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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jasmine looked to Janet and smiled very briefly "I little birdy told me." though as Jenny wanted more attention Jasmine would silently turn to the distant figure "The creatures of the forest are afraid of getting closer, but she's alone and without any clear weapons. Be careful, she may be our sister... but she's still an enemy." reading her bow and giving Jenny another silent nod, Jasmine would await what happens next. Making sure to keep her ally covered.

Jenny would step forward, her eyes locked on the figure in the distance. Only when closing the distance a tad more, would Jenny note the clear limp in the succubus step!

Rosa was now in sight, the girl clutched her shoulder dearly with one hand, while the other just hanged lifelessly. Her blonde hair tattered and seemingly dirty with mud. She'd only make a few extra steps forward before collapsing around 15 feet from Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny paused if only a moment and looked at the fallen succubus. She was unarmed and a part of her screamed trap. But.. the memories from the acadamy came to her. At one point Rosa was just as good as Nico... or rather not as evil? It mattered little. "Sir! I need you now." Jenny would rush over to Rosa and check her over. The first thing Jenny looked for was a blade before tending to the wound on the succubus's shoulder. In away Jenny was responisble for this. Be it driving Rosa to the demon forces or unleashing Mr. Fallen angel upon her. Staunching the obvious wound with her own hands till Sir made his medic apperance Jenny would looke over for others.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Sir would quickly answer the call and float to Jenny as quickly as she could. Resting Rosa over a tree Jenny realised just how bad of a state the girl was. The dirt on her hair, was blood having soaked her blond locks, her whole body was significantly more pale than before. Rosa was wearing a fairly revealing black leather succubus armor with quite a few excessive cutout. This very outfit would highly the numerous tiny stab wounds all across her body.

For the time being Rosa was still breathing, even if it was in a heavy and shallow fashion. Her eyes not even opening fully to even look to Jenny.

Sir would fly over and very quickly allow his blue wispy light to look over the stranger, the tiny construct seeming frightened by the results only nudging Jenny aside as his hand ignited in healing magic.

Moments later clear footsteps echoed behind Jenny as Jasmine dashed forward "Oh gods!" the huntress covered her mouth at the sight of her sister "We must find her a healer! Now!" for someone who just called Rosa a stranger, Jasmines voice echoed nigh-panic at the sight.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny threw a look at Jasmin that told her in not so many words to shut up. Something prickled at the back of Jenny's mind. This this... was to similar. The feeling of Deja vu washed over her. "Sir stablize her for movement we need to find cover and quickly." This whole thing reeked of trap and Jenny doubted that if had been the fallen angel's work he would have left any survivors. Jenny's eyes watched the forest but also the sky.. not all enemies traveled by foot.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jasmine winced at the look, but it was enough to help her gather herself to some extent "We're not moving her. Not yet." the succubus would state flatly and coldly. The trees would block pretty much any view of the sky Jenny sought, not to mention the decently lush flora didn't allow too much scanning of her enviroments.

Unless Jenny truly objected to it, the the trio would linger until the more open wounds on Rosas body would close, but it was then Sirs healing light would slowly dim more and more before he moved them aside, looking to Jenny mutely. Rosa was still unconscious, her body still pale... for the time being she was still alive.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked at Sir and smiled. "Good job buddy lets move." Looking between the two Jenny picked Rosa up. "Keep an eye open Jasmin your the only one with a weapon." Heading out Jenny would look to the sky before taking wing. Speed was of the essence and Rosa would need more healing than was provided. Still Jenny wouldn't just drop in on the shop after all they didn't want Misty to get in trouble. Grabbing a long abbandoned blanket left to dry in the wind Jenny wrapped Rosa up in it before heading in to Mistyis in her humanoid form making sure Jasmin was in similar state as to not cause to much distress.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

While it wasn't a comfortable load, thanks to her supernatural qualities Jenny managed to pick up Rosa "We have an infirmary in Misteys. Lets go!" Jasmine would urge them onwards as they took flight once more.

Thankfully the town was as empty as ever, though Jenny did note the bonfires were still out even as the evening began to slowly creep up on them. Still soon enough they reached the alchemist shop "Backdoor." Jasmine almost ordered Jenny to follow her lead.

Bursting inside Jenny was the first one to open the doors downstairs. Seemed absolutely everyone was present now, making the fairly large room seem far more crampted up than before. Rita, Meril, Nico, Rile, Mistey, Tina - all looked up at the entrance "This way!" Nico would open the door leading to the living quarters and the infirmary.

Unless Jenny did something unexpected, she'd be lead to the same room she previously saw Reicarn being healed and placed Rosa on the white sheet bed. Mistey would soon run inside "Let me look her over." the alchemist would quickly look over the girl in detail "Chaplin!" she'd call out to someone only for another Servo just like Sir to rush inside. He had a green crystal instead of Sirs blue about him "Jenny, please I could use some room." she'd look to the heroine and insist on her leaving for now.

Outside Nicos voice was clearly heard, carrying a surprising amount of command about it "Rita, Meril. You two guard the door, we don't know anything about Rosas intent here, understood?! Jasmine, I need a report from you asap." the silent and calm cellar had bursted to life.

Though a few clearly didn't have a place yet "Tina! Go upstairs, greet and meet any late-night customers." Which left only Riley, who held Sir and looked on curiously and well Jenny without clear activity to do right now.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny listend to Nico give out orders as she looked on her enemy being treated by Misty and Chaplin. "Riley put Sir to rest he needs it poor little guys almost all tuckered out. Ill keep an eye on this situation and keep Misty safe." Jenny would watch a moment before searching Rosa and undouing any armor she could so Chaplin could get to work better.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Jen. Now is really not the time." Mistey frowned at the search of her patient "Please just let me work, she may not have open wounds, but that doesn't make her okay." either way, the armor didn't have any pockets leaving the search fruitless.

Jenny would only hear Nicos commands due to the open door, with her being able to relay her message to Riley once the duo came closer. Riley blinked at Jennys words "Rest?" she'd look down to Sir "Oh, alright...?" before she even managed to finish her plan how one even goes about doing that, Sir would float away into the living quarters with the trickster in hot pursuit.

Still Jenny didn't trust Rosa. Not even a tiny bit, this distrust would keep her in the infirmary whether Mistey liked it or not. Honestly it was fairly odd to see another servo work alongside the alchemist. Though Chaplins body was exactly like Sirs, just his basic movements seemed surprisingly precise and by the note.

Still unless Jenny was overly eager or too nosy, Rosa would soon enough have quite a few salves applied to her and fully bandaged up. Unfortunately it didn't look like she was waking up any time soon.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Yes it is the time Misty. This is no wounded bird she is a clear and present danger." Still Jenny would keep out of the way keeping an eye on things. As it appeared Rosa was down for the count Jenny thanked Misty for her efforts before settling into to watch and wait. Hopefully Nico would have a plan soon as Jenny's hunger was an all present matter at the moment.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Thankfully Jenny wouldn't have to wait for long "Jen." Meril opened the door and smiled to her friend kindly "Nico's looking for you. Don't worry we'll handle."

If Jenny refuses to budge:
"Okay, suit yourself, but Nico's waiting." with those words Rita closed the door once more. Though Mistey would keep giving her an occasional glance, as if wanting to say something, but remaining silent.

Stepping outside the infirmary, just as Nico ordered, Rita and Meril stood guard on each side of the door "She's in the main chamber, you know the way." the succubus would explain, meeting Ritas eyes the rogue succubi smiled kindly to her sister "Welcome back, sis."

Now far more empty Nico and Tina sat next to their planning table, discussing something "Jenny." the elder succubus smiled sadly "We need to discuss something, please." she'd call Jenny over and wait for her approach.

"I need a second opinion. Especially because this concerns Lina, you and Grace." Nico looked to the girl before speaking a firm tone "With Rosas sudden appearance we need to make a choice. The Inquisitors will kill our friends unless we find something to stop them, but to do this we need to get into their lair. Just as we planned previously." she'd pause for Jenny to absorb this "However, that would leave Rosas current condition a mystery. Aswell as possibly leaving her, night free reign here."

"I love all of my dear sisters. Even Rosa, but she's had her heart corrupted. I do not to take any unnecesary risks." Nico would let it sink in, before her tone grew even darker.

"Jasmine, Tina and me have also discussed a possibility that the demons stronghold... may be no more." The elder succubus eyes sharpened "The angel you freed, he said in return he would eliminated the demons." Nico allowed her assumption of Rosas state being the work of the fallen one to sink in "Jenny, we are demons as well. Between the inquisitors and a fallen angel, any major operation outside... would be very dangerous."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny would nod and head out knowing that Misty would rather not have her in the way. Winking at Rita Jenny gave her a quick peck on the cheek before heading to where Nico and Tina waited for her. Listing to Nico's concerns Jenny nodded. It had been a concern of hers when her abrubt deal with the fallen one took place. "Ill go but Ill need a moment to recoup." Almost on cue her stomach growled causing her to blush. She was after all hungry in more ways than one.

Jenny placed her hand on the map after looking it over. "Where is the stronghold and Ill need several potions as Sir is in no state to travel. Oh some armor would be nice." Jenny looked at the map a strange idea comming to mind. "Ill need to tell Riley shes not comming with me on this one Ill be right back." Heading out unless Nico had something more to add Jenny would seek out her friend and lover.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"We don't know." Nico would state flatly "Thats why we wanted to play bait.'' the elder succubus looked to Jenny if she understands "With Jasmines tracking, Ritas stealth and Wild Cats magic we were going to find and infiltrate whatever hole our enemy took shelter in."

''If you go out there alone, I can't be sure about your safety Jenny. If you're captured without backup, it won't be bait. It will just be a free prize for them." the elder succubus crossed her hands "However, Rosa is back. And she's been with those demons for some time. She may aid us without any risk to you or our whole operation."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned "I doubt Rosa is gonna be very helpful and besides I had someone in mind to go with me." Jenny looked at Nico "Still lets here this backup plan out. I don't want to a free prize after all." Jenny smiled trying to lighten the mood.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"A free prize and someone who'd not show up to the trials in question." Nico added "That is always a possibility, but if there is a chance. A testimony from the demonic side could free our friends." the elder succubus looked down, seemingly in unison the thought that if Rosa did so she'd be killed on the spot crossed both of their minds.

"If both you and Wild Cat are capture, then noone will show to stand in defense of Grace and Lina, they would be executed. But if we don't search for these demons and Rosa refuses to aid us. Then we'll have nothing to show on judgement day." clearly deep in though Nico looked down, Tina would still remain silent.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny frowned again "To be honest Nico I doubt anything I said would sway them from their actions. This trial is only for show. But your right if I go then well Riley has to stay someone needs to speak for them. As for Rosa how do you think she could help us at all. Sending her to trial is certain death and while.... she may have turned against us I still think she dose care she just needs to be reminded of that." Coughing to clear her throat Jenny changed the topic. "I intend to meet with Kain and bring him along on my little quest. This might buy us some more time as well as letting him see first hand the situation. Of course thats if he agrees to it. Also Nico... you should plan an escape route or three sense no matter how the trial will go they will come after you and our sisters."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Because they've seen Rosa with the raiders. If she makes an earnest statement, then at the very least we'll avoid execution..." Nico looked down, she didn't speak the girls name with any hint of hatred or disdain even for a moment. Even after her betrayal.

Though when Jenny presented her plan... Nico furrowed her brow and looked to Jenny utterly confounded "W-what?" perhaps for the first time since Jenny met her Nicos words stuttered "Jenny, you can't be serious. You've managed to remain unharmed by them, but this sounds suicidal. Demon or not, Jenny. You have to avoid him! Not- Not party up for a hunt!" the elder succubus voice clearly carried some anger, but the source seemed more motherly than anything else. Still judging from the look on Nico face, she did not agree to this plan. Not even in the slightest!

"We've met him in battle." Tina spoke up, looking between the two before continueing, as if checking if it was alright "When we were still a military unit.'' ''Thats enough Tina. Nico looked to the girl sharply, cutting of the recollection of whatever events Tina wanted to share."

"Perhaps, we should try both sources. Be it finding the demons or pleading to Rosa." The succubus sat down on her bed placing a few finger on her forehead as if she had an ever growing headache "The Inquisitors will leave, once they deem the town safe. We'll rebuild then, I'm not leaving what we have here."

"But if the Inquisitors are weakened. We could get Jennys friends out and onto transport out of town, by the days evening. If we plan it right, they won't even realise it before its too late." Tina offered yet another alternative and looked to Jenny.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny thought a moment. "Nico let me tell you a tale. Its about a foolish mage who fell in love with a succubus. Now we both know how such things usually end right. The only differance is this. Instead of devouring his soul she married the man forsaking her old allegence to the demonic forces. This came at a price as the mage was also stripped of his power and exiled from his home. Together they moved to a quite town and lived on the outskirts tending sheep and raising a family. Yes a family three girls to be exact. Me, Lina, and our oldest sister who has her own family." Jenny looked Nico and Tina. "Don't give up on Rosa yet. Of all the places she went to while wounded it was back here to you Nico. She loves you even if that love is currently twisted in her mind." Jenny stopped a moment letting the air settle. "Tina if we flee even without harming anyone they would hunt us down till the end there would be no rest for any of us. Nico Im not asking you to abbandon your home lightly but your safty should be first. If Kain refuses to go with me then well do it your way and offer up Rosa.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"So you'd stay with us. The Inquisitors will pass, all this will pass. We'll open the bar again and just relax. We're all on the kill-list, little sister. Nothing would change." Nico smiled hopefully, though her voice echoed with significanly less confidence than usual... "We have a chance to free them without any risk."

At the comments about Rosa, Nico would cast her glance down and speak in a somber sad tone "But even so, she'd be executed. They'd probably make a display out of it too..." the elder succubus would remain silent for some time.

Looking to her leader saddened, Tina would gently take her hand and smile encouragingly to her "But there's no harm if Jenny goes and asks him. At least I don't think so."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny wouldn't let Nico sink into her own sadness either. Moving up to the stunning woman Jenny would lean in and hug her. "I would love to stay with you girls but I want to make sure that we never have to suffer something like this again. Trust me Nico. Have I let you down before?" Jenny smiled trying to brighten the elder succubus's mood. Moving up Jenny kissed Nico on the forehead gently and lovingly. "It'll be alright Nico you'll see. We'll rebuild the bar and everyone can be happy again." Jenny stood up from Nico's side before heading out. She needed to talk with Riley and ask her for a favor. Finding Riley tending to Sir or at lest watching him Jenny would sneak up and goose her before bringing her arms around and placing her hands on the womans ample breasts. "Hey Riley...." Jenny whispered into the showgirls ear her sweet breath tickling the tender flesh. "I was wondering if I could get a little tlc." Jenny didn't want to call it a snake or a bite to eat even though thats what it would be.
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