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Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Choosing not to approach the drunkard, Jenny backpedaled and slowly got out of the hallway and went upstairs. Even if part of the stairs seemed to have been busted in, be by a body or the very darn doors it was a reasonably steady climb up.

Thankfully upstairs the stench was significantly less noticeable, letting Jenny at least breathe without hating herself for even being in such a place. Looking around upstairs there were at least 20 entrances. 10 on each side, 5 along the wall and then another five as the pathway turned. How many rooms Jenny choose to check and on which side was completely up to her.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

So many options. Frowning Jenny let her ears do some work trying to hear any indications of life up here. If she didn't she would head left and check doors down that way before heading back the other. She had to stay quiet she already knew of one potential foe downstairs but by the looks of it he may be done in already.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Perception check:
Auto-success... someone is as subtle as a construction site

Jenny focused her hearing briefly trying to catch even the slightest sounds coming from any of the rooms. With the deathly silence lingering suddenly she heard movement from one side!

Quickly turning her attention to the right, Jenny slowly approached now noting different sounds as if something light hitting the ground, before a clear creeking of the floor hinting at movement.

It was the last room of the room on the right. Approaching it Jenny all too clearly heard movement inside. From behind the wall Jenny could pick up some speech as well. Someone was definedly inside.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

This was a little more promising than a drunk wounded demon for sure. Moving in Jenny leaned against the wall trying to hear what was being said before risking opening the door to get a peek.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

As Jenny leaned closer to the door to listen in. She'd close herself more and more as the sound seemed to died down, before suddenly *Creeeak* the door opened up?! Looking up the succubus gaze met quite a wonderous bust, tightly hugged by a dark purple jacket "Jenny?" Riley blinked at the girl "Hey! You're finally here!"

The sound was Riley! Looking inside the room it was absolutely turned topsy-turvey with barely any corner including the beds left unturned. Inside looking over some random book was Sir, before he too noticed the sudden arrival and ran up to his master, though not hugging her quite yet. Be it from knowing of his bad behavior or being upset...

Riley meanwhile seemed all too casual considering their location, keeping a smile on her face "Took you long enough." she'd wink slyly.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Clearly Riley had no idea that a demon was below them. Standing up quickly Jenny covered the show girls mouth and shhssed her. "Theres a demon down stairs." Jenny's voice had a clear sound of worry to it before she pulled her hand away and hugged her lover. "And don't do that again. I was so worried!" Even Sir got a pat on the head. After all she had asked him to look out of Riley.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Only if you promise to stop going off to dark places alone." she'd smiled kindly and lightly stick her tongue out "Alive?" Riley blinked at the news "Ah! Did you find out what happened here? When we arrived we found this place like this." she'd shudder lightly "A bit too reminiscent of the academy for my taste."

Riley would listen out Jennys reasoning for leaving the drunkard alone, before adding her findings "Unfortunately besides a caravan full writings of lewd writtings and pictures, we didn't find anything here." she'd sight casually, though Jennys hush effect seemed to have dissipated already, with Riley speaking as if they were in any direct danger at all.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny kissed Riley gently. "Im sorry..." Looking away a moment she asked the next question. "You didn't bring Misty or Rei along with you did you?" Jenny had a feeling that was a no. If true she would smile and wink. "Well its time to see what mr Demon has to say." Heading down Jenny would motion for Riley to be silent as she could.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley turned her head curiously at the names "Er.. no. Just took Sir and we went after you. Though we figured since we arrived first, we'd get to work on finding these 'evidence'... not sure what we're looking for, but when we'll find hopefully we'll know." the trickster snickered casually as they went onwards. If asked how she and Sir figured they were first to arrive Riley would asnwer "m? Oh because of the crows. The street and rooftops were absolutely swarming with them. If you had come, you had to have disturbed 'em."

Turning towards the stairway Riley raised a hand to her mouth and slowly descended "I loathe this part." she squinted as soon enough the reek from downstairs once more surrounded them, more foul than ever. Though perhaps of even greater note was the absolute chill from outside seemed to have snuck inside, cooling the whole place at a rapid manner. Seemed tonight will likely be the coldest night Jenny experienced in some time.

Making their way past the corpses and behind the bar, the trio soon enough approached the storage. Oddly enough the chill even reaching this remote spot "Whats with this cold." Riley rubbed her shoulders trying to warm up, the deathly silence, the stench and now the cold... for some reason Riley seemed a tad distracted as she clearly tried to recall something.

There were no more sounds coming from the alcohol storage, entering the room Jenny would find the drunkard succumbed to his wound right as she left him. Though the hand that held the bleeding and wound would have slipped off.

"The blood looks fresh. You saw this guy?" Riley would peek over Jennys shoulder and glance to the corpse. Actually with the warm out of the way, Jenny could see a keychain on the demons belt. Though it was soaked in blood, it had atleast 5 keys attached to it.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

The cold the and chill far to much a night in the mountains. Almost as if she where in the acadamy or the black manor. "We should get out of here but first..." Jenny reached for the keys being as silent as she could. Her skin tingeld as she reached for the keys. Her imagination was working hard to scare the crap out of her. The missing bodies the supernatural cold. Visions of undead demons walking about filled her thoughts. Damn it Gab why are you and asshole. All the proof Jenny needed was right here and it could kill her to get it. Maybe sense hes fresh he won't turn. Still Jenny shuddered at the thought.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny held her breath as she reached down, by now she almost partly suspected the damn corpse to spring to life. Reaching out Jenny quickly grabbed the key chain and pulled, only for its attachment to the belt to prove too strong causing her to move the whole body, jerking it forward much to both girls sudden fright! Thankfully another tug would be enough to unclip the ring leaving Jenny to hold a few blood smeared keys.

"Keys?" Riley blinked looking at them "Wonder what they're for." the trickster looked to Jenny "I didn't notice any locked doors upstairs." she'd return her gaze to the keys. Actually the keys varied in shape and size, some being bigger with others significantly smaller. Their use was likely still unclear.

Jenny obtains key ring
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny had her own thoughts for what they where, but it was hard to say. "We should go Riley I don't like the feel of this place. Its... cursed." Jenny moved ignoring the rest of what lay ahead and moved outside staying as quiet as a mouse. She even held Sir close to her for comfort as they navigated the bodies to get outside. "Lets head for the mine and be careful what ever killed these guys might still be around."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Exiting the hall the chill remained, rapidly cooling both of the girls to their cores "S-somethings wrong here... why is so darn..." suddenly Riley went silent from behind Jenny. Turning around expecting the absolute worst, Jenny would only see Riley holding back a sneeze, before shaking it off "Sorry." she'd sheepishly smile and follow in close pursuit.

Unfortunately coupled with Jennys mind playing tricks on her, at the very back of her mind the girl could swear she began to hear silent whispers. The ambient sounds seemingly became louder and louder, until the very breeze of the wind seemed almost a kin to a howl.

Exiting the bar, Jenny froze up as she saw a shadowy figure flicked near one of the corpses before jerking violently in a unnatural way, before disappearing. There was still one other building to check, besides that Jenny could head to the mine... or well back to town.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Jenny looked to the shadows... it had to be a trick.. it had to be. Taking a calming breath Jenny looked to the other building. Was their a point to heading that way? Jenny highly doubted she would find much there and instead headed for the mine avoiding corpses if she could. "Riley promis me something. If things get bad and I do mean bad like Im hurt. Your safty take precidence okay. Someone will need to get out to warn the town. Sit if it comes to that stick to Riley like glue got it."
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Jenny, you are far more important than that whole town. I'm not going to leave, no matter what." she'd smirk to the girl before spurring them onwards herself. Still as the two walked Riley would add "You saw it too?" she'd give Jenny a sharp look "Places of great suffering and slaughter attracts dark creatures. Remember the harvest hours in the academy?" the two would stop near the entrance to the mine "Hopefully something like that won't come here too."

It was a huge mountain mine with a huge metal entrance. Thankfully the entrance was neatly open leading into the darkness inside. Looking around Jenny also saw a cart-way leading from the mine to the refinery, some ways above them, leaving her with 2 possible entrance points.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Inwardly Jenny smirked she liked hearing that but still as pleasent as that sounds she didn't feel her life was worth dozens of others. "We should head up to the top entrance I doubt they will be looking for someone comming in that way." Nodding Jenny would head that way helping Riley if need be.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Alright gimme a boost." Rikke took hold of her top hat and thankfully being as light as she was, not to mention Sirs floating ability all three soon enough reached the card way.

The tracks steel creeked loudly as they landed, but held firm. Looking back Jenny saw the refinery entryway was blocked off by one of the steel carts. The entrance was big enough for Riley and Sir, however with her wings out Jenny couldn't enter.

Entering the utter darkness even greater silence swiftly surrounded them. Jenny went inside first, with Riley behind her gripping the girls dress tightly as she ever so carefully placed her steps "Tells us when we reach the exit. I'll light it up a bit." Sir was right behind Riley as well staying very close to the other two and glancing back nervously as they descended into the dark tunnel.

A decent walk later Jenny saw the trackways source as she finally unhunched herself and entered a roughly formed circular room. There were at least 6 carts here, some flipped over others still standing.

The tracks would turn and go out the only other entry point to the area, a huge chamber seemed to lie beyond here. Still glancing to the carts, there was a substantial amount of dust, rust and grime about them. They were not moved for a long long time "Safe to light this place up?" Riley asked from behind Jenny. While light would allow all of them easier perception, they would be significantly easier to spot as well...
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

"Hold a moment." Moving forward Jenny would peak into the larger chamber and see if it was clear before giving Riley the go ahead to add some light to the area. If it wasn't Jenny would head back and let Riley know to hold of just in case.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Riley didn't quite like the answer, but would listen to the request. Following the tracks Jenny moved east to the next area and looked around.

Walking onwards Jenny would enter a fairly huge area, it's sides litered with carts and pickaxes to the sides. The ceiling and much of the ground was covered in stalagmites of varying size. Quite a few reaching a decent amount of meters, in this area Jenny all too clearly heard her footsteps echo out.

Besides the ground mining area, going from the chambers north to it's east side there was clearly another elevated area. Though without flight there would be no way to reach. There were only 2 entryways to the area, the one Jenny came from and another to Jennys right.

[Navigation aid:]
Jenny can go back;
Jenny can go right while facing east from her origin point;
Jenny can go up to the higher ground that extended along the chamber North and East walls.
Re: Dark Secrets (ranger) GMed by Ubberific

Nodding Jenny headed back. "Okay Riley it looks clear go ahead and light it up but keep it dim." Once that was done Jenny would head back to the chamber and see if she missed anything from before. "Sir check that upper ledge see if you can see anything of importance.