentally caught a pinch on her ass "Hey~" a playful silent whine later she'd answer "Alright... just if you see something off in there don't over do your solo act, 'kay." she winked slyly back and turned back to Nico. The demoness giving her a warm, but subtly teasing smile.

Moments later the tip-tap of a known construct entered the room? Looking down it was a wooden box with clearly labeled for orange transport. Sir pulled it up from his head and looked up to Jenny if the disguise fit. The box resting at the top of his head and going down along his body.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny eyed the box and smiled. It was a good attempt but she wasn't so sure it would work. "Okay Sir show me how your gonna hide if someone is coming." Jenny watched the little guy do his act judging if it would be sufficient if the situation called for it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir would quickly duck down with the box landing right on top of him. A very shake of the wooden frame later, there would be nothing more than a box oranges there. Standing absolutly still, not giving hints at the construct below.

...then again a box of oranges just loitering around was not exactly the most common sight under most circumstances.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny clapped in excitement. "Very good Sir we just need to make some changes though." Pulling the box off her little companion Jenny looked into his blue crystal. "Now listen carefully Sir. I want you to go to Mistey and give her a big hung goodbye okay. I'll hold onto your box till you get back." Jenny smiled as she looked at the box in great detail. It would be dark out which would help hide the graphics on the box but a little more disguise wouldn't hurt. "Humm any thoughts on how to make this look more ordinary?"
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir nodded and rushed off under the command, eager for their trip to start. Leaving the girls to decide how to improve the box...

Rita turned her head curiously at the inquiry "Ordinary? I don't think that box could get any more ordinary even if it tried." the succubus smiled casually "You could remove the tag. A fruit box may be out of place in some place, but an ordinary box without any clear tags could fit pretty much everywhere."

"Or paint it black, we're in an alchemists shop I'm sure she has some dyes or paint around." Riley joined in aswell, standing near Nico and the maps "Immobile it would be pretty much invisible in the shadows." "And absolutely eyecatching in the light." "Yeah, but a simple box lieing around just begs investigation. What happens when someone checks, hum~?" Riley smirked and turned to the elder succubus the two rivals butting heads once more...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Removing the tag seemed a prudent choice. I think Rita might be right on this one a painted box would look out of place."With that she pulled the stapled paper off the box and set it down. Heading over to Riley and Nico Jenny brought both into a hug. "Ill be careful gals I promise." Giving each a peck on the cheek and a hearty grab of both their asses with one hand each Jenny giggled. Her goodbyes done she waited for Sir before heading out.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny most certainly knew how to make an exit, with all of her goodbyes and questions answered the girl finally went up the stairs and moved outside. Though she had a feeling she did miss one of the girls, just who she couldn't place her finger on it.

The main shop area was empty, only numerous bottles placed all over each having a distinct color and bottle shape. With her companion right behind her Jenny would leave the shop with the entrance bell ringing out as she exit'ed.

The streets were absolutely desolate, looking both ways would only reveal dark empty paths with only a massive bonfire illuminating the streets endings on both ends.

However she chose to traverse during the curfey hours, this time she'd luck out. The patrols were likely on the other side of town or busy with something else. Just as Meril explained Jenny would turn right and walk up the stairs all the way to the church. The priests house was directly east of it.

As Jenny approached both the church and the small house came into full view. Both shared the plot of land and both were barred off with a hefty height fence. Normally there would be no way to jump over it or climb above it. The steel tips at the top and slippery steel would not allow it.

There was gate leading directly to the churches entrance further down to her left. Looking both ways the streets seemed empty. Another bonfire seen near where the sheriffs office rested.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Taking a step back down Jenny winked at Rita and who ever else might be present. "Wish me luck girls!" with that sad Jenny headed up and moved to the gated entry way. 'Humm I wonder...' Jenny's hand went to the gate latch and simple operated the mechanism maybe she would just be lucky tonight. Not to mention the priest pretty much had this town in his pocket who did he need to fear.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Actually she was even luckier than that, the main gate was completely unlocked! Jenny would easily push the gate open and step forward, only for the church doors right before to open up! Someone was about to come out!

Sir would instinctevly duck down and assume his box disguise. Though would tipy-toe or even float right after Jenny if she moved away. The turned over box on his head and all!
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No place for Jenny to hide so she simple sat on the box and looked like she was resting. Looking over at the opening door Jenny waited to see who was coming out. Hopefully it wasn't one of the inquisitors though she doubted it could be anyone else.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As the figure went out of the temple, it could help, but stop and look at the 'inconspicious' sight. Pretty much in the middle of the road sat Jenny on a box. Giving her best act of innocence.

"M-miss?" amazingly Jennys dread was misguided, it was the town mayor! "What are you doing here? It's curfew hours, get back to your home!" he called out. The man wore a decent looking suit, but it was clear even in his position he was not one to bask in riches, if he even had it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny smiled at the kind old mayor though her own thoughts where far from kind and instead drifted to the paranoid. "I would love to Mayor though you see my friends are held captive by the inquisitors and I only have three days to clear my name and set them free." Jenny laughed slightly and slowly stood up whispering for Sir to stay put for the moment. "They seem to think Im some demon out to eat the souls of the innocent." Jenny moved forward stopping short of the Mayor. "In truth Im far more dangerous than some demon. Im a sister who will do just about anything to save my family. So this is why Im here to investigate the old priests home for clues. If anyone or anything hinders that well lets just say it won't be pleasant for them." Jenny had a hint of menace in her voice even if it was being sweet after all she liked the Mayor he was so nice to her. Smiling Jenny spoke once more. "So my good Mayor what brings you to the church at this hour? After all we both know why Im here."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

A mix of confusion, allure and fear all rushed across the mayor as he looked on to the girl openly admiting sisterhood? "W-what?" he blinked and gulped innocently "The priests house?" he looked to the girl curious and turned to the small, actually clearly fairly recently built building "Oh..."

It was exactly then that everything that was said finally hit the man "Wait... you're one of the girls that stopped the execution then?" her politely lowered his head "I thank you for saving... or atleast buying our Sheriff time." the man glanced up to the girl "I know why he did the act that condemned him, perhaps I would have done the same."

"No need to waste your threats or promises of zealotry on these bones." he chuckled kindly "I know for a fact, Nico's girls would never mean the town harm." he pulled out a flat-cap from his pocket and placed it on his head "My business here is mundane and non-threatening I assure you."

"Though you should be much more careful with your words and actions." he fixed the hat properly "The lads seem to not take kindly to anyone even hinting at demons." he once more looked to the priests house "I'm affraid I cannot help you or hinder you even if I wished to. Why the only time anyone was even allowed to step inside was back when we helped him move out of his old residence." he turned to the girl casually and unless she had anything to add, he'd kindly say his goodbye and urge to the girl to beware of anyone who'd wander the streets after dark...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"His old home humm?" Jenny closed the distance rapidly and gave the old man a peck on the cheek. "So... where is his old house anyway?" Jenny looked into the mayors eyes trying to sense if he was misleading her in any way.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Corner of Shepherd and Commander street, it'll be the third house there." the mayor blinked at the kiss and stepped from the strange female "S-stop that." he gently rubbed the point she kissed and fixed his posture "If you are staying outside, I repeat make sure you are not seen. I'll be in my office tommorow morning, the house is up for same thus I will have the keys."

He nodded "I wish you luck, while you may not see it. We're all rooting that you prove Nico's and Rei's innocence. There has to be a way." he smiled kindly and would try to walk past Jenny and down the street onto his own business.

Looking around Jenny was standing infront of the church, a clear light coming from inside. To her right walking further a path she'd reach a fairly newly built blocky structure with few windows along its side all closed. A plain door could be clearly seen.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

No doubt the girls had checked over the new place with a fine toothed comb and no doubt the Inquisitors used the church as their base of operations sense it hadn't been burned to the ground. Not to mention their was a light on inside which meant someone was inside. Best not to risk it Jenny thought to herself. Looking over at the box and with the Mayor out of sight she would call to Sir and head to the indicated home that the Mayor had spoke of.